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By T.J. Calon, J.G. Malpas and R. McDonald

Memorial University of Newfoundland

KEYWORDS: Regional geology, Shulapscomplex, ultra- collage of suspect terrane:: that form this part of the Cordillera
mafic, peridotite, ophiolite, serpentinite mtlange, Bridge (Price ef al., 1985; Potter, 1986; Rusmore, 1987).
River Terrane, Cddwallader Group, East Lira igneous suite, The Shulapscomplex was first mapped in detailby Leech
Yalakom fault. (1953). whoconcluded that the peridotites were part ola non-
stratiform plutonic complexthat was later intrudedby maller
lenses of gabbroandpyroxenite.Morerecently, Nagel
INTRODUCTION (1979) and Wright et al. (1982) have suggested an oph olitic
The Shulaps ultramafichafic complex is exposed in the origin forthe peridotite complex, interpreting it as a residual
mountains of the Shulaps Range,within theQaughton Creek mantle tectonite section. These workers established that the
map area (Schiarizza et al., 1989) approximately SO kilo- western basalcontact of thecomplex is a serpentinite
metres northwestofLillooet in the Cordilleraof southwestern mtlange containing exotic blocks of sedimentary and vol-
British Columbia (Figure 3-4-1). It forms one of the largest canic rocks.Theserocksare tentativelycorrelated with
bodies of ultramafic rocks in the orogenic belt, underlyingan supracrustalrocks in the oceanic Bridge River anane,

area of approximately 180 square kilometres. The complex is which structurally underlies the mtlange. The mtlangc: alsc
situated along the boundary of the Intermontane and Insular contains blocksof ultram;ific and mafic plutonicrocks which
superterranes (Mongeret al., 19821, which is marked in the may represent fragment!; of Layer 3 of the Bridge Rive1
area by the Yalakom fault system. Its origin and structural Oceanic crust. Leech (1953). Nagel (1979) and Wright ef al.
evolution have important bearing on unravelling the tectonic (1982) have suggested that stratigraphic relationships exisl
Figure 3-4-2. Schematic geological map of the study area, with legend.

between gabbroic and volcanic rocks within blocks in the Further, the stratigraphic and structural relationships of the
melange, implying that the basal melange of the Shulaps BridgeRiverTerrane,theadjacentfault-boundedCad-
complex may represent the highly dismembered remnantsof wallader Terrane and the Shulaps complex remain obscure.
a more or less complete ophiolitic suite. A segment of a This study was undertaken primarilyto establishthe tectonic
Triassic sedimentary apron (Hurley Formation) of the Cad- andplutonicevolutionandpetrogenesis of the Shulaps
wallader volcanic arc assemblage (Rusmore, 1987)lies with ophiolite complexandits Mesozoic accretionaryhistory.
fault contact directly to the west of the Shulaps complex. Detailed geological mapping on scales ranging from 1:6000
According to Rusmore(1987) and Potter(1986). the more or to 1:14 000 was carried out in a two-week period in summer
lesscontemporaneousCadwallader arcand Bridge River 1988 anda four-week period in thesummer of 1989, covering
ocean basin becamejuxtaposedduring movement on the anarea of approximately 20 squarekilometres centred
Shulaps sole thrust. Since thisthrust has an overall westerly around the upper courses of Jim Creek and East Liza Creek,
vergence (Potter, 1986). the arc restores palinspastically to along the southwestern edge of the Shulaps complex (Figure
the west of the basin. The Bridge River ophiolitic assemblage 3-4-2).Thisareacomprisesthecriticaltransitionfrom
may thus have developed in relation to hack-arc spreading coherent thrusts sheets of residual mantle peridotite of the
(Potter, 1986). Shulaps complex to underlying ophiolitic mClange. It con-
To date, no modem accountexists of the petrogenesis and tains the hulk of the exotic blocksof gabbro and pyroxenite in
structural evolution of the mantle peridotite section of the the melange, together with less abundant smaller blocks of
Shulaps complexandtheunderlyingophiolitic melange. volcanic and sedimentary rocks. In addition, on the western
376 British Columbia Geological Survey Branch
CADWALLADER GROUP (4) The Cadwallader Group, which comprises sedimentary
rn Hurley Formation.Sondstones--eholsr: c o l ~ a r e o mshale with
limestone lenma: minor chert. conglamerats ond limeatone brecsio
rocks of the Hurley Formation and is exposed on the west
flank of the Shulaps complex and East Liza suite (Unit
~DIP\YE andpillared mofic metovolcanic rocks
Together, these four units comprise a complicated.. poly-
phase, southwesterly verging, linked thrust system, whsch at
SHULAPS OPHlOLITlC MELANGE. BLOCKS a later stage became overprinted on its western flank by a
transtensional high-angle fault system.
