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Explain about functional flow of the project accounting, the actual

setup steps for the total flow of the PA

Steps done in project creation

1.create project i.e. copy from existing projects. go to projects and you can create here , for key members and
remaining things you can see the project which you are copying and create same project. go to Billing----> Agreement and here create funding and save the changes here .

3. now go to the BUDGET and here create budget and try to give amount and save and submit. once you have
submitted then click baseline button , if amount is not base line then you have to give the conversion rate
amount correctly to make it base line. use below query for that
select CONVERSION_RATE*5000 from gl_daily_rates
where 1=1
and TRUNC (CONVERSION_DATE) = TO_DATE ('10-10-2008', 'DD-MM-YYYY')

4.Once you have done base line now we must create the expenditure items ... go to Expenditures------Pre
Approved Batches ---Enter and here you can enter one new batch and create expenditure the
work and the click SUBMIT button and then Click Release button . go to Expenditures--->expenditures Inquiry--- Project here open your project and submit the request
PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project for your single project.

6.once completed then go to Billing--- Revenue Review and check your project and here Release.

7.Now go the expenditures ---- expenditure Inquiry---Project..... and here query for your project and open it and
now run the request for single project PRC: Generate Draft Invoices for a Single Project

8.Go to Billing-----Invoice Review and check your invoice and expenditure how they appear and now

9. Now, Run PRC: Interface Invoices to Receivables program to interface the Invoice to Receivables.

Now all the Invoices will be in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL

10.Now, Run the Autoinvoice Master Program in Receivables. Batch Source is PROJECTS INVOICES.

11. Tieback invoices back to Oracle Projects: Once the autoinvoice import is successful run, the "PRC: Tieback
Invoices from Receivables" process to update the status of the invoice import in AR to the project invoices.

1. How to use global project without Project Billing for two different leagal entities and Ledgers?
You can use Cross–Charge Client Extensions

2. PO created with 10 quantity of Computer in one line. How to Create separate asset ID for each
10 items for Projects?
You may use CIP Grouping Extension

3. Do we need to customize Purchasing and Payable account generater workflow for Project
Ans: Purchasing can be used the default account generator,No setup steps are required to use the
default.If you are using seeded account generator, account should be manually entered.
But you should modify the payables account generator workflow for project usage.

Oracle Projects Invoice Generation/Receivables Integration

Q1. What is the difference between running the Generate Draft Invoices process for a single
project and running it for a range of projects?
A: When running the Generate Draft Invoices process for a single project, the billing cycle is
ignored. Any unreleased draft invoices are deleted and a new draft invoice is created. When
running the Generate Draft Invoices for a Range of Projects, the process takes the billing setup
into account (i.e., bill offset and cycle days). Therefore, the system looks at the current date, adds
cycle days and then determines whether or not the project is ready to bill.

Q2. What are the billing cycle requirements for invoice generation?

A: A project must meet the following billing cycle criteria before it can generate an invoice:

a. No pending (unreleased) invoices exist

b. At least one bill cycle past the bill through date (or creation date if no bill through date exists)
of the last non crediting invoice
c. At least first bill offset days past the project start date (or project creation date if no start date
exists) if you have not yet invoiced a particular project
d. If the billing date is calculated by a client extension, and the client extension returns a null
value for the billing date, then the process will not pick up the project
Note: If unreleased invoices exist for a particular project, that project will not be picked up when
the Generate Draft Invoices for a Range of Projects process is run. However, if the process is run
for a single project, it will ignore the checks listed above.

Q4. How can I generate a single invoice for a project with multiple agreements?

A: AutoInvoice will break when it meets a grouping rule. AGREEMENT_ID is a mandatory grouping
rule. Once AutoInvoice encounters a project/order with a different AGREEMENT_ID, it will create a
new invoice. As long as there is more than one AGREEMENT_ID, multiple invoices will be
generated. One remedy is to create a single invoice in Receivables for multiple invoices coming
from Projects.

Q5. How is the Output Tax Code determined in Oracle Projects?

A. Oracle Projects uses the hierarchy set up in Implementation Options to determine where to look
for the Output Tax Code. Sources that can be used include:

Customer Site
Expenditure Type/Event Type / Retention
Client Extension
Oracle Receivables System Options

Q6. Is it possible to sort on the invoice amount column on the Invoice Review form (PAXINRVW) in
Release 11.5?

A: A design change was made in Oracle Projects Release 11.5 to have brackets around the
negative amounts in the invoice amount column. In order to accommodate the brackets, it was
necessary to make the invoice amount column an alphanumeric column. It is not possible to sort
numerically on alphanumeric columns; hence, the invoice amount is not available for sorting.

Q9. Why is the message, Invalid AR Transaction Type Passed, displayed after running PRC:
Interface Invoices to Receivables (PATTAR)?

