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Karpagam Academy Of Higher Education

(Under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956)

COIMBATORE - 641 021
(For the candidates admitted from 2015 onwards)

Time: 3 Hours Maximum: 100 Mark

PART - A (1 x 20 = 20 Marks)

PART – B (5 x16 = 80 Marks)

Answer All the Questions

21. a) The crank pin circle radius of a horizontal engine is 300 mm. The mass of
the reciprocating parts is 250 kg. When the crank has travelled 60° from
LDC, The difference between the driving and back pressures is
0.35 N/mm2.The connecting rod length between center is 1.2 m and the
Cylinder bore is 0.5 m. if the engine runs at 250 rpm and if the effect of
piston rod diameter is neglected, calculate:
(i) Pressure on the slide bars (ii) Thrust in the connecting rod
(iii) Tangential force on the crank-pin (iv) Turning moment on the crank shaft.

b) The turning moment diagram for a petrol engine is drawn to a scale of 1mm to 6N-
m and the horizontal scale of 1mm to 1°.The turning moment repeats itself after every
half revolution of the engine. The area above and below the mean torque line are 305,
710, 50,350,980 and 275mm2. The mass of rotating parts is 40kg at a radius of
gyration of 140mm. Calculate the coefficient of fluctuation of speed if the mean speed
is 1500rpm.
22. a) Four masses A, B, C and D as shown below are to be completely balanced.
Mass(kg) _ 30 50 40
Radius(mm) 180 240 120 150
The planes containing masses B and C are 300mm apart. The angle between planes
containing B and C is 900. B and C makes an angle of 210 o and 120o respectively with
D in the same sense. Find (i) The magnitude and the angular position of mass A (ii)
The position of planes A and D

b) The following data apply to an outside cylinder uncoupled locomotive:

Mass of a rotating parts per cylinder = 360 kg; mass of reciprocating
parts per cylinder = 300 kg; angle between cranks = 90°; crank radius =
0.3 m; cylinder centers = 1.75 m; radius of balance masses = 0.75 m;
wheel centers = 1.45 m. If whole of the rotating and two-thirds of
reciprocating parts are to be balanced in planes of the driving wheels,
find: (i) Magnitude and angular positions of balance masses. (ii)speed in kilometers per hour at
which the wheel will lift of the rails
when the load on each driving wheel is 30 KN and the diameter of
tread of driving wheels is 1.8 m, and
(iii) Swaying couple.
23.a) The measurements on a mechanical vibrating system show that it has a mass of
8kg and that the spring can be combined to give an equivalent spring of stiffness
5.4N/mm. if the vibrating system has a dashpot attached which exerts a force of 40N
when the mass has a velocity of 1m/s, find
i)Critical damping coefficient, ii)Damping factor
iii)Logarithmic decrement iv)Ratio of two consecutive amplitudes.
b) A shaft 50 mm diameter and 3 metres long is simply supported at the ends and
carries three loads of 1000 N, 1500 N and 750 N at 1 m, 2 m and 2.5 m from the left
support. The Young's modulus for shaft material is 200 GN/m2. Find the frequency of
transverse vibration.
24.a) A machine having a mass of 100kg and supported on spring of total stiffness
7.84×105N/m has unbalanced rotating elements which result in a disturbing force of
392N at a speed of 3000rpm. Assume the damping factor as 0.2 determine
i)Amplitude of motion due to unbalance ii)Transmissibility iii)Force transmitted
b) The two rotors A and B are attached to the end of a shaft 500 mm long. The mass of
the rotor A is 300 kg and its radius of gyration is 300 mm. The corresponding values of
the rotor B are 500 kg and 450 mm respectively. The shaft is 70 mm in diameter for the
first 250 mm; 120 mm for the next 70 mm and 100 mm diameter for the remaining
length. The modulus of rigidity of the shaft materials is 80GN/m 2.
Find:(i) the position of the node and (ii) The frequency of torsional vibration.
25.a) A porter governor with links 150 mm long has a line of pivot points offset by 30 mm from
the vertical axis of the governor. There are two fly mass each equal to 1.75 kg and the central
sleeve equal to 25kg. In the configurations when the angles of inclination of the links to the
governor axis are 30˚, the governor sleeve start lifting at the 300 r.p.m. If the friction between the
sleeve end the spindle is constant, determine the higher and the lower end speed of operations of
governor in the configuration when the angles made by the links are 45˚ each.

