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Manual Health Care

System vs. Computer

Information System

Submitted to:
Mr. Ian Dumalogdog

Submitted by:
Jane Dear M. Pasal

“Manual Health Care System vs. Computer Information System”

Manual health care system has been used by many since it is easily implemented and its
how things are done mostly in the clinics, hospitals and other health care facility. But since we
are in the era of modernization, there has been a rampant and a widespread use of technology.
Our field of discipline for example is not an exception for this new technological development.
In fact, we have provided ourselves with this so called “Computer Information System” which
goal is towards making the “impossible before, possible today”. As a student nurse, information
technology done through computers is most useful rather than the manual health care system for
it can do a lot of things which would be essential to make information processing an easy job.

First, let us discuss the advantages and disadvantages in manual health care system. The
said health care system is easy to implement since everybody knows how to write and it only
needs paper and pen. Aside from that, it is also low cost, needs no extra training, and only
requires minimum effort. It is also for quick processing and it can be stored anywhere depending
on the instruction implemented by the institution and with proper data storage, manual health
care system cannot be easily corrupted. In terms data profiling, it comes in an easy way because
it is easy to prepare and there is already readiness of data. On the contrary, manual health care
operating system has problem on maintenance since there would be an increase volume of data
as time goes by. We then need to have another container for the new set of collected data which
is quite a problem again because it requires lots and lots of paper. Problem with interpretation
and accessibility to any healthcare personnel on the records are also issues that require full
attention because not everybody has good penmanship and so, if other person would read the
data written by a person with not so good penmanship, then the person reading may be confused
and apt to misinterpret reading the data and as a result, coordination of data with regards to the
problem has become a failure. Another disadvantage is it is a waste of time if data could not be
reproduced quickly once it is burned.

On the other hand, computer information system has a number of advantages than its
disadvantages. It is low in maintenance cost and the volume of data is not an issue because of the
existence of storage devices, and with proper back up, data is not easily corrupted. Because of its
advancement, there is also no problem with regards to interpretation and data is readily
converted into information. Therefore, data handling is easy. Paper also is no longer required and
accessibility to any healthcare personnel from an institution to another is not an issue anymore. It
can also integrate other system such as laboratory, pharmacy, accounting management and etc.
But there are also disadvantages in this kind of information system, first it requires severe
justification and with high starting cost. Eventually, additional manpower is required like
training for nurses and healthcare giver. Storage of computer devices should be determined also
and the cost of additional data communicating system is quite expensive too. It can also be easily
corrupted without proper back up and it requires extensive planning, designing and commercial

Hence, computer information system benefits outweigh that of manual health care
system. The impact of rapid technological change and its influence on our society which has
provided changes to the health care system has been challenging the traditional manual health
care system over the recent decades. But then I think, using the new technology is not a big
problem if everyone is being taught how to use it properly and correctly. In other words, the
missing link here is education. Everybody has to be educated and oriented with the great
transformation on our field. To be acquainted with the use of this technology is the only answer
to erase the doubts that is clouding one’s mind.


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