A: Projects requires the Creation Sign field on the transaction types to be A (for Any Sign). Set the
value to A on the Creation Sign field for both PA Invoice and PA Credit Memo transaction types.
Additionally, the "Post to GL" box must be enabled.
Q10. When attempting to transfer sales credits to from Projects to Receivables, I receive the
following error, APP-11863: Invalid sales_credit_type_id (nil). Why?

A: In order to import Projects invoices with sales credits, the sales credit type must be set to value
and not ID in Receivables.

Q14. Is there a way to generate an invoice for each individual task for a percent-complete

A: To create separate invoices by task, first create multiple agreements by task and then fund by
task level. (Note that this is for a one-customer project only--funding at the task level cannot be
done for a multiple-customer project.)

Invoice Generation/Receivables Integration - Credit Memos

1. Why does the Invoice Class show as Invoice instead of Credit Memo when an invoice reduction
event is created?

A: This is the intended functionality. In the case of Invoice Reduction Events, there is no specific
invoice to credit, therefore they are created with the class of Invoice instead of Credit Memo.
2. What accounting is performed when an invoice write-off is initiated in Projects?

A: The Revenue and Invoice Accounts function is called by AutoAccounting when the credit memo
type is a Write-Off. The accounting that is performed is a credit to the Receivable Account and a
Debit to the Expense Account that has been set up for Write-Offs in the AutoAccounting setup.
Revenue would not be affected by a Write-Off. The expense would offset the revenue in the income

3. What happens when an invoice is canceled?

A: When an invoice is canceled, the transactions that make up the invoice are returned to an
unbilled status and made available for rebilling during the next billing cycle. After an invoice is
canceled, the PRC: Generate Draft Invoice process creating the Credit Memo replaces the
PA_CUST_REV_DIST_LINES.DRAFT_INVOICE_LINE_NUM with NULLs for the expenditure items being
credited. This results in the "missing" details in the original invoice and the credit memo.

4. Why do I receive the APP-PA-19112 Total Unprocessed Write-Offs May Not Exceed Unbilled
Receivables error?

A: This error occurs when you create a Write-Off Event that has an amount greater than the value
of unbilled Receivables (total revenue minus total unprocessed Write-Off Events). Unprocessed
Write-Off Events are those events that have not yet been processed by the revenue generation
process. To reproduce the problem, create a contract project with a work/work revenue
distribution rule. Create an agreement and funding for this project and baseline the approved
revenue budget. Now create the Write-Off Event and you will get this error. This is the intended

5. How does Oracle Projects handle on account credit memos?

A: From a Projects perspective, the only way to manage an "on account" credit memo is to create
the independent crediting invoice using a negative manual event. When the time comes to apply
the credit to the proper invoice, create a positive event (debit memo) to offset the negative invoice
then create a standard credit memo against the appropriate invoice.

6. How are partial write-offs handled when the invoice has tax?
A: When you do a partial write-off in Projects, it credits a small portion of each invoice line. If you
need to write-off a particular line of a Projects invoice, a partial write-off should be done in
Projects and interfaced to Receivables so that the two modules are in synch. From Receivables,
incomplete the invoice and adjust it. Using this method will ensure that the modules stay in sync
and only the lines that you want to write-off will be written off.

10. Is it possible to apply a credit memo to an invoice that has already been paid in Receivables?

A: If the Invoice Type in Receivables has Overapplication = Yes, you should be able to interface the
credit to Receivables. If you do not wish to set Overapplication to Yes, you can unapply the cash
receipt in Receivables and refund it to the customer or apply it to another invoice.

11. Why are credit memos against invoices interfaced to Receivables rejected with the error, You
cannot supply any account assignment for your credit memo transaction?

A: Set the profile option, AR: Use Invoice Accounting For Credit Memos, to No at the site level
(temporarily if required to be set to Yes for Receivables). This should be defaulted to No at the
application level.

12. Why do is the error, APP-43448 Unable to locate a valid Sales Tax Rate for transaction,
received during the AutoInvoice process?

A: The transaction type for invoices and credit memos must have the calculate sales tax flag
disabled. Create a new transaction type for credit memos (and invoices if applicable) with the
same settings, ensuring that the sales tax calculation check box is disabled. This can be
accomplished using the Receivables Manager Responsibility and navigating to Setup ->
Transactions -> Transaction Type.

How Can We Populate Org LOV On Provider Receiver Control In Cross Charge Setup? [ID 749623.1]

GoalTrying to setup Cross Charge between companies and we are not able to enter the details in
Provider/Receiver Control screen. Under Provider Control, when we click on Receiver Operating
units, the list of values is empty.
How can we get this list populated? Solution (A) If this is the 1st time setting this up, then, make
sure that process "Replicate Seed Data" has been run.
If not, then run this process from the System Administrator responsibility.

(B) Please verify that Implementation Options - Cross Charge is populated for both Operating Units.

