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Business Information Warehouse

Reporting & Analysis

Funds Management [FM] & Budget Control Systems [BCS]
Go-Live date................................................................................................................................................ 4
Overview - Funds Management / Budget Control ...................................................................................... 4
Purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 4
Integration ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Features ................................................................................................................................................... 5
End-user section: ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Official BW Reports for Funds Management / Budget Control.................................................................. 6
Ledger reporting ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Funds center balances: Budget vs Actual ............................................................................................... 7
Report Description and Purpose: ........................................................................................................ 7
Report Parameter screen: .................................................................................................................... 7
Report Display: ................................................................................................................................... 9
See Page 33 for information on other navigational features................................................................... 9
Budget Entry Doc details ...................................................................................................................... 10
Report Description and Purpose: ...................................................................................................... 10
Report Parameter screen: .................................................................................................................. 10
Report Display: ................................................................................................................................. 11
Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report: ............................................................................... 11
Encumbrance details ............................................................................................................................. 12
Report Description and Purpose: ...................................................................................................... 12
Report Parameter screen: .................................................................................................................. 12
Report Display: ................................................................................................................................. 13
Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report: ............................................................................... 13
Purchase order details per BW FM report: “Encumbrance details”: ................................................ 13
FM Actual details.................................................................................................................................. 15
Report Description and Purpose: ...................................................................................................... 15
Report Parameter screen: .................................................................................................................. 15
Report Display: ................................................................................................................................. 16
Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report: ............................................................................... 16
Budget office reporting ............................................................................................................................. 17
Budget Narrative Report:...................................................................................................................... 17
Report Description and Purpose: ...................................................................................................... 17
Report Parameter screen: .................................................................................................................. 17
Report Display: ................................................................................................................................. 18
Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report: ............................................................................... 18
Other reporting ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Capital Projects Ledger......................................................................................................................... 20
Report Description and Purpose: ...................................................................................................... 20
Report Parameter screen: .................................................................................................................. 20
Report Display: ................................................................................................................................. 21
Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report: ............................................................................... 21
Capital Budget, Expenses by category.................................................................................................. 23
Report Description and Purpose: ...................................................................................................... 23
Report Parameter screen: .................................................................................................................. 23
Report Display: ................................................................................................................................. 24
Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report: ............................................................................... 24
Original, Annual Budget, Expenses by category .................................................................................. 25
Report Description and Purpose: ...................................................................................................... 25
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Report Parameter screen: .................................................................................................................. 25
Report Display: ................................................................................................................................. 26
Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report: ............................................................................... 26
Projected Tuition Revenue.................................................................................................................... 28
Report Description and Purpose: ...................................................................................................... 28
Report Parameter screen: .................................................................................................................. 28
Report Display: ................................................................................................................................. 29
Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report: ............................................................................... 29
Endowment Market Value by source and discipline ............................................................................ 30
Report Description and Purpose: ...................................................................................................... 30
Report Parameter screen: .................................................................................................................. 30
Report Display: ................................................................................................................................. 31
Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report: ............................................................................... 31
Navigational Features ........................................................................................................................... 32
Additional technical information:............................................................................................................. 44
Background ............................................................................................................................................... 44
Business Information Warehouse: Overview ....................................................................................... 44
Purpose.................................................................................................................................................. 44
Integration displayed............................................................................................................................. 44
Business Warehouse (BW) Design Overview for Funds Management /Budget Control (FMBCS): ........ 45
How FMBCS integrates with other Modules ............................................................................................ 45
Fields available in the FMBCS Infocube (ZPU_CO2) ............................................................................. 52
DATASOURCES linked to the FM Cube (ZPU_CO2) ............................................................................. 53
Funds management Budget Entry Documents [0PU_IS_PS_43]......................................................... 53
Fields in Budget Entry Documents ODS [ZPU_O43]:..................................................................... 53
Commitment Line Items in Funds Management for Source System[0PU_IS_PS_31] ........................ 55
Fields in Commitment Items ODS [ZPU_O31]: .............................................................................. 55
FI Line Items in Funds Management for Source System [0PU_IS_PS_32]......................................... 56
Fields in FI Line items ODS [ZPU_O32]:........................................................................................ 56
CO Line Items in Funds Management for Source System [0PU_IS_PS_33]....................................... 58
Fields in CO Line Items ODS [ZPU_O33]:...................................................................................... 58
Business Warehouse Glossary .................................................................................................................. 61

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Go-Live date

October 1 2005.

Overview - Funds Management / Budget Control


The Funds Management / Budget Control solution in the Business Warehouse (BW) will
support you in creating and executing budgets. Changes to the budget are made by
entering releases, supplements, returns, and transfers in the SAP R/3 system. These
changes will be reflected in the web reports found in the Funds Management / Budget
Control solution.

• FM contains data needed for tracking budgets encumbrance and actuals.

• FM data are summarized by fund, fund center, commitment item (not to be
confused with commitment), functional area and funded program.
• In FM, procurement costs for 3-way match Purchase Orders are updated
either when the goods receipt is posted or when the invoice is posted,
whichever comes first.
• User codes (statistical internal orders) are not available in FM nor are assets
and liabilities.
• Due to the availability of budgets and encumbrances data FM data is better
suited to UK departmental reporting.


Funds Management / Budget Control is fully integrated with other components in the R/3
System. The components that are integrated depend on the specific requirements
defined by the university. A basic requirement for use of Funds Management / Budget
Control is integration with the General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL) component.

Integrating the components Materials Management and Funds Management / Budget

Control, means that you can, for example, reproduce and monitor procurement
transactions from the purchase requisition to the invoice.

Integration also ensures that all the data you need for budget execution is available
when you need it, and in the format needed.

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Funds Management /Budget Control enables you to keep:

• A check of the revenues and expenditures, and the funds-relevant to the

business transactions of an organization.
• Budgetary control, with the following questions in mind:

o What funds will the responsible areas receive?

o Where do these funds come from (source of funds)?
o What are the funds used for? (use of funds)

• Control of the financial equilibrium of your business, by comparing commitment

and actual values with the current budget values.

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End-user section:
Official BW Reports for Funds Management / Budget Control
When you log on to BW Web Reporting through myUK, and navigate to Role BWP-REPORTS-
FINANCE, the following reports will be available to you under Funds Management / Budget

The following pages describe each report in detail, its uses, and any special considerations you
should to be aware of.

