Unit-15 Eccentrically Loaded Column

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I 5 . 1 Introduction
15.2 1)esign Rased on Uncracked Section
1 5 . 2 . 1 Llesign Based on Uncracked Section for Uniaxial Bending
1 5 . 2 . 2 Design Baaed on I'nc~acked Sectron lor Biaxial Bending

15.3 Design Rased ou Cracked Section

1 5 . 3 . 1 llesigo Based on Cracked Section for Uniaxial Bending
15.3.2 Design Based on Cracked Section for Biaxial Bending

15.4 Construction and Use of Interaction Curves

1 5 . 3 . 1 (:o!~struction and Use of lntrraclion Curves for Uniaxial Bending
1 5 . 4 . 2 Construction and Use of lnleraclion Curves for Hiaxial Bending

15.5 Summary
15 .ri Answers to SAQs

All columi~sare deemed lo be eccentrically loaded (vide Section 14.3) i.e. there will be
direct load and bendill2 in all columns due to positioning of live loads, inaccuracies of
construceion, accidental loads, monolithic construction, lateral loads, eccentricity of
loads ctc. Due to above ~ne~llioned reasons, even an axially loaded column is designed for
a minimum cccet~tticity(ern,"defined iiil Section 14.3) that is for limited amount of
bending. Bcnding of 3 column Inay be eillier uniuxiul (ie. bending only about one of its
principal axls or biuxiul (i.e. bending about both of its principal axes. Direct load causes
uniform stress on the cntire cross-section where as bending about a principal axis causes
triangular stress distribution about that axis (Figure 15.1).

After studying this unit, you should be able to
study the characteristics of RC Columns subjected, eccentric loading, (or
hcnding Inoment with axial loading)
e identify the conditions under whicli the columns crack under direct load and
bending, and
distinguish between the design of cracked and uncracked concrete columns.
The resultant of tliese two types of stresses of any point may be either compressive or
tensile depending on the position of eccentric load. To be more clear, if the entire cross-
secrion is trlken eflective both in cornpression us well us in tension (uncracked section),
application of axial load P a~mda moment * M yabout its principal y-axis, (uniaxial
bending) will cause a stress ulong u line at dista~lcex from neutral axis

" A I,

P Pe,
f =-f-x
A r,
- --

* A concrete load P and a moment My about the pr~ncipaly-axis is equivalent to a load P at an

eccentricity e, = -
(a) Cross Section with Applied P & M

(b) Stress Ila- due to P

(c) Stress Diagram due to M

(d) Combined Stress Diagram due to P & M

Figure 15.1: Stress 1)ingrnm Due to Uirect Load & Uniaxial Hending for Uncrneked Section

Similarly ] f a direct load P and a moment, Mx, about its principal x-axis are applied over a
cross-section along a line at distance y from neutral axis

A = Iiquivalcnt concrete area of the section = Ac + 1.5 m As

I+, ly = Molncllt of inertia of equivalent concrete area of cross-section about x-axis

and y-axis respectively.
Therefore, the lnaxirnum and the minimum stress which occur along edges may be given
by the equations
Eccentrically Loaded Columns

(a) Cross ~ectio*with Applied P ,M

@) Stress Diagram due to Load P

(c) Stress Diagram due to Moment M


(e) Combined Stress Diagram due to P,M .& M ,,

Figure 15.2: Stress Diagram Due to Direct Load & Biaxini Bending for Uncracked Section


and Z = Modulus of Section about x-axis or y-axis

The (+)live or (-)tive sign of the stress due to bending or due to eccentricity of load
depend upon (+)tive or (-hive sign of distance x or y from the neutral axis.
If a section is subjected to direct load and bending about both of its principal axis
(Figure 15.2) the resultant stress at any point, (x, y),
KCC Structures-l I'hercfore, the maximum and the minimum stress which occur at any two corners may be
given by cquations

