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Lesson Plan Form

CSUDH – Division of Teacher Education

Name: Sandra Lozano

Subject(s): English Language Arts
Grade Level(s): 5th
Date: April 26, 2016
Single/Multi-Day: Day 1 of 1
I. Standards:

CCSSE: Reading Standards

2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how
characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a
topic; summarize the text.

CCSSE: Speaking and Listening Standards

1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher
led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing
their own clearly.
c. Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion
and elaborate on the remarks of others.

ELD: Grade 5
A. Collaborative
1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a
range of social and academic topics.
3. Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges
B. Interpretive
5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts.

I. Description of Content & Content Type (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):

Making claims supported by evidence
II. Learning Outcome (Objective):
Students are going to actively engage with each other to make a claim using evidence from the
book “Those Shoes”.

TED 2015-2016
Lesson Plan Form
CSUDH – Division of Teacher Education
III. Curriculum Connection (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence):
Unit Topic: Making Claims
Lesson(s) Before: Students made a claim, cited evidence, and explained their reasoning on the
book “The Paper Bag Princess”.
Lesson(s) After: Students will make a claim, cite evidence, and explain their reasoning on the
book “Peter’s Chair”.

IV. Instruction
A. Engagement (Motivational Activity):
 The teacher will instruct the students to take out their notebook and pen and sit on the floor
and face the whiteboard. The teacher will introduce the objective of the day (Students are
going to actively engage with each other to make a claim using evidence from the book
“Those Shoes”.)
 The teacher will ask the students to make predictions of the story. The teacher will ask
questions like, “What are “those shoes” and how will they be important in the story?” And
will this story teach us a lesson? What?”
 The teacher will begin to read the book “Those Shoes” By: Maribeth Boelts

B. Instructional Sequence (Teaching Methodology With Student Activities):

Step 1:
a. The teacher will stop reading at page 4 and will ask the students, “What are you wondering
about? What questions do you have?” The students will write their thoughts in their
b. The teacher will stop reading at page 6 and will ask, “How do you think he’s feeling right
now when everyone else can get those shoes and he can’t?” The students will write their
c. The teacher will stop reading at page 8 and will ask, “How would you feel if you were
Jeremy right now?” The students will write their thoughts.
d. At page 10 the teacher will think aloud and will state a question. For example, “I wonder
why Antonio isn’t laughing? Are they friends?”
Step 2:
a. The teacher will stop reading at page 16 and will ask, “Do you think they’ll fit? What’ll
happen if they do? What’ll happen if they don’t?” The students will be instructed to pair
share with their neighbor.
b. The teacher will stop reading at page 18 and will ask, “Why is he buying them if they don’t
fit and hurt his feet?” The students will write their thoughts. The teacher will continue and
ask, “What else are you wondering about right now?” The students will write their
TED 2015-2016
Lesson Plan Form
CSUDH – Division of Teacher Education
c. The teacher will stop reading at page 24 and will think aloud. Teacher will say, “I’m
wondering the same thing, not going to do what?” The teacher will tell the students to
write what they think the character is talking about.
d. The teacher will stop reading at page 26 and will ask, “Why do you think he can’t stop
thinking about Antonio?” The students will write their thoughts.
e. The teacher will stop reading at page 30 and will ask, “So what’s your reaction to Jeremy
right now?” The students will write their thoughts.
f. The teacher will finish the story and will ask the students, “What do you think are some
lessons we can learn from this story?” The students will write their thoughts and the
teacher will ask for a few students to share their thoughts.
Application Activity (Practice and/or Reflection):
a. The teacher will instruct students to state what the theme of the story is by using evidence
from the story and explaining their opinion. The teacher will refer the students to a poster
titled “Make a Claim”. The teacher will tell the students that they can use the sentence
frames on the poster to write their response.
b. The teacher will model an example of how to state a theme, cite evidence, and explain the
reasoning by basing it on the story of “The Three Little Pigs”.
c. The students will be told to write their response on the website called Padlet. The teacher
will check for understanding.
C. Materials & Resources
 “Those Shoes” By: Maribeth Boelts
 Padlet

V. Assessments Strategies (Methods for Obtaining Evidence of Learning):

Pre-assessment: Teacher observed students’ participation and responses in the previous lessons.
Formative (informal): Teacher walks around the group of students to read their responses.
Summative (formal): Writing the theme of the story on Padlet.

VI. Accommodations for Individual Learners (Content, Instruction, Practice):

1. Language Demands:
Receptive -
Listening: Students listen to the teacher’s instruction and the responses of other students.
Reading: Teacher reads the story “Those Shoes” By: Maribeth Boelts
Productive –
Speaking: Students will think-pair-share and will be provided sentence frames to answer
the teacher’s question.
2. Accommodations for students with IEP if applicable:
Provide sentence frames, extra time to respond to questions, and extra assistance.
TED 2015-2016
Lesson Plan Form
CSUDH – Division of Teacher Education
VII. Homework (If Appropriate): N/A
5-Excellent, full accomplishment 4-Good, substantial accomplishment 3- Acceptable 2-Fair, partial
accomplishment 1-Attempted, little accomplishment

TED 2015-2016

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