(C) 1. Do the effective dates for the operating unit include the current date
2. A legal entity has been assigned to the operating unit.
That is to say, when you query up the operating unit in the Organizations form,
and select the "Operating Unit" classification, then when you click the "Others" button,
and select "Operating Unit Information", in that DFF you have entered a value for the Legal
Entity organization.
Please verify this for each OU you are expecting to see in the LOV.
3. Does the legal entity that is selected, also has effective dates that include the current date?
4. This will only return operating units for which projects has been implemented.

(D) Please check the setup of the "HR security profile" profile option for the
user/responsibility that is being used and insure that it allows access to
the organizations needed Operating Units.
13. Can we have Form based budget for few projects and HTML (Financial plan type) budget for
other projects?

Once we create the budget using financial plans, oracle project does not allow to create form
based budgets. it displyed the message that the budget type has been upgrated and need to create
budget through financial plans

14. Can we use transaction control for billing hold ?

Yes, select billing hold yes option at TC level.

15. UDA - User Defined Attributes can be used for additional informations in HTML page
16. Created an Auto Accounting Rule with Rule Parameter and unable to get the Rule in AAR
assignment window. what is the reason?
Rule Parameter selected in AAR may not be valid for the Function you are assigning.


2. What types of burden reporting are there?

A: In Oracle Projects, burden costs can be reported in three different ways depending on the
Project Type setup for the project.

1. Show burden costs on the same expenditure line with the raw cost.
2. Create separate summarized expenditure items.
3. Show burden costs on the same expenditure line with the raw cost and create separate,
summarized expenditure items reported in another project setup for
just collecting the summarized burden cost expenditure items.

3. What are the required processes and order to be run for each burden type?

A: The first step for any burden process type is to run the PRC: Distribute... standard raw
costing processes. The next step is to run the
burden processes as follows:
4. Same Expenditure items:

1. PRC: Distribute Total Burden Costs

2. PRC: Interface Total Burden Costs
3. PRC: Tieback Total Burden Costs
5. Summarized Expenditure items:

1. PRC: Create and Distribute Summarized Burden Transactions

2. PRC: Interface Usage and Miscellaneous Costs to GL
3. PRC: Tieback Usage and Miscellaneous Costs
6. Burden costs reported in another Project:

1. Use the same processes in a and b above.

The Summarized Burden Transactions process is responsible for placing the expenditure item in
the burden project.

4. What changes can be made to a burden structure that has been attached to a compiled burden

A: After using a burden schedule against a project, the only accepted modifications to the
associated burden structure are the addition
of expenditure types. Any other modification to the burden structure will result in the following

Cannot add, delete, or update the burden structure. The burden structure is referenced in a
burden schedule revision that has been compiled.
The Burden Structure has been associated with a compiled Burden Schedule

5. Why am I unable to view a changed burden structure in details after updating the structure on
the base

A: Updating the Structure field on the Burden Schedule (PAXCOIRS) form for an existing burden
schedule only affects new burden schedule
versions created. If it were permissible to change the structure of a burden schedule revision that
is already compiled, data corruption in the
PA_IND_COMPILED_SETS table would occur when that burden schedule version is re-compiled.

6. How can I make changes to a burden structure that has been attached to a compiled burden

A: Create a new burden structure and copy the compiled burden schedule to the new structure.
Once you have the new structure, add any
new cost base, cost codes, and expenditure types required. The new structure should be added to
the burden schedule and a new burden schedule version
created. If it is necessary to use the new structure in a prior Projects (PA) period, then the
structure should be added to a project burden schedule override
for the given periods.

7. Is it necessary to populate the project burden schedule hierarchy on the Business Groups
Other Information area of the Define
Organization (PERWSDOR) form?

A: In Release 11.5, it is not necessary to populate the burden schedule hierarchy on the Business
Groups Other Information area of
PERWSDOR. This information is gathered from the Burden Schedule (PAXCOIRS) form.

8. What expenditure items can (not) be burdened?

A: All expenditure items that are entered directly in projects can be burdened. For expenditure
items that are imported via
Transaction Import, the associated Transaction Source determines if the item can be burdened.
This is based on the Transaction Source system_linkage_function
and the following flag:

PA_TRANSACTION_SOURCES.ALLOW_BURDEN_FLAG In the Transaction Sources form, this field is

lableled "Import Burden
Amounts". The flag indicates if an external system will provide the burdened costs or not. If the
flag is set to Y, then Oracle Projects will not burden the
expenditure items associated with that Transaction Source.

It is not possible to burden expenditure items with a Transaction Source of Inventory, Inventory
Misc, or Work-In-Process since all accounting for these
costs occurs in Oracle Manufacturing.

9. Can tax lines from Payables be re-burdened?

A: No, tax lines from Oracle Payables cannot be recalculated. Payables has a tax engine that
determines the amount of tax based
on the standard line attributes for the invoice. Therefore, the Transaction Source defined in
Projects for Payables tax lines is setup to not allow

10. When using summarized burden processing, what are the ties between the Standard Raw
Expenditure items and the newly created
Summarized Expenditure items?