The Shulapsperidotite wite occupiesthe upper p"rt cNf the
thrust system. It extends far to thenorth andeast of the study
area (Figure 3-4-1) and underlies the highest peaks within the
Shulaps Range. Work by Leech (1953:' and Wright e t al.
(1982) suggests that it consists entirely of variably ssrpen-
SHULAPS OPHlOLITlC MELANGE, MAlRIX tinized, layered harzburgi1.e tectonites with locally abundant
ssrpentinite derivsd from dunite-uahrlite cumulates: with dunite bodies. Preliminary field observations suggestthat the
La more coherent ultramafic cumulateblocks upper thrust unit of mantle peridotite coinsists of a shingled
a serpentinite derived from Shulopr
mole coherent peridotite tectanite blocks


array of moderately northeast-dipping thrust sheets of more
or less coherent peridotite, separated from one another by
Honburgitetectonite: minor dunite and ortbopyroxenits: shear zones consisting of intensely foliated serpentinite.The
*Nth tronsorareive dunite bodies unit has beeninterpreted by Wright e!' al. (1982) a,; an
obducted fragment of depleted oceanic upper mantle.
TheShulaps ophiolitic mtlange occurs ina northwest
trending belt. up to 5 kilometres wide,along the s,outh-
western edge of theShuiaps peridotitesuite. It is spec-
tacularly exposed along the southwesternslopes of the
Shulaps Range. To thenorthwest, it terminatesabruptly
against a high-angle fault system which marks theboumlary
between the Shulaps complex and a fragment of the Cad-
wallader Terrane. To the southeast, the belt extends in1.o the
Hog Creek imbricate zone delineated by Potter (1983). The
mklange underlies the imbricatethrust system of the Shulaps
peridotite suite with a moderately northeast-dipping s t w -
tural contact. Potter (1983, 1986) hasshown that the belt
overlies, with gently east-dipping thrust ,contact, metasedi-
mentary and metavolcanic unitsof the BridgeRiver complex
directly southeast of the study area. Theb'elt thus constitutes
a partly exhumed duplex structure that del7nes the bounc.ary
zone between an upper Flate consisting of atelescoped
side it covers a small segmentof the contactwith sedimentary section of oceanic upper mantle peridotite anda lower plate of
rocks of the Hurley Formation in the Cadwallader Group. telescoped oceanic supracnlstal sequence!;.
This reportprovides a detailed descriptionof the lithological
I units and their structural relationships in this study area.
Internally, the mtlangebelt comprises a number of smaller
duplexes which form an extension of the Hog Creek imbri-
cate zone.These duplexes may be subdivided in terms of both
theprotolithtypes of theserpentinites that make up the
LITHOTECTONIC SUBDIVISION voluminous matrix of the mtlange belt, and the igneous :md
Themap units in the study area may be conveniently sedimentary lithologies that occur as abundant blocks within
subdivided into four main lithotectonic units (Figure 3-4-2). the serpentinite matrix. The matrix of the milange is sJb-
which are in thrust contact with one another and display the divided in two northwest-trending belts which maintai.~a
consistent structural position in the thrust system, The ser-
following stacking order, from structural top to bottom:
pentinitematrix of the upper belt is derivedfrom low-
( I ) The Shulapsperidotite suite, exposed in the northernpart
temperature alteration of protoliths found only in the ovmly-
of the study area (Unit I ) . ingmantle peridotite suite, whereastheprotoliths ofthe
(2) The Shulaps ophiolitic mtlangc, which is exposed along lower belt comprisea suit" of ultramaficcumulate mcks
thesouthwesternmargin of the peridotitesuiteand including dunite, wehrlite and clinopyroxenite. Within each
occupies the central and southern part of the map area belt these protoliths are locally preserved in more or 18:ss
(Units 2 to 7); coherent blocks envelopedby intensely sheared serpentinite.
