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Ayla Lillian Wing

1000 E Ann St. Apt. 4, Ann Arbor, MI, 48104 | 313-231-9953 | |

Michigan Provisional Secondary Certificate – August 2018
6-12 Latin, 6-12 Psychology

University of Michigan – May 2018 (Ann Arbor, MI)
Bachelor of Arts in Latin Language & Literature, GPA 3.69/4.0

Awards & Honors

Future Latin Teacher Prize, University of Michigan Department of Classics – Awarded April 2018
2018 Teacher of Promise, Network of Michigan Educators – Awarded February 2018
University Honors, University of Michigan – Awarded February 2018
James B. Angell Scholar, University of Michigan – Awarded February 2016
William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize, University of Michigan – Awarded February 2015

Teaching Experience
Student Teaching – January-April 2018 (Ann Arbor, MI)
6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Latin, Emerson School
· Co- and lead-taught classes of all three grade levels.
· Co-taught a mini-course centered on Roman Cooking, making ancient recipes with a small group of
dedicated students.
· Networked with colleagues both in and out of the classroom.
· Began using Active Latin methods in the classroom.
Pre-Student Teaching Intern – September-December 2017 (Ann Arbor, MI)
11th and 12th Grade Latin, Greenhills School
· Observed in the classroom to gain a deeper understanding of teaching upper-level Latin.
· Helped students one-on-one and in small groups with coursework.
· Assisted the mentor teacher in various tasks, such as copying papers and preparing materials for class.
· Designed and taught several lessons to 11th and 12th grade class reading Sallust, Caesar, and Augustus.
Pre-Student Teaching Intern – January-April 2017 (Ann Arbor, MI)
6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Latin, Emerson School
· Observed a veteran teacher, engaging in thoughtful discussions of pedagogy and teaching practices.
· Worked with students in small group settings, including assisting students with disabilities.
· Helped the mentor teacher with designing and prepping vocabulary games, worksheets, crosswords,
and other activities for the classroom as well as grading and copying materials for students.
· Taught two formally observed mini-lessons during the semester and helped a substitute teacher
facilitate class when the mentor teacher was absent.
Ayla Wing – Resume
Additional Relevant Experience
The Paideia Institute’s Living Latin in Rome Program – June-July 2017 (Rome, IT)
· Learned and practiced skills essential to the speaking of Latin, such as pronunciation and idioms, which
led to greater understanding of the language.
· Engaged with the language by sight-reading various passages from the Latin corpus that spanned
authors and centuries, expanding the list of Latin authors read.
· Wrote and delivered an original composition, a laudatio modeled from Quintilian’s de Institutio
Oratione, and participated in daily conversation to enhance speaking and listening skills.
Aequora Michigan – January-March 2017 (Ypsilanti, MI)
· Founded and led the Michigan branch of the Paideia Institute’s Aequora program, which brings Latin
into afterschool programs designed for children who would otherwise not have access to the language.
· Planned weekly lessons and activities for the two-month program.
· Organized volunteers and established relationships between several stakeholders, including the
Paideia Institute, which originated the program, Eastern Michigan University’s Bright Futures, which
housed our afterschool program, and the University of Michigan Barger Leadership Institute, which
funded the endeavor.
The Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome – September-December 2016 (Rome, IT)
· Spent a semester studying abroad in the eternal city and gaining a deeper understanding of Rome and
its history and culture.
· Course work included biweekly site visits in the city of Rome and areas surrounding it, as well as week-
long trips to Naples and Sicily to closely study the ancient cities preserved by Vesuvius and the
influence of the Greeks on Roman society, respectively.
· Gained deeper knowledge about architecture, history, culture, and language that will be invaluable to
my teaching and cultivated an even greater passion for the language I already loved.
America Reads – September 2015-April 2017 (Detroit, MI)
· Tutored second-grade students in the Detroit Public Schools system who were struggling in decoding
and reading comprehension skills.
· Wrote weekly lesson plans that followed a specific format and involved choosing a guiding question
and goal for the students each week.
· Chose books and other materials such as worksheets and online resources to read with the students
and use to practice various decoding and comprehension skills; occasionally designed worksheets from
Jimmy John’s – November 2014-August 2017 (Ann Arbor & Dearborn Heights, MI)
· Began as an in-shop employee and worked up first to Catering Manager and then to Person-In-Charge.
· Gained interpersonal skills through passing out food samples and establishing relationships with local
business in the area.
· Worked full-time leading and managing shifts, which included organizing and motivating employees,
managing food supply, mediating customer disputes, and using both an online and paper system to file
paperwork on business expenses.

References Available Upon Request

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