A: When the PRC: Create and Distribute Burden Transactions (PASDUC_BURDEN) process runs, it
determines what standard expenditure items need
to be processed by the value of 9999 in the BURDEN_SUM_SOURCE_RUN_ID column in the
the PA_COST_DISTRIBUTION_LINES_ALL table during processing gets
changed from –9999 to some counter value.

The new summarized burden expenditure item created from the standard raw cost distribution
lines gets a counter value, which is placed in the

Listed below is a sample SQL to locate RAW Expenditure Cost Distribution Lines (CDLs) used in
the creation of a Summarized Burden Expenditure item:

select *
where ei.expenditure_item_id = <Enter
Summarized Burden Expenditure item>);
The view PA_COST_BURDEN_DETAILS_V can also be used to determine which Standard Raw Cost
Distribution lines where used to create the Summarized Burden
Expenditure items, and what the rates and amounts were used.

11. Why do some expenditure items get total burdened distributed even if their expenditure type,
expenditure class, or
organization has not been defined?

A: Total burdened costs (TBC) are comprised of raw (RC) and burden amounts (BC). Thus, there
is always some amount that is considered to be
burdened costs in the formula TBC=RC+BC. When the PRC: Distribute Total Burdened Cost
process is run, it distributes all expenditure items regardless of
whether or not the expenditure type is defined in the burden structure or not. While no burden
rate is applied to expenditure items that are not defined on the
burden structure, burden debit and credit CDLs are created for these items.

FAQ: Account Generator

1.What does the Account Generator process do?

The Account Generator process builds charge, budget, accrual, and variance accounts for each
purchase order, release, and requisition distribution based on
the distribution’s destination type. It is a synchronous Workflow process.

2. What are the Pre-requisites to use Account Generator?

Before using the Account Generator you must:
- Define your Accounting
flexfield structure for each set of books.
- Define flexfield segment
values and validation rules.
- Set up Oracle Workflow.
- Decide
whether you want to use the Account Generator processes as seeded in Oracle Purchasing, or you
need to customize them to meet your accounting needs.

3.What are the workflow item types used in Account Generator?

For Purchase Orders: POWFPOAG
For Requisitions: POWFRQAG
Each Account Generator item type contains the following top-level workflow processes:
Generate Default Account
Generate Account Using Flex Builder Rules

If you are upgrading from 10.7, and you have been using the flex builder to generate the accounts,
you have an option of upgrading your existing flex builder rules for Account Generator. In which
case, you should use the “Generate Account Using Flex Builder Rules” process.

4. What are the steps to generate the WFSTAT output for Account Generator?
1. Set the following profiles:
- Account Generator: Run in Debug
Mode=> Yes
- Account Generator: Purge Runtime Data=> No
PO: Set
Debug Workflow On => Yes
2. Make sure that the concurrent program "Purge
Workflow Obsolete Runtime Data" is NOT running.
3. Open Purchase Order/Requisitions form, go to the distributions window, enter necessary fields
and click on charge account field to start generating the charge account. After
the account generator has done building the account, or errors out, do the following from the
toolbar (DO NOT exit the form or navigate to any other block
or record, otherwise this information would be lost):
Help=> Diagnostics => Examine
Enter in 1st field => parameter
Enter in 2nd field => charge_acc_wf_itemkey
Then tab out. The Item key will appear in the
third field.
4. Now save the purchase order/requisition. If you are not able to save, then clear the distribution
record and navigate back to the
shipment window and save the form. Saving the form is must, because a commit is required to
save the workflow information in tables, for generating the wfstat
5. If step#3 could not give you an item key, then use the following query to identify the relevant
item key:
Select item_key, item_type,
from wf_items
where item_type = '&item_type'
by begin_date desc;
For PO, use 'POWFPOAG' item type in above query, and
for requisition, use 'POWFRQAG'.
6. To generate the WFSTAT output,
the sql in $FND_TOP/sql/wfstat.sql with above item_type and item_key. Spool the
7. To get the wf debug information, run the following query:

SELECT item_key, item_type, debug_message

FROM po_wf_debug
item_key = '&Item_key'
ORDER BY execution sequence;

5. Will the account generator build the charge account based on project information?
No. By default, the Account Generator process as seeded in Oracle Purchasing would not consider
the project information to build the account. To achieve this
functionality, you should customize the Account Generator to consider the project details. There is
a dummy sub process 'Build Project Related Account'
seeded in the Account Generator workflow, available for customization. You would also have to
modify function PO_WF_PO_CHARGE_ACC.IS_PO_PROJECT_RELATED to return a value of "True".
For more information on how to customize the Account Generator, please refer to the manual
Oracle Purchasing Account Generator
Workflow Customization Example.

6. Will the account be generated for amount based/one time item lines?
No the Account will not be generated if you are using the Account Generator as seeded in Oracle
Purchasing. Either the account should be manually entered or
the account generator should be customized.