(3) The East Lira igneous suite of mafic plutonic and vol- The ultramafic cumulate prololiths also occur at the bases of
canic rocks, exposedinthesouthwestern part of the two gabbroic blocks within the ultramafic cumulate-derived
study area (Units 8 and 9); serpentinite belt.
Geological Fieldwork 1989, Paper 1990.1 377
Both melange belts contain abundant boudins and more which are parallel to schistosity in the serpentinite matrix of
coherent sections of gabbroic to dioritic dikes which locally the shear zones.
preservechilledmarginsand contact aureoles of porphy- Lithologieswithintheperidotitesheet are dominantly
roblasticolivine-talc-serpentineschists(Leech,1953; layered and massive, foliated harzburgite with subordinate
Nagel, 1979). However, a clear distinction can be made dunite and orthopyroxenite.Compositionallayering is
between the two belts as regards the occurrences of blocks defined on centimetre to metre scale by modal variations in
representing dismembered ultramafic-mafic plutonic com- the orthopyroxene content of the harzburgite, and by parallel
plexes, as well as blocks of sedimentary and volcanic rocks. phaseboundariesbetweenharzburgite,duniteand
The mantle-peridotite-derived serpentinite melange doesnot orthopyroxenite. Numerous irregularly shaped pods of dun-
appear to contain any such blocks in the area studied. The ite occur withinthe peridotite. They are variable in size,
most extensive belt of plutonic blocks is situated directly ranging from less than a metre to several tens of metres in
beneaththebasalmantle-peridotite-derivedserpentinite diameter. The dunites cut across the peridotite tectonitefabric
shear zoneandpreservesthethickestcoherent section of in an irregular manner and the margins of the bodies appear
ultramafic cumulates observed in the area. Moreover, blocks undeformed.Most bodiescontain abundant disseminated
of plutoniccomplexessituatedstructurallylower in the chromite and thin chromite stringers with variable orienta-
ultramafic-cumulate-derived serpentinite melange comprise tions. The chromite grains range up to I centimeue in size
generally only higher level gabbroic sectionsof the plutonic and are generally euhedral.
complexes. Sedimentary and volcanic blocks are irregularly A penetrativemineralfoliationandlineation, which in
distributed throughout the lower serpentinite belt, but are most localities is parallel to the compositional layering, is
particularly prominent in number and size directly beneath observed in the harzburgite. Foliation andlineation are
the main belt of plutonic blocks. definedby a weak to moderatepreferredorientation of
The EastLiza igneous suite forms a separate thrust unitof orthopyroxene and spinel grains varying in size from 1 to 15
limited extent in the southwestern part of the map area. It is millimetres. The linear aspect of the fabric is outlined by
structurally overlain by the ultramafic-cumulate-derived ser- chromite pull-apart textures. The texture of the peridotite
pentinite mklange, and overlies intensely folded units of the tectonites can he classified as protogranular to mildly por-
Hurley Formation with marked thrust contact. In the south it phyroclastic. Mesoscopic folds of layering with associated
comprises gabbros which in all field aspects resemble those axial planar foliation have not been observed. Layering and
of the main gabbro blockswithin the mClange. To the north, parallel foliation have rather constant orientation, dipping
the gabbros appear to be in nonconformable stratigraphic steeply to the north-northeast or south-southwest. Mineral
contact with overlying volcanic rocks in a poorly exposed elongation lineations are subvertical in the foliation plane.
area dominated by abundant outcropsof dikes with screens of Accordingtodatafrom Leech (1953) and Wright et al.
volcanics. The unit is equivalent to the greenstone-gabbro (1982). the regional attitude of layering and foliation in the
complex of Leech (1953). Shulaps complex asa whole is similar tothat observed in the
study area, with steep southwesterly dipspredominating.
Sedimentary rocks of the Late Triassic Hurley Formation The attitude of the planar fabrics is markedly oblique to the
of the CadwalladerGroup occupy the western part of the map fabric of the serpentinite shearzones in whichthe main
area. They comprisean upward-fining sequence of siliciclas- serpentine foliation has a moderate northeasterly dip.
tic turbidites including some volcaniclastic rocks, associated
limestone breccia and bedded chert. In the northwest, the
unit is in abrupt, high-angle fault contact with a block of
gabbro withintheserpentinite melange. Farther south, it
occurs in anumber of half windows beneath the melangeand
the volcanic rocks of the East Liza suite. Rocks resembling M ~ L A N G(UNIT
E 2)
Hurleylithologies also occur as exoticblockswithin the The unit forms a zone 300 to 500 metres thick that dips, on
serpentinite mClange. average, at an angle of 40" to the north andnortheast, beneath
the basal thrustsheet of the mantle peridotitesuite. It
structurally overlies the belt of large gabbro blocks which
form the steep cliffs in the western part of the map area.
