Result Cheat Code

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Result Cheat Code

Minerals and gas increased by 10,000 = show me the money

Minerals increased by 500 = whats mine is mine
Vespene gas increased by 500 = breathe deep
Everything upgraded = something for nothing
Faster building and instant upgrades = operation cwal
Build anything = modify the phase variance
Free upgrades to units = medieval man
Infinite psionic ability = the gathering
Opponent has no psionics = noglues
Indestructible buildings and ships = power overwhelming
Ignore supply limit when building units = food for thought
Mission skip = there is no cow level
Enable mission select = [Note]ophelia
Terran mission select = terran[mission number]
Zerg mission select = zerg[mission number]
Protoss mission select = protoss[mission number]
Continue after mission completed = staying alive
Win game = man over game
Lose game = game over man
Remove fog of war = war aint what it used to be
Full map = black sheep wall

Kode Curang

Tekan tombol Enter untuk memunculkan message box, dan masukkan kode-kode curang berikut ini untuk memunculkan efek yang kamu

Kode Curang Efek

show me the money 10,000 Minerals and Gas
breathe deep 500 Gas
whats mine is mine 500 Minerals
medieval man All Research Abilities
modify the phase variance Build Anything
ophelia Enable Mission Select
operation cwal Faster Building
the gathering Free Unit Spells/Abilities
game over man Instant Loss
there is no cow level Instant Win
power overwhelming Invincibility
Terran Jumps to the corresponding mission for the Human.
Protoss Jumps to the corresponding mission for the Protoss.
Zerg Jumps to the corresponding mission for the Zerg.
staying alive Keep Playing After Mission End
food for thought No Supply Limit
something for nothing One Level Unit Attack and Defense Upgrade
noglues Opponent has no psionics
radio free zerg Play Secret Zerg Song
war aint what it used to be Remove Fog of War
black sheep wall Reveal Entire Map

Melompati Mission
Tekan tombol Enter untuk memunculkan message box, dan ketikkan ophelia lalu tekan tombol Return. Munculkan message box lagi dan ketikkan
x untuk melompat ke mission tertentu.
Contoh: xprotoss 8 - untuk melompat ke protoss mission 8
Memainkan Zerg Level Rahasia

Tamatkan Zerg level 9, The Reckoning, dalam waktu 25 menit atau kurang untuk mengaksesnya.

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