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KALIMAT Expressing Love

o I love you
o I love you so much
o I am falling in love with you
o I am loving you
o I really love you
o I will always love you
o dll.

Kaimat Expressing Sadness

o I am sad
o I am so sad
o I am feeling blue
o I was sad to hear…
o I feel desperate
o It is so sad
o I am sad because
o I am not in the good mood
o Please, don’t disturb me, I have a trouble
o I can’t hold my tears

Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Present tense

Kalimat pasif

Our grandmother is visited by us every 2 months

Nenek kami selalu dikunjungi oleh kami setiap 2 bulan.

This plant is watered by me every day.

Tanaman ini selalu disiram olehku setiap hari.

Anne is seen by John every morning.

Anne selalu dilihat oleh John setiap pagi.

My money is always taken by John at school.

Uangku selalu di ambil oleh john di sekolah.
My toys are always broken by my little brother when he is angry.
Mainan ku selalu dirusak oleh adik kecilku saat dia marah.

Expressing Annoyance:
o It’s annoying!
(Itu mengganggu!)
o You are so annoying!
(Kamu sangat menganggu.)
o I am very annoyed
(Saya sangat terganggu)
o It’s irritating
(Itu mengesalkan)
o I can’t bear it any longer
(Saya sudah tidak tahan lagi)
o I am done with you
(Saya muak denganmu)
o You made me sick
(Kamu membuat saya muak)
o etc.

Expressing Embarrassment

o I was so embarrassed.
o I am embarrassed
o I feel ashamed
o Oh, My God
o Shame on me
o I don’t feel comfortable
o I feel awkward
o It’s my embarrassment to …
o That’s a real embarrassment
o How embarrassing!
o It really makes me ashamed.

Expreessing Opinion

A : In my opinion is Jakarta is at risk of flooding.

I believe the governement is able to solve the problem.

Personally, I dislike the film, since it is not suitable with the Indonesian culture.

A: What do you think of Yogya?

B: I think it is a beautiful city.

X: What do you think of earthquake in Japan?

Y: I think it is a terribe disaster.


A: My son is hospitalized.

B: I am sorry to hear that.

A: I am promoted as a manager.

B: Oh, that’s good news.

A: There was an accident, three people are dead.

B: How terrible, how did it happend?


A: The government will raise the price of petrol.

B: to be honest, it is not good decision.

The school will raise the school fee.

B: Oh, I see.

A: The decision will give good impact.

B: exactly

A: The decision will give good impact.

B: I am afraid not.

X: The increase of salary will cause inflation.

Y: That’s true.

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