If the applied lnolnclal is small, that is thc eccentricity of load is small there will be
compressive stress in the entire cross-scctional area. Even if there is small tcnsile stress
anywhere wvtllin thc scctio~lwhich is below the permissible limits prescribed by the I.S.
Code For cracking, the section lnay be taken as rrncracked. (i.e. whole cross-section may be
considercd to be cffcctive for analysis and design purposes). But if the appIied moment is
large *'no slress line' will fall within thc section and thc tensile stress in concrete is
greater than the pcr~nissiblclimit for uncracked section, the section tnay be considercd a
cracked one and the cracked sectional area is neglected in analysis and design.


15.2.1 Design Based on Uncracked Section for Uniaxial Bending

A section is considered to be rcncrucked if the maximum tensile stress in concrete is not
greater than 25% of the resultant compression nor does it exceed 314th of the 7 days
moduIus of' tupturc of concrete. I

'I'he adequacy or safety of an uncracked section under applied load under direct load P
and nniu.xial hentlir~g1MXor is checked by Equations 15.5 derived below:
For safety (vide Figure 15.1)

cc,cn/ O c b r col
or -+ ~ < l ...(15.5)
0 0

where o = oicfor pure axial compression and o = ocbc

for pure bending
Hence, the above equation is written as


Occ,cd =
Ac + 1.5m A,,

where, IXx
= + (lSm - 1)E. A ~ ~ ~ ~ :

'No stress line' is determined from the equations of equilibrium vide Section 15.3.1. It shall not be
confused with neutal axis because the latter is the geometrical property of a section i.e. a line passing
through C.G. of the area.

Ecccnlrically Loaded Columns

~ J D ~ 2
Where, lyy= -+ (1.5m - 1)C Asixsi

15.2.2 Design Based on Uncracked Section for Biaxial Bending

A section is considered to be ltncracked if the maximum tcnsile stress is not greater than
35% of the resullant coinpression nor does it cxcced 314th of the 7 Jays modulus of
rupture of concrete.
The adequacy or safety of an uncracked section under applleJ ioad and biaxial bending
:Mx and M y is checked by Equation 15.6,

Example 15.1
Check the adequacy of a rectangular column section b x D = 300 x 500 mm
reinforced on two opposite faces parallel to the major axis with 10#20 4 applied
with an axial load, P = 500 kN and a bellding moment about major axis, My =. 60
kNln. Use M 20 and Fe 4 15 stecl. An effective cover lo reinforcement on all sldes is
take11 lo be 50 mm.
a) Check for status o f cracking (Figure 15.3)

Figure 15.3 : Combined Stress Diagram for P & My

:. Resultant compression
- o c c , c ~ ~+ CTcbc,cal

= 2.40 + 2.75 = 5.15 N/mm2

Resultant tension

- x 2.4 (= 1 .b: ~/mrn') ( 7 days modulus of rupture of concrete for M-20
= 2.4 N/mm2)
Hence the section is uncracked
'b) Check for safety

Hence the section is safe. Ans

Example 15.2 Eccentrically Loaded CoEnmns

Check the adequacy of a rectangular column section b x D = 300 x 500 mm

reinforced with 12#20 4 distributed equally on all sides applied with an axial load, *

P = 500 kN and a bending momellt about minor axis, Mr = 15 k N ~ nand bending

about major, M y= 35 kNm. Use M 20 and Fe 415 steel. Covcr to reinforcement on all
sides is taken equal 50 mm.

a) Check for status of cracking (Figure 15.3)

(b) Stress Diagam due to Load P

( c ) Stress Diagram due to Moment M

N h 2
( e ) Combined Stress Diagram due to P, M k M

Figure 15.4 : Stress Diagram Due to Direct Load & Hiaxial Bending for Uncracked Section
RCC Structures-1

Similarly lyy= - bD3 + (1.5 m +) C Asixs?