LITHOLOGY AND STRUCTUREOF Farther to the east, the unit directly overlies the ultramafic-
MAP UNITS cumulate-derived serpentinite belt (Unit 3) on the upper the
upper slope of Shulaps Peak. Where the intervening main
(UNIT1) gabbro-block level is missing, the contact between the two
serpentinitebelts may be difficult to identify. However,
The Shulaps peridotitesuite comprises the bulk of the
suitable outcrops of matrix rocks which show transitional
ultramafic rocks in the Shulaps complex asdefined by
stages of alteration of the different protoliths are readily
previous workers (e.&, Leech, 1953; Wright er al., 1982),
available on both sides of the contact in most areas.
and is exposed in the northern part of the study area. The
rocks form part of a coherent basal thrust sheet of mantle The main structural grainof the belt is defined by a braided
peridotite that strikes northwest, dips 40" to the northeast, network of narrow zones containing an intensely schistose
and is approximately 300 metres thick. The sheetis bounded scaly serpentine fabric showing abundant evidence, in the
at its top and bottom by serpentinite shear zones up to 500 form of fibrous serpentine slickensides, for reverse dip slip
metres thick. The boundaries are sharp structural contacts and oblique slip. Locally these serpentinite strands have a
378 British Columbia Geological Survey Branch
myloniticaspectcontainingwell-developedC-Sfabrics monly display C-S mylonite fabrics, particularly in contacit
which invariably indicate southwest-directed thrusting. This zones with larger blocksin the mClange Shear-sense indica-.
fabric is referred toas the secondgenerationserpentine tors invariably provide e>idence forsouthwesterly thrusting.
schistosity (S,) in the legend of the geological map. It The volcanic and sedimentary blocks are all contained within
constitutes the younger component of a composite serpen- S, serpentinite strandsanti are consistently aligned with their
tinite fabric that can be observed in lozenge-shaped serpen- longest dimensions parallel to the S, fabric.
tinite blocks surrounded by the S, serpentine zones. Within
The overall attitude of the duplex structures is remarkably
such blocks an older schistosity ( S , ) is generally inclined at a flatlying in the southwestern and southeastern parts of the
high angle to the main serpentinite shear zone fabric and belt but steepens to northerly and northeasterlydips o f .10" tcs
bends gradually or abruptly into the late fabric at the edges of
50" at the contact with the overlying mantle peridotite thrusl
the blocks. Locally the first generation serpentine schistosity system (Figure 3-4-2). Most of this change in attitude !,eems
has itself the appearance of a fine scale C-S fabric.
focused on the main beltof plutonic b l o c k situated a h n g this
contact,and it appears as if these big blocks acted as a
footwall ramp tothe overlying thrust system.A similar ramp
structure, outlined by flat andsteep S, belts in the floorhrust
ULTRAMAFIC-CUMULATE-DERIVED zone ofthe melange,is created by the underlyingthru!;t stack
(UNIT3) of East Liza suite andHuirley Formation, exposed in th,: half
window in the western part of the area (Figure 3-4-2). In the
This component of the mtlange occupiesmost of the south, the main S, fabric dips gently to moderately lo the
eastem andsouthern parts of the map area. It extends south, creatingabroadantiformalzonealong the upper
eastwards into the Hog Creek imbricate zone delineated by reaches of Jim Creek.Thi:i structure may mark thelocat on of
Potter (1983). Previous workers have tacitly assumed that the a blind culmination in the footwall of the mklange, which is
serpentinite matrix of the mklanpe, as a whole, was derived possibly an easterly extension of the East Liza suite-Hnrley
from the overlying mantle peridotite suite. Thepresent study, Formation thrust stack.