7.When the charge account field is non updateable?

In the following cases the charge account field is not updateable:
1. If the destination type code is INVENTORY or SHOP FLOOR.
2. If the distribution is already encumbered.
3. If the PO is created from a encumbered Requisition
4. If the destination type code is Expense and

If the project is entered and the profile option PA: Allow Override of PA Distributions in AP/PO is
set to NO
If the expense accrual code= RECEIPT


Accounting Transactions for Cost

The following examples illustrate how Oracle Projects accounts for cost transactions.

Expenditure Type: Labor The labor transactions are as follows:

Post labor costs to Oracle General Ledger: Oracle Projects creates these entries when you
distribute costs raw labor and total burdened costs, generate cost accounting events, and create
accounting in Oracle Subledger Accounting. To post labor costs in Oracle General Ledger, when
you run the process PRC: Create Accounting, you create accounting in final mode, and
select Yes for the options Transfer to General Ledger, and Post in General Ledger.

Account Debit Credit

Raw Labor Costs 100.00
Payroll Clearing 100.00
Total Debit (Project Inventory) 200.00
Total Credit (Transfer Out) 200.00

Pay timecard These entries are created by your payroll system.

Account Debit Credit

Payroll Clearing 100.00
Cash 100.00
Expenditure Type: Usage The usage entries are as follows:

Post usage costs in Oracle General Ledger: Oracle Projects creates these entries when you
distribute, generate cost accounting events, and create accounting in Oracle Subledger
Accounting. To post usage costs in Oracle General Ledger, when you run the process PRC: Create
Accounting, you create accounting in final mode, and select Yes for the options Transfer to General
Ledger, and Post in General Ledger.

Account Debit Credit

Usage Costs 100.00
Usage Clearing (Transfer Out) 100

Funds Checking Troubleshooting Guide Part 2


(please note for R12 the encumbrance types are hard codes)


.A. Troubleshooting Funds Check Issues

1. The user has sub-tasks and is budgeting at the top task level at the
resource group level. Absolute controls are set at the award level and top task
level. Transactions are being entered at the sub-task level. Will the
resources/sub-tasks roll up to the resource group/top task for funds checking

a. Yes. Funds checking will roll up to the top task and resource group level
in this scenario.

2. What is the difference between Advisory and None budgetary controls?

a. There are several differences between Advisory and None budgetary controls:

- When budgetary controls are set to None, a vast majority of the funds check
logic is bypassed and transactions process quicker.

- When you navigate to Expenditures -> Funds Check Results -> GMS Details and
view transactions that exceed available budget balances when controls are set to
Advisory, you will see the following error message at the bottom of the Budget
Detail form: Transaction passed funds check at Award level in advisory mode.

-When you navigate to Expenditures -> Funds Check Results -> GMS Details and
view transactions that exceed available budget balances when controls are set to
None, you will see the following error message at the bottom of the Budget Detail
form: Transaction does not require funds check at this level

- Transactions that pass in Advisory mode do not appear on the Funds Check
Failure Report generated by the GMS: Costing and Funds Check processes in
Release 11i; they will appear on the Funds Check Success Report. Transactions
that pass in None mode will appear on the Funds Check Success Report generated
by the GMS: Costing and Funds Check processes in Release 11i.

-Many customer have written custom reports to report on the Advisory

transactions created during a processing cycle. This report is based off of the
gms_bc_packets table.

B. Purchasing and Payables Funds Control

1. Why do I have to use requisition, purchase order, and supplier invoice

encumbrances to use Grants Accounting funds checking?

a. When you turn on encumbrancing for purchasing and payables, at the approval
of the requisition, purchase order or invoice, gl_bc_packet records get created
as part of the General Ledger approval program. From that program, a Grants
Accounting program is fired that actually "copies" the gl_bc_packet record to
create the gms_bc_packet record that is used for funds checking. If you turn
off encumbrancing, the gl_bc_packet record never gets created and cannot get
copied for Grants Accounting to perform funds checking.

2. The user has entered multiple distribution lines on a purchase order and
when they attempt to reserve and approve the purchase order, all the distribution
lines fail funds checking, even though some of the distribution lines should
have passed funds checking.

a. This is standard functionality. Funds checking in Purchasing for both

General Ledger and Projects distributions functions in full mode, that is, if
one distribution line fails, then all the distribution lines fail. For further
information on this item, please read Note 146722.1 - All Lines Fail Funds
Checking In Purchasing.

3. The user has entered multiple distribution lines on a supplier invoice and
when they attempt to approve the invoice, all the distribution lines fail funds
checking and the invoice is placed on hold, even though some of the distribution
lines should have passed funds checking. The invoice does not indicate which
distribution lines failed funds checking.

a. In Payables, navigate to the Distributions form. Starting at line number 1,

view the status of each line. Lines that passed funds checking will have a
status of "Approved", and lines that failed funds checking will have a status of
"Needs Reapproval". To determine why funds checking failed for a given distribution
line, navigate to Expenditures -> Funds Check Results in Grants Accounting and
review the GMS Details for the transaction.