b) The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 20 tones and a radius of gyration 0.75.Its speed is
2000rpm.The ship pitches 6° above and below the horizontal position .One complete oscillation
takes 18 seconds and the motion is simple harmonic. Determine
(i)the maximum couple tending to shear the holding down bolt of the turbine.
(ii)The maximum angular acceleration of the ship during pitching.
(iii)The direction in which the bow will tend to turn while, if the rotation of the rotor is clockwise
when looking from the rear.
Reg. No ----------------------------
[15BEME504 ]
(Under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956)
COIMBATORE - 641 021
(For the candidates admitted from 2015 onwards)



Time: 3 Hours Maximum: 100 Marks

PART - A (1 x 20 = 20 Marks)

1. Maximum fluctuation of energy of a flywheel is proportional to

a) difference of maximum and minimum speeds of flywheel
b) sum of maximum and minimum speeds of flywheel
c) difference of square of maximum and minimum speeds of flywheel
d) Square of mean speed of flywheel
2. Coefficient of fluctuation of energy is
a) the variation of energy above and below the mean resisting torque
b) difference between the maximum and minimum energies divided by M.I of flywheel
c) the ratio of the maximum and fluctuation of energy to the work done per cycle
d) None of these
3. D'Alembert's principle states that the inertia forces and torques and external forces under____________
acting on body together results in static equilibrium
a)external torque b)internally applied torque
c)External force d)None of these
4. D'Alembert's principle used to deduce a ______ problem in to an equivalent problem of ____________
a)Analytical, Graphical b)Dynamic analysis , Static equilibrium
c)Graphical , Analytical d)All of these
5. If we are going to balance the masses which is Reciprocating means
a)Balancing of Rotating b)Balancing of Reciprocating
c)Both A & D d)None of these
6. In Balancing of single rotating mass by introducing a single mass on the same plane, mr=
a)mb + rb b)mb - rb
b)mb / rb d)mb * rb
7. The product of mass and radius is known as
a)area moment b)moment of inertia
c)mass moment d)None of these
8. In Balancing of single rotating mass by introducing a single mass on the same plane, the forces acting
on the shaft should be equal to
a)Unbalanced Mass b)Balancing Mass
c)Zero d)None of these
9. The factor which affects the critical speed of a shaft is
a)diameter of the disc b)span of the shaft
c)eccentricity d)All of these
10. The equation of motion for a vibrating system with viscous damping is d²x/dt²+c/m (dx/dt) +sx/m=0 if
the roots of this equation are real, then the system will be
a)over damped b)under damped
c)critically damped d)both over damped & under damped
11. In under damped vibrating system, if x1 and x2 are the successive values of the amplitude on the same
side of the mean position, then the logarithmic decrement is equal to
a)x1/x2 b)log(x1/x2)
c)log(x2/x1) d)None of these
12. The ratio of the maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the deflection due to the static force
is known as
a)damping factor b)damping coefficient
c)logarithmic decrement d)magnification factor
13. The complete solution to an under-damped system subjected to ______________ excitation
a)sinusoidal b)logarithmic
c)triangular d)square
14. The __________ angle is the phase lag ny which displacement vector lags the force vector
a)Double b)180
c)phase d)None of these
15. Ratio of maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the static deflection due to static force is
known as __________ factor
a)demagnification b)magnification
c)decaling d)scaling

16. A curve between magnification factor and frequency ratio is known as _______ response curve.
a)amplitude b)frequency
c)time period d)None of these
17. In Diesel engine the governor manipulates ______________
a)Fuel pump b)Water pump
c)Hydraulic pump d)Alternator
18. The vertical distance between the centre of governor balls and point of intersection between the upper
arms on the axis of spindle is known as ___________ of a governor.
a)Width b)Length
c)Height d)None of these
19. The horizontal distance between the centre of governor ball and the axis of rotation is known as radius
of _____________
a)Gyration b)Rotation
c)Governor d)All of these
20. The speed at which the governor balls, arms, sleeve, etc are in complete ___________ and there is no
upward or downward movement of the sleeve on the spindle is known as equilibrium speed.
a)Equilibrium b)Static
c)Dynamic d)Kinematic
PART – B (5 x 16 =80 Marks)
Answer All the Questions
21 a) The length of crank and connecting rod of a horizontal reciprocating engine are 100mm and 500mm
Respectively. The crank is rotating at 400rpm.When the crank has turned 30° from the IDC, find
(i).Velocity of the piston (ii). Acceleration of piston
(iii). Angular velocity of connecting rod (iv). Angular acceleration of connecting rod.
b) The turning moment diagram for a petrol engine is drawn to a scale of 1mm to 6N-m and the horizontal
scale of 1mm to 1°.The turning moment repeats itself after every half revolution of the engine. The area
above and below the mean torque line are 305, 710, 50,350,980 and 275mm 2. The mass of rotating parts
is 40kg at a radius of gyration of 140mm. Calculate the coefficient of fluctuation of speed if the mean
speed is 1500rpm.

