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Tenita woolridge

Period 2

Final Draft of story 

Today I am here to tell you about fossils.​ Fossils​ are any preserved
remains,impression, or any trace of any once-living from a past geographic age. For
example Tully monsters are considered fossils now because they have been here for
300 million year. They didn't come out as fossils because tully monsters lived in a
tropical environment ,which was only found in illinois. The tully monsters became fossils
because the land turned in sedimentary rocks,illinois ,after 300 million years, dried up.
Sedimentary rocks​ are types of rocks that are formed by deposition and subsequent
cementation of that material at the earth’s surface and within bodies of water. Which
means fossils are only formed when they are positioned in a dry surface. Now fossils
are formed in different shapes and textures. All tully monsters are formed with different
features,this is called ​weathering​,which is wear a way or change the appearance or
texture of (something) by long exposure to the air. Some are shaped different from
others and harder to find than others. The textures of tully monsters are not the same
and found the same. The people who studied these fossils and different textures are
expert fossil scientist which are called ​paleontologist​. ​ Francis Tully is considered a 
paleontologist because he discovered tully monsters 300 million years ago in illinois. 
They were only discovered in illinois because illinois was once covered in water before it 
became a less tropical environment. Tully monsters were not only discovered to be 
different from others but tully monsters are ​Morphological structures, they are designed
as a structured organism. ​Morphological structures​ ​is a branch of biology dealing with 
the study of the form and structure of organisms and their specific structural features. 
The tully monsters were formed into rocks. They were stabilized on the insides of the 
rock, which protected them from getting damaged all these years before they were 
found. This is notochord because a ​notochord​ cartilaginous skeletal rod supporting the 
body in all embryonic and some adult chordate animals. Different tully monsters had 
different sized tails and mouths. This is considered ​proboscis​ , which is the nose of a 
mammal, especially when it is long and mobile, such as the trunk of an elephant or the 
snout of a tapir. ​Limestone​ are hard sedimentary rocks composed mainly of calcium 
carbonate or dolomite, used as building material and in the making of cement.This 
connects to tully monsters because they were basically limestones because they turned 
into to sedimentary rocks when they were eventually stuck on dry land 300 millions 
years later. 
When they turned into rocks(fossils) they were protected by a shale. They were shaped 
fossils inside of rocks. ​Shales a ​ re soft, finely stratified sedimentary rock that formed 
from consolidated mud or clay and can be split easily into fragile slabs. Even though 
Shales are easy to get in, they are shaped in different sedimentary rocks which are 
basically considered shales. To show that the fossils all had something in common, we 
created a cladogram which shows the relationship between all the organisms. A 
cladogram ​is a branching diagram showing the cladistic relationship between a number 
of species. The tully monsters which are now considered as fossils went through a 
stage of erosion. E ​ rosion​ is a process eroding by wind, water or other natural agents. 
This happen to the discovered tully monsters, that's how they turned into fossils(rocks) 
because they were eroded by wind.  

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