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lVi th t11e origixlal instnune t, ? nabedian's (1980) view tllat \)<\ti.e11t

saU . as th e base for proceeding with a concept analysis of patien t sat\ sfac-

tlJe hea1u1 La • c p1u viue1- meets the expectation s and va\ues of t\

A ':l r p, if 1 f t nf ;::i r onr P nt ':) "Y'\ '"' 1, 7'"' .... - - ..._ • • • •

pauen..._ defined as "the patient's subj ective evaluation of the cognitive /

1-esponse rnat resu1rs trom the inte1-action of tl1e patie·
of n ursing care and the patien t's perceptions of actLl<
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