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Theory of Practice Memo 1 1

Theory of Practice Memo 1

C I 280

Alison Hickey

The Pennsylvania State University

Theory of Practice Memo 1 2

Theory of Practice Memo 1


Now over 4 weeks into class, I have learned a lot about language and linguistic concepts in

educating emergent bilinguals. These concepts have an influence on instruction and assessment

of emergent bilinguals. They can also be influenced by education, for the better or worse. The

readings and films presented in the class have given me a clear understanding of these concepts

and how they are used in education.


One reoccurring theme in educating emergent bilinguals is translanguaging – the switching

between two languages in context. Furthering knowledge in both languages, a student’s first

language and English, is important to learning. Emergent bilinguals may be literate in their home

language, depending on the background they come from, which can make learning in English a

little easier. By enabling translanguaging in the classroom, emergent bilinguals can have a better

understanding of the material. It was surprising for me to learn that despite the importance of

incorporating the home language into learning English, the US education system doesn’t have

policies implementing this (García & Kelifgen, 2010). There is a belief that the English only or

subtractive system is best, which leads to a miseducation in emergent bilinguals. This approach

also has negative consequences towards English speaking students of different dialects (Cran,

2005). A dynamic bilingualism approach which promotes translanguaging can lead to more

successful multilingualism.

Another important language concept in educating emergent bilinguals is vocabulary.

Reoccurring English vocabulary words can be taught prior to instruction to foster a better

understanding of the material. The Translanguaging Guide talks about using parallel learning
Theory of Practice Memo 1 3

objectives to tie both languages together through cognates, word walls, or the Frayer model.

Vocabulary also influences instruction as it can be used as a tool to form connections between

subjects. In addition to vocabulary, emergent bilinguals should be instructed on linguistics, what

goes in to making English words and sounds. By learning common prefixes to words and their

meanings, emergent bilinguals can begin to infer what new words mean (Wong Fillmore &

Snow, 2001). Teaching emergent bilinguals vocabulary and linguistics helps to break down


Applications to Future Practices

The readings and films have started to give me knowledge that I can apply to my future as an

educator potentially working with emergent bilinguals. One distinct take away is to have

differentiation. Every student who comes into the classroom with different backgrounds in

culture, language, education, and experiences. It is important to understand these differences and

be able to tailor learning to the needs of the students (Fairbarn & JonesVo, 2010). Another

application are the various instructional tools presented in the Translanguaging Guide such as the

Frayer Model and word wall to teach students important vocabulary words. In class, we talked

about multiple approaches to multilingualism. After seeing the negative effects of the subtractive

approach, I know I will want to apply additive and dynamic bilingualism in my future instruction

to better benefit emergent bilinguals (Anya, 2018). I have also gained insight on how a

collaborative classroom structure and promoting group work can benefit all students in the

classroom. I look forward to learning more about educating emergent bilinguals that I can apply

to my future practices.
Theory of Practice Memo 1 4

Works Cited
Anya. (2018). Class Discussion.
Celic, C., & Seltzer, K. (2011). Translanguaging: A CUNY-NYSIEB Guide for Educators. New
York, New York: CUNY-NYSIEB .
Cran, W. (Director). (2005). Do You Speak American [Motion Picture]. PBS.
Fairbarn, & JonesVo. (2010). The Critical Role of a General Education Teacher .
García, O., & Kelifgen, J. A. (2010). Educating Emergent Bilinguals. New York, New York:
Teachers College Press.
Wong Fillmore, L., & Snow, C. E. (2001). What Teachers Need to Know About Language.

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