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Biology Preparatory Test

Class – IX
Max. Time: - 3 hrs Max. Marks: - 80
Section – A (Diversity in living organisms) 24 Marks

1. Who was the first person to describe the idea of evolution? (1/2)
2. Who gave two kingdom classifications? (1/2)
3. Which bone separate the nervous tissue from the gut in animals? (1/2)
4. Name the following :-
a) Plant in this group are commonly called algae. (1/2)
b) These are also called Flowering plant. (1/2)
c) This is probably the largest group of animals. (1/2)
d) Another name of Coelenterata. (1/2)
5. Define “The region of Megadiversity”. (1.5)
6. Explain “Platyhelminthes are flattened dorsiventrally”. (1.5)
7. How is Fungi and Algae dependent on each other? (1.5)
8. What is meant by “Seed leaves”? Why they are called so? (1.5)
9. How do Echinodermata move? (2)
10. What is the criteria for classification of plants? (2)
11. Differentiate between Primitive and Advanced organisms. (2)
12. How Aristotle classified animals? What was its drawback? Explain with
example. (2)
13. Write the characteristics of Arthropoda and give three examples of it. (2.5)
14. What is Binomial Nomenclature? Who proposed its idea? What is its
importance? Explain. (4)
Section – B (Tissue) 14 Marks
15. What is a Tissue? Name two conducting tissue. (1)
16. What is meant by differentiation? (1)
17. Why most of the plant tissues are dead? (1.5)
18. Differentiate between Meristematic Tissue and Parenchyma tissues? (1.5)
19. Why meristematic tissue have dense cytoplasm? Why meristematic tissue
lack vacuoles? (2)
20. What do you mean by “Epidermis”? Explain its functions in brief. (2)
21. Explain the structure and function of Nervous tissue with well labelled
diagram. (2)
22. Explain any four types of Epithelial Tissue in brief. (3)
Section – C (Why Do We Fall ill?) 9 Marks
23. Define Inflammation. (1/4)
24. What is Musculoskeletal System? (1/4)
25. Differentiate between Acute and Chronic disease. (1)
26. How public cleanliness is important for individual health? Explain using
example. (1)
27. Why a HIV infected person is likely to get infected with a chronic disease?
Explain. (1.5)
28. If a person had been infected by any disease (such as smallpox, pneumonia etc)
earlier then, he is not likely to get infected by the same disease again.
Why? (1.5)
29. Fill the Blanks: - (3.5)
Type of Disease
Name of Disease (Viral, Bacterial, Causative Agent
Sleeping Sickness

Section – D (Natural Resources) 9 Marks

30. Define Biosphere. (1/4)
31. Define Smog. (1/4)
32. What causes wind? (1/4)
33. Name any 5 places where fresh water is found? (1/4)
34. What are Greenhouses? (1/4)
35. The percentage of CO2 in our atmosphere is a mere fraction of percentage.
Why? (1/4)
36. Why do organisms need water? (1/2)
37. How does acid rain occur? (1/2)
38. How are clouds formed? How does rain occur? (1.5)
39. How is soil formed? (1.5)
40. “A factory or industry takes water from any water body for cooling in various
operations and later returns the hot water to the water body without
contaminating it.” Is the factory or industry polluting the water body? Give
reason to support your answer. (1.5)
41. Define nitrogen cycle with well labelled diagram. (2)
Section – E (Improvement in Food Resources) 12 Marks
42. Name three Macro and Micro nutrients. (1/4)
43. Name two marine fishes with high economic value. (1/4)
44. Define Hybridisation along with its types. (1/2)
45. What are the biotic and abiotic factors responsible for losses in storage of
grains? (1/2)
46. How do change in Maturity duration affects crop production? (1/2)
47. What is Green Manure? Name two plants used for making Green Manure.
How they improve soil fertility? (0.75)
48. List 3 management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming? (0.75)
49. Write three preventive measures that should be taken to avoid losses in
storage of grains. (0.75)
50. What are the desirable traits for new varieties of poultry birds? (1.25)
51. Differentiate between Manure and Fertilizers. (1.25)
52. Differentiate between Inter cropping and Mixed cropping. (1.25)
53. Define Composite Fish Culture System in brief. (2)
54. Arrange the following as Indigenous and Exotic breeds: - (2)
Jersey, Leghorn, Indica, Barred Plymouth, Aseel, Busra, Brown Swiss, Red Sindhi,
Indigenous Breed Exotic Breed

Section – F (The Fundamental Unit of Life) 8 Marks

55. Name three solutions which are used as a stain. (1/2)
56. Explain the Cell Theory. (1/2)
57. Differentiate among Hypertonic solution, Hypotonic solution and Isotonic
solution. (1.5)
58. Differentiate between Eukaryotic cell and Prokaryotic cell. (1.5)

59. Define the following: - (4×1/2=2)

I. Plasmolysis
II. Membrane Biogenesis
III. Protoplasm
IV. Endocytosis
60. Describe the function of Golgi Apparatus and Vacuoles. (2)
Practical Based Questions 4 Marks
61. (1+1.5 = 2.5)

Jar 1 Jar 2
Two glass jars filled of water have been taken (Jar 1 and Jar 2) and two onions
are placed on them. They have been kept undisturbed for day 1, 2 and 3. On day 4
root tip of the onion bulb in jar 2 had been cut for about 1 cm along with its length
from the top. After this both the jars had been left undisturbed for 5 days.
On the basis of above experiment answer the following questions: -
a) Which of the two onions has longer roots? Why? (1)
b) Do the roots continue growing even after we have removed their tips? Give
reasons to support your answer. (1.5)
62. Label the following: - (1.5)

Options: - Annulus, pileus, stipe, gills.

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