22. a) A, B, C and D are four masses carried by a rotating shaft at radii 100mm,125mm,200mm and 150mm
respectively. The planes in which the masses revolve are spaced 600mm apart and the masses of B, C
and D are 10kg, 5kg and 4kg respectively. Find the required mass ‘A’ and relative angular setting of
the four masses so that the shaft be in complete balance.
b) A two-cylinder uncoupled locomotive has inside cylinders 0.6 m apart. The radius of each crank is
300 mm and is at right angles. The revolving mass per cylinder is 250 kg and the reciprocating mass
per cylinder is 300 kg. The whole of the revolving and two-third of the reciprocating masses are to be
balanced and the balanced masses are to be placed, in the planes of rotation of the driving wheels a
radius of 0.8 m. The driving wheels are 2 m in diameter and 1.5 m apart. Determine the following
Maximum variation in tractive force, and Maximum swaying couple.

23. a) A shaft is simply supports at its ends and is of 40mm in diameter and 2.5m in length. The shaft carries
three point loads of masses 30kg, 70kg, and 45kg, at 0.5m, lm, 1.7m respectively from the left
support. The weight of the shaft per meter length is given as 73.575N. The young's modulus for the
material of the shaft is 200GN/m2. Find the critical speed of the shaft.

b) The measurements on a mechanical vibrating system show that it has a mass of 8 kg and that the springs
can be combined to give an equivalent spring of stiffness 5.4 N/mm. If the vibrating system has a
dashpot attached which exerts a force of 40 N when the mass has a velocity of 1 m/s, find : 1. critical
damping coefficient, 2. damping factor, 3. Logarithmic decrement, and 4. ratio of two consecutive

24. a) A mass attached to a spring of stiffness 600N/m has viscous damping device. When the mass was
displaced and released, the period of vibration was found to be 1.8sec, and the ratio of consecutive
amplitudes was 4.2:1. Determine the amplitude and the phase angle when a force F= 4sin 3t N acts on
the system.
b) A steel shaft 1.5 m length and 95mm in diameter for the first 0.6m of its length, 60mm in diameter for
the next 0.5m of the length and 50mm in diameter for the remaining 0.4m of its length. The shaft carries
two flywheels at two ends, the first of mass 900kg and radius of gyration 0.85m located at 95m diameter
end and second mass 700kg and radius of gyration 0.55m located at the other end. Determine the
location of node and the natural frequency of the free torsional vibration of the system. The modulus of
rigidity of the shaft material is 80GN/m2.
25. a) A porter governor has equal arms each 250mm long and pivoted on the axis of rotation. Each ball has a
mass of 5kg and mass of the central load on the sleeve is 25kg.The radius of rotation of the ball is
150mm when the governor is at maximum speed. Find the maximum and minimum speed and range of
speed of the governor.
b) The rotor of a turbine rotates at 1200rpm clockwise when viewed from stern. The rotor has a mass of
750 kg and radius of gyration of 250mm.Find the maximum gyroscopic couple transmitted to the hull
when yacht pitches with a maximum angular velocity of 1 rad/s. What is the effect of this couple?

Reg. No ----------------------------
[15BEME504 ]
(Under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956)
COIMBATORE - 641 021
(For the candidates admitted from 2015 onwards)