4. What does the status_code 'C' mean in the gms_bc_packets table mean?

a. When you use the tool to Check Funds, every time you select it, it will
create gms_bc_packet records with a status_code of 'C'. So, if you select it
twice and you are using burdening, you will get four records: Two for raw and
two for burden and they will all have the status_code of 'C'.

C. Costing and Funds Checking Processes

1. The user has implemented absolute funds checking. While GMS: Costing and
Funds Check processes, all transactions are failing funds check for the
following reasons:

Transaction failed because a combination of raw and burden costs.

Transaction failed because some important values are missing.

a. Resources must be set up for the resource lists that are defined. The
gms_budgetary_control records need to be defined when using resource groups and
a detailed resource item for every expenditure type you plan to charge against
an award must exist. The gms_budgetary_control records are built based on all
possible combinations of Award/Project/Task/Resource Group/Resources.

Navigate to Setup, Budget, Resource Lists and query up the resource list being
used on the award budget. For each resource group, define at least one resource.
To budget only at the resource group level, create a resource list with both
the resources and resource groups defined, just do not check the "enable"
checkbox at the resource level (if you do not wish to see resource level detail
when entering award budgets). Also navigate to Budgets, Budgetary Control and
make sure that the budgetary control records have been set up for the
project/award that is failing funds check.

2. The user has prematurely terminated the GMS Costing and Funds Check processes.
Is there a rollback mechanism in place for this event?

a. Yes, There is a rollback mechanism in place if the GMS Costing

and Funds Check processes are prematurely terminated for 11.5 Patchset M and later.
For prior patchsets, It is recommended that when processes are run
1) they are run under a userid that has a valid employee
assigned to it, and
2) not terminated until complete.
If you do prematurely terminate the GMS Costing and Funds Check processes,
this may cause data corruption in Patchset L and lower. If this occurs,
please see Metalink Note:249962.1.

D. Updating Balances and Clearing Budgetary Control Packets

1. The user is running GMS: Update Actual and Encumbrance Balances and it is
looping thru gms_bc_packets and processing every row with status_code = 'A' .
After processing, it updates the code to 'X'. At the end of the process, will
all the status_codes be reset to 'A'?

a. The gms_bc_packets table entries are summarized to add to the gms_balances

table when GMS: Update Actuals and Encumbrance Balances is run. This process
marks the entries once gms_balances is updated with a status of "X". The next
time the GMS: Update Actuals and Encumbrance Balances process is run, it will
delete records in the gms_bc_packets that have an "X" status and which are however many days to
which the profile GMS: Purge Funds Check Results is set.
At this time, the corresponding gl_bc_packet recordsfor the related AP/REQ/PO record will also be
deleted. The key to the records
in the gl_bc_packets table being deleted is also predicated upon the je_batch_id
being equal to -999 per the code in the GMS_SWEEPER package, gmsfcuab.pls file.
NOTE: This is why performance slows as records are added to the gms_bc_packets
table because it takes longer for funds checking to work.

With regards to the effects on Award Status Inquiry, the ASI views will look at
gms_balances, plus any gms_bc_packets that haven't been summarized yet. For
more information on the effects of processes on Award Status Inquiry, please
review question and answer 2 below in this section.
If you need to know why a transaction failed funds check and the gms_bc_packets
have already been purged, reprocess the transaction by either re-approving the
invoice or purchase order or re-running the appropriate GMS: Costing and Funds
Check process. New gms_bc_packet records will get created and you can review
the results in the Funds Check Results form.

E. Reconciling Fundscheck Results to Award Status Inquiry

You are trying to reconcile the detail and balances in the Fundscheck Results (Budget) Form to
Award Status Inquiry and information is not reconciling.

1. The real use for the GMSIQBLB Budget Fundscheck Results (Budget) is when you have
transactions fail fundschecking during the award budget rebaseline process. This form allows you
to research
the cause. It should not be used in place of Award Status Inquiry.

2. If you have the profile option:

GMS: Enable Funds Check for Budget Submission = Yes

When you rebaseline the award, the program goes out and performs fundschecking on every single
transaction charged against the award creating gms_bc_packet records for all those transactions.
Then as part of the process, GMS: Update Actual and Encumbrance balances is performed and
gms_balances is updated with a new budget_version_id. The status_code of the gms_bc_packet
records created by the award budget baseline is set to X, so they will be deleted within the window
set for the profile option:

GMSIQBLB Budget Fundscheck Results form uses a combination of the information on the
gms_balances for totals AND the gms_bc_packet records for details.