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Ledger reporting
Funds center balances: Budget vs Actual

Report Description and Purpose:

This report analyzes the Budget, Actual expenses, and Unexpended Budget by Funds center,
Commitment item and Department.

Report Parameter screen:

The Variables for Ad-Hoc Report screen, or the Report Parameter screen, allows you to narrow the
results of your query report.

Complete the required parameter fields (indicated with an asterisk (*)), and any other parameter fields
to get the data needed, then press to continue.

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Key Features

The key features of the Funds center balances: Budget vs Actual report are a part of the report, and
cannot be changed by the end user.

Fiscal Period/Year

The Fiscal Period/Year has a structure built behind the scenes which drives other values in the

Example: If you enter 004/2006 for Fiscal Period/Year, the following fields on the report will
display data for the ‘period’ indicated:

Original budget 2006

Recurring budget 2006
Non-recurring budget 2006
Prior balance 001/2006 through 003/2006
Current month actual 004/2006
YTD columns 001/2006 through 004/2006

GL Accounts

The following accounts are excluded from this report:


Original budget

The Budget type = ORIG

Annual (Revised) Budget

Budget type = RCUR (Recurring) AND NRCR (Non-recurring)

Prior balance,
Current month actual
YTD actual

FM Transaction types include: Invoices, Funds transfers, Profit transfers, Actual CO postings

YTD Fund reservations, reqs

FM Transaction types include: Funds reservations, Pre-commitments, Commitments, Purchase


YTD Encumbrances for Pos

FM Transaction types include: Purchase orders

YTD Parked FI docs

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FM Transaction types include: Parked FI documents

Available Budget

The Available Budget = Annual (Revised) Budget minus

YTD Actual minus
YTD Fund reservations, reqs minus
YTD Encumbrances for POs minus
YTD Parked FI docs

Report Display:

Completing only the required parameter fields will yield the report layout shown above.

See Page ____ for information on other navigational features.

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Budget Entry Doc details

Report Description and Purpose:

Detailed analysis of Budget entry documents, for a selected fiscal year/period as sourced from table
V_FMBLH. Designed to support the Budget columns per the summary report: Funds center balances:
Budget vs Actual, utilizing Report-Report-Interface [RRI].

Report Parameter screen:

Complete the required parameter fields and any other parameter fields to get the data needed,
then press to continue.

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Report Display:

Completing only the required parameter fields will yield the report layout shown above.

Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report:


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Encumbrance details

Report Description and Purpose:

Detailed analysis of Encumbrance documents, for a selected fiscal year/period, as sourced from table
FMIOI. Designed to support the YTD Funds Reservations and PReqs and YTD Encumbrances columns
per the summary report: Funds center balances: Budget vs Actual, utilizing Report-Report-Interface

Report Parameter screen:

Complete the required parameter fields and any other parameter fields to get the data needed,
then press to continue.

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Report Display:

Completing only the required parameter fields will yield the report layout shown above.

Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report:


Purchase order details per BW FM report: “Encumbrance details”:

Business question – I have encumbrances against my Funds

center budget. Which Purchase requisitions / purchase orders
make up that amount?

Fields per the “Funds center balances: Budget vs Actual” summary BW web report that includes POs /

How are they defined?

Funds reservations, Pre-commitments, Commitments, Purchase


Purchase orders

From the Funds center balances : Budget vs Actual report,

you can drilldown to either of the above columns, and get to
the details below, that provides the Purchasing document
numbers…see example below:

Execute the Encumbrance details report directly:

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From the Funds center balances : Budget vs Actual report,

you can also drilldown directly to the details, as follows:

Context menu:

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FM Actual details

Report Description and Purpose:

Detailed analysis of Actual expense documents, for a selected fiscal year/period, as sourced from table
FMIFIIT. Designed to support the Prior month, Current month actual & YTD Actual columns per the
summary report: Funds center balances: Budget vs Actual, utilizing Report-Report-Interface [RRI].

Report Parameter screen:

Complete the required parameter fields and any other parameter fields to get the data needed,
then press to continue.

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Report Display:

Completing only the required parameter fields will yield the report layout shown above.

Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report:


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Budget office reporting

Budget Narrative Report:

Report Description and Purpose:

A report designed to assist with Budget data entry, by department, utilizing the designated All Budget
Commitment item hierarchy.

Report Parameter screen:

Complete the required parameter fields and any other parameter fields to get the data needed,
then press to continue.

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Report Display:

Completing only the required parameter fields will yield the report layout shown above.

Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report:

GL Excludes the accounts: 189997-9, 499997, 499999, 599998-9,


Recurring Budget type = RCUR, version = 0, FY = selected year


Future Budget type = ORIG, version = 100, FY = selected year + 1

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Other reporting

Capital Projects Ledger

Report Description and Purpose:

Capital Budget reporting for fund range 0410000000 to 0419999999.

Report Parameter screen:

Complete the required parameter fields and any other parameter fields to get the data needed,
then press to continue.

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Report Display:

Completing only the required parameter fields will yield the report layout shown above.

Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report:

GL Excludes the accounts: 189997-9, 499997, 499999, 599998-9,


Prior balance, FM Transaction types include: Invoices, Funds transfers, Profit

Current month transfers, Actual CO postings
actual, PTD
actual, YTD

PTD FM Transaction types include: Funds reservations, Pre-

Encumbrances commitments, Commitments, Purchase requisitions
for fund res,

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Capital Budget, Expenses by category

Report Description and Purpose:

An analysis of Capital budgets as well as Capital expenses by Funds center department.

Report Parameter screen:

Complete the required parameter fields and any other parameter fields to get the data needed,
then press to continue.

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Report Display:

Completing only the required parameter fields will yield the report layout shown above.

Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report:

Revised Capital Budget type = CAPR [Capital]


Capital • FM Transaction types include: Invoices, Funds transfers, Profit

expenditures transfers, Actual CO postings
• Commitment item range = 5500000 -> 599999.

Available Revised Capital Budget – Capital expenses


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Original, Annual Budget, Expenses by category

Report Description and Purpose:

An identified Key Performance Indicator [KPI], analysis of Budget types [Recurring, Non-Recurring,
Original, Annual] as well as the major expense categories.

