Pre Test

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Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Scenario 1-4
Mr. Williams asked the 26 seniors in his statistics class how many A.P. courses they had taken during high
school. Below is a dot plot summarizing the results of his survey.

____ 1. Use Scenario 1-4. The interquartile range for the number of A.P. Courses is
A. 3 to 4
B. 2.5 to 5
C. 3 to 5
D. 2
E. 2.5
____ 2. Items produced by a manufacturing process are supposed to weigh 90 grams. The manufacturing process is
such, however, that there is variability in the items produced and they do not all weigh exactly 90 grams.
The distribution of weights can be approximated by a Normal distribution with mean 90 grams and a standard
deviation of 1 gram. About what percentage of the items will either weigh less than 87 grams or more than
93 grams?
A. 0.15%
B. 0.3%
C. 6%
D. 94%
E. 99.7%
____ 3. If the heights of 99.7% of American men are between 5' 0" and 7' 0", what is your estimate of the standard
deviation of the height of American men?
A. 1"
B. 3"
C. 4"
D. 6"
E. 12"

Scenario 3-5
In a statistics course a linear regression equation was computed to predict the final exam score from the score
on the first test. The equation of the least-squares regression line was where represents
the predicted final exam score and x is the score on the first exam.
____ 4. Use Scenario 3-5. The first test score is
A. the intercept.
B. the slope.
C. the explanatory variable.
D. the response variable.
E. a lurking variable.

Scenario 3-7

Below is a scatter plot (with the least squares regression line) for calories and protein (in grams) in one cup of
11 varieties of dried beans. The computer output for this regression is below the plot.

____ 5. Use Scenario 3-7. One cup of dried soybeans contains 846 calories. Which of the following statements is
A. We can predict that the protein content for soybeans is 55.4 grams.
B. We can predict that the protein content for soybeans is 53.3 grams
C. We can predict that the protein content for soybeans is 51.2 grams
D. Unless we are given the observed protein content for soybeans, we can’t calculate the
predicted protein content.
E. It would be inappropriate to predict the protein content of soybeans with this regression
model, since their calorie content is well beyond the range of these data.

Scenario 4-3
We wish to choose a simple random sample of size three from the following employees of a small company.
To do this, we will use the numerical labels attached to the names below.

1. Bechhofer 4. Kesten 7. Taylor

2. Brown 5. Kiefer 8. Wald
3. Ito 6. Spitzer 9. Weiss

We will also use the following list of random digits, reading the list from left to right, starting at the beginning
of the list.
11793 20495 05907 11384 44982 20751 27498 12009 45287 71753 98236 66419 84533

____ 6. Use Scenario 4-3. Which of these statements about the table of random digits is true?
A. Every row must have exactly the same number of 0's and 1's.
B. In the entire table, there are exactly the same number of 0's and 1's.
C. If you look at 100 consecutive pairs of digits anywhere in the table, exactly 1 pair is 00.
D. All of these are true.
E. None of these is true.
____ 7. Medical researchers are excited about a new cancer treatment that destroys tumors by cutting off their blood
supply. To date, the treatment has only been tried on mice, but in mice it has been nearly 100% effective in
eradicating tumors and appears to have no side effects. As evidence of the effectiveness of the new treatment
in treating cancer in humans, these studies
A. display a high degree of statistical significance and so with nearly 100% certainty will
work in humans.
B. are convincing, assuming the results have been replicated in a large number of mice.
C. are convincing, assuming that proper randomization and control were used.
D. suffer from lack of realism.
E. suffer from placebo effect.
____ 8. A basketball player makes 2/3 of his free throws. To simulate a single free throw, which of the following
assignments of digits to making a free throw are appropriate?
I. 0 and 1 correspond to making the free throw and 2 corresponds to missing the free throw.
II. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, and 08 correspond to making the free throw and 09, 10, 11, and 12 correspond to
missing the free throw.
III. Use a die and let 1, 2, 3, and 4 correspond to making a free throw while 5 and 6 correspond to missing a
free throw.
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III
E. I, II, and III
____ 9. A plumbing contractor puts in bids on two large jobs. Let A = the event that the contractor wins the first
contract and let B = the event that the contractor wins the second contract. Which of the following Venn
diagrams has correctly shaded the event that the contractor wins exactly one of the contracts?
A. D.
B. E.