however, has revealed that this is only true for the upper part
of the mklange (Unit 2). The matrix of the lower part consists
entirely of serpentinite derived from ultramafic cumulates. BLOCKSOF ULTRAMAFIC-MAFFC
The main lithologies that acted as protoliths are wehrlite and PLUTONIC COMPLEXES
dunite, with lesserclinopyroxenite. Theprotolith types of the
serpentinite matrix are identical, in all aspects, to ultramafic A number of large and small coherent blocks inthe lower
cumulates found as coherent sequences at the bases of two serpentinite belt represent dismembered sections of a plu-
large blocks comprising segments of an ultramafic to gab- tonic complex (Plate 3-4- Ij. They include a large variety of
broic plutonic complex (Units 4 and 5 , see following section intrusive rocks ranging from olivine-rich ultramafic c m u -
for description). lates to high-level, varitextured plagioclase-richgabbros.
They display complex multiple intrusive relationship!< aften
The macroscopic structure of the ultramafic-cumulate- involving a number of igneous phases, and they exhibit, at
derived serpentinite mtlange is that of a huge duplex, sand-
wiched between the overlying thrust system of the mantle
peridotite suite and the underlying thrust system of variably
deformedandmetamorphosedsupracrustal rocks of the
Bridge River complex in the east (Potter, 1983, 1986). and
the thrust stack of the East Liza suiteand Hurley Formation in
the west. The belt reaches a structural thickness of approx-
imately I kilometre in the eastern part of the area. A number
of smaller, flat-roofed, hinterland-dipping duplex structures
have been mappedwithin the belt (Figure 3-4-2). These
duplexes are focused on shingled stacks of large and smaller
blocks of the ultramafic-gabbroic plutonic complex which
are situated on at least three different structural levels within
the belt. The roof and floor thrust zones of the duplexes are
outlined by gently to moderately north to northeast-dipping
zones of intensely schistose scaly serpentinite(S,), similar in
style and orientation patterns to the second generation ser-
pentinite shearzones observed in the overlyingmantle- Plate 3-4-1. View to th,: northwest of the eastem edge OF
peridotite-derived mtlange belt.Within the duplexes, the the main gabbro block in the mklange. Lower half of section
first generation serpentine schistosity generally dips more in block comprises recessively weathering sicreens of massixe
andlayeredultramaficcumulates belwem moreresistant
steeply to the north or northeast and curves into the duplex dikes. Upper half of section comprises screens ofa variety of
boundaries. This schistosity often wraps around the lozenge- gabbro types betweendikss. The contact between uluama.fic
shaped plutonic blocks contained in the duplexes, creating and gabbroic rwks lies alongthe thick dike seen in centre of
the appearance that originally much larger coherent sections thephotograph.Thegabbroictodioriticdikeswarmdips
of the plutonic complex were telescoped along shear zones moderately to steeply northeast and shows complex internal
injected by serpentinite. The Sz serpentinitestrands com- geometry (resistant dikes In centre of photograph).
Geological Fieldwork 1989, Paper 1990.1 379
leastlocally,evidence for heterogeneoushigh-temperature zones. fault-houndedultramaficcumulateenclaves in gab-
plasticdeformationassociated with intrusive events. broic sequences, and lateintrusive dike swarms(Plate 3-4-2).
The scale of these features is generallv small. on averaee
c -. 10
to 50 metres of outcrop width. They suggest that the gabbro
"i complexes did not evolvethroughcrystallization
magmachambers of simple geometrical form, hut rather
in large

The ultramafic cumulates aremainly found in twoblocks, throughspatiallyandtemporallyhighlyvariablemultiple

where they form thepresentstructural base of theplutonicintrusive orocesses.
sequences-(Figure 3-4-2). Their most important occurrence
is in the large block in the centre of the belt. This sequence Compositionally,thegabbroicsuiterangesfrom
reaches a total thickness of at least 200 metres and extends clinopyroxenite andrarewebrterite to two-pyroxene gah-
along strike for at least 500 metres. It comprises dominantly bros,clinopyroxene-rich gabbros andanorthosite.
wehrliteandclinopyroxenite, with subordinatechro- Clinopyroxene and plagioclase are the dominant constitu-
mitiferous dunite, clinopyroxene-bearing dunite, olivine ents, whereas olivine and orthopyroxene are relatively rare.