Report Parameter screen:

Complete the required parameter fields and any other parameter fields to get the data needed,
then press to continue.

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Report Display:

Completing only the required parameter fields will yield the report layout shown above.

Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report:

GL Excludes the accounts: 189997-9, 499997, 499999, 599998-9,


Original budget Budget type = ORIG.

Recurring Budget type = RCUR.


Non-Recurring Budget type = NRCR.


Annual Budget type = RCUR (Recurring) + NRCR (Non-recurring).


Personnel Commitment item range = 510000 -> 519999.


Benefits Commitment item range = 520000 -> 529999.

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Capital Commitment item range = 550000 -> 599999.

Current Commitment item range = 530000 -> 549999.


Recharges & Commitment item range = 600000 -> 799999.


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Projected Tuition Revenue

Report Description and Purpose:

An identified Key Performance Indicator [KPI], analysis of Tuition revenue by business area, for a
selected budget type.

Report Parameter screen:

Complete the required parameter fields and any other parameter fields to get the data needed,
then press to continue.

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Report Display:

Completing only the required parameter fields will yield the report layout shown above and also allow
drill down to Funds center and commitment item.

Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report:

Tuition revenue Commitment item range = 400000 -> 400999.

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Endowment Market Value by source and discipline

Report Description and Purpose:

Report Parameter screen:

Complete the required parameter fields and any other parameter fields to get the data needed,
then press to continue.

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Report Display:

Completing only the required parameter fields will yield the report layout shown above, also drill down
to Funds center and commitment item.

Key Definitions & Filters applied to the report:

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Navigational Features


Structures are combinations of characteristics and key figures of the InfoProvider. Structures provide
different ways of looking at the data and may include calculations. Structures may be used in several
queries/reports created from the same InfoProvider. A particular structure will always have the same
filter values available for your selection.

To display the Select Filter Value window for a structure:

• Right-click on any column heading included in the structure to display the context menu

• Right-click on the structure heading to display the context menu. Headings

• Move your mouse over Select Filter Value, and click once.

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The Select Filter Value window for the structure will be displayed. You can deselect or select the filter
values you would like displayed in your report by clicking on the check mark next to the filter value(s).

Click to put your changes into affect.


Hierarchies allow you to increase the clarity of your reports by arranging several characteristics and key
figures hierarchically in your reports. You can display characteristics and key figures in the rows and in
the columns as hierarchies by selecting Display as Hierarchy from the context menu of the row or
column header.

To select another available hierarchy or to turn a hierarchy off:

• Choose Properties from the context menu of the characteristic. The Characteristic Properties
dialog box will be displayed.

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To turn a hierarchy off:

• Click once on the check-mark next to Active so it is no longer displayed.

• Select to put your changes into affect.

To select another available hierarchy, or to activate a hierarchy:

• In the Properties dialog box, under the Display Hierarchy area,

• Be sure there is a check mark in the box next to Active,
o If not, click once in the box to display the check mark,
• From the dropdown list of Available Hierarchies, select the required fixed hierarchy,

• Select to activate your selections.

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Be sure there is
a check mark
next to Active

List of available
hierarchies for the
Commitment Item

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Hierarchy Reports available on Characteristic Description Page

Agr Dean & Director Budget Narrative Report Funds Center

All Budget Commitment Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Athletics Grant in Aid Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Budget Pool 1 Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Budget Pool 2 Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Budget Pool 3 Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Budget Pool 4 Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Budget Pool 5 Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Budget Pool 6 Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Budget Pool 7 Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Budget Pool 8 Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Budget Pool A Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
College of Medicine Budget Narrative Report Department on funds center
Department grouping
COM Financial Reports Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
HPT - Hierarchy Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Position Validation Group Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
Standard Hierarchy for Budget Narrative Report Funds Center
UK00 Controlling
Travel Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
UKY Commitment item Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
groups for BW
Unallocated Personnel Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
ZCOM – Financial Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item
ZCOM-Financial Reports Budget Narrative Report Commitment Item

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Here is what your report will look like if you apply the Athletics Grant in Aid hierarchy to the
characteristic Commitment Item.


Here is what your report will look like if you apply the Budget Pool 1 hierarchy to the characteristic
Commitment Item.

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To display and activate attributes for a particular characteristic,

• Right click on the row or column heading of the characteristic to display the Context Menu
• Select Properties
• Under the section labeled Show Following Attributes, place a check mark next to the
attribute(s) you wish to display

You may also select the way you want the attribute to display:

• From the drop down menu select:

o Text
o Key
o Key and Text
o Text and Key
o No Display

If a Text option is selected you may also select the format of the text:

• From the drop down menu select:

o Standard
o Short Text
o Medium Length Text

• Click to process your selection. Select a text format

Select how you wish the
attribute to display

Place check mark

next to attributes you
want to display on
your report

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Attributes for the characteristic Business Area

Attributes for the characteristic Commitment Item

Attributes for the characteristic Company Code

Attributes for the characteristic Functional Area

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Attributes for the characteristic Fund

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Attributes for the characteristic Funds Center

Attributes for the characteristic G/L Account

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Additional technical information:


Business Information Warehouse: Overview

The SAP Business Information Warehouse [“BW”] allows you to analyze data from operative SAP applications
(R3) as well as all other business applications and external data sources such as databases, online services and
the Internet.

BW enables Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), which processes information from large amounts of operative
and historical data (DCSB FM, GL data dating back to FY2000). OLAP technology enables you to look at
information within the entire university.

