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The purpose of venture scrubber is used for air pollution control systems. It is a gas cleaning
devices that utilizes liquid in order to collect particles in the form of droplets. Other than that,
this equipment is very effective to remove submicron particles that give effect to human
health as well as environment. The objectives of this experiment is to study the theoretical
relationship between pressure drop that across throat (DPT02) and pressure drop that across
venture chamber (DPT01) with a constant air flow rate. In this experiment, the values of
velocity that have been used is 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 m/s with 5 litre per minutes (LPM) of air
flow rates. The measurement of DPT01, DPT02 and blower speed was taken for every 2
minutes. On top of that, the values of velocity was calculated which to convert from Pascal to
inch H2O which also known as DPT03. Based on the experiment, the values of DPT01 and
DPT02 was obtained which for DPT01 was 0.6, 1.3, 2.4, 4.0 and 6.0 inch H2O while for
DPT02 was 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.8 and 2.7 inch H2O. The results showed that the values for both
pressure drop was increased when the velocity increased.

The venturi scrubber is one of air pollution control innovation collectively alluded as
wet scrubber. The term wet scrubber portrays an assortment of gadgets that expel poisons
from a heater vent gas or from other gas streams. In a wet scrubber, the contaminated gas
stream is brought into contact with the scouring fluid, by showering it with the fluid, by
driving it through a pool of fluid, or by a few other contact strategies, so as to evacuate the
pollutants. The plan of damp scrubbers or any discuss contamination control gadget depends
on the mechanical handle conditions and the nature of the discuss poisons included. Inlet gas
characteristics and tidy properties (in the event that particles are displayed) are of essential
significance. Scrubbers can be outlined to gather particulate matter and/or vaporous poisons.
The flexibility of wet scrubbers permit them to be built in numerous configurations, all
planned to supply great contact between the fluid and contaminated gas stream.

Wet scrubbers evacuate tidy particles by capturing them in fluid beads. The beads are
at that point collected, the fluid dissolving or retaining the toxin gasses. Any beads that are in
the scrubber channel gas must be isolated from the outlet gas stream by implies of another
gadget alluded to as a fog eliminator or entrainment separator (these terms are conversely).
Moreover, the resultant cleaning fluid must be treated earlier to any extreme release or being
reused in the plant. A wet scrubber's capacity to gather little particles is regularly
straightforwardly corresponding to the control input into the scrubber. Moo vitality gadgets
such as spray towers are utilized to gat,her particles bigger than 5 micrometers. To get tall
effectiveness evacuation of 1 micrometer (or less) particles, for the most part, requires tall
vitality gadgets such as venturi scrubbers or increased gadgets such as condensation

CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber

scrubbers. Moreover, an appropriately outlined and worked entrainment separator or mist
eliminator is vital.

Wet scrubbers that expel vaporous toxins are alluded to as safeguards. Great gas-to-
liquid contact is fundamental to get tall expulsion efficiencies in safeguards. A number of wet
scrubber plans are utilized to expel vaporous poisons, with the stuffed tower and the plate
tower being the most common. If the gas stream contains both molecule matter and gasses,
damp scrubbers are by and large the as it were single discuss contamination control gadget
that can evacuate both poisons. Wet scrubbers can accomplish tall evacuation efficiencies for
either particles or gasses and, in a few occurrences, can accomplish a tall evacuation
proficiency for both poisons in the same framework. Be that as it may, in numerous cases, the
finest working conditions for particles collection are the poorest for gas removal.

In common, getting tall simultaneous gas and particulate removal efficiencies requires
that one of them be effectively collected (i.e., that the gasses are exceptionally dissolvable in
the fluid or that the particles are large and promptly captured) or by the utilize of a cleaning
reagent such as lime or sodium hydroxide.

 To study the theoretical relationship between pressure drop across throat (DPT02) and
pressure drop across venture chamber (DPT01) with air flowrate.

One of the fundamental sorts of the wet scrubber is venturi scrubber. For the most part,
venturi scrubber quickens the contaminated gas stream to progress atomization and contact
between the gas and cleaning fluid. It can successfully evacuate both vaporous and particulate
contaminant, of the molecule estimate extending from 0.5 to 5.0 µm. Hence, it is
exceptionally compelling in expulsion submicron particulates related with exhaust and

Venturi scrubber is partitioned into 3 areas, which is converging area, throat, and a
diverging segment. In particulate outflow control, the contaminated gas stream is encouraged
to the focalizing area. The gas is drive to quicken when it streams thru the throat area, as the
channel contracts and its region diminishes (complying Bernoulli equation). In the venturi
throat, both speed and turbulence gas increments. A cleaning fluid shower is infused into the

CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber

The cleaning fluid is at that point atomized, shaping little particles or fine beads, by
the tall gas speed and turbulence. The fluid beads shaped collide with particulates in the gas
stream and their interaction is increased.The channel stream exits through the separating area,
where the blends decelerate and lull. Assist impacts and intelligent cause beads to
agglomerate. The particulates with scouring fluid will be isolated by entrainment, which
ordinarily is cleared out to drop to the foot. For afterward expulsion, while the clean gas
stream is coordinated upwards through the cyclonic separator to be discharged into the

Venturi effect will occur inside the venturi scrubber. When the flow of liquid or gas
flow in the certain velocity into the constrict entrance, the flow will increase but the pressure
will decrease. This is known as the Bernouli’s Principles. The Bernouli’s Principle says that
when a fluid speeds up, its pressure goes down. So at the initial entrance the pressure is
higher compared to the pressure at the venturi throat. This can be presented as Bernouli’s

CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber

𝐴2 2(𝑃1 − 𝑃2 )
𝑉1 = √
𝑝[1 − (𝐴2 )2 ]

Where A2 = 0.000452 m2 P1 – P2 = DP03 (Pa)

A1 = 0.001810 m2 𝜌 = 1.2 kg /m3

The gas speed in venturi throat for a given pressure drop is related to the volume of
gas passing through the throat, the density of the gas, the amount of fluid in contact with the
gas and a steady which rectifies for the hydraulic losses of the specific throat or restriction.


