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IMPhO (Indonesian Medical Physiology Olympiad) is the first, the one and only medical
physiology competition in Indonesia, held by Physiology Department and BEM KM Faculty of
Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. IMPhO has been held since 2017 and consists of 4 main
activities: Medical Physiology Quiz, Cultural Activities, City Tour, and Gala Dinner. The
competition will be on comprehension on Physiology which is a basic science in medicine.
The quiz itself will be led by the independent master quiz, Prof. Cheng Hwee Ming from
University of Malaya, Malaysia.


Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga

Prof. Dr. Moestopo St. 47 Surabaya, East Java


Early Registration January, 26th 2018 – February, 15th 2018

Late Registration February, 16th 2018 – March, 21st 2018
IMPhO 2018 April, 19th 2018 – April, 21st 2018

1. Applicants are medical student from Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia.

2. Each university may send maximum 1 team, with a team consists of 3 – 5 persons.
3. IMPhO 2018 registration period consists of Early Registration (January, 26th 2018 –
February, 15th 2018) and Late Registration (February, 16th 2018 – March, 21st 2018).
4. Applicants who have joined previous IMPhO and IMSPQ are not allowed to apply for
IMPhO 2018.
5. The quota for applicants in IMPhO 2018 is 120 persons.
6. Registration fee

Early Registration IDR 950.000,00 / person

Late Registration IDR 1.050.000,00 / person

Payment has to be done collectively per team by transferring to:

Bank : BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia)
Account title : Amalia Putri U.H.
Account number : 670612385

After paying the registration fee, applicants are required to send the proof of payment
to Amalia Putri via LINE Messenger (LINE ID: amaliaputri0794) by the format of
ame5. Confirmation must be done within 1x24 hours after payment.

7. After getting confirmation for the payment, Applicants have to fill the registration form
(Available on: and submit the documents required as
 Scan of proof of registration payment
 Applicants’ university logo in .png format
 Scan of applicants’ student card
 Profile photo of each applicant in 3x4 size
 Applicants’ Team photo (including any accompanying lecturer)
(Please match the names with the people in the photo)
8. Each team has to compile the documents in .zip file and send it to before March, 21st 2018. After sending the documents,
applicants confirm to Amanda Marantika via LINE Messenger (LINE ID:
Amanda_marantika) by the format of IMPhO
9. Applicants have to bring these documents to re-registration:
 Profile photo of each applicant in 3x4 size
 Letter of Recommendation from applicants’ faculty or university
 Photocopy of student card
 Proof of registration payment
10. The registration fee is included following facilities:
 2-nights accommodation in the hotel
 Transportation from the airport/station/bus station to the hotel (and vice
versa); and from the hotel to the venue (and vice versa)
 6x Meals and 3x Snacks
 Gala Dinner
 Applicants kit including ID Card, tote bag, notes, pen, pencil, eraser, folder, and
 Official IMPhO 2018 T-Shirt
 And Various activities/Performances
11. The registration payment cannot be refunded. IMPhO 2018 committee has the
authority to disqualify the following applicants:
 Applicants who register with falsified information or documents
 Applicants who do not fulfil the registration fee
 Applicants who are not fulfilling the terms and conditions for registration.
12. The registration will be closed prior to the deadline if maximum capacity is reached.
13. Applicants have to finish the registration prior to the competition.
14. Any further necessity required for re-registration will be announced later.
IMPhO 2018 House Rules

Participant should switch off the cell phone or into silent mode and, it is not allowed to take
photos and record a video during the quiz is in session

Please refrain from whispering or prompting when the participants are responding to the

Please do not clap and avoid loud cheering until the end of the final round


All participant of all teams must participate the written test. The written test itself comprises
100 true/false questions on physiology of various human body systems. A correct answer will
earn 1 point. Incorrect answer will be penalized 1 point. Total point is mean of accumulated
point whole team members. The top 16 teams from the Written Test will proceed to the Oral
Quiz Round.


The top 16 teams from the Written Quiz will be divided into 4 groups with 4 teams per group

Quarter Final Round

1. In each group, 4 University Teams with any of its member will be on stage. The
composition of the team can be only changed at the beginning of each subsequent
round except in acute pathophysiological condition afflicting the member!
2. The 1st comprising of one student from each of the 4 teams will respond to the
question. All 4 students will be given 20 seconds to respond in WRITING on a white
board to each question asked, with each student being asked 3 questions. A correct
answer is awarded 3 marks while incorrect answer will NOT be penalized.
3. The 2nd cycle of 4 students will be asked the next 3 set of questions, followed by the3rd
cycle of 6 students who will complete the final set of 3 question. In total, there will be
9 questions for each group of 4 competing teams.
4. The Highest score of each group will progress to the Semi-final Round. The 2 teams
with highest score of all round (not include, the best team of each group) will progress
to Semi-final Round. In the event of tie, the marks of written test from Day One will be
used to decide which team proceeds to Semi-final Round.

