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Robby Chesnick Program Description and Rational

Campus Recreation Center

*Method 2*
Idea 1: Childcare Program- YMCA New Braunfels

A.) Original Description: Children are like sponges – they watch and absorb knowledge, skills
and values from everything and everyone around them. At the Y, we believe the values and skills
learned early on are vital building blocks for quality of life and future success. That’s why our
child care, after-school, Child-watch and Early Learning Center programs are staffed with people
who understand the cognitive, physical and social development of kids, the need children have to
feel connected and supported in trying new things, and the caring and reinforcement parents and
families need to help each other. At the Y, babies develop trust and security, preschoolers experi-
ence early literacy and learn about their world, and school-age kids make friends, learn new
skills and do homework. Most importantly, children learn how to be their best selves. That
makes for confident kids today, and contributing and engaged adults tomorrow.
The ChildWatch program allows parents to workout in the facility, knowing that their children
are being taken care of by caring staff, certified in CPR, First Aid and AED. Children from 6
weeks to 6 years old are permitted in the ChildWatch area for up to 2 hours, while the parent re-
mains in the facility. To ensure the safety of our kids, parents are required to sign their child(ren)
in and out. ChildWatch is FREE for all Family I & Family II members.

B.) Changes to Program: At the Campus Rec Center the primary target audience that we cater
to are students and university staff. While I don't believe a childcare service is needed as much at
a university recreation center as much as it is needed at a community center such as the YMCA I
believe this is still a program that would be of benefit to those with children. A change that I
would make from the original program description would be changing the age of children from 2
years old to 7 years old. With child safety being the number one importance I believe it would be
important to hire qualified staff that has experience with childcare. This program will provide
children with a structured environment where they can complete homework and also take part in
different activities such as swimming and active games.

C.) Why: I believe this program would be a benefit at the Texas State University Rec Center be-
cause it would provide a convenient service to students and staff with children. While this is not
the majority of the population that uses the Rec Center, I believe you would see more people
with children use the facility knowing they have a convenient, safe, place for their children at the

Idea 2: Counselors in Training (CIT) and Leader in Training (LIT) Teen Leadership Programs at
Camp- YMCA
A.) Original Description: The camp environment provides a unique opportunity for youth to
build leadership skills, particularly in assisting counselors with younger campers. The goals of
CIT and LIT camp programs are to teach the general skills of leadership that can be used at
school, home and community (not just at camp.) For younger camp leaders (ages 13-15), the cur-
riculum includes working with younger kids at camp, but often includes community components
like volunteering at senior centers or Ys. Counselors-in-Training or "CITs" are the oldest camp-
ers who typically want to apply for a job at camp the next summer, maybe as a Junior Counselor
or some other supporting role. They need to learn more specific skills for working with kids and
co-workers, and more experience planning and leading activities. Both programs give kids age-
appropriate challenges that build their skills, confidence and capacity for working with people of
all ages. (

B.) Changes to Program: Some changes that I would make from the original program in order
to cater to our main target audience of students would be to include components that work with
becoming more independent and learning to live away from home. In the original description the
program is described as a camp but if we were to carry on this program at the Rec Center then I
would design it more as a class setting where participants would meet once or twice a week
throughout the semester. I would focus on freshman students and students new to Texas State in
order two better help them adjust to a new part in their life. I think it would be a good idea to
have mentors (older students that have been through the program) that would act as a “buddy” to
their pupil (freshman or transfer student).

C.) Why: I think this program would not only work at the Rec Center but also be popular re-
source to students new to Texas State University. Moving to college can be difficult for students,
as they move away from their parents and to a new area, so by having a mentorship program that
can assist students with building leadership traits and helping them adapt to their new life will be
very beneficial. Not everyone joins fraternity’s and sorority’s or joins a club when they come to
Texas State but by having a leadership program like this will provide those students with another
avenue to develop themselves.

Idea 3: Water Exercise (aerobics)- YMCA Austin

A.) Original Description: Come on in, the water's fine! Adults looking to challenge themselves
without stress on their joints or members who just enjoy the water can take advantage of our dif-
ferent water exercise classes. Instructors lead small groups through water aerobics, core strength-
ening and much more. Gain muscle conditioning and cardiovascular endurance from the aerobic
choreography and the resistance of the water. Ideal for all fitness levels & non-swimmers.

B.) Changes to Program: Some changes I would make from the original program description
would be to cater this program more directly for college age people since that is our main target
audience at the Rec Center. Some changes I would make are having different levels of classes
available. This will provide those that want a more challenging workout that without taking away
from those that are on a lower level.

C.) Why: I think this program will be a benefit to the Texas State University Rec Center because
our members are always looking for new and different ways to exercise. I was actually surprised
that we do not already have a program like this and I think that it would be a popular program
among the university population. Some people do not like working out in a weight room or run-
ning for cardio but with a water exercise program we can provide a new outlet for working out
and staying healthy.

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