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X Tabs Gender Male Male % Female Female %

Are you registered to vote in Mississippi?

Press 1 if yes

Male Male % Female Female %

Yes 335  33.50% 665  66.50%

How likely are you to vote in the upcoming elections in 2018?

Press 1 for Very Likely
Press 2 for Somewhat Likely
Press 3 for Not Likely [THANK AND TERMINATE]

Male Male % Female Female %

Very Likely 314  34.97% 584  65.03%
Somewhat Likely 21  20.59% 81  79.41%

In politics today do you consider yourself to be a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or something else?
Press 1 for Republican
Press 2 for Democrat
Press 3 for Independent or something else

Male Male % Female Female %

Republican 159  35.65% 287  64.35%
Democrat 127  28.48% 319  71.52%
Independent 49  45.37% 59  54.63%

We'd like to ask you what you think about the following political figures. After each one, let us know if you have a favorable or unfavorable impression.
Let's start with Roger Wicker.
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have anunfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

Male Male % Female Female %

Favorable 171  38.43% 274  61.57%
Undecided 79  26.51% 219  73.49%
Unfavorable 85  33.07% 172  66.93%

. Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know her

Male Male % Female Female %

Undecided 166  31.56% 360  68.44%
Favorable 112  35.11% 207  64.89%
Unfavorable 57  36.77% 98  63.23%

Chris McDaniel
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

Male Male % Female Female %

Unfavorable 150  36.14% 265  63.86%
Undecided 108  26.54% 299  73.46%
Favorable 77  43.26% 101  56.74%

Mike Espy
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

Male Male % Female Female %

Undecided 111  28.76% 275  71.24%
Favorable 121  33.89% 236  66.11%
Unfavorable 103  40.08% 154  59.92%

Jason Shelton
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

Male Male % Female Female %

Undecided 247  31.95% 526  68.05%
Unfavorable 48  41.74% 67  58.26%
Favorable 40  35.71% 72  64.29%

Thank you. Now thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Roger Wicker and Chris McDaniel? (rotate)
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for Chris McDaniel
Press 3 if you are undecided

Male Male % Female Female %

Wicker 98  33.22% 197  66.78%
Undecided 28  34.15% 54  65.85%
McDaniel 33  47.83% 36  52.17%

Still thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Roger Wicker and Richard Boyanton? (rotate)
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for Richard Boyanton
Press 3 if you are undecided

Male Male % Female Female %

Wicker 109  35.97% 194  64.03%
Undecided 30  30.00% 70  70.00%
Boyanton 20  46.51% 23  53.49%

Still thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were David Baria, Jensen Bohren, Omeria Scott, and Howard Sherman?
Press 1 for David Baria
Press 2 for Jensen Bohren
Press 3 for Omeria Scott
Press 4 for Howard Sherman
Press 5 if you are undecided

Male Male % Female Female %

Undecided 92  26.06% 261  73.94%
Scott 10  26.32% 28  73.68%
Baria 12  41.38% 17  58.62%
Bohren 9  56.25% 7  43.75%
Sherman 4  40.00% 6  60.00%

. What if your choices in the race in November were limited to the Republican, Roger Wicker, and the Democrat, David Baria?
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for David Baria
Press 3 if you are undecided

Wicker 185  38.46% 296  61.54%

Baria 101  32.27% 212  67.73%
Undecided 49  23.79% 157  76.21%

Now thinking about the special election to replace Senator Thad Cochran in November, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican Chris McDan
Press 1 for Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 2 for Chris McDaniel
Press 3 for Mike Espy
Press 4 for Jason Shelton
Press 5 if you are undecided

Male Male % Female Female %

Espy 105  31.72% 226  68.28%
Hyde-Smith 121  36.67% 209  63.33%
Undecided 42  28.19% 107  71.81%
McDaniel 48  37.50% 80  62.50%
Shelton 19  30.65% 43  69.35%

What if your choices in the race to replace Senator Thad Cochran in November were limited to Cindy Hyde-Smith and Mike Espy?
Press 1 for Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 2 for Mike Espy
Press 3 if you are undecided

Male Male % Female Female %

X Tabs Party Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %
Are you registered to vote in Mississippi?
Press 1 if yes

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Yes 446  44.60% 446  44.60% 108  10.80%

How likely are you to vote in the upcoming elections in 2018?

