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Lesson Title:​ Skip Count and Trade

Grade​: 2nd ​Time Required​: 1h 30m

Unit:​ Money Teacher:​ Ms. Del Boccio

2. NBT.2​: Count within 1000; skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.
2.MD.8​: Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies, using $
and the cent symbol appropriately.

Objective: ​With support, the learner will be able to (LWBAT) skip count using nickels and dimes. With
support, the LWBAT make different coin combinations to form the same sum.

Assessment: ​Students will complete an activity based on shopping/trade. Objects will be placed
around the room with price tags. Students will have a budget they need to stay within. After
spending all their money, students need to find a way to make at least 2 coin combination for
each item purchased.

​ daptations for Diverse and Special Needs​: I will adapt the material as necessary to fit the individual
needs of the students.
● Kylie, Kaleb, Rylan, Jeni, and Zanyia can work with a buddy if needed.
● Anjalie and Kylie can use the 100’s board for the assessment.
● Ike can use a number line for addition of coins.

Key Vocabulary (Academic/ Content) Materials

Skip counting Plastic money

Penny, Quarter, dime, nickel 100s boards
Trade/budgets Shopping items/price tags
Equal or equivalent Shopping WS. and example

Anticipatory Set: ​(​~5 mins)

- Ask students how many like to go shopping for toys, games, etc.
- Ask how many know about budgets.
- Ex. If you go to the store with $5 then can you spend $4.30 or $5.30?

- Students will have ​5 minutes​ to get materials and explore material. (Set expectations
using CHAMPS and the on/off Stage)
- Review the types of coins and their values- (​~3 mins​)
- Skip counting
- By 5s using Nickels ​(~15 to 20 mins)
- Orally, WC, skip count by 5 to 10, 15, 25, 30, 40
- Demo on projector how to use the nickels skip count to 15 and 25
- Students work independently to do skip counting with coins for 10, 15, 20,
25, 30, 40, 50, 65. (T will inform Studs. Of time allowed) This will be
done on the 100s board with coins but students will keep track on their
desks with markers. Creating a chart to show how many nickels were
needed to make each value.
- Students will raise hand to show teacher when complete. When
teacher says time is up students will share answers with peer.
Value Amount of Nickels Needed

10 cent sign 2 nickels

15 cent sign 3 nickels

etc. Etc.
- By 10s using Dimes ​(~ 15 to 20 mins)
- Orally, WC (whole class) , skip count by 10 to 10, 20, 30, 50, 60, 100
- Demo on projector how to use the dimes to skip count to 30 and 70
- Students work independently to do skip counting with coins for 20, 30, 40,
50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. (Teacher will inform students of time allowed)
This will be done on the 100s board with coins but students will keep track
on their desks with markers. Creating a chart to show how many nickels
were needed to make each value.
- Students will raise hand to show teacher when complete. When
teacher says time is up students will share answers with peer.

After (Assessment): (​35 mins)

- Review how different values can be made using different coin combinations. WC on mat.
Do two examples. Have to objects with price tags. TPS (Think-Pair-Share) two different
coin combinations for each item.
- Go over the Shopping activity/worksheet. Set expectations. Tell studs. they will have 25
mins to complete the activity.
Closure: ​(3 mins)​. ​Go over some studs. work/examples. Have them turn in work. Transition into
station if time allows.

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