General start up procedure

a. All the valves was closed except valves 5 and 7.
b. Filled water tank with clean water by connecting a hose to inlet valves 6.
c. Connected another hose to drain valves of water tank for draining purpose.
d. Connected air supply onto pressure regulator.
e. Switched on the main power supply and control panel.
Experimental procedure
a. Switched on the blower.
b. The speed regulator was adjusted to 4 m/s and opened valve 3.
c. Switched on the water pump (P1).
d. Valves 3 and 4 was adjusted until water flow meter FT1 showed 5LPM.
e. The value of DPT01, DPT02 and blower speed was recorded. The step a until e was
repeated by changed the value of velocity for 6.8.10,12 m/s within two minutes time
Shut down procedure
a. The venturi scrubber was cleaned using spray nozzle.
b. Lower down the spray nozzle to desired level
c. The valves 2, 4, 5, 7 and 11 was opened.
d. The flow rate was adjusted to clean the venturi scrubber.
e. Switched off the pump and blower.
f. Switched off the main power supply and control panel.

CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber


DPT02 (inch

DPT02 (inch
DPT01 (inch

PT01 (bar)

FT01 (LPM) Sump tank

regulator Venturi

Water pump

Figure xx: SOLTEQ Venturi Scrubber System (Model: AP 02)

CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber

Table xx: Description of the diagram

Names Description
Control Panel To manipulate the pressure drop which
DPT03 by adjusting the speed regulator and
to measure the value for DPT01, DPT02
and blower speed.
Water Pump To pump the liquids or gases for the further
Sump Tank As a tank to fill in the water where it is use
to separate the particulates.
Flow transmitter To measure the flow rate of liquid that has
been move through the pipe.
Air Blower Use to deliver air in low pressure but large
Separation chamber To separate the liquid and gas particulate
Venturi Scrubber The function is to separate the fine
particulate matter.

CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber


Table XX: Raw data

Velocity, V DPT01 (inch DPT02 (inch DPT03 DPT03 (inch Blower speed
(m/s) H2O) H2O) (pa) H2O) (rpm)
4 0.6 0.3 144.3401 0.6 1113
6 1.3 0.5 324.7650 1.3 1510
8 2.4 1.0 577.3600 2.3 2016
10 4.0 1.8 1299.1251 3.6 2636
12 6.0 2.7 1299.0601 5.2 3248


DPT01 is at the venturi chamber

DPT02 is at the throat

DPT03 is the blower speed

V is the velocity of the flow rate

CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber


To calculate pressure drop, ∆𝑃:

a. Derivation

𝜌〔(𝐴2) ² − 1〕

𝑉² =
𝜌〔(𝐴2) ² − 1〕

2∆𝑃 = 𝑉²𝜌〔( ) ² − 1〕

𝜌〔(𝐴2) ² − 1〕
∆𝑃 =

b. For velocity, V=4m/s

Data given;
𝐴1 = 0.001810 𝑚2
𝐴2 = 0.000452 𝑚2
𝜌 = 1.2𝑘𝑔 𝑚3

(4𝑚/𝑠)²𝑥1.2𝑘𝑔/𝑚³〔( ²) ² − 1〕
∆𝑃 = 0.000452𝑚²

∆𝑃 =144.3401 pa

c. Conversion unit from pa to inch H20

0.004015 𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ 𝐻₂0

∆𝑃 = 144.3401𝑝𝑎 ×

CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber


CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber


a. During the adjustment of the blower speed, make sure the speed regulator is
stabilized and maintain at the desired value within 5minutes so that the data
reading will be accurate.
b. To maintain the flow meter FT101, switch on the water pump by adjusting
gate valves 3 and bypass valves.
c. Make sure all the tubes is connected properly before start the experiment
especially during start up. This is very important because as a precaution
which to avoid from leaking and entire residue can be collected inside of the
tank after finish the experiment.
d. Check the systematic error of the meter reading of pressure drop which
labelled as DPT before run the experiment. It is can minimized the error of the
data collected.

CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber


Pence, M. (2012). Handbook of Air Pollution Control System and Device. Delhi: University
Publications. Retrieved on March 20 from of Air
Pollution Control Systems and Devices-Margeret Pence-8132337603-University Pu.pdf

Goel, P., Moharana, A., & Nayak, A. K. (2010.). Experimental study of pressure drop in self-
priming and submerged venturi scrubber, 14–17. Retrieved on March 20 from

Brady, J. D and L. K. Legatski. In P. N. Cheremisinoff and R. A. Young (Eds.). (1977).

Venturi scrubbers. In M. Dekker, Air Pollution Control and Design Handbook.Part 2 (pp. 76-
80). New York. Retrieved on March 20 from

McIlvaine Company, I. (1974). The Wet Scrubber Handbook. Northbrook. McIlvaine

Company. Retrieved on March 20 from

CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber


CEV 452 (unit operations laboratory): Venturi Scrubber

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