Press 1 for Very Likely
Press 2 for Somewhat Likely
Press 3 for Not Likely [THANK AND TERMINATE]

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Very Likely 419  46.66% 382  42.54% 97  10.80%
Somewhat Likely 27  26.47% 64  62.75% 11  10.78%

For statistical purposes only, please indicate your gender.

Press 1 for Male
Press 2 for Female

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Female 287  43.16% 319  47.97% 59  8.87%
Male 159  47.46% 127  37.91% 49  14.63%

We'd like to ask you what you think about the following political figures. After each one, let us know if you have a favorable or unfavorable impression.
Let's start with Roger Wicker.
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have anunfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Favorable 325  73.03% 77  17.30% 43  9.66%
Undecided 76  25.50% 186  62.42% 36  12.08%
Unfavorable 45  17.51% 183  71.21% 29  11.28%

. Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know her

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Undecided 184  34.98% 288  54.75% 54  10.27%
Favorable 216  67.71% 67  21.00% 36  11.29%
Unfavorable 46  29.68% 91  58.71% 18  11.61%

Chris McDaniel
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Unfavorable 190  45.78% 167  40.24% 58  13.98%
Undecided 158  38.82% 218  53.56% 31  7.62%
Favorable 98  55.06% 61  34.27% 19  10.67%

Mike Espy
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Undecided 202  52.33% 140  36.27% 44  11.40%
Favorable 63  17.65% 262  73.39% 32  8.96%
Unfavorable 181  70.43% 44  17.12% 32  12.45%

Jason Shelton
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him
Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %
Undecided 335  43.34% 355  45.92% 83  10.74%
Unfavorable 66  57.39% 43  37.39% 6  5.22%
Favorable 45  40.18% 48  42.86% 19  16.96%

Thank you. Now thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Roger Wicker and Chris McDaniel? (rotate)
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for Chris McDaniel
Press 3 if you are undecided

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Wicker 295  100.00%
Undecided 82  100.00%
McDaniel 69  100.00%

Still thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Roger Wicker and Richard Boyanton? (rotate)
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for Richard Boyanton
Press 3 if you are undecided

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Wicker 303  100.00%
Undecided 100  100.00%
Boyanton 43  100.00%

Still thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were David Baria, Jensen Bohren, Omeria Scott, and Howard Sherman?
Press 1 for David Baria
Press 2 for Jensen Bohren
Press 3 for Omeria Scott
Press 4 for Howard Sherman
Press 5 if you are undecided

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Undecided 0  0.00% 353  100.00%
Scott 0  0.00% 38  100.00%
Baria 0  0.00% 29  100.00%
Bohren 0  0.00% 16  100.00%
Sherman 0  0.00% 10  100.00%

. What if your choices in the race in November were limited to the Republican, Roger Wicker, and the Democrat, David Baria?
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for David Baria
Press 3 if you are undecided

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Wicker 387  80.46% 45  9.36% 49  10.19%
Baria 13  4.15% 275  87.86% 25  7.99%
Undecided 46  22.33% 126  61.17% 34  16.50%

Now thinking about the special election to replace Senator Thad Cochran in November, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican Chris M
Press 1 for Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 2 for Chris McDaniel
Press 3 for Mike Espy
Press 4 for Jason Shelton
Press 5 if you are undecided

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

Espy 19  5.74% 281  84.89% 31  9.37%
Hyde-Smith 273  82.73% 21  6.36% 36  10.91%
Undecided 48  32.21% 84  56.38% 17  11.41%
McDaniel 93  72.66% 21  16.41% 14  10.94%
Shelton 13  20.97% 39  62.90% 10  16.13%

What if your choices in the race to replace Senator Thad Cochran in November were limited to Cindy Hyde-Smith and Mike Espy?
Press 1 for Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 2 for Mike Espy
Press 3 if you are undecided

Republican Rep % Democrat Dem % Independent Ind %

X Tabs Race White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %
Are you registered to vote in Mississippi?
Press 1 if yes

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Yes 610  61.00% 321  32.10% 13  1.30% 56  5.60%

How likely are you to vote in the upcoming elections in 2018?