Time: 3 Hours Maximum: 100 Marks

PART - A (1 x 20 = 20 Marks)
1. Coefficient of steadiness is the
a) Square of coefficient of fluctuation of speed
b) Square of Coefficient of fluctuation of energy
c) ratio of the maximum energy and minimum energy
d) Reciprocal of co-efficient of fluctuation of speed
2. A pair of action and reaction forces which constrain two connected bodies to behave in a particular
manner are known as ______
a)Applied force b)Constraint forces
c)Static forces d)Dynamic forces
3. A member under the action of two forces will be in equilibrium if the forces are of the ____________,
act along the _______ and are in ________
a) Same magnitude, Same line and same direction
b) Same magnitude, perpendicular direction , same direction
c) Same magnitude , Same line and opposite direction
d) All of these
4. A member under the action of three forces will be in equilibrium if the resultant of the forces is zero and
the lines of action of forces intersect at a point is known as __________
a)equilibrium b)Point of concurrency
c)central d)zero
5. In Balancing of single rotating mass by introducing two balancing masses, the couple should be equal to
a)unbalanced Mass b)Balancing Mass
c)None of the above d)Both A & B
6. If the Force polygon closes in loop, then the system is called___________
a)Steady b)Un-Steady
c)Un-Balanced d)Balanced
7. A system of rotating masses is said to be in __________ balance if the combined mass centre of the
system lies on the axis of rotation?
a)Balanced b)unbalanced
c)Dynamic d) Static
8. A system of rotating masses is said to be in __________ balance when there does not exist any resultant
centrifugal forces as well as couple?
a)Balanced b)unbalanced
c)Dynamic d)Static
9. In vibration isolation system, if W/Wn is less than √δ then for all values of the damping factor the
transmissibility will be
a)less than unity b)equal to unity
c)greater than unity d)zero
10. In vibration isolation system if W/Wn >1 then the phase difference between the transmitted force and
the disturbing force is
a)0º b)90º
c)180º d)270º
11. The fn of the torsional vibrations of a shaft is
a)2π√q/I b)1/2π√q.I
c)1/2π√q/I d)1/2π√qI
12. At a modal point in a shaft the amplitude of torsional vibration is
a)zero b)minimum
c)maximum d)None of these
13. A curve between phase angle and frequency ratio is known as phase _______ response curve.
a)Amplitude b) frequency
c)time period d)None of these
14. In many applications, the excitation is applied through the ________ instead of being applied to the
a)base b)support
c)All of these d)None of these
15. Frequency ratio =
a)ω+ωn b)ω-ωn
c)ω*ωn d)ω/ωn
16. In order to prevent these vibrations or to minimize the transmission of forces to the foundation, the
machines are usually mounted on _____ materials
a)springs b)dampers
c)vibration isolating d)All of these
17. The speed at the mean position of the balls or the sleeve is known as _____________ Equilibrium.
a)Average b)Variance
b)Mean d)None of these
18. The speed at the maximum radius of rotation of the balls without tending to move either way are
known as _____________ equilibrium speeds.
a)Minimum b)Maximum
c)Variance d)Mean
19. The speed at the minimum radius of rotation of the balls without tending to move either way are
known as _____________ equilibrium speeds.
a)Minimum b)Maximum
c)Variance d)Mean
20. The vertical distance travelled by the sleeve on the spindle due to change in equilibrium speed is
termed as sleeve _______________.
a)Width b)Height
c)Dwell d)Lift

PART – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

Answer All the Questions

21. a) A vertical single-cylinder engine has a cylinder of 250mm and stroke length of 450mm. The
reciprocating parts have a mass of 180kg. The connecting rod is four times the crank radius and the
speed is 360 rpm. When the crank has turned through an angle at 45 o from top dead centre, the net
pressure on the piston is 1.05 MN/m2. Calculate the effective turning moment on the crankshaft for this
position and also other the forces acting.
b) The turning moment diagram for a multi-cylinder engine has been drawn to scale of 1mm = 4500 N-m
vertically and 1mm = 2.4 o horizontally. The intercepted areas between output torque curve and mean
resistance line taken in order from one end are 342, 230, 245, 303, 115, 232, 227 and 164 mm 2 when the
engine is running at 150 rpm. If the masses of the flywheel is 1000kg and the total fluctuation of speed
does not exceed 3% of the mean speed, find the min value of the radius of gyration.
22. a)
A shaft carries four rotating masses A, B, C and D in this order along its axis. The mass A may be
assumed to be concentrated at radius A of 18 cm, B of 24 cm, C of 12 cm and D of 15 cm. The masses
of B, C and D are 30 kg, 50 kg and 40 kg respectively. The planes containing B and C are 30 cm apart.
The angular spacing of the planes containing C and D are 90° and 210° respectively relative to B
measured in the same plane. If the shaft and masses are to be in complete dynamic balance,
Find: (i)The mass and the angular position of mass A (ii)The position of planes A and D.
b) The cranks of a two-cylinder uncoupled inside cylinder locomotive are at right angles and are 300
mm long. The distance between centre lines is 650 mm. The wheel central lines are 1.6 metres apart.
The reciprocating mass per cylinder is 300 kg. The driving wheel diameter is 1.8 metres. If the
hammer blow is not to exceed 45 kN at 100 km/hr, determine :
i) The fraction of the reciprocating masses to be balanced
ii) The variations in tractive effort; and The maximum swaying couple
23. a) In a single degree of damped vibration system a suspended mass of 8kg makes 30
oscillations in 18 seconds. The amplitude decreases in 18 seconds. The amplitude
decreases to 0.25 of the initial value after 5 oscillations. Determine (i) the spring stiffness
(ii) logarithmic decrement (iii) damping factor (iv) Damping coefficient.
b) A shaft of length 0.75 m, supported freely at the ends, is carrying a body of mass 90 kg at
0.25 m from one end. Find the natural frequency of transverse vibration. Assume E = 200
GN/m2 and shaft diameter = 50 mm.