Scenario 5-10
The Venn diagram below describes the proportion of students who take chemistry and Spanish at Jefferson
High School, Where A = Student takes chemistry and B = Students takes Spanish.

Suppose one student is chosen at random.

____ 10. Use Scenario 5-10. The probability that the student takes neither Chemistry nor Spanish is
A. 0.1
B. 0.2
C. 0.3
D. 0.4
E. 0.6

Scenario 5-11
The following table compares the hand dominance of 200 Canadian high-school students and what methods
they prefer using to communicate with their friends.

Cell phone/Text In person Online Total

Left-handed 12 13 9 34
Right-handed 43 72 51 166
Total 55 85 60 200

Suppose one student is chosen randomly from this group of 200.

____ 11. Use Scenario 5-11. If you know the person that has been randomly selected is left-handed, what is the
probability that they prefer to communicate with friends in person?
A. 0.065
B. 0.153
C. 0.17
D. 0.382
E. 0.53

Scenario 7-4
According to a recent poll, 27% of Americans get 30 minutes of exercise at least five days each week. Let’s
assume this is the parameter value for the population.

____ 12. Use Scenario 7-4. If an SRS of size were taken, what is the approximate probability that , the
proportion who exercise at least five days per week, is higher than 0.30?
A. nearly 0.
B. 0.1081
C. 0.1163
D. 0.1227
E. 0.3164
____ 13. The Gallup Poll interviews 1600 people. Of these, 18% say that they jog regularly. The news report adds:
"The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points." You can safely conclude that
A. 95% of all Gallup Poll samples like this one give answers within ±3% of the true
population value.
B. the percent of the population who jog is certain to be between 15% and 21%.
C. 95% of the population jog between 15% and 21% of the time.
D. we can be 3% confident that the sample result is true.
E. if Gallup took many samples, 95% of them would find that exactly 18% of the people in
the sample jog.
____ 14. An SRS of 100 postal employees found that the average time these employees had worked for the postal
service was J = 7 years with standard deviation s = 2 years. Suppose we are not sure if the population
distribution is normal. In which of the following circumstances would use of the t procedure yield misleading
A. A histogram of the data shows moderate skewness.
B. A stemplot of the data shows a uniform distribution.
C. The sample standard deviation is large.
D. A histogram of the data shows strong skewness.
E. None of the above.
____ 15. If a significance test gives P-value 0.005,
A. the null hypothesis is very likely to be true.
B. we do not have convincing evidence in favor of the null hypothesis.
C. we do not have convincing evidence against the null hypothesis.
D. we do have convincing evidence against the null hypothesis.
E. we have convincing evidence in favor of the alternative hypothesis.
____ 16. Nine swimmers are randomly selected from a large group. Each is asked to hold their breath for as long as
possible and the times are recorded. Then they are given instructions in a new method for relaxing while
holding their breath. Afterwards, they are again timed on how long they can hold their breath. We wish to
perform a t-test on this paired data to see if the swimmers held their breath for longer after receiving
breath-holding instructions. Which of the following is not a required condition to perform a t-test on these
paired data?
A. We must be able to view these swimmers as a SRS of all swimmers who might receive
this training.
B. The distribution of the swimmers breath-holding times before the training is
approximately Normal.
C. Each swimmer’s gain in breath-holding time is independent of the other swimmers.
D. The distribution of gains in breath-holding times of the swimmers is approximately
E. All of the above are required conditions.

