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Health Unit Final Assessment

Due: ____/____ Points: 100

Assessment Rationale
This is a summative evaluation utilizing performance assessment and an analytic
rubric. Having students perform through alternative methods such as my RAFT example,
they are more easily able to employ higher order thinking skills. This kind of assessment
also feels like a lower-stakes assessment due to the fact that it is not a test and the students
have plenty of time to prepare for it. This end of the unit activity builds on prior knowledge
and feedback that my students will have gained through the Cooperative Learning Lesson
Plan I created. This final project slightly parallels the ending product of the other lesson
plan, so students have had practice in presenting this kind of information, and this also
shows that the material is directly aligned with my objectives. It is easy for the students to
make the connection and therefore see its value, between this assessment and the
information covered in the unit; the article also emphasizes how important this connection
is in order for students to be successful. Finally, I am taking the approach that “tests” can be
learning experiences for students. While this is a test grade and a summative assessment, it
is also a research project, meaning that the student is learning a great deal. This is a word-
for-grade exchange, which has been shown to improve motivation and participation. I also
wanted to add the element of creativity and freedom with RAFT so students are more
motivated and can enjoy the process.

A. Research
To conclude our unit on health, you will be independently researching the health culture of
a Francophone country that we have not studied. You will research the four main areas that we
have focused on during this unit:

 Illness
o Provide 3 health statistics of this country
o Describe at least 3 illnesses, including symptoms that exist in your country
o Describe 3 things that cause illness in your country
o Did any sicknesses originate in this country or are greatly prevalent there?
 Treatment
o Describe the kind of treatment used most often (pharmaceuticals? Herbal
o Describe how often people get check-ups or how often people go the doctor
o Describe any treatments that come specifically from your country
o Describe the hospitals, pharmacies, and kinds of doctors (specialties) in your
 Health Care
o Describe your healthcare system. What is the model? How does it work?
o What is and is not covered by your healthcare system?
o What are the necessary steps to take to get healthcare?
o What are the necessary papers/government documents to have in order to get
 Preventative medicine
o What kind of alternative medicine is and is not used in your country?
o What is this alternative medicine used for the most often?
o Is there a type of alternative medicine only used or originated in your country?
o What is sought more often, conventional or alternative medicine? Why?

**Every bullet point must be addressed, even if it does not apply to your country. For
instance, if alternative medicine is not practiced in your country, you must explain why and
how this does or could affect the people of the country. If for any reason you cannot find
specific information on your country regarding one of the bullet points, see me!*

B. Presentation
To present the information you have gathered, you will choose a role, audience,
format, and purpose from the following table. You will mix and match from each column to
formulate your own customized presentation. If you have other ideas, you must see me to
get them approved! ALL of these options are held to the same standard and require the
same amount of work and effort. Choose a combination that will allow you to best show off
your skills and knowledge; choose wisely!

Role Audience Format Tone/Purpose

President Immortality Newspaper Entertain

Student Pharmaceutical Website Inform


Lawyer Your organs Documentary Tell a Story

Reporter General Public Magazine Instruct

Journalist Children Interview Argue

Therapist Government Brochure Explain

Detective Jury Recipe Persuade

Teacher Robots T.V. Show Evaluate

Heart Teenagers Speech Inspire

C. Rubric

What Exceed Meet Needs Does Not Meet

Requirements All 4 bullet points All 4 bullet points Some bullet points Many bullet points
are addressed in for each category are not addressed are not addressed;
(Illness, Treatment, full detail and are addressed in or explained in a lot of
HealthCare, extra relevant full detail detail information is
Preventative) information is missing
French The main idea is The main idea is The main idea is Completely
conveyed and the conveyed and is not well conveyed Incomprehensible;
language is generally and is mostly student shows
comprehensible, comprehensible; incomprehensible; misunderstanding
spoken without some hesitation lots of hesitation; and lack of
hesitation; occurs; pronunciation and practice in the
pronunciation pronunciation and intonation errors langue
and intonation intonation errors prevent
sound natural, do not prevent communication;
and vocabulary communication; usage problems
and grammar are minor problems in distort meaning
used correctly usage do not
distort meaning
Effort Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
shows great shows effort in shows minimum shows no effort,
effort and pride work through effort, creativity, creativity, and
in work through creativity and and a shallow insufficient
originality, sufficient research; level of research; research; RAFT
creativity, and in- student chose a RAFT combination is not
depth research; RAFT combination combination was clearly presented
student chose a that highlights not thoughtfully and/or not chosen
RAFT skills and talent chosen for academic
combination that purposes
showcases skills
and talent
Presentation It is evident that It is evident that It is evident that It is evident that
student practiced the student the student did student did not
before presenting practiced before not practice practice before
and speaks presenting and before presenting, presenting, speech
clearly and at an speaks clearly and speech is not is unclear and at
appropriate pace; at an appropriate always clear, and an inappropriate
student does not pace; student uses pace is pace; student is
use notecard and notecard and inconsistent; unprepared and
displays great displays sufficient student is lacks a notecard
understanding understanding of dependent on or displays heavy
and makes material notecard to know dependence on
connections in what to say notecard
subject matter

List of Francophone Countries to Choose From

Everyone will sign up for one country; once a country has been chosen in a class, it cannot
be repeated. These will be selected on a first come, first serve basis; however, you have
until tomorrow to look up different countries to make an informed decision. If there is a
country that you are already absolutely sure that you want, you may see me at the end of
class to claim it.

 Democratic Republic of the Congo

 Madagascar
 Cameroon
 Ivory Coast
 Niger
 Burkina Faso
 Mali
 Senegal
 Chad
 Rwanda
 Belgium
 Burundi
 Benin
 Haiti
 Switzerland
 Togo
 Central African Republic
 Republic of the Congo
 Gabon
 Djibouti
 Equatorial Guinea
 Comoros
 Luxembourg
 Vanuatu
 Seychelles
 Monaco

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