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Foundation English (Level 1) Course Syllabus

Course Information
Course Name: Foundation English Level 1
Course Code: 812001
Contact Hours: 20
Credit Hours: None
Pre-requisites: TOEFL (institutional) score below 400

Faculty Information
Contact Tel.: Cell phone:
Office Number: Building:
Office Hours:

Course Description
The Foundation English Program is part of a package of programs which prepares students to
cope with university education. It mainly aims at bridging the gap between school and university
education. The English Program consists of a number of competencies: reading, writing,
listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, critical thinking skills, and self-learning. A
multimedia component of the program is also available to reinforce the language skills and to
support independent learning.

Level 1
This is an integrated Basic/Low Intermediate level course that develops students' receptive skills
(reading and listening) and productive skills (writing and speaking), reviews basic knowledge
and use of grammar and vocabulary, and encourages independent learning and critical thinking.
Classroom learning is reinforced with a variety of Multimedia programs and special websites for
student's supplementary materials and self- assessment.

Course Objectives
1. Understand and use effective aural strategies to process spoken language.
2. Communicate orally in English for personal, social, and academic purposes.
3. Apply critical thinking skills in reading and writing.
4. Read and comprehend texts of varying length at basic/low intermediate level.
5. Develop knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.
6. Understand and use effective writing skills to express ideas/give information.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course students are expected to be able to do the following:-

1. Critical thinking skills: Recognize personal attitudes and preferences

Evaluate and classify information in a text
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of things
Interpret cartoons, graphs, pictures, maps
Infer word meaning from context
Draw conclusions
Propose solutions
Distinguish between opinion and fact

2. Listening tasks: Listen for main ideas and details

Interpret speaker's tone and attitude
Relate listening to personal experience
Synthesize information from two listening texts
Listen and take notes on details using an outline/ chart
Compare and contrast information from two listening texts

3. Speaking tasks: Express and defend opinions

Act out a conversation
Role- play different situations
Interview people on various topics

4. Pronunciation: Recognize stress patterns of nouns and adjectives, numbers,

5. Reading tasks: Read for main ideas

Scan for details
Make predictions
Relate personal experience to the text
Synthesize information from two texts
Summarize information in a text using (graphic organizer)

6. Writing tasks: Compose a paragraph.

Compose a paragraph to describe something (person, place and object).
Form basic sentences with correct word order.
Combine simple sentences to make compound sentences.
Write complete sentences.
Use basic punctuation.
Spell common words.
Use basic lexis appropriately.
Distinguish between informal/formal register

7. Vocabulary: Demonstrate knowledge of word definitions, synonyms, antonyms,

prefixes, association, dictionary work, appropriate usage

8. Grammar: Recognize the simple present tense.

Recognize the present progressive tense.
Demonstrate understanding of the simple past tense.
Recognize the future tenses will and going to.
Use subject pronouns.
Identify basic parts of speech.
Use prepositions of place and time.
Use basic adjectives.
Use the simple past tense.
Use the simple present tense and present progressive tense.
Use the simple future tense.
Recognize articles.
Teaching Methods
The following are the main principles and techniques but are by no means the only methods.


• Creating a student-centered environment where the students are responsible for learning.
The role of the teacher is mainly that of a facilitator, communicator, moderator, prompter
and an assessor.
• Using collaborative approaches (peer support and feedback)

• Individual, pair and group work
• Brainstorming activities
• Breeding critical thinking skills through discussions
• Relating topics and themes- as much as possible- to students' background and culture

Assessment Policy and Tools

Students will be assessed on the following:

1) Writing Portfolio
2) Oral Presentation
3) Speaking activities, such as an interview and role-play
4) Reading Projects
5) Class work
6) Participation
7) Multimedia work
8) Midterm and Final exams

The weighting is 65% exams and 35% class work. The pass mark is 60 %.