With the Business Explorer [“BEx”], BW provides flexible reporting and analysis tools for analyses and decision-
making support in your enterprise. These tools include query, reporting and OLAP functions. As an employee with
access authorization, you can evaluate past or current data on various levels of detail and from different

Integration displayed

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Business Warehouse (BW) Design Overview for Funds Management
/Budget Control (FMBCS):

How FMBCS integrates with other Modules

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Cross Reference: R/3 to BW

R/3 Element Description BW Element BW Description Where found
Details for Commitments and Actual in Funds ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
ACTDETL 0FM_ACTDETL Management line items
Details for Commitments and Actual in Funds
ACTDETL 0FM_ACTDETL Management ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
Details for Commitments and Actual in Funds
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
ACTDETL 0FM_ACTDETL Management items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
AMOUNT 0FM_AMOUNT1 Amount in FM area currency documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
AUFNR 0COORDER Order Number line items
AUFNR 0COORDER Order Number ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
AUFNR 0COORDER Order Number items
BLART 0AC_DOC_TYP Document type ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
BTART 0AMOUNT_TYP Amount type line items
BTART 0AMOUNT_TYP Amount type ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
BUCAT 0FM_BUCAT Budget Category in Funds Management documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
BUCAT 0FM_BUCAT Budget Category in Funds Management line items
BUCAT 0FM_BUCAT Budget Category in Funds Management ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
BUCAT 0FM_BUCAT Budget Category in Funds Management items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
BUDAT 0PSTNG_DATE Posting Date in the Document line items
BUDAT 0PSTNG_DATE Posting Date in the Document ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
BUDTYPE 0PU_BUDTYPE Budget Type documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
BUKRS 0COMP_CODE Company Code line items
BUKRS 0COMP_CODE Company Code ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
CEFFYEAR 0FM_CE_YEAR Year of Cash Effectivity documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
CFCNT 0CF_COUNT Year-End Closing: Number of Transfers line items
CFCNT 0CF_COUNT Year-End Closing: Number of Transfers ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
CFLEV 0CF_LEVEL Carryforward level line items
CFLEV 0CF_LEVEL Carryforward level ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
CMMTITEM 0CMMT_ITEM Commitment item documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
COHORT 0PU_COHORT Reporting Year for Cohort documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
CRTDATE 0CREATEDON Date on which the object was created documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
CRTUSER 0CREATEDBY User who created the object documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
DOCDATE 0DOC_DATE Document Date documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
DOCLN 0PU_EDOCLN Six-Figure Line Item for Ledger documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
DOCNR 0PU_EDOCNR Accounting Document Number documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
DOCSTATE 0PU_DOCSTAT Status of a budget entry document documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
DOCTYPE 0PU_DOCTYPE Budget entry document type documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
DOCYEAR 0DOC_YEAR Document Year documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
ERLKZ 0RES_CLOSED Completion indicator for line item line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
FAREA 0FUNC_AREA Functional Area line items
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FAREA 0FUNC_AREA Functional Area ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
FAREA 0FUNC_AREA Functional Area items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
FIKRS 0FM_AREA Financial Management Area line items
FIKRS 0FM_AREA Financial Management Area ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
FIKRS 0FM_AREA Financial Management Area items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
FIPEX 0CMMT_ITEM Commitment item line items
FIPEX 0CMMT_ITEM Commitment item ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
FISCPER 0FISCPER Fiscal year / period documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
FISCPER 0FISCPER Fiscal year / period line items
FISCPER 0FISCPER Fiscal year / period ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
FISCPER 0FISCPER Fiscal year / period items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
FISCVAR 0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
FISCVAR 0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant line items
FISCVAR 0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
FISCVAR 0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
FISCYEAR 0FISCYEAR Fiscal year line items
FISCYEAR 0FISCYEAR Fiscal year ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
FISTL 0FUNDS_CTR Funds Center line items
FISTL 0FUNDS_CTR Funds Center ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
FKBTR 0FM_AMOUNT1 Amount in FM area currency line items
FKBTR 0FM_AMOUNT1 Amount in FM area currency ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
FKBTR 0FM_AMOUNT1 Amount in FM area currency items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
FM_AREA 0FM_AREA Financial Management Area documents
FMBELNR 0FM_DOC_NO Document Number for a TR-FM line item ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
Number of a posting line in a TR-FM line
FMBUZEI 0FM_DOC_IT item ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
FMCUR 0FM_CURR FM area currency documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
FMTYPE 0FM_VTYPE Value Type in Funds Management (IS-PS) documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
FMTYPE 0FM_VTYPE Value Type in Funds Management (IS-PS) line items
FMTYPE 0FM_VTYPE Value Type in Funds Management (IS-PS) ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
FMTYPE 0FM_VTYPE Value Type in Funds Management (IS-PS) items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
FONDS 0FUND Fund line items
FONDS 0FUND Fund ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
FUNCAREA 0FUNC_AREA Functional Area documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
FUND 0FUND Fund documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
FUNDSCTR 0FUNDS_CTR Funds Center documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
GNJHR 0FM_CE_YEAR Year of Cash Effectivity line items
GNJHR 0FM_CE_YEAR Year of Cash Effectivity ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
GRANT_NBR 0GRANT_NBR Grant documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
GRANT_NBR 0GRANT_NBR Grant line items
GRANT_NBR 0GRANT_NBR Grant ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 48 of 62
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
HKONT 0GL_ACCOUNT General Ledger Account line items
HKONT 0GL_ACCOUNT General Ledger Account ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
HTEXT 0PU_HTEXT Header Text for Budget Entry Document documents
KNBELNR 0ACDOC_NO_F FI document number ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
KNBUZEI 0ACDOC_IT_F Document item for FI document number ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
KNGJAHR 0ACDOC_FY_F Fiscal year for FI document number ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
KOKRS 0CO_AREA Controlling Area line items
KOKRS 0CO_AREA Controlling Area ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
KOKRS 0CO_AREA Controlling Area items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
KOSTL 0COSTCENTER Cost Center line items
KOSTL 0COSTCENTER Cost Center ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
KOSTL 0COSTCENTER Cost Center items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
KTOPL 0CHRT_ACCTS Chart of Accounts line items
KTOPL 0CHRT_ACCTS Chart of Accounts ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
KTOPL 0CHRT_ACCTS Chart of Accounts items
KUNNR 0DEBITOR Customer Number 1 ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
LEGIS 0PU_LEGIS Type of Legislation documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
LIFNR 0CREDITOR Account Number of Vendor or Creditor line items
LIFNR 0CREDITOR Account Number of Vendor or Creditor ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
LOEKZ 0RES_DEL Deletion Indicator line items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
LTEXT 0PU_LTEXT Item Text documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
MEASURE 0PU_MEASURE Program in Funds Management documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
MEASURE 0PU_MEASURE Program in Funds Management line items
MEASURE 0PU_MEASURE Program in Funds Management ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
MEASURE 0PU_MEASURE Program in Funds Management items
Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
POSID 0WBS_ELEMT Element) line items
Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS
POSID 0WBS_ELEMT Element) ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
POSID 0WBS_ELEMT Element) items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
POSTDATE 0PSTNG_DATE Posting Date in the Document documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
PRCTR 0PROFIT_CTR Profit Center line items
PRCTR 0PROFIT_CTR Profit Center ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
PRCTR 0PROFIT_CTR Profit Center items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
PROCESS 0PU_PROCESS Internal Budgeting Process documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
PROCESS_UI 0PU_PROCUI Budgeting Process documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
PUBLAW 0PU_PUBLAW Public Law Cited documents
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
RBTART 0AMOUNT_TYP Amount type items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
RBUKRS 0COMP_CODE Company Code items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
RCFLEV 0CF_LEVEL Carryforward level items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
REFBN 0REF_DOC_NR Reference Document Number line items
Number of Line Item Within Accounting ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
REFDOCLN 0REF_DOC_NR Document items

BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 49 of 62
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
REFDOCNR 0REF_DOC_IT Accounting Document Number items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
REFRYEAR 0REF_DOC_FY Fiscal Year items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
RESPPERS 0PU_RESPNAM Person Responsible for Planning/Budgeting documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
REV_REFNR 0PU_REVRNR Reversal Reference Document Number documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
REVSTATE 0STORNO Reversal status documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
RFETE 0SCHED_LINE Reference document classification number line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
RFIPEX 0CMMT_ITEM Commitment item items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
RFISTL 0FUNDS_CTR Funds Center items
Account assignment number of reference ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
RFKNT 0REF_DOC_AA document line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
RFONDS 0FUND Fund items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
RFORG 0ORGUNIT Reference organizational units line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
RFPOS 0REF_DOC_IT Item number of reference document line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
RGNJHR 0FM_CE_YEAR Year of Cash Effectivity items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
RHKONT 0GL_ACCOUNT General Ledger Account items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
RSTATS 0FM_STATS Funds Management statistical indicator items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
RVRGNG 0FM_TRANSAC CO Business Transaction items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
SGTXT 0TXTLG Item Text line items
SGTXT 0TXTLG Item Text ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
SGTXT 0TXTLG Item Text items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
STATS 0FM_STATS Funds Management statistical indicator line items
STATS 0FM_STATS Funds Management statistical indicator ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
Number that clearly identifies the line key in ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
STUNR 0PSTNG_SEQ database line items
Number that clearly identifies the line key in
STUNR 0PSTNG_SEQ database ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
TRBTR 0FM_AMOUNT2 Amount in transaction currency line items
TRBTR 0FM_AMOUNT2 Amount in transaction currency ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
TRBTR 0FM_AMOUNT2 Amount in transaction currency items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
TWAER 0CURKEY_TC Transaction Currency line items
TWAER 0CURKEY_TC Transaction Currency ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
TWAER 0CURKEY_TC Transaction Currency items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
UPDMOD 0RECORDMODE BW Delta Procedure: Update Mode documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
UPDMOD 0RECORDMODE BW Delta Procedure: Update Mode line items
UPDMOD 0RECORDMODE BW Delta Procedure: Update Mode ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
UPDMOD 0RECORDMODE BW Delta Procedure: Update Mode items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
VALTYPE 0PU_VALTYPE Value Type documents
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
VERSION 0VERSION Budget version documents
VOBELNR 0ACDOC_NO_P Payment document number ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
Company code for payment document
VOBUKRS 0ACDOC_CC_P number ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
VOBUZEI 0ACDOC_IT_P Item for payment document number ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
VOGJAHR 0ACDOC_FY_P Fiscal year for payment document number ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items

BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 50 of 62
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
VREFBN 0REFDOC_NUM Predecessor document number line items
VREFBN 0REFDOC_NUM Predecessor document number ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
VRFKNT 0REFDOC_AAN Predecessor account assignment line items
VRFKNT 0REFDOC_AAN Predecessor account assignment ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
VRFORG 0REFDOC_ORG Predecessor document organization ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
VRFPOS 0REFDOC_ITM Predecessor document item line items
VRFPOS 0REFDOC_ITM Predecessor document item ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
VRGNG 0FM_TRANSAC CO Business Transaction line items
VRGNG 0FM_TRANSAC CO Business Transaction ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
WAERS 0FM_CURR FM area currency line items
WAERS 0FM_CURR FM area currency ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
WAERS 0FM_CURR FM area currency items
ODS Object ZPU_O43: Budget Entry
XARCH 0FI_XARCH Indicator: Archived Data documents
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
XARCH 0FI_XARCH Indicator: Document already archived? line items
XARCH 0FI_XARCH Indicator: Document already archived? ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
XARCH 0FI_XARCH Indicator: Document already archived? items
XREVS 0STORNO Cancellation flag ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O31: Commitment
ZHLDT 0FM_DATE Funds Management - Update Date line items
ZHLDT 0FM_DATE Funds Management - Update Date ODS Object ZPU_O32: FI Line items
ODS Object ZPU_O33: CO Line
ZHLDT 0FM_DATE Funds Management - Update Date items

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Fields available in the FMBCS Infocube (ZPU_CO2)

Characteristics: Technical Names:

Fiscal year / period 0FISCPER

Fiscal year variant 0FISCVARNT
Posting period 0FISCPER3
Fiscal year 0FISCYEAR
Calendar Year/Month 0CALMONTH
Calendar Year/Quarter 0CALQUARTER
Calendar Year/Week 0CALWEEK
Calendar Year 0CALYEAR
Currency key for FM area currency 0FM_CURR
Financial management area 0FM_AREA
Fund (general view) 0FUND
Fund (endowment view) ZFUND
Receiver for endowment pool distribution ZPOOLDIS
Cancer Research Match ZCANRM
Department ZDEPTMT
Endowment type ZENDTYPE
FM Loan type ZFMLNTY
Research priority area ZRESPRAR
Discipline ZZDISCPL
Research Challenge Trust Fund ZRCTF
Funds Center 0FUNDS_CTR
Organizational Area ZORGAREA
Budget Family ZZBUDFAM
Funding Category Code ZZFUNDCC
Commitment item 0CMMT_ITEM
Functional area 0FUNC_AREA
Business area 0BUS_AREA
Chart of accounts 0CHRT_ACCTS
Company code 0COMP_CODE
Version 0VERSION
Budget category in Funds Management 0FM_BUCAT
Value type in Funds Management 0FM_VTYPE
Amount type 0AMOUNT_TYP
Detailing of Commitment and Actual
in Funds Management 0FM_ACTDETL
Funds Management statistical indicator 0FM_STATS
Transaction for Detailing Commitments and Actuals 0FM_TRANSAC
Document type 0AC_DOC_TYP
Status of Budget Entry Document 0PU_DOCSTAT
Budget Type 0PU_BUDTYPE
Budgeting Process (Internal) 0PU_PROCESS
BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 52 of 62
Budgeting Value Type 0PU_VALTYPE
Ledger for Availability Control 0PU_LEDGER
Grant Award Year ZAWARDYR
Cost Share Method ZCOSTSM
Fiscal Report Format ZFISCRFM
Grant (additional view) ZGRANT
Method of Payment ZMETHPMT
Previous Grant number ZPRGRNUM
Customer number 0DEBITOR
Vendor (excl SSN) ZVENDOR
Funded Program 0PU_MEASURE
Carryforward level 0CF_LEVEL
Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) 0WBS_ELEMT