24. a) A mass attached to a spring of stiffness 600N/m has viscous damping device. When the mass was
displaced and released, the period of vibration was found to be 1.8sec, and the ratio of consecutive
amplitudes was 4.2:1. Determine the amplitude and the phase angle when a force F= 4sin 3t N acts on
the system.

b) Three rotors A, B and C having moment of inertia of 2000, 6000 and 3500kgm2
respectively are carried on uniformly shaft of 0.35m diameter. The length of the shaft
between the rotors A and B is 6m and C is 32m. Find the natural frequency of the torsional
vibrations. The modulus of rigidity for the shaft material is 80GN/m2.

25. a) The lengths of the upper and lower arms of a Porter governor are 200 mm and 250 mm respectively.
Both the arms are pivoted on the axis of the rotation. The central load is 150 N, the weight of each ball
is 20 N and the friction of the sleeve together with the resistance of the operating gear is equivalent to a
force of 30 N at the sleeve. If the limiting inclinations of the upper arms to the vertical are 30° and 40°.
Determine the range of the speed of the governor.
b) Explain the effect of Gyroscopic couple on
(i) Naval ship during pitching.
(ii) Aero plane.

Reg. No ----------------------------
[15BEME504 ]
(Under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956)
COIMBATORE - 641 021
(For the candidates admitted from 2015 onwards)



Time: 3 Hours Maximum: 100 Marks

PART - A (1 x 20 = 20 Marks)
1. A free body diagram is a sketch of diagram of a part isolated from the mechanism in order to determine
the _______
a)nature of forces acting on it b)the unbalance forces
c)deformation of all the body d)None of these
2._________ analysis done by neglecting the inertia forces produced due to their masses
a)Dynamic force analysis b)Static force analysis
c)Resultant force analysis d)None of these
3. When the inertia effect due to the mass of the components is also considered, it is called________
a)Static force analysis b)Resultant force analysis
c)Dynamic force analysis d)None of these
4. Forces acting from outside on a system of bodies are called________
a)Constraint force b)Applied force
c)Equivalent force d)None of these
5. What is the type of balancing if the following condition is satisfied; the net dynamic forces acting on the
shaft should be equal to zero.
a)Static b)Dynamic
c)Kinetic d)Kinematic
6. What is the type of balancing if the following condition is satisfied; the algebraic sum of moments
about any point in the plane should be equal to zero.
a)Static b)Dynamic
c)Kinetic d)Kinematic

7. The net couple due to the dynamic forces acting on the shaft is equal to zero means
a)Static b)Dynamic
c)Kinetic d)Kinematic
8. In which method we will balance the several masses which are rotating in different planes?
a)Analytical b)Graphical
c)Dalby's Method d)None of these
9. A shaft carrying two rotors as its ends will have
a)no node b)one node
c)two node d)three nodes
10. If the periodic motion continuous after the cause of original distance is removed then the body is said
to be under
a)natural vibration b)forced vibration
c)damped vibration d)undamped vibration
11. When the body vibrates under the influence of external force then the body is said to be under
a)natural vibration b)forced vibration
c)damped vibration d)undamped vibration
12. If no energy is lost or dissipated in friction or other resisting force during vibration such vibration is
known as
a)natural vibration b)forced vibration
c)damped vibration d)undamped vibration
13. The process of reducing of the machins and hence reducing the transmitted forces to the foundation
using vibration ________ materials is called vibration isolation
a)isolating b)reducing
c)all of the above d)None of these
14. ___________________ is a measure of the effectiveness of the vibration isolating material
a)transmissibility b)permeability
c)durability d)None of these