Press 1 for Very Likely
Press 2 for Somewhat Likely
Press 3 for Not Likely [THANK AND TERMINATE]

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Very Likely 566  63.03% 268  29.84% 12  1.34% 52  5.79%
Somewhat Likely 44  43.14% 53  51.96% 1  0.98% 4  3.92%

For statistical purposes only, please indicate your gender.

Press 1 for Male
Press 2 for Female

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Female 395  59.40% 225  33.83% 7  1.05% 38  5.71%
Male 215  64.18% 96  28.66% 6  1.79% 18  5.37%

In politics today do you consider yourself to be a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or something else?
Press 1 for Republican
Press 2 for Democrat
Press 3 for Independent or something else

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Republican 414  92.83% 19  4.26% 3  0.67% 10  2.24%
Democrat 118  26.46% 291  65.25% 6  1.35% 31  6.95%
Independent 78  72.22% 11  10.19% 4  3.70% 15  13.89%

We'd like to ask you what you think about the following political figures. After each one, let us know if you have a favorable or unfavorable impression.
Let's start with Roger Wicker.
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have anunfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Favorable 370  83.15% 61  13.71% 2  0.45% 12  2.70%
Undecided 117  39.26% 150  50.34% 7  2.35% 24  8.05%
Unfavorable 123  47.86% 110  42.80% 4  1.56% 20  7.78%

. Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know her

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Undecided 263  50.00% 220  41.83% 7  1.33% 36  6.84%
Favorable 267  83.70% 42  13.17% 2  0.63% 8  2.51%
Unfavorable 80  51.61% 59  38.06% 4  2.58% 12  7.74%

Chris McDaniel
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Unfavorable 296  71.33% 92  22.17% 3  0.72% 24  5.78%
Undecided 206  50.61% 169  41.52% 6  1.47% 26  6.39%
Favorable 108  60.67% 60  33.71% 4  2.25% 6  3.37%

Mike Espy
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him
White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %
Undecided 269  69.69% 95  24.61% 8  2.07% 14  3.63%
Favorable 139  38.94% 186  52.10% 2  0.56% 30  8.40%
Unfavorable 202  78.60% 40  15.56% 3  1.17% 12  4.67%

Jason Shelton
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Undecided 458  59.25% 260  33.64% 11  1.42% 44  5.69%
Unfavorable 77  66.96% 30  26.09% 1  0.87% 7  6.09%
Favorable 75  66.96% 31  27.68% 1  0.89% 5  4.46%

Thank you. Now thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Roger Wicker and Chris McDaniel? (rotate)
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for Chris McDaniel
Press 3 if you are undecided

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Wicker 282  95.59% 7  2.37% 1  0.34% 5  1.69%
Undecided 70  85.37% 6  7.32% 1  1.22% 5  6.10%
McDaniel 62  89.86% 6  8.70% 1  1.45% 0  0.00%

Still thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Roger Wicker and Richard Boyanton? (rotate)
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for Richard Boyanton
Press 3 if you are undecided

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Wicker 286  94.39% 9  2.97% 1  0.33% 7  2.31%
Undecided 90  90.00% 7  7.00% 0  0.00% 3  3.00%
Boyanton 38  88.37% 3  6.98% 2  4.65% 0  0.00%

Still thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were David Baria, Jensen Bohren, Omeria Scott, and Howard Sherman?
Press 1 for David Baria
Press 2 for Jensen Bohren
Press 3 for Omeria Scott
Press 4 for Howard Sherman
Press 5 if you are undecided

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Undecided 83  23.51% 241  68.27% 3  0.85% 26  7.37%
Scott 8  21.05% 23  60.53% 2  5.26% 5  13.16%
Baria 20  68.97% 8  27.59% 1  3.45% 0  0.00%
Bohren 4  25.00% 12  75.00% 0  0.00% 0  0.00%
Sherman 3  30.00% 7  70.00% 0  0.00% 0  0.00%

