Government Engineering College: BHAVNAGAR-364002

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This is to certify that Mr. / Miss _________________________________________

of B.E. 5th Semester, Electronics & Communication Engineering Department,

Enrollment No. ______________________________ has satisfying completed his
term work of subject (Code) 2151001 Name of Subject Microcontroller and
Interfacing during the academic year 2016 and submitted on __________________

Staff In Charge Head of Department:

Assembly language programming
1 To study the AVR studio for assembly programming
2 To study the AVR microcontroller trainer board
3 Assembly programming for arithmetic operation
4 Assembly programming for logical operation
5 Assembly programming for Branch and loop
6 Assembly programming for Memory read write operation
7 Assembly programming for generation of delay using instruction cycle
8 Assembly programming for generating delay using TIMER0
9 Assembly programming to generate square wave of 50% duty scale using TIMER

C Programming
1 To study the MicroC Pro software for c programming of AVR
2 To interface 7 segment LED using C
3 To interface 2x16 LCD using C and display “HELLO GEC”
4 To generate square wave delay using TIMER in C
5 AVR C programming for Serial port
6 LM35 Temperature sensor
7 To interface ADC and DAC in AVR microcontroller using C
8 To interface DC Motor using C programming

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