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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Phys. Ed. Unit: Basketball Lesson Duration: 90 min

Date: April 10
Grade: 10s/20s/30s


General Learning Outcomes:

Specific Learning Outcomes:


Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Demonstrate the ability to manipulate an object (i.e., the basketball)
- Demonstrate the ability to run fluidly and effectively in a game situation
- Demonstrate control and accuracy in manipulation skills
Observations: Key Questions:
- Are the students running at - What does good form look like?
game speed? - Where do you feel you will make
- Are the students shooting with the most baskets?
proper form? - What strategies can you use to
- Are the students taking good improve your shot selection?
shots? (shot selection)

Written/Performance Assessments:


Basketball Nets

As they come in from changing: Warm up by takings shots around the gym.

Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: participate in activities at game speed. It

is competitive but do not over do it, it is not the NBA

Low-Management Time: Basketball nets should be down already, and basketballs

can be brought out. Have the shot points written out on the board for a visual for
them to see.
Transition to Body: Bring everyone in to explain first activity,
Learning Activity #1: 3 Line Shooting competition
The students will be lined up in 3 different lines along the free throw line. They
will have to shoot and try and make the basket before their competitors do. If you
make the first shot, you get 2 points and can go in for a layup for 1 point. If you
MISS the first shot, you must run to the opposite net and make 1 free throw before
returning back to your team.
First Team to ________ points wins.

Rotate around the foul line so that each group shoots from each of the 3 shots.

Learning Activity #2: Around the World Shooting race

Shooting spots will be marked on the court (both sides). The class will be split into
2 groups one at one end and the other at the other end.
Your group must make 5 baskets (not in a row) before your team can move to the
next shooting spot on the floor.
The first team to make all the baskets from each spot wins.

(OR can be best out of 3 if wanting to extend the time)

Learning Activity 3: Hamburger

Students will be given a number and asked to lay on the floor on their stomachs.
I will have the ball near the foul line on the same side of the court as the students.
I will call out a number and the students who have that number(s) will have to get
up and race for the ball. The first one to get to the ball is on OFFENCE and the
other student is on defence.
The students will then come back to the side where they started while playing
one-on-one until either the person on offence makes the shot, or the defense gets
the ball.

Progressions include calling out more than one number, having 2 on 3, etc.

Learning Activity 4: 4 on 4 Game

Team captains will be assigned and asked to choose their teams. The teams will
then play a regulation game of basketball (shortened time, but regulation rules).
This should take up the remainder of class time. Have them focus on their
shooting and making good shot selections.

Transition to Next Lesson: Thursday we will be doing defensive drills and more
game scenario activities.

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