Webquest On Extinct

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Hart’s 3rd Grade Webquest Lesson on Extinction

~Using this website: ​http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/index.html
~Please go to the extinction tab

1. How many mass extinctions have occurred since there has been life on Earth?

2. How many years ago did the dinosaurs vanish from the world?

3. Why could have the continental drift help cause the extinction of dinosaurs?

4. What percentage or number of all species that have lived on Earth are now extinct?

5. What one species do scientist claim, could be at fault for mass extinctions?

6. What are the four hypothesis listed that scientist have listed for causes of extinction in
7. What do you think was the major cause of dinosaurs extinction?

8. Would you want to live in the world where dinosaurs roamed Earth? Why or why not?

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