Scenario 10-3
A manufacturer receives parts independently from two suppliers. An SRS of 400 parts from supplier 1 finds
20 that are defective. An SRS of 100 parts from supplier 2 finds 10 that are defective. Let p1 and p2 be the
proportions of all parts from suppliers 1 and 2, respectively, that are defective.

____ 17. Use Scenario 10-3. Which of the following represents a 95% confidence interval for p1 – p2?





Scenario 11-5
Cookie Brand
A B C D Total
Males 4 6 13 15 38
Females 22 12 11 13 58
Total 26 18 24 28 96
Ida wants to know if males and females prefer different brands of ready-made chocolate-chip cookie dough.
She bakes eight dozen cookies from dough made by each of four manufacturers which she labels brands A, B,
C, and D. She then selects a simple random sample of 96 students, records their gender, gives them one
cookie of each brand and asks which brand they like best. Here are her results:

____ 18. Scenario 11-5. The appropriate null hypothesis for Ida’s question in this problem is:
A. There is an association between gender and preferred cookie brand.
B. Gender and cookie brand are independent.
C. The distribution of preferred cookie brand for each gender is different.
D. The observed count in each cell is equal to the expected count.
E. The males and females subjects in this experiment have the same distribution of cookie
brand preference.

Scenario 11-8
All current-carrying wires produce electromagnetic (EM) radiation, including the electrical wiring running
into, through, and out of our homes. High-frequency EM radiation is thought to be a cause of cancer; the
lower frequencies associated with household current are generally assumed to be harmless. To investigate
this, researchers visited the addresses of children in the Denver area who had died of some form of cancer
(leukemia, lymphoma, or some other type. and classified the wiring configuration outside the building as
either a high-current configuration (HCC. or as a low-current configuration (LCC.. Here are some of the
results of the study.

Cancer type
Leukemia Lymphoma Other cancers
HCC 52 10 17
LCC 84 21 31

Computer software was used to analyze the data. The output is given below. It includes the cell counts, the
expected cell counts, and the value of the 2 statistic. In the table, expected counts are printed below observed

Leukemia Lymphoma Other Cancers Total

HCC 52 10 17 79
49.97 11.39 17.64
LCC 84 21 31 136
86.03 19.61 30.36
TOTAL 136 31 48 215
Chi-Sq = 0.435

____ 19. Use Scenario 11-8. The appropriate degrees of freedom for the 2 statistic is
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 3.
D. 4.
E. 5.
____ 20. Suppose we measure a response variable Y for several values of an explanatory variable X. A scatterplot of
log Y versus log X looks approximately like a negatively-sloping straight line. We may conclude that
A. the rate of growth of Y is positive, but slowing down over time.
B. an exponential growth model would approximately describe the relationship between Y
and X.
C. a power model would approximately describe the relationship between Y and X.
D. the relationship between Y and X is a positively-sloping straight line.
E. the residual plot of the regression of log Y on log X would have a “U-shaped” pattern
suggesting a non-linear relationship.
Answer Section


1. ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: IQR from dot plot

2. ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: 68-95-99.7 rule
3. ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: 68-95-99.7 rule
4. ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Explanatory/response
5. ANS: E PTS: 1 TOP: Extrapolation
6. ANS: E PTS: 1 TOP: Idea of random digits table
7. ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Lack of realism
8. ANS: E PTS: 1 TOP: Simulation to estimate probability
9. ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Venn diagrams
10. ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Venn diagrams
11. ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Conditional probability from 2-way table
12. ANS: E PTS: 1 TOP: Normal probability calculation for p-hat
13. ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Interpret confidence level
14. ANS: E PTS: 1 TOP: Conditions for confidence interval for mu
15. ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: P-value only give evidence against null
16. ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Conditions for paired t-test
17. ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Confidence interval for p1-p2 (formula)
18. ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Null hypothesis for chi-square test of independence
19. ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Degrees of freedom for chi-sq 2-way table
20. ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Interpreting log-log scatterplot

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