15. _____ transmissibility is defind as the ratio of the force transmitted to the force applied on the system.
a)effort b)load
c)force d)stress
16. ωn=
a)√s/m b)(s/m)^(0.5)
c)(s/m)^(1/2) d)All of these
17. Force exerted by the fly balls radially _______________ is known as centrifugal force of a governor.
a)Parallel b)Perpendicular
c)Inward d)Outward
18. The centripetal force exerted by the fly balls is known as __________ force of the governor.
a)Counter acting b)Controlling
c)Centripetal d)Centrifugal
19. The mean force acting on the sleeve for a given lift of the sleeve is known as _____________ effort.
a)Mean b)Variance
c)Governor d)None of these
20. Power =
a)Mean effort + Lift of sleeve b)Mean effort - Lift of sleeve
c)Mean effort * Lift of sleeve d)Mean effort / Lift of sleeve

PART – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

Answer All the Questions

21. a) A horizontal steam engine running at 240 rpm has a bore of 300mm and stroke 600mm. The connecting
rod is 1.25m long and the mass of reciprocating parts is 60kg. When the crank is 60 o past its inner dead
centre, the steam pressure on the cover side of the piston is 1.125N/mm 2 while that on the crank side is
0.125N/mm2. Neglecting the area of the piston rod, Determine: a) The various forces acting on the
cylinders and b) The turning moment on the crankshaft.

b) The turning moment diagram for the engine is drawn to the following scales: turning moment, 1mm=
1000N-m and crank angle, 1mm = 6o. The areas above and below the mean turning moment line taken
in order are: 530, 330, 380, 470, 180, 360, 350, & 280mm 2. The mean speed of the engine is 150rpm
and the total fluctuation of speed must not exceed 3.5% of mean speed. Determine the mass of the
flywheel. Take density of the material as 7200kg/m 3.

22. a)1. A shaft carries four rotating masses A, B ,C and D which are completely balanced. The masses B, C
and D are 50 kg, 80 kg and 70 kg respectively. The masses C and D make angles of 90 o and 195o
respectively with mass B in the same sense. The masses A, B, C and D are concentrated at radius 75
mm, 100 mm, 50 mm and 90 mm respectively. The plane of rotation of masses B and C are 250 mm
apart. Determine (i)The magnitude of mass A and its angular position, and (ii)The position of planes
A and D.
The following data refer to a two cylinder locomotive:
b) Rotating mass per cylinder = 300 kg; Reciprocating mass per cylinder = 330 kg; Distance between
wheels = 1500 mm; Distance between cylinder centres = 600 mm; Diameter of treads of driving
wheels = 1800 mm; Crank radius = 325 mm; Radius of centre of balance mass = 650 mm;
Locomotive speed = 60 km/hr; Angle between cylinder cranks = 90 o;
Dead load on each wheel = 40 kN. Determine (i)The swaying couple,(ii)The variation in the tractive
force,(iii)The maximum and minimum pressure on the rails.
23. a) A shaft of diameter 10mm carries at its centre a mass of 12kg.It is supported by two short
bearings the distance of which is 400mm.Find the whirling speed (i) neglecting the mass
of the shaft(ii)taking the mass of the shaft also into consideration. The density of the shaft
material is 7500kg/m3.Take E=200GN/m2.

b) A machine of mass 75 kg is mounted on springs and is fitted with a dashpot to damp out vibrations.
There are three springs each of stiffness 10 N/mm and it is found that the amplitude of vibration
diminishes from 38.4 mm to 6.4 mm in two complete oscillations. Assuming that the damping force
varies as the velocity, determine : 1. the resistance of the dashpot at unit velocity ; 2. the ratio of the
frequency of the damped vibration to the frequency of the undamped vibration ; and 3. the periodic time
of the damped vibration.
24. a) A machine having a mass of 100Kg and supported on spring of total stiffness 7.84×10 5N/m has an
unbalanced rotating element which results in a disturbing force of 392N at a speed of 3000r.p.m.
Assume the damping factor as 0.2 determine
i. Amplitude of motion due to unbalance
ii. Transmissibility and Force transmitted
b) A steel shaft ABCD 1.5m long has flywheels at its ends A and D. Flywheel A is of mass
500kg and has a radius of gyration of 600mm and flywheel D is of mass 700kg and has a
radius of gyration of 900mm.the connecting shaft has a diameter of 50mm for the portion
AB which is 400mm long; and has a diameter of 60mm for the portion BC which is 500mm
long and has a 'd' mm for the portion CD which is 600mm long. determine: (i) the diameter
'd' of the portion CD so that the node of the torsional vibration of the system will be at the
center of the length BC, and (ii)the natural frequency of the torsional vibrations, given that
the modulus of rigidity for steel=80GPa.

