Sophia Elkins - Part 1 - Resumes

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John F. Kennedy | (555)-555-5555 | White House, Washington D.C.

Skills Summary
● John F Kennedy was most known for being young, handsome, and a good role model
for american families.
● JFK was good at looking good on tv, which made him really likeable to the united
states citizens.

Professional Experience
● John F kennedy most recent job was the president of the United states 1961-1963
● John F kennedy's job before he became president was a democratic senator for

Domestic Accomplishments
● JFK domestic policy was the new frontier.
● The main actions JFK took to help americans were to boost the economy, built the
national defense, provide international aid, and create a massive space program.
● An example of how these laws helped the united states was creating a massive space
● The space program JFK created helped the united states because it allowed the
united states to explore outer space and explore the moon.

Foreign Accomplishments
● Some of JFk foreign accomplishments were cuban missile crisis and the creation of
the hotline.
● The cuban Missile crisis was a success because we revealed cuba had missiles
pointed at the United States and eventually got them removed from cuba. This was a
success because cuba didn't have anymore missiles and The united states didn't
enter a nuclear war with the soviet union.
● The hot line was a phone line that the united states and the soviet union had. This
allowed them to immediately talk if there was a issue. This was an accomplishment
because now america wouldn’t have to be in fear waiting for letters to be sent back
and forth.


● Sophia Elkins an immigrant from Brazil

● Robert Kennedy he was his brother
● Dean Rusk he was his secretary of state
Lyndon B. Johnson | (555)-555-5555 | White House, Washington D.C.

Skills Summary
● Lyndon B johnson was most known for being really intimidating and creating lots
policies to help change america.
● Lyndon B Johnson was particularly good at being intimidating which helped him (
america) get what we wanted.

Professional Experience

● LBJ’s most recent job was the president of the united states 1963-1969
● LBJ’s Job before he was the president of the united states was vice president to
● LBJ’s previous jobs were a member of the house of representatives, senators, and
senate majority leader

Domestic Accomplishments
● LBJ’s domestic plan was the Great Society
● The topics included in his plan were civil rights, poverty, education, health,
environment, immigration and, housing and urban developments
● Some of the laws passed during this plan were the immigration act and the office of
economic opportunity
● the immigration act was a domestic accomplishment because it said the united
states couldn’t accept a certain amount of immigrant and that we needed to accept
all immigrants. This increased immigration to the united states. This ended
injustices for people because if they were in a country they didn't like they could
come to america to be free. Which made them not have to suffer anymore.
● the office of economic opportunity was a domestic accomplishment because it
educational and job programs, gave speniding to the poor, lowered poverty
percentage, gave tax credits, and food assistance. This was beneficial to america
because it helped boost the economy. This helped boost the economy because more
people were getting jobs, going to school, poverty levels were falling, ect.

● Sophia Elkins A mother whose child has asthma who needed better air quality
● Maxwell Smith an immigrant from Asia
● Victoria Richardson an african american who appreciates LBJ’s work in civil rights

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