From Grants Accounting User's Guide:

Page 22-23
Viewing Funds Check Results of Award Budget Procedure
Users can access funds check results to determine why a budget failed baselining.
To view the funds check results of an award budget that failed the baselining
process, perform the following steps.
1. In Grants Accounting, navigate to the Find Funds Check Details (Budget)
window as follows:
Budgets - Funds Check Results (Budget)
2. Enter data in each field of the Find Funds Check Details (Budget) window as
described in Table 22–4, page 22-25.
3. Click Find to open the Budget Funds Check Results window.
4. Review each field of the Budget Funds Check Results window as described in
Table 22–5, page 22-27.
5. Close the window.

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

If you are going to compare Award Status Inquiry to the GMSIQBLB form, you have to rebaseline
the award budget and then immediately look at Award Status Inquiry. The rebaseline update the
gms_balances table. The totals on Award Status Inquiry are taken directly from the gms_balances
The details are taken from a series of table views on


Troubleshooting Fund Check/Budgetary Control

Guide -Part 1
Troubleshooting Details A) Common Setup

Profile Options
PA: Enable Budgetary Controls
PA: Allow Override of Budget Accounts
PA: Days to Maintain BC Packets
PSA: Budgetary Control Report Template (R12)

i)Bottom-Up Budgeting Setup/Processing Steps

Perform the following tasks to implement Bottom-Up Budgeting:

1. Define the Project Budget Account Workflow process
2. Define the Allow Override of Budget Accounts profile option
3. Define the Enable Budgetary Controls profile option
4. Define the GL budget
5. Define Integration for the Project Type/Project
6. Define the Project Budget
7. Generate accounting information for each budget line
8. Optionally, override the generated account for specific budget lines
9. Baseline the Project Budget
10. Run the Program: Create Journals process
11. Post the GL journal batches

ii)Bottom-Up Budgeting Integration Definition

Field Descriptions:

Allow Override at Project Level - Default or Dictate settings for projects using this project type.
Budget Type - Select from the defined project budget types. The list of values will not include
project budget types that have baselined budget versions.
Balance Type - For Bottom-Up Budgeting the Balance Type must be Budget.
Non-Project Budget - Select a defined General Ledger budget. The list of values will only include GL
budgets with a status of ‘Open’ or ‘Current’.
Remaining Fields - All remaining fields should be null

iii)Bottom-Up Budgeting Troubleshooting Tips

1. Account Generation Fails

Verify the Budget Account Workflow definition.
Is Dynamic Insertion enabled in General Ledger.
2. Budget Baseline Process Fails
Will the resulting budget journals reduce GL available funds to less than zero.
Does the budget contain a new or changed budget amount for a closed GL Period.
j)Top-Down Budgeting Setup

Perform the following tasks to implement Top-Down Budgeting:

-Define the Project Budget Account Workflow process

-Define the Allow Override of Budget Accounts profile option
-Define the Enable Budgetary Controls profile option
-Define the PA: Days to Maintain BC Packets profile option
-Define the PA encumbrance type
-Define the GL/CC budget
-Setup encumbrance in GL, PO, AP
-Define Integration for the Project Type/Project
-Define the Project Budget
-Generate accounting information for each budget line
-Optionally, override generated accounts
-Baseline the Project Budget

jj)Top-Down Budgeting Restrictions

-Supported for Oracle General Ledger and Oracle Contract Commitment funding only
-The budget entry method must be time phased by GL Period.
-Project budget amounts in open GL Periods.
-A budget line must exist for each budget period
-Cross Charge transactions are not supported

jjj)Top-down Budgeting Troubleshooting Tips

1.Transaction Fails Funds Check

Does a Baselined Budget exist.
Do budget lines exist for all project levels that have a control level other than ‘None’.
Is the transaction amount greater than available funds.
Was the PRC: Update Project Summary Amounts After Resource List Change ran after a new
resource member was added.
2.Account Generation Fails
Verify the Budget Account Workflow definition.
Is Dynamic Insertion enabled in General Ledger.
3. Budget Baseline Process Fails
Will the resulting budget journals reduce GL available funds to less than zero.
Does the budget contain a new or changed budget amount for a closed GL Period.
Is the Budget amount greater than current actual plus commitment balances.

k)Non-Integrated Budgets Setup

-Enable BC in GL and encumbrance accounting in Oracle Payables or/and Oracle Purchasing

-Define the PA: Enable Budgetary Controls profile option
-Define the PA: Days to Maintain BC Packets profile option
-Enable Budgetary Controls for Project Type/Project
-Define Control Level Defaults and Time Intervals
-Create and Baseline a Cost Budget
-Update the Control Levels for your Baselined Budget
Resource List
Resource Groups/Resources

kk)Non-Integrated Budgets Troubleshooting Tips

1. Transaction Fails Funds Check
Baselined Budget must exist.
Budget Line must exist if control level is not ‘None’.
Available funds must exceed transaction amount.
PRC: Update Project Summary Amounts After Resource List Change must be ran when a new
resource member is added.
2. Budget Baseline Process Fails
Budget amount must be greater than current actual plus commitment balances.
3. The following processes fail to interface transactions:
Interface Usage and Miscellaneous Costs to GL
Interface Total Burdened Costs to GL

The Maintain Budgetary Control Balances process must be ran.