25. a) In a porter governor, the mass of the central load is 18 kg and the mass of each ball is 2 kg. the top arms
are 250 mm while the bottom arms are each 300 mm long. The friction of the sleeve is 14 N. If the top
arms make 45˚ with the axis of rotation in the equilibrium position, find the range of speed of the
governor in that position.
b) The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 20 tones and a radius of gyration 0.75.Its speed is
2000rpm.The ship pitches 6° above and below the horizontal position .One complete oscillation takes
18 seconds and the motion is simple harmonic. Determine
(i)the maximum couple tending to shear the holding down bolt of the turbine
(ii)The maximum angular acceleration of the ship during pitching
(iii)The direction in which the bow will tend to turn while, if the rotation of the rotor is clockwise when
locking from the rear.
Reg. No ----------------------------
[15BEME504 ]
(Under Section 3 of UGC Act 1956)
COIMBATORE - 641 021
(For the candidates admitted from 2015 onwards)



Time: 3 Hours Maximum: 100 Marks

PART - A (1 x 20 = 20 Marks)
1. Dynamic forces are associated with____
a)accelerating masses b)externally applied forces
c)Constraint forces d)None of these
2. Crank effort is the net effort applied at the crankpin _________ to the crank which gives the required
turning moment
a)Parallel b)Perpendicular
o o
c)at 45 d)135
3. A flywheel used in engine for
a)Storing the energy only b)control the variations is speed
c)to balance the unbalanced masses d)All of these
4. A plot of torque and the angle is known as
a)Coefficient of fluctuation of energy b)Mechanism link assembly diagram
c)Free body diagram d)None of these
5. The transfer of centrifugal forces acting in each plane to a single plane, and that single plane in termed
a)Balancing Plane b)Un-Balanced Plane
c)Reference Plane d)None of these
6. Which has gotten both rotating and reciprocating parts?
a)inline engine b)Radial engine
c)IC engine d)All of these
7. In case of _____ engines the secondary forces are of appreciable magnitude and cannot be neglected
a)Low b)Medium
c)high d)All of these
8. The secondary unbalanced force can be safely neglected for _________ speeds.
a)Low b)high
c)Medium d)All of these
9. A motion which repeats itself after equal interval of time is kown as
a)periodic motion b)time period
c)cycle d)None of these
10. The resistance to the motion of a vibrating body is
a)time period b)damping
c)amplitude d)None of these
11. When the particles of the shaft or disc moves parallel to the axis shaft then the vibration known as
a)longitudinal b)transverse
c)torsional d)None of these
12. When the particles of the shaft or disc move in a circle about the axis of the shaft then the vibration
known as
a)longitudinal b)transverse
c)Torsional d)None of these
13. Transmissibility is defind as the ratio of absolute amplitude of the mass to the base excitation
a)frequency b)amplitude
c)peek d)vibration
14. When the body vibrates under the influence of ________ force, then the body is said to be forced
a)Internal b)External
c)frictional d)proportional
15. Magnification factor is also known as _______________ magnifier
a)Static b)Kinematic
c)Kinetic d)Dynamic
16. Amplitude transmissibility=
a)Absolute amplitude/Amplitude of base excitation
b)Absolute amplitude*Amplitude of base excitation
c)Absolute amplitude+Amplitude of base excitation
d)Absolute amplitude-Amplitude of base excitation
17. The ____________ of Governor is the work done at the sleeve for a given lift of the sleeve.
a)Effort b)Power
c)Work done d)Work given
18. When the arms intersect at the spindle axis is known as _____________ type watt governor.
a)Pinned b)Closed
c)Fixed d)Open
19. In ___________ type of governor, the balls are controlled by a spring.
a)Watt b)Hart Nell
c)Pickering d)None of these
20. ____________ Governor is commonly used in clock and Gramophone mechanisms for speed
a)Watt b)Hart Nell
c)Pickering d)None of these
PART – B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
Answer All the Questions
21.a) The lengths of the crank and connecting rod of a horizontal engine are 200mm and 1m respectively. The
crank is rotating at 400 rpm. When the crank has turned through 30 o from the inner dead centre, the difference of
pressure between cover and piston rod is 0.4N/mm 2. If the mass of the reciprocating parts is 100kg and cylinder
bore is 0.4m, then calculate (i)Inertia force, (ii) Force on piston, (iii) Piston effort, (iv) Thrust on the sides of the
cylinder walls, (v) Thrust in the connecting rod and Crank effort.