. What if your choices in the race in November were limited to the Republican, Roger Wicker, and the Democrat, David Baria?
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for David Baria
Press 3 if you are undecided

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Wicker 427  88.77% 39  8.11% 4  0.83% 11  2.29%
Baria 106  33.87% 179  57.19% 4  1.28% 24  7.67%
Undecided 77  37.38% 103  50.00% 5  2.43% 21  10.19%

Now thinking about the special election to replace Senator Thad Cochran in November, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican Chris M
Press 1 for Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 2 for Chris McDaniel
Press 3 for Mike Espy
Press 4 for Jason Shelton
Press 5 if you are undecided

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Espy 94  28.40% 205  61.93% 4  1.21% 28  8.46%
Hyde-Smith 312  94.55% 11  3.33% 2  0.61% 5  1.52%
Undecided 67  44.97% 62  41.61% 6  4.03% 14  9.40%
McDaniel 101  78.91% 21  16.41% 1  0.78% 5  3.91%
Shelton 36  58.06% 22  35.48% 0  0.00% 4  6.45%

What if your choices in the race to replace Senator Thad Cochran in November were limited to Cindy Hyde-Smith and Mike Espy?
Press 1 for Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 2 for Mike Espy
Press 3 if you are undecided

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Hyde-Smith 382  91.83% 24  5.77% 3  0.72% 7  1.68%
Espy 114  31.84% 208  58.10% 4  1.12% 32  8.94%
Undecided 114  50.44% 89  39.38% 6  2.65% 17  7.52%

What if your choices in the race to replace Senator Thad Cochran in November were limited to Mike Espy and Chris McDaniel?
Press 1 for Mike Espy
Press 2 for Chris McDaniel
Press 3 if you are undecided

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Espy 200  46.30% 198  45.83% 3  0.69% 31  7.18%
Undecided 219  65.96% 87  26.20% 8  2.41% 18  5.42%
McDaniel 191  80.93% 36  15.25% 2  0.85% 7  2.97%

Do you approve or disapprove of the job that President Donald Trump is doing?
Press 1 if you approve
Press 2 if you disapprove
Press 3 if you are undecided

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Approve 426  93.22% 14  3.06% 2  0.44% 15  3.28%
Disapprove 128  31.14% 242  58.88% 6  1.46% 35  8.52%
Undecided 56  42.42% 65  49.24% 5  3.79% 6  4.55%

Does President Donald Trump's support of a candidate make you more likely or less likely to vote for that candidate?
Press 1 if more likely
Press 2 if less likely
Press 3 if it makes no difference

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

Less likely 128  34.88% 205  55.86% 4  1.09% 30  8.17%
More likely 281  88.36% 26  8.18% 2  0.63% 9  2.83%
Makes no difference 201  63.81% 90  28.57% 7  2.22% 17  5.40%

Does Cindy Hyde support of a candidate make you more likely or less likely to vote for that candidate?
Press 1 if more likely
Press 2 if less likely
Press 3 if it makes no difference
White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %
Much more likely 274  74.86% 73  19.95% 5  1.37% 14  3.83%
Somewhat more likely160  64.52% 73  29.44% 5  2.02% 10  4.03%
Somewhat less likely 96  50.26% 77  40.31% 1  0.52% 17  8.90%
Makes no difference 75  43.86% 82  47.95% 2  1.17% 12  7.02%
Much less likely 5  20.83% 16  66.67% 0  0.00% 3  12.50%

Again for statistical purposes, what is your age range?

Press 1 for age 18 to 34
Press 2 for age 35 to 54
Press 3 for age 55 to 64
Press 4 for age 65 plus

White White % Black Black % Hispanic Hisp % Other Other %

65 plus 424  65.94% 179  27.84% 6  0.93% 34  5.29%
55 to 64 116  49.36% 99  42.13% 4  1.70% 16  6.81%
Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican Chris McDaniel, Democrat Mike Espy and Democrat Jason Shelton?
X Tabs Age 18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Are you registered to vote in Mississippi?
Press 1 if yes

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Yes 21  2.10% 101  10.10% 235  23.50% 643  64.30%

How likely are you to vote in the upcoming elections in 2018?