Semi-final Round

1. The Semi-final Round comprise of two groups of 3 University Teams each. Each session
comprises 3 cycles, where in each cycle, one member of each team competing
University will step forward to answer question.
2. Question will be directed to 1st student where the question will be read twice and the
student given 15 second to respond. A correct answer will earn 3 points with no penalty
for a wrong answer.
3. If the answer is wrong (or there is no response in given time), the question is open for
other teams by pressing the buffer. The team press the buzzer faster can answer the
question. Quick time response is allowed only after the Master Quiz has announced
“The answer is Wrong”. Premature buzzer will be penalized 1 mark. A correct 2nd
response will be earned 2 points and Incorrect answer will be penalized 1 mark.
4. Question two and three will be directed to 2nd and 3rd students respectively. After the
first cycle, the next 3 students will compete, then the third cycle of students will
compete. Each session of 3 Teams will thus have a total of 9 questions.
5. In the event of a tie during Semi-final Round, the written scores of the teams from Day
One will be used to decide.
6. The Highest score of each group will progress to the Grand-final Round. One team with
highest score in Semi-final Round (not include, the best team of each group) will
progress to Grand-final Round. In the event of tie, the marks of written test from Day
One will be used to decide which team proceeds to Grand-final Round.
Grand-final Round

1. In general, the rules are the same as the Semi-final round

2. In the event of tie, the question will be asked to those themes.
Prof. DR. Cheng Hwee Ming, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Master Quiz of Indonesian Medical Physiology Olympiad (IMPhO) 2018

IMPhO 2017 Documentation


Sherwood L., Human Physiology from Cell to System, 9 th edition.

Silverthorn DU, Human Physiology An Integrated Approach, 7th edition

Costanzo LS, Physiology, 5th edition

Guyton A and Hall JE, Medical Physiology, 13th edition


Friday, April 20th, 2018

Dresscode: Official IMPhO 2018 T-Shirt

(Indonesia Activity
Western Time)
07.00 – 07.30 Arrival
07.30 – 08.30 Registration
08.30 – 08.40 Opening
08.40 – 09.10 Explanation of quiz rules by dr. Kristanti
Mobilization of participants and accompanying
09.10 – 09.30
09.30 – 09.45 Written test preparation
09.45 – 10.45 Written test for participants
10.45 – 13.00 Friday prayer and lunch break

City Tour

Dresscode: Official IMPhO 2018 T-Shirt

(Indonesia Activity
Western Time)
13.00 – 13.45 Travel to Tugu Pahlawan, Surabaya
Arrive at Tugu Pahlawan: Photo session, visit
13.45 – 14.45
Museum Tugu Pahlawan
14.45 – 15.30 Transfer to hotel
Opening Ceremony and Gala Dinner

Dresscode: For the ladies: A formal dress, or formal dressy skirt and top
For the man: A formal wear with suspender, or bow-tie, or tie
(Indonesia Activity
Western Time)
18.00 – 18.30 Opening
18.30 – 18.40 Welcome Dance

(Indonesia Activity
Western Time)
18.40 – 18.50 Welcome Speech
Head of Physiology Department Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Airlangga
18.50 – 19.00 Opening Speech
Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga
19.00 – 19.10 Opening act
19.10 – 19.25 Cultural performance from participant
19.25 – 21.00 Band Performance and Dinner

Saturday, April 21th, 2018

(Indonesian Activity
Western Time)
06.30 – 07.00 Re-registration
07.00 – 08.00 Campus Tour
08.00 – 08.15 Announcement of teams who pass to oral quiz
Technical meeting for Oral Quiz by Prof. DR. Cheng
08.15 – 09.00
Hwee Ming
09.00 – 11.55 Oral Quiz : Quarterfinal Round
11.55 – 13.05 Oral Quiz : Semi-final Round
13.05 – 13.45 Pray, lunch break
13.45 – 14.00 Stand up comedy
14.00 – 15.00 Oral Quiz : Grand Final Round
15.00 – 16.00 Awarding and closing ceremony

Find us at

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga

Prof. Dr. Moestopo St. 47 Surabaya, East Java 60132

E-mail :
LINE Messenger : @uvv6765e
Instragram : impho2018
Facebook : IMPhO Unair

Contact Persons

Adam Surya Romadhon

081 343 088 089

Faradila Budi Saputri

085 732 140 317

Pandit Bagus Tri Saputra

085 649 015 975

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