Resultant cornpression

Resultant tension

Hence the section is uncracked

b) Check for safety

c c , c +A
O c b c c cnl +-
c b c Y cnl

cc Ocbc cbc
Ecceoltrisally Loaded Columns

= 0.908 < 1 Hence the section is safe. Ans

i) Discuss the conditions under which an eccentrically loaded column will be
treated as uncracked and safe.
ii) Derive the equation of safety for uncracked section of an eccentrically loaded
iii) Check the safety of rectangular KO@.column section b x D = 250 x 350 mm
reinforced with 4 # 16 $I on each of its short faces subjected to an axial load of
450 kN and a bending moment of 15 kNm acting about its major axis. Use M
20 concrete and effective cover of 50 mm.
iv) Check the safety of a rectangular column section b x D = 300 x 600 mm
reinforced equally on four sides wit11 16 # 16 4 and havi~igan effective cover
of 50 mm. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 250 steel (Figure 15.5).

Flgure 15.5: Cross-section of the Column

- - - --


15.3.1 Design Based on Cracked Section for Uniaxial Bending
For a given column section applied with direct load and bending, the section isfirst
checked for the two conditions of safety as uncracked section (vide Section 15.2.1). If it
does not comply with those above-mentioned conditions, it is assumed to have cracked.
If a section has cracked, the cracked portion of area of concrete can not resist tension. It is
demarked by a 'no stress line' within the cross-section (Figure 15.6). Next, the cross-
section may be considered safe if the maximum stress in concrete and the maximum
tensile stress in steel do not exceed their respective permissible limits. It may be noticed
here that as per linear elastic theory, the strains and the corresponding stresses are related
and, therefore, if only one, say, the maximum compressive stress in concrete, fc,
is taken as
unknown, the stresses in concrete as well as steel elsewhere on the section may be defined
in terms of fc. It may, therefore, be concluded that only two unknowns - that is (i) position
of 'no stress line' and (ii) maximum compressive stress in concretefc - are to be determined
by analysis for design. This may be done by the two equations of equilibrium mentioned
below :
i) The external load is equal to the algebraic sum of forces in concrete (ignoring the
tensile force in concrete) and longitudinal steel.
Mathematically, from equilibrium of forces (Figure 15.6) 31

X No stressfine
.[.-I-- • I

x -
4 -

X h X,lO

*y I

F i g u r e 15.6: Stress D i a g r a m D u e to D i r e c t 1-oad & U n i a x i a l Bending Tor C r a c k e d Section


P = Extcmi~llyapplied load at an eccentricity e ( e = -) from the cenuoidal axis

and T = C fstiAsr,

Substituring the above values

11) The mornenr of external force about any reference line is equal to the moment of
forces i n concrete (ignoring the tensile force in concrete) and steel about the same
Mathema~ically.from equilibrium of moment of forces about a reference line, say, about
the line parallel Lo y-axis and passing through the point of application of P
whcre, = Tensile force in it11 row of reinforcement at xsIi from y-axis
and C l i = (lotnpressive force in it11 row ofreinforcclnent at xscifrom y-axis

x i 1
.xJci - -+ x A,,, ( e - x
,, )

Example 15.3
Check status of cracking and safety of a colulnn of rectangular cross-section h x D
= 300 x 500, reinforced on two faces parallel to major axls with 10#20 applied with
an axial load, P = 240 kN and a bcndirlg moment about major axls, My= 70 kNm.
Usc M 20 concrete and I:e 4 15 steel. Effective concrcte cover of 50 m m lnay bc
provided on all sides of reinforcement.

a) Check for Sections of Cracking (Figure 15.7)

(a) Cross Section

(b) Stress Diagram'due to Load P


(c) Stress Diagram due to Moment M

(d) Combined Stress Dia-

Figure 11.7 : CBeck tcrr Staluh ol' C r a c k i n g
HCC Siruclurcs-l

Result compression,

Resultant tension

> 0.75 x 2.4 ( =1.80 N/mm2)