DATASOURCES linked to the FM Cube (ZPU_CO2)

Funds management Budget Entry Documents [0PU_IS_PS_43]

The ODS object budget entry document (BCS) contains all the data on an entry document of the Budget Control
System (BCS) transferred from the source system(s) using the InfoSource budget entry document (BCS)
(0PU_IS_PS_43) in Funds Management.

Fields in Budget Entry Documents ODS [ZPU_O43]:

Fields: Technical Names:

Financial management area 0FM_AREA

Budget Entry Document: Document Number 0PU_EDOCNR
Budget Entry Document: Line Item Number 0PU_EDOCLN
BW: Document Year 0DOC_YEAR
Fiscal year variant 0FISCVARNT
Fiscal year / period 0FISCPER
Fund (general view) 0FUND
Funds Center 0FUNDS_CTR
Commitment item 0CMMT_ITEM
Functional area 0FUNC_AREA
Funded Program 0PU_MEASURE
Budget Type 0PU_BUDTYPE
Budget category in Funds Management 0FM_BUCAT
Value type in Funds Management 0FM_VTYPE
Budgeting Process (Internal) 0PU_PROCESS
Budgeting Value Type 0PU_VALTYPE
BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 53 of 62
Version 0VERSION
Year of Cash Effectivity for Budget (BCS) 0PU_CEY_BCS
Business area 0BUS_AREA
Posting date in the document 0PSTNG_DATE
Document Date 0DOC_DATE
Budgeting Process (User Interface) 0PU_PROCUI
Status of Budget Entry Document 0PU_DOCSTAT
Person Responsible for Planning/Budgeting 0PU_RESPNAM
Reporting Year for Cohort 0PU_COHORT
Type of Legislation 0PU_LEGIS
Legal Regulations 0PU_PUBLAW
Reversal indicator 0STORNO
Reversal Document Number 0PU_REVRNR
Date on which the record was created 0CREATEDBY
Indicator: Original Document Archived 0FI_XARCH
BW Delta Process: Update Mode 0RECORDMODE
Fund (endowment view) ZFUND
Receiver for endowment pool distribution ZPOOLDIS
Key indicator for pool and % for endowment distribution ZFUNDCMP
Endowment type ZENDTYPE
FM Loan type ZFMLNTY
Research priority area ZRESPRAR
Discipline ZZDISCPL
Cancer Research Match ZCANRM
Department ZDEPTMT
Research Challenge Trust Fund ZRCTF
Funding Category Code ZZFUNDCC
Budget Family ZZBUDFAM
Organizational Area ZORGAREA
Method of Payment ZMETHPMT
Grant Award Year ZAWARDYR
Cost Share Method ZCOSTSM
Company code 0COMP_CODE
Grant (additional view) ZGRANT
Previous Grant number ZPRGRNUM
Fiscal Report Format ZFISCRFM
Amount in FM area currency 0FM_AMOUNT1
Posting period 0FISCPER3
Calendar Year 0CALYEAR
Calendar Year/Month 0CALMONTH
Calendar Year/Week 0CALWEEK
Fiscal year 0FISCYEAR
Calendar Year/Quarter 0CALQUARTER

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Commitment Line Items in Funds Management for Source System

The ODS object commitment/actual line items in Funds Management

Fields in Commitment Items ODS [ZPU_O31]:

Financial management area 0FM_AREA

Reference Document Number (External Document Number) 0REF_DOC_NR
Reference document item 0REF_DOC_IT
Fiscal Year of Reference Document 0REF_DOC_FY
Fiscal year variant 0FISCVARNT
Budget category in Funds Management 0FM_BUCAT
Detailing of Commitment and Actual in Funds Management 0FM_ACTDETL
Fund (general view) 0FUND
Funds Center 0FUNDS_CTR
Commitment item 0CMMT_ITEM
Company code 0COMP_CODE
Chart of accounts 0CHRT_ACCTS
Controlling area 0CO_AREA
Profit Center 0PROFIT_CTR
Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) 0WBS_ELEMT
Order number 0COORDER
Value type in Funds Management 0FM_VTYPE
Amount type 0AMOUNT_TYP
Date of Update in Funds Management 0FM_DATE
Transaction for Detailing Commitments and Actuals 0FM_TRANSAC
Funds Management statistical indicator 0FM_STATS
Carryforward level 0CF_LEVEL
Indicator: Original Document Archived 0FI_XARCH
Year of cash effectivity 0FM_CE_YEAR
Year of Cash Effectivity for Budget (BCS) 0PU_CEY_BCS
Functional area 0FUNC_AREA
Funded Program 0PU_MEASURE
BW Delta Process: Update Mode 0RECORDMODE
Fund (endowment view) ZFUND
Receiver for endowment pool distribution ZPOOLDIS
Key indicator for pool and % for endowment distribution ZFUNDCMP
Endowment type ZENDTYPE
FM Loan type ZFMLNTY
Research priority area ZRESPRAR
Discipline ZZDISCPL
Cancer Research Match ZCANRM

BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 55 of 62
Department ZDEPTMT
Research Challenge Trust Fund ZRCTF
Funding Category Code ZZFUNDCC
Budget Family ZZBUDFAM
Method of Payment ZMETHPMT
Grant Award Year ZAWARDYR
Cost Share Method ZCOSTSM
Organizational Area ZORGAREA
Grant (additional view) ZGRANT
Fiscal Report Format ZFISCRFM
Previous Grant number ZPRGRNUM
Long description 0TXTLG
Amount in transaction currency 0FM_AMOUNT2
Amount in FM area currency 0FM_AMOUNT1
Currency key for FM area currency 0FM_CURR
Currency Key for Transaction Currency 0CURKEY_TC
Fiscal year 0FISCYEAR
Posting period 0FISCPER3
Calendar Year 0CALYEAR
Calendar Year/Quarter 0CALQUARTER
Calendar Year/Month 0CALMONTH
Fiscal year / period 0FISCPER
Calendar Year/Week 0CALWEEK
Business area 0BUS_AREA

FI Line Items in Funds Management for Source System [0PU_IS_PS_32]

The ODS object FI Line Items in Funds Management contains all line items for FI postings in Funds Management
that have been transferred from the source system(s) using the FI Line Items in Funds Management
(0PU_IS_PS_32) InfoSource. All the fields of the InfoSource are copied unchanged to the ODS object. The key
part consists of the primary key for the OLTP table Funds Management FI-Line Items Table (FMIFIIT).
The ODS Object data can be updated in the InfoCube Commitment/Actual and Budget in Funds Management
(former) (0PU_C01) and Commitment/Actual and Budget in Funds Management(BCS) (0PU_C02).
No InfoSets are currently provided for this ODS object. For this reason, the ODS object is not assigned to any
user role. However, functionally the data belongs to the Budget Supervisor role.

Fields in FI Line items ODS [ZPU_O32]:

FM-Line Item Document Number 0FM_DOC_NO

FM Line Item Posting Line 0FM_DOC_IT
Financial management area 0FM_AREA
Budget category in Funds Management 0FM_BUCAT
Fiscal year 0FISCYEAR
Fiscal year variant 0FISCVARNT
Amount type 0AMOUNT_TYP
Posting sequence 0PSTNG_SEQ
Fund (general view) 0FUND
BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 56 of 62
Funds Center 0FUNDS_CTR
Commitment item 0CMMT_ITEM
Functional area 0FUNC_AREA
Funded Program 0PU_MEASURE
Company code 0COMP_CODE
Chart of accounts 0CHRT_ACCTS
Controlling area 0CO_AREA
Profit Center 0PROFIT_CTR
Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) 0WBS_ELEMT
Order number 0COORDER
Date of Update in Funds Management 0FM_DATE
Year of cash effectivity 0FM_CE_YEAR
Year of Cash Effectivity for Budget (BCS) 0PU_CEY_BCS
Value type in Funds Management 0FM_VTYPE
Detailing of Commitment and Actual in Funds Management 0FM_ACTDETL
Transaction for Detailing Commitments and Actuals 0FM_TRANSAC
Funds Management statistical indicator 0FM_STATS
Carryforward level 0CF_LEVEL
Number of year end closing transfers 0CF_COUNT
Customer number 0DEBITOR
Reversal indicator 0STORNO
Document type 0AC_DOC_TYP
Posting date in the document 0PSTNG_DATE
BW Delta Process: Update Mode 0RECORDMODE
Indicator: Original Document Archived 0FI_XARCH
Company code of payment document 0ACDOC_CC_P
Document Number of the Payment Document 0ACDOC_NO_P
Payment document posting lines 0ACDOC_IT_P
Payment document fiscal year 0ACDOC_FY_P
FI Document Number 0ACDOC_NO_F
FI Document Posting Lines 0ACDOC_IT_F
FI document fiscal year 0ACDOC_FY_F
Predecessor document number 0REFDOC_NUM
Predecessor document item 0REFDOC_ITM
Predecessor document organization 0REFDOC_ORG
Predecessor account assignment number 0REFDOC_AAN
Fund (endowment view) ZFUND
Receiver for endowment pool distribution ZPOOLDIS
Key indicator for pool and % for endowment distribution ZFUNDCMP
Endowment type ZENDTYPE
FM Loan type ZFMLNTY
Research priority area ZRESPRAR
Discipline ZZDISCPL
Cancer Research Match ZCANRM
Department ZDEPTMT
BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 57 of 62
Research Challenge Trust Fund ZRCTF
Funding Category Code ZZFUNDCC
Budget Family ZZBUDFAM
Vendor (excl SSN) ZVENDOR
Grant (additional view) ZGRANT
Method of Payment ZMETHPMT
Grant Award Year ZAWARDYR
Cost Share Method ZCOSTSM
Previous Grant number ZPRGRNUM
Fiscal Report Format ZFISCRFM
Organizational Area ZORGAREA
Long description 0TXTLG
Amount in transaction currency 0FM_AMOUNT2
Amount in FM area currency 0FM_AMOUNT1
Currency key for FM area currency 0FM_CURR
Currency Key for Transaction Currency 0CURKEY_TC
Fiscal year / period 0FISCPER
Posting period 0FISCPER3
Calendar Year 0CALYEAR
Calendar Year/Quarter 0CALQUARTER
Calendar Year/Month 0CALMONTH
Calendar Year/Week 0CALWEEK
Assignment number ZZDZUONR
Business partner reference key 1 ZZXREF1
Business partner reference key 2 ZZXREF2
Reference key for line item ZZXREF3
Accounting doc header text ZHDRTEXT

CO Line Items in Funds Management for Source System [0PU_IS_PS_33]

The CO Line Items in Funds Management ODS object contains all line items for CO postings in Funds
Management that have been transferred from the source system(s) using the CO Line Items in Funds
Management (0PU_IS_PS_33) InfoSource. All the fields of the InfoSource are copied unchanged to the ODS
object. The key part consists of fields that ensure the uniqueness of line items from the OLTP table Actuals Line
Items Table for Funds Management (FMIA).
The ODS Object data can be updated in the InfoCube Commitment/Actual and Budget in Funds
Management(Former) (0PU_C01) and Commitment/Actual and Budget in Funds Management (BCS) (0PU_C02).

