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Exit Tickets

Adelynn Torchia, Kiarra Roundtree

At the End of Lesson 1
Performance Based Assessment Strategy: Students will draw a design that
represents something about them. It must be related to their interests,
experiences, or personality.

Exit Ticket: Students will fill out an ‘About Me’ T-chart with 3 categories:
interests, experiences, and personality. Each column should have at least 5
different examples

Assessment: The teacher will be able to use this chart as a reference when
assessing how the students designs represent them
At the End of the Unit
Essential Question: How can our initials represent more than just our

Exit Ticket: At the end of the unit, students will write a reflection on
their finished initials, explaining what their design says about them (why
they chose certain colors, images, etc.) and how they represent more
than just their name

Assessment: The teacher will be able to use their responses to assess

whether or not they can answer the essential question of the unit

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