Hence the section is cracked

b) Check for safety (Figure 15.8)

Ecceniricnlly 1,oaded Columns

Figure 15.8: Stress Dingrnm Due to P & Y tor Cracked Section

Taking inolnent of all forces about tcnsile steel

Equating I & 11

From I

Substiluting x from above

( X- d ' )
LC= (1.5tn - 1)fc

(26 1.292- 50) N N

=(15x 13-1)xsx =8:74. < 190--?
261.292 rnm mm '

Hence the Section is safe. A ~ l s

15.3.2 Design Based on Cracked Section for Biaxial Bending
Tllc analysis and dcs~gnof a section applied with direct force and biaxial bending
bccomcs compl~catcd.More so the codc prescribes tliat a member subjected to combined
direct load and bending and dcsigned by the methods based on elastic theory should be
further checked for suength under ultimate load conditions; the design procedure here
will, therefore, be based on Limit State Method as follows:
According to Code the design direct load, PU,and moments MU= and MUy should satisfy
the following equation

wherc. MuX,MIIS = bending moments about x and y-axis

MIIXl,MUyl= maximum uniaxial bending moment capacity tor an axial load
of Pu, bending about x and y axis respectively

a,,is rclalcd to -

where, PU,= 0.45 J,. A, + 0.75S,Asc

For values of - pu = 0.2 to 0.8, the values of a, vary linearly form 1 to 2. For values less
than 0.2, a,,is 1 and for values of greater than 0.8, axis 2
IIere again the evaluatio~iof M,, aid and PUZinvolves lengthy and complicated
Therefore, column with biaxial bending shall be designed with the help of Interaction
Curves vide Section 15.4.2 only.



15.4.1 Construction and Use of Interaction Curves for Uniaxial Bending

As mei~tioilcdabovc a column with a x ~ a load
l and bending designed by Working Stress
hletliod has to he checked for strcngtll by Limit State Method; therefore, method of design
ol'rcc~angularcolumn sectioli by Limit State Method through an interaction curve
3- - p u Sor a particular values of -
j c k b ~ ' fCkbL)
P = 0.16 for W 415 steel reinforcement
f~k ,
distributed equally on all four sides and having - = 0.1 has b$en discussed here .
(Figure 15.9 Kr Figure 15.10).

where, As, 3 area of reinforcement in the ith row

Jsi a stress in the ith row of reinforcement, compression being (+)the and
tension being (-)tive.
- .

(a) Strain I)lagnrm

Figure 15.93 Strain Diagram When Neutral Axis is within the Section

Mu/ fck bDZ

Figure 15.10: Compression with Bending

HCC Siruciures-1
fci = stress in concrete at thc lcvel of ith row of reinforceme~~t
n = number of rows of reinforcement.
! .
Dividihg each side byf,hll


Si~nilarlyequating moment of forces about centroidal axis of the section

Dividing each side by fck and putting 0.416 - = C2

Taking ou x-axis and Mu on y-axis, curves are plotted for a particular value of
fckbD f < k t ) ~ ~


-= 0.16 and steel grade Fe 4 1 5 and constant - = 0.1
f ~ k D

15.4.2 Construction and Use of Interaction Curves for Biaxial Bending

As mentioned in Scction 15.3.2, a column a with direct load and biaxial bending shall
satisfy the Equation 15.8,

Here P,,, is calculated from Figure 15.11 and MU*and MUYfor a particular load P,, are
calculated from relevant

curves for unaxial bending.

An Interaction Curve -- ----

Mw for a particular value of 5 10.2 and = 0.6 have been
Mwl Mu,, pu,

plotted in Figure 15.12.