Following is the breakdown of grades for the Final Exam, Mid-term Exam and continuous
assessment by component:
Evaluation tool Course Components Total
Reading Writing Listening Speaking Grammar MM
Reading Project 4 4

Writing 10 10
10 (6 - 10
Speaking present. + 4
Assessment - 2 speaking
Class work 3 2 5
Participation 2 2 2 6
Mid term Exam 9 7 5 4 25
Final Exam 14 11 9 6 40
Total 28 29 18 11 12 2 100

Grades for the course will be assigned as follows:

90-100 % A
85-89 % B+
80-84 % B
75-79 % C+
70-74 % C
65-69 % D+
60-64 % D
59.4 % or below F

Grading Rubrics and Criteria for the Writing Portfolio, Reading project and Oral presentation are
attached at the end of the document.

Description of exams and assessment

You will have to complete the following:

1. A writing portfolio comprising 4 assignments.

2. A reading project comprising 2 assignments.
3. Oral presentations/speaking activities following a framework provided by the teacher.
4. Class work on reading, listening, grammar, and speaking as set by the teacher –following
suggested guidelines.
5. One mid-term examination on reading, writing, listening, and grammar – April 26 (Saturday).
6. A final examination on reading, writing, listening and grammar – June 7 (Saturday).

Teaching Activities and Tasks:

• Text-based activities
• Small and large group discussions
• Exploration of theme
• Lecture and exposition
• Pre-review of vocabulary
• Reading Project (Assessment Information Attached)
• Writing Portfolio (Including product and process: assessment information attached)
• Oral presentation
• Quizzes
• Debates
• Other activities as assigned by instructor

Student Responsibilities and Attendance Policies and Procedures
Class attendance is compulsory. In accordance with University regulations, a student’s absence
cannot exceed 25% of the total number (entire semester) of class meetings. If your absence rate

exceeds 25%, including both excused and unexcused absences, you will NOT be allowed to take
the final examination and will receive an ‘F barred’ grade for the course.
If you are absent for a scheduled class test, assessed classwork (group discussions) or a quiz, a
make-up test, classwork, or a quiz will NOT be given.

If you are absent for the common mid-semester or final examination, stringent Department and
University policies and procedures apply for make-up exams. Your course instructor can
provide further information on this. In order for you to successfully complete this course, you
must pay strict attention to your work and attendance.

Students are expected to participate actively in class because this forms part of the total mark for
the course. All homework assignments must be submitted to the instructor on time.

Classroom Discipline
1. Students are expected to be punctual (every 3 late class arrivals will be counted as 1 class
absence) in class attendance and to conduct themselves in an adult and professional manner.
2. The use of mobile telephones inside the classroom is NOT allowed.
3. Any student disciplinary issues, which may arise, will be referred to the Head of the
English Department. Additional information on student classroom conduct will be given to
you by your course instructors.

Learning Resources
The required textbooks:
1. NorthStar 2nd Ed. Basic/Low Intermediate Listening/ Speaking Student Book
2. NorthStar 2nd Ed. Basic/Low Intermediate Reading/ Writing Student Book
3. NorthStar 2nd Ed. Basic/Low Intermediate Writing Activity Book
4. Focus on Grammar 2 Third Edition, 2006
5. Longman Dictionary of American English
6. Supplementary materials for reading, writing & listening

Additional Sources:

 Syllabus Schedule
 Evaluation Criteria (evaluation rubrics for oral presentation, reading project,
writing portfolio)
 Multimedia Program



o As directed/documented by instructor


Speech Value and Effectiveness- Ideas, logic, original thought (10%)

o The speaker has something interesting and original to say
o The audience seems interested and convinced
o The speaker appears well prepared and knowledgeable regarding the topic and related
o The presentation seems to “make its point” or “achieve its purpose.”

Development - organization, support material (10%)

o The presentation grabs the audience's attention and gives some background information
on the topic
o The main idea (thesis) is clear.
o The presentation is clearly organized with effective introduction, body, and conclusion.
o The speaker’s ideas are supported by convincing and relevant examples, facts, and
o The speaker puts ideas together in a way that helps the audience understand them
clearly. The transitions between the parts of the presentation are smooth. The different
parts clearly fit into a unified whole. The different parts are given the right amount of

DELIVERY ( 5 % )

Manner, Body Language, Speed

o The speaker shows enthusiasm and confidence, showing interest in the audience.
o Body language support the presentation - sad, humorous, educational, etc, through
gestures, expressions, and body positioning.
o Speed: too fast / too slow / just right

LANGUAGE USE (55% points)