Press 1 for Very Likely
Press 2 for Somewhat Likely
Press 3 for Not Likely [THANK AND TERMINATE]

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Very Likely 17  1.89% 92  10.24% 206  22.94% 583  64.92%
Somewhat Likely 4  3.92% 9  8.82% 29  28.43% 60  58.82%

For statistical purposes only, please indicate your gender.

Press 1 for Male
Press 2 for Female

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Female 9  1.35% 69  10.38% 148  22.26% 439  66.02%
Male 12  3.58% 32  9.55% 87  25.97% 204  60.90%

In politics today do you consider yourself to be a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or something else?
Press 1 for Republican
Press 2 for Democrat
Press 3 for Independent or something else

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Republican 12  2.69% 42  9.42% 82  18.39% 310  69.51%
Democrat 6  1.35% 47  10.54% 124  27.80% 269  60.31%
Independent 3  2.78% 12  11.11% 29  26.85% 64  59.26%

We'd like to ask you what you think about the following political figures. After each one, let us know if you have a favorable or unfavorable impression.
Let's start with Roger Wicker.
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have anunfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Favorable 7  1.57% 40  8.99% 81  18.20% 317  71.24%
Undecided 9  3.02% 33  11.07% 77  25.84% 179  60.07%
Unfavorable 5  1.95% 28  10.89% 77  29.96% 147  57.20%

. Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know her

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Undecided 8  1.52% 58  11.03% 110  20.91% 350  66.54%
Favorable 8  2.51% 25  7.84% 73  22.88% 213  66.77%
Unfavorable 5  3.23% 18  11.61% 52  33.55% 80  51.61%

Chris McDaniel
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Unfavorable 3  0.72% 39  9.40% 98  23.61% 275  66.27%
Undecided 7  1.72% 38  9.34% 87  21.38% 275  67.57%
Favorable 11  6.18% 24  13.48% 50  28.09% 93  52.25%

Mike Espy
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him
18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Undecided 10  2.59% 39  10.10% 88  22.80% 249  64.51%
Favorable 5  1.40% 37  10.36% 100  28.01% 215  60.22%
Unfavorable 6  2.33% 25  9.73% 47  18.29% 179  69.65%

Jason Shelton
Press 1 if you have a favorable impression
Press 2 if you have an unfavorable impression
Press 3 if you are undecided or don't know him

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Undecided 13  1.68% 74  9.57% 182  23.54% 504  65.20%
Unfavorable 1  0.87% 14  12.17% 30  26.09% 70  60.87%
Favorable 7  6.25% 13  11.61% 23  20.54% 69  61.61%

Thank you. Now thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Roger Wicker and Chris McDaniel? (rotate)
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for Chris McDaniel
Press 3 if you are undecided

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Wicker 7  2.37% 18  6.10% 50  16.95% 220  74.58%
Undecided 1  1.22% 17  20.73% 13  15.85% 51  62.20%
McDaniel 4  5.80% 7  10.14% 19  27.54% 39  56.52%

Still thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Roger Wicker and Richard Boyanton? (rotate)
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for Richard Boyanton
Press 3 if you are undecided

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Wicker 4  1.32% 24  7.92% 55  18.15% 220  72.61%
Undecided 1  1.00% 16  16.00% 17  17.00% 66  66.00%
Boyanton 7  16.28% 2  4.65% 10  23.26% 24  55.81%

Still thinking about the race for U.S. Senate, for whom would you vote if the candidates were David Baria, Jensen Bohren, Omeria Scott, and Howard Sherman?
Press 1 for David Baria
Press 2 for Jensen Bohren
Press 3 for Omeria Scott
Press 4 for Howard Sherman
Press 5 if you are undecided

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Undecided 4  1.13% 33  9.35% 101  28.61% 215  60.91%
Scott 1  2.63% 3  7.89% 8  21.05% 26  68.42%
Baria 0  0.00% 6  20.69% 5  17.24% 18  62.07%
Bohren 0  0.00% 3  18.75% 8  50.00% 5  31.25%
Sherman 1  10.00% 2  20.00% 2  20.00% 5  50.00%