Eccentrically Lc~ade-d.Columns

1:ipure 15.11: Vslucs o f I',,; I'or Compression Members

Mm/M m ,
Figure 15.12: Biaxial Bending i n Cun~pressiunMemher
RCC Slruclurcs-I

Example 15.4
Clieok thc adequacy of the section shown in Figure 15.13 for P = 500 kN ;
My = 60 kNm ; f, = 20 MPa and[y = 415. Reinforcement consists of 10#16$.


Figure 1 5 . 9 Cross-section of Column

1;rom Chart 32 of SP 16, for - - = 0.25

fc, bl'
and Mu --0.06
------ - P = 0.005 << 0.067 (provided)
; the value of -
fCLbD2 fck

Hence the Section is safe. Ans

Example 15.5
lJsing Inreracrion Diagrnrn check the adequacy of thc column cross-section of
I3xemplc 15.2 for (hc same loadillg as given in that Example.
Altcn~ativelyPyz]nay be evaluated from Cl~art63 of SP 16 as follows:

For the above 'k of reinforcement of grade Fe 41 5 and concrete of grade M 20

(121gure 15.9)

Values of M U , and MY,,,have been evaluated from Chart 44 of SP 16 as follows :

= 0.13 as already calculated


M,,, = 0.1944
1;roni ('lrart 64 or S1' 16 for providcd value of -----
Muy l

in~d-= 0.3, the value of M"- = 0.4 1 > 0.1388 (provided)
4; M,', 1
Hence the sectioll is safe Ans
RCC Structures-l
Aaernatively by calculation

Hence the section is safe. Ans

i) Solve Example 15.3 Using Interaction Diagrams of SP 16.
ii) Using Interaction Diagram of SP16 check whether the seciion provided
(Flgure 15.14) is safe for Pu = 1500 kN, Mux = 100 k N and M = 200 kNm ;
fck = 20 ~ l r n r and4
n ~ = 41 5 ~ 1 1 n r n ~ .

I- I' ' I ' 'I

Figure 15.14: Cross-sectlon of the Column
Eccentrically Loaded Columns
A11 eccentrically loaded column section may either crack or remains uncracked depending
upon whether the tensile stress in the cross-section is within the permissible stress or not.
If ~tis uncracked, the whole area of concrete and that reinforcement are taken effective
and the cross-section is considered safe if it satisfies the Equation,

occ.cal O c b c cal
c Ocbc

irrespective of whether the bending is uniaxial or biaxial. But if a section cracks, the
concrkte area in tension beyond no stress line becorne ineffective. For uniaxial bending,
the position of 'no stress line' and the stresses in concrete and steel are determined from
the two equation of equilibrium for direct load P and bending moment MIor My. or
biaxial bending for cracked section, the analysis becomes more involved hence not tried
'The method of drawing and use of interaction curves for the design of a column section
have also been dealt with.


i) Refer text Section 15.2
ii) Refer text Section 15.2
iii) Resultant tension,

Hence the section i s uncracked

Check for safety

c c a l
+---O c b c cal
OCC Ocbc

Hence the section is safe

iv) Resultant tension,
Hence the section is uncracked
Check for safety

+-LO c b c x r d
+---Ocbcy cal
cc cbc cbc

Hence the section is safe.

i) The Section is safe

From Chart 63 of SP16 the value of Pyzmay be calculated as follows :

For the above % of reinforcement of grade Fe 4 15 and concrete of grade M 20

or Pyz= 15.5 x 300 x 600 = 232 kN

Value oC MYXland MYy,have been evaluated from Chart 44 of SP16 as follows:

1= 0.1047 as calculated earlier


or MYXl= 0.125 x 20 x 600 x 3002 = 135 kNm


--pu -- -
1500 = 0.645
P,, 2325

M " loo= =
Mu, 135

M, 200
- =- = 0.741
Mu,, 270

From Chart 64 or SP 16 for 2%~ = 0.71


and = 0.645 tbe value of

MUY = 0.625 c 0.741 (provided)
P", MUY 1
Hence the section is unsafe. Ans

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