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Kim Roedema and Emilee D’Angelo

1.Title or Topic of the Lesson and Grade Level: Grade 5 Earth Day

2. Lesson Essential Question(s): What is our ecological footprint on the Earth?

3. Standards: CCS ELA LITERACY W.5.2.B Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete

details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic.

CCS ELA LITERACY W.5.2.C Link ideas within and across categories of information using
words, phrases and clauses (e.g., in contrast, especially).

CCSS ELA LITERACY W 5.2.D Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to
inform about or explain the topic.

4. Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives Assessments

Students will be looking at articles online and I will be walking around with a clipboard to make
photo copied. They will highlight or copy facts, sure each student is highlighting/pulling out and
details, quotes into their science notebooks. copying at least 5 things.

Students will be creating a cause/affect/possible I will have modeled an example of this chart in the
solution cart in their notebooks linking what they beginning of the lesson. I will be checking the
found in the articles to their own knowledge and students’ charts.

Students will be creating a PSA about our I will be collecting this as an assessment. I will
ecological footprint and how we can reduce it, chose students to share their work.
using pictures, facts, quotes, etc.

5. Materials:


Ø anchor chart paper (SWAG)

Ø PSA Sheet

Ø SWAG graphic organizer

Ø Articles:




6. Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge: An Anticipation guide activity paired with an

article about water shortages in Africa was done last week.

7. Lesson Beginning: We will begin the lesson with an Ecological Footprint web on the board.

We will ask students “What do we know about an Ecological Footprint?”

8. Instructional Plan:

● After the Ecological Footprint web, we will complete a quiz where they find out their

footprint on the Earth. We will have a discussion comparing the footprints and discussing

what this means.

● We will teach them the SWAG acronym to help them write their Public Service

Announcement. Students will write it in their notebook.

● Students will use their chromebooks to research different issues that create footprints on

the Earth and complete SWAG graphic organizers as they go along.

● Students will with their table create a Public Service Announcement based off of their

SWAG organizers.

o Differentiation: The article websites will be written on the worksheet and the board. We will

be using websites with articles that vary in difficulty; some are lengthy and detailed while some

are simple and include videos. Students will have the opportunity to collaborate with their table-


o Questions: What do we know about an Ecological Footprint? What are some ways we harm the

Earth? What can we do to help the Earth? What will happen if we don’t take care of the Earth?
o Classroom Management: Students with assigned jobs, such as paper passer and Chromebook

distributor, will pass out materials.

o Transitions: We will call the students to the rug, and dismiss them back to their seats, by table.

9. Closure: Some students will share their PSAs. Students will be adding things they found in

their research to our ecological footprint web.

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