Fields in CO Line Items ODS [ZPU_O33]:

Financial management area 0FM_AREA

Reference Document Number (External Document Number) 0REF_DOC_NR
Reference document item 0REF_DOC_IT
Fiscal Year of Reference Document 0REF_DOC_FY
Fiscal year variant 0FISCVARNT
Budget category in Funds Management 0FM_BUCAT
Detailing of Commitment and Actual in Funds Management 0FM_ACTDETL
BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 58 of 62
Fund (general view) 0FUND
Funds Center 0FUNDS_CTR
Commitment item 0CMMT_ITEM
Company code 0COMP_CODE
Chart of accounts 0CHRT_ACCTS
Controlling area 0CO_AREA
Profit Center 0PROFIT_CTR
Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) 0WBS_ELEMT
Order number 0COORDER
Value type in Funds Management 0FM_VTYPE
Amount type 0AMOUNT_TYP
Date of Update in Funds Management 0FM_DATE
Transaction for Detailing Commitments and Actuals 0FM_TRANSAC
Funds Management statistical indicator 0FM_STATS
Carryforward level 0CF_LEVEL
Indicator: Original Document Archived 0FI_XARCH
Year of cash effectivity 0FM_CE_YEAR
Year of Cash Effectivity for Budget (BCS) 0PU_CEY_BCS
Functional area 0FUNC_AREA
Funded Program 0PU_MEASURE
BW Delta Process: Update Mode 0RECORDMODE
Fund (endowment view) ZFUND
Receiver for endowment pool distribution ZPOOLDIS
Key indicator for pool and % for endowment distribution ZFUNDCMP
Endowment type ZENDTYPE
FM Loan type ZFMLNTY
Research priority area ZRESPRAR
Discipline ZZDISCPL
Cancer Research Match ZCANRM
Department ZDEPTMT
Research Challenge Trust Fund ZRCTF
Funding Category Code ZZFUNDCC
Budget Family ZZBUDFAM
Method of Payment ZMETHPMT
Grant Award Year ZAWARDYR
Cost Share Method ZCOSTSM
Organizational Area ZORGAREA
Grant (additional view) ZGRANT
Fiscal Report Format ZFISCRFM
Previous Grant number ZPRGRNUM
Long description 0TXTLG
Amount in transaction currency 0FM_AMOUNT2
Amount in FM area currency 0FM_AMOUNT1
Currency key for FM area currency 0FM_CURR
Currency Key for Transaction Currency 0CURKEY_TC
BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 59 of 62
Fiscal year 0FISCYEAR
Posting period 0FISCPER3
Calendar Year 0CALYEAR
Calendar Year/Quarter 0CALQUARTER
Calendar Year/Month 0CALMONTH
Fiscal year / period 0FISCPER
Calendar Year/Week 0CALWEEK
Business area 0BUS_AREA Cost Share Method

BW Web Reporting – Funds Management / Budget Control Page 60 of 62
Business Warehouse Glossary
InfoProvider: Analysis-relevant view of a BW object for which queries in SAP BW can be created or executed.
There are two types of InfoProviders. One type includes objects that contain physical data. These are known as
data targets, such as InfoCubes, ODS objects, and InfoObjects (characteristics with attributes, texts, or
hierarchies). The other type includes objects that display no physical data storage, such as InfoSets,
RemoteCubes, SAP RemoteCubes, and MultiProviders.

InfoCube: An InfoCube is an InfoProvider that describes a self-contained dataset. An InfoCube is a quantity of

relational tables that are created according to the star schema: a large fact table in the center, with several
dimension tables surrounding it.

ODS: Operational Data Store is an object that stores consolidated and cleansed
transaction data on a document level

InfoObject: Business evaluation objects (for example, customers or sales) are called InfoObjects in BW.
InfoObjects are subdivided into characteristics, key figures, units, time characteristics, and technical
characteristics (such as request numbers).

Key Figures: Type of InfoObject. Numeric fields; like number of items on hand,
account credit amount & account debit amount.

Calculated Key Figures: Calculated key figures consist of formula definitions

containing basic key figures, restricted key figures or precalculated key figures.

Restricted Key Figures: You can restrict the key figures of an InfoProvider for
reuse by selecting one or more characteristics. The key figures that are
restricted by one or more characteristic selections can be basic key figures,
calculated key figures or key figures that are already restricted.

Master Data: Static data (data that rarely changes) describing characteristics.
Example: An employee’s master data can be Birthdate, Home Address, Home Phone, Social Security Number,
and Ethnicity.

Attributes (Master Data Attributes): Are not stored in an InfoCube. They are joined to the master data.

Display Attributes: Subordinated to a characteristic and cannot be selected in a

Query, but can be displayed alongside the parent characteristic.

Navigational Attributes: InfoObjects that are logically assigned attributes which

you can select in the query. They act in a similar manner to characteristics, and ensure you always have the most
current view to master data. They however need to be used wisely, as incorrect usage will have a negative effect
on query performance.

Characteristics: Type of InfoObject. Non-numeric field; like building, account number, course.

Free Characteristic: Characteristics not displayed on the initial report, but are available to be included in the
report. Free Characteristics have drill-down capabilities.

Conditions: By defining a condition, you have the option of analyzing the query results in more detail. You can
analyze combinations of characteristics using ranked lists, thereby displaying your ten best/worst vendors by

Exceptions: The functions in exception reporting enable you to select and highlight unusual deviations of key
figure values in a query.

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Filter: A filter has a limiting effect on the data selected. When defining the filter, you select characteristic values
from one or more characteristics or from a key figure. All of the InfoProvider data is aggregated using the filter
selection of the query.

Hierarchies: The organization of the characteristic values of a characteristic into a tree structure. Example: A
hierarchy for fund centers that are combined in fund center groups. In reporting, hierarchies for characteristics can
be set in the following ways: • As presentation hierarchies for a characteristic, if it is to be displayed as a
hierarchy. As a way of selecting particular characteristic values if a characteristic is to be restricted to a hierarchy
or a hierarchy node. Hierarchies can be loaded into the BW system or created in the BW system for hierarchy
basic characteristics. They can be used across InfoProviders.

Report to Report Interface: The report-report interface allows you the flexibility to call a jump target (receiver)
online from a BW query (sender) within or outside of the Business Information Warehouse. Jump targets that
have been assigned to a BW query can be selected in BEx Web applications and in the BEx Analyzer. You
access them from the context menu under the Goto function.

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