Fluency and Clarity (40%)

o (10%) Voice - speaker uses a clear voice that is loud enough to be heard by all.
o (10%) Fluency: weak / halting / fair/ satisfactory / good /v. good/ excellent
o (10%) Intonation and Stress: monotone / varied / mostly accurate / mostly inaccurate
o (10%) Pronunciation:
easily understood / accurate / clear / unclear / excellent / very good/ passing / poor

Grammar (10%)
o Grammar: needs improvement/very weak/weak/weak in parts/satisfactory/good/very good

Vocabulary (5%)
o Word choices support the topic and ideas: poor / pass / good
o Variety: limited / average / excellent varied / repetitive
o Usage: poor / pass / good

Reading Project
Assignment _____
Student Name:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Number. . . . . . . . . . . .

Level One Group . . . . . . . . .

Date . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A. Basic Information

Title of Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Author: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Source: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B. Content
Four Questions: main ideas and details

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C. Personal Response

Did you like the story? Why or why not? Which character / event was the most
Give specific examples and details from the story to explain your responses

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D. Learning Experience (1 point)

Mention something you learned from the story, e.g. new information / vocabulary / new






Reading Project
Assignment 2 (Non-Fiction)
Student Name:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number. . . . . . . . . . . .
Level ….. Group . . . . . . . . .
Date . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A. Basic Information

Title of Article. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Author: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Source: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B. Content

Four Questions: main ideas and details

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C. Personal Response

Did you like the article? Why or why not? Which idea or part was the most interesting?2
Give specific examples and details from the article to explain your responses

Other relevant questions may be added


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D. Learning Experience

Mention something you learned from the article, e.g. new information / vocabulary / new
ideas, etc.


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Writing Process Evaluation Rubric
Points Preparation Progress
5 Excellent All phases of writing were ready on time Shows great development,
and demonstrated effort and originality. commitment and understanding of
how to improve as a writer, responds
to feedback, and recognizes his/her
own strengths and weaknesses and
helps others see theirs.
4 Very Good All phases of writing were ready on time Shows development and improvement.
and demonstrated effort. Responds to feedback. Can recognize
own errors.

3 Satisfactory All phases of writing were ready on time. Shows some improvement though may
have depended on insights from the
teacher or other classmates.

2 Phases seemed rushed, unorganized, Does not show improvement or

Unsatisfactory careless. Did not fulfill task requirement learning in writing process.

1 Incomplete • Assignment not completed in required time. • Does not complete the writing process.

0 Not • No part of the assignment attempted. • Fails to carry out the writing process.

Writing Product Evaluation Rubric

Points Task Fulfillment Coherence and Vocabulary & Sentence

Cohesion Structure (Language)
Excellent Almost all aspects of Information is arranged Vocabulary and sentence
the question are logically, and good use structure are generally adequate
5 answered. Some minor is made of cohesive and appropriate. More complex
details may be missing, devises between/within structures are attempted with few
but the student shows a sentences. errors. A few errors in word
clear understanding of choice, word formation and
the assignment. spelling may occur, but they are
not impeding.
The question is Most of the information Makes some attempt at more
Very Good answered adequately; is organized logically. complex language, but usually
some omission of Cohesive devices are keeps to a limited range of
4 details, but still shows present with occasional vocabulary and sentence
an understanding of the inappropriate usage. structure, and greatest accuracy
assignment. is normally achieved by using
short, simple sentences. The
errors are generally non-
impeding, though there are
occasional inappropriate usages.
Word formation and spelling
errors are a little intrusive.
Much of the question is There may be only Keeps to a limited range of
Satisfactory answered in a general limited organization of vocabulary and sentence
sense. Some important points. Cohesive structures. May be frequent
3 details missing & devices are very limited errors, but meaning is
extraneous detail and are often understood.
present. inappropriate or missing
and this causes the flow
to sometimes break
Unsatisfact • A major part of the • There is little flow or • Sentence level writing too
ory question has not been logical difficult to understand.
question answered. progression. • Very limited vocabulary.
2 • Little detail is present. • It is difficult to follow
Inadequate • The content is not • Very limited control of • Extremely limited vocabulary.
1 related to the prompt. organisational features. • No apparent control of word
formation/and or spelling.
0 • Incomplete • Incomplete • Incomplete


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