b) The turning moment diagram for a multi-cylinder engine has been drawn to scale of 1mm = 4500 N-m
vertically and 1mm = 2.4 o horizontally. The intercepted areas between output torque curve and mean resistance
line taken in order from one end are 342, 23, 245, 303, 115, 232, 227 and 371 mm 2 , when the engine is running at
150 rpm. If the masses of the flywheel is 1000kg and the total fluctuation of speed not to exceed 3% of mean
speed. find the min value of the radius of gyration.

2. 22.a) A rotating shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D which are radially attached to it. The mass centres are
30 mm, 38 mm, 40 mm and 35 mm respectively from the axis of rotation. The masses A, C and D are 7.5 kg, 5
kg and 4 kg respectively. The axial distances between the planes of rotation of A and B is 400 mm and between
B and C is 500 mm. The masses A and C are at right angles to each other. Find for a complete distance :
a) The angle between the masses B and D from mass A,
b) The axial distance between the planes of rotation of C and D, and
c) The magnitude of mass B.
b) A twin cylinder locomotive has crank 90º apart and mass of the reciprocating parts is 300kg with crank
cylinder diameter is 0.6m.Distance between the driving wheel control planes is 1.55m with driving wheel
diameter is 1.8m. Determine
i. The fraction of the reciprocating masses to be balanced, if the hammer blow is not to exceed 40KN at
ii. Variation in tractive effort.
iii. Swaying couple.
23. a) A shaft 1.5 m long, supported in flexible bearings at the ends carries two wheels each of 50
kg mass. One wheel is situated at the center of the shaft and the other at distance of 375 mm from
the center towards left. The shaft is hollow of external diameter 75mm and internal diameter 40
mm. The density of the material is 7700 kg/m 3 and its modulus of elasticity is 200 GN/m 2. Find
the lowest whirling speed of the shaft, taking into account the mass of the shaft.

b) The mass of a single degree damped vibrating system is 7.5 kg and makes 24 free oscillations in 14 seconds
when disturbed from its equilibrium position. The amplitude of vibration reduces to 0.25 of its initial value after
five oscillations. Determine : 1. stiffness of the spring, 2. logarithmic decrement, and 3. damping factor, i.e. the
ratio of the system damping to critical damping.

24.a) The mass of an electric motor is 120 kg and it runs at 1500 r.p.m. The armature mass is 35 kg and its C.G.
lies 0.5 mm from the axis of rotation. The motor is mounted on five springs of negligible damping so that the force
transmitted is one-eleventh of the impressed force. Assume that the mass of the motor is equally distributed among
the five springs. Determine : 1. stiffness of each spring; 2. dynamic force transmitted to the base at the
operating speed; and 3. natural frequency of the system.
b) A stepped shaft is 0.05m in diameter for the first 0.6m length, 0.08m diameter for the next 1.8m
and 0.03m diameter for the remaining 0.25m length. While the 0.05m diameter end is fixed, the
0.03m diameter end of shaft carries a rotor of mass moment of inertia 14.7kgm2. If the modulus of
rigidity of the shaft material is 83GPa, find the natural frequency of torsional oscillations, neglecting
the inertia effect of the shaft.

25.a)A porter governor with links 150 mm long has a line of pivot points offset by 30 mm from the vertical axis of
the governor. There are two fly mass each equal to 1.75 kg and the central sleeve equal to 25kg. In the
configuration when the angles of inclination of the links to the governor axis are 30˚, the governor sleeve start
lifting at the 300 r.p.m. If the friction between the sleeve end the spindle is constant, determine the higher and the
lower end speed of operations of governor in the configuration when the angles made by the links are 45˚ each.
b) The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 20 tones and a radius of gyration 0.75.Its speed is 2000rpm.The ship
pitches 6° above and below the horizontal position .One complete oscillation takes 18 seconds and the motion is
simple harmonic. Determine
(i)the maximum couple tending to shear the holding down bolt of the turbine
(ii)The maximum angular acceleration of the ship during pitching
(iii)The direction in which the bow will tend to turn while, if the rotation of the rotor is clockwise when locking
from rear.

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