. What if your choices in the race in November were limited to the Republican, Roger Wicker, and the Democrat, David Baria?
Press 1 for Roger Wicker
Press 2 for David Baria
Press 3 if you are undecided

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Wicker 13  2.70% 45  9.36% 93  19.33% 330  68.61%
Baria 3  0.96% 33  10.54% 87  27.80% 190  60.70%
Undecided 5  2.43% 23  11.17% 55  26.70% 123  59.71%

Now thinking about the special election to replace Senator Thad Cochran in November, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican Chris M
Press 1 for Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 2 for Chris McDaniel
Press 3 for Mike Espy
Press 4 for Jason Shelton
Press 5 if you are undecided

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Espy 1  0.30% 35  10.57% 87  26.28% 208  62.84%
Hyde-Smith 8  2.42% 24  7.27% 67  20.30% 231  70.00%
Undecided 4  2.68% 16  10.74% 39  26.17% 90  60.40%
McDaniel 7  5.47% 16  12.50% 30  23.44% 75  58.59%
Shelton 1  1.61% 10  16.13% 12  19.35% 39  62.90%

What if your choices in the race to replace Senator Thad Cochran in November were limited to Cindy Hyde-Smith and Mike Espy?
Press 1 for Cindy Hyde-Smith
Press 2 for Mike Espy
Press 3 if you are undecided

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Hyde-Smith 10  2.40% 31  7.45% 85  20.43% 290  69.71%
Espy 4  1.12% 40  11.17% 96  26.82% 218  60.89%
Undecided 7  3.10% 30  13.27% 54  23.89% 135  59.73%

What if your choices in the race to replace Senator Thad Cochran in November were limited to Mike Espy and Chris McDaniel?
Press 1 for Mike Espy
Press 2 for Chris McDaniel
Press 3 if you are undecided

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Espy 6  1.39% 43  9.95% 118  27.31% 265  61.34%
Undecided 9  2.71% 34  10.24% 66  19.88% 223  67.17%
McDaniel 6  2.54% 24  10.17% 51  21.61% 155  65.68%

Do you approve or disapprove of the job that President Donald Trump is doing?
Press 1 if you approve
Press 2 if you disapprove
Press 3 if you are undecided

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Approve 15  3.28% 41  8.97% 88  19.26% 313  68.49%
Disapprove 4  0.97% 44  10.71% 118  28.71% 245  59.61%
Undecided 2  1.52% 16  12.12% 29  21.97% 85  64.39%

Does President Donald Trump's support of a candidate make you more likely or less likely to vote for that candidate?
Press 1 if more likely
Press 2 if less likely
Press 3 if it makes no difference

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Less likely 4  1.09% 42  11.44% 107  29.16% 214  58.31%
More likely 11  3.46% 31  9.75% 55  17.30% 221  69.50%
Makes no difference 6  1.90% 28  8.89% 73  23.17% 208  66.03%

Does Cindy Hyde support of a candidate make you more likely or less likely to vote for that candidate?
Press 1 if more likely
Press 2 if less likely
Press 3 if it makes no difference
18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
Much more likely 11  3.01% 27  7.38% 76  20.77% 252  68.85%
Somewhat more likely 4  1.61% 31  12.50% 61  24.60% 152  61.29%
Somewhat less likely 6  3.14% 25  13.09% 42  21.99% 118  61.78%
Makes no difference 0  0.00% 15  8.77% 51  29.82% 105  61.40%
Much less likely 0  0.00% 3  12.50% 5  20.83% 16  66.67%

For statistical purposes only, what is your race?

Press 1 if you are white
Press 2 if you are black or African American
Press 3 if you are Hispanic or Latino
Press 4 if you are of another ethnic group

18 to 34 % 35 to 54 % 55 to 64 % 65 plus %
White 12  1.97% 58  9.51% 116  19.02% 424  69.51%
Black 6  1.87% 37  11.53% 99  30.84% 179  55.76%
Howard Sherman?

ublican Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican Chris McDaniel, Democrat Mike Espy and Democrat Jason Shelton?

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