4. Data corruption in funds-related tables and cause failures during funds validation processing

Either BC in GL or encumbrance accounting in AP or PO have been changed ( disabled)

l)Troubleshooting Baseline/Transactions Failures

-Use the Transactions Funds Check Results form to review funds check failures
-Use the Transactions Funds Check Results form to review funds check failures that occur during
transaction processing.
-Review Funds Check Result Messages and identify the corrective action see Note 445119.1 and/or
Oracle Project Management User Guide pag 6-111
-Always check PA_BC_PACKETS table,where funds check errors are present

B)General Troubleshooting

1.See Note 296559.1 -Common Tracing Techniques within the Oracle

2. Note 301372.1 - How to Generate a Raw Trace File Including Binds and Waits for a Concurrent
Program for 11.5.10

3. To debug workflow issues verify/check

-Note 224308.1 -Account Generator & Workflow Frequently Asked Questions
-Note.116375.1-Workflow How to Get Information Required to Run wfstatus/wfstat.sql
-Note 187071.1- bde_wf_item.sql - Runtime Data of a Single Workflow Item

C)Troubleshooting Budget Workflow

1.PABDACWF ORA-20002: 3136: Item 'PABDACWF/#SYNCH' Cannot be Accessed

See Note 744359.1 for solution
2. ORA-20002: 3135: 'Wf_Engine.Notification' is not permitted in synchronous processes
See Note 334232.1 for solution
3. Unable to baseline a budget through workflow budget remains in 'In progress" status
See Note 552483.1 for solution

4. Modifying Existing Budget Gets Rejected in Workflow With ORA-1422

See Note 396515.1 for solution
5. PAWFBUI - PAXBUEBU: Error ORA-6502 In Workflow When Budget Is Baselined
See Note 336055.1 for solution
6. Workflow background process for PAWFBUI has performance issues
Apply Bi -monthly rollup Patch 7364558 or consolidated
Patch 7584055 This patch fixes critical fund check issues

D)Troubleshooting Budget/Fund check

1.For code issues/fixes see Note 745300.1 -Fund Check and Budgetary Control Troubleshooting
Guide part 2
2.Check latest fund check consolidated Patch 7584055 applicable on top of 11i.PJ_PF.M
3.For Budget/Fund check datafixes see unpublished Note 820963.1-Troubleshooting Guide for Funds
Check/Budgetary Controls Data Issues
4. Note.732309.1-R12.0.6+ Oracle Projects Funds Check Data Collection Transaction Data Test:
5. Note.423519.1-11i Oracle Project Costing Funds Check Data Collection Data Collection Test:

Oracle Project Accounting Tables

Muhammad Rafi Aamiri on Sunday, January 30, 2011

PA_PROJECTS_ALL Information about projects

PA_AGREEMENTS_ALL Customer contracts that serve as the basis for work authorization
PA_BILL_RATES_ALL Information about bill rates and markups of standard bill rate schedules
PA_BILLING_ASSIGNMENTS_ALL Assignments of billing extensions to a project type, project, or task
PA_COST_DISTRIBUTION_LINES_ALL Information about expenditure item cost distribution
PA_CUST_REV_DIST_LINES_ALL Information about expenditure item revenue distribution
PA_DRAFT_INVOICE_DETAILS_ALL Intercompany invoice details for cross charged transactions
PA_DRAFT_INVOICES_ALL Information about draft invoices generated for projects
PA_DRAFT_REVENUES_ALL Information about draft revenue generated for projects
PA_EXPENDITURE_COST_RATES_ALL Cost rates for non-labor expenditure types
PA_EXPENDITURE_GROUPS_ALL Groups of pre-approved expenditures
PA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_ALL The smallest units of expenditure charged to projects and tasks
PA_EXPENDITURES_ALL Groups of expenditure items incurred by employees or organizations for an
expenditure period
PA_PERIODS_ALL Implementation-defined periods against which project performance is measured
PA_PROJECT_ASSET_LINES_ALL Summarized project CIP costs
PA_PROJECT_ASSETS_ALL Assets defined for capital projects
PA_EXPENDITURE_TYPES Implementation-defined classifications of expenditures charged to projects and
PA_EXPENDITURE_CATEGORIES Implementation-defined groupings of expenditure types by type of cost
PA_CLASS_CATEGORIES Implementation-defined categories for classifying projects
PA_CLASS_CODES Implementation-defined values within class categories that can be used to classify
PA_PROJECT_CLASSES Class codes of class categories that are used to classify projects
PA_BUDGET_VERSIONS Versions of project budgets
PA_BUDGET_LINES Detail lines of project and task budgets

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