clinopyroxenite and rare olivine websterite. Plagioclasemay Undeformed gabbrosrangetexturallyfrommassiveto
in a highly altered state, in some of the pyrox- layered, and isotropic to foliated. Medium to coarse-grained
be present, pegmatitic varieties, especially leucogabbros, are common
enites. The suite was previously described asthe clinopyrox-
enite unit by Leech (1953) and Nagel (1979). Both authors in the form of small stocks and irregularly shaped pods and
clearlyunderestimatedthe total averagemodalamount of veins. High-level.varitextured gabbros are thedominant
olivine in the suite in favour of clinopyroxene. component in most of the blocks in the mClange belt. They
constitute the top sections of the large plutonic blocks and
The present base of the suite is poorly exposed, but appears form the only constituent of the remaking blocks. Fine scale
to he in structural contact with underlying serpentinite with a compositional layering, occasionally with grain-size graded
moderately northeast-dipping S 2 fabric. In the eastern out- or phase-graded aspect (Plate 3-4-31, is common in a number
crop area of the block, the top of the unit is defined by a 20-
metre-thick, little-deformeddiontedikewith well-developed
chilled margins. This dike is immediately overlain by thinly
layered gabbros. Internally, the ultramafic suite contains a
number of small, fault-bounded enclaves of layered gabbro.
It is also cut by a narrowly spaced diabase dike swarm that
dips on average 55" north-northeast. The ultramafic cumu-
lates thus occur as narrow screens between the late dikes
(Plate 3-4-1).
The plutonic geometry of the ultramafic suite in the main
block is highly variable. The rocks are generallypoorly
layered to massive, and have isotropic texture with anhedral
olivine shapesand randomly orientated stubbydiopside
prisms predominating. Where phase layering is observed, it
is usuallynonplanarand highly discontinuous over short
distances. Layeringattitudesareextremelyvariable from
screen to screenin thedike swarm. It is not clear whether this
is an original plutonic feature, or an imposed feature due to
rotation caused by dike intrusion. The suite comprises poorly
defined cyclic sequences of phase-graded units with a basal
clinopyroxene-bearingdunite layer, grading intoathick
wehrlite layer followed by a thick olivine clinopyroxenite
layer. Olivine-rich phases often occur as irregular, pod-like
bodies within clinopyroxene-rich phases. Poikilitic textures
of clinopyroxene with olivine andchromite inclusions occur
occasionally in wehrlitic phases. In most rocks clinopyrox-
ene appears to be the main adcumulus phase.


The gabbroic sequences constitute the most voluminous
component of the plutonic blocks in the melange, as was
alreadynoted by Leech (1953) and Nagel (1979). In all
blocks complex intrusive relationships between various gah- Plate 3-4-2. Typical appearance of high-level, varitextured
broic phases are indicated by crosscutting phase domains, gahhro. It comprisessheared and isotropic gabbro, cross-
xenolith-charged margins of lateintrusive stocks, S ~ N C - cutting pegmatitic leucogabbro veins and, behind the ham-
turallycontrolledphaseboundariesincludingfaults and shear mer. a late isotropicdiabase dike.

380 Geological British Columbia Survey Branch

of localities. The layering displays highly variable attitudes, regional strike of the belt Smaller blocks, up to 10 mmelres i n
even within small areas of a singleblock.Domains of size, have a more rounded shape, and may lie inclined to the
constant layer attitudeare invariably bounded by crosscutting S, serpentinite fabric. The largest concentration of blocks is:
varitextured suites, by discrete dlkes of variable width, or by in a mylonitic serpentinite zone situated directly beneath the
shear znnes and faults. large plutonic blocks near the top of the belt, in the c-nual
Domains of penetrativeplasticdeformationare rare in and western part of the map area.Another conspicuou:;itring
most of the blocks. Locally. layered and massive gabbros of larger blockslies lowerin the belt in the easternmost part01
contain a well-developed schistosity (subparallelto layering, the area, and appears to extend into the Hog Creek imbricate
where present) and mineral elongation lineation. These rocks zone to the east.
have a porphyroclastic texture of coarse clinopyroxene with The sedimentary blocks (Unit 7) comprise mainly bedded
recrystallizedrims of green hornblende, suggesting that andmassive chert, and thin to medium-beddedturbiditic
deformation occurred under amphibolite facies conditions. siltstone and sandstone. In one block, bedded chert iis inter-
The deformedgabbros arecon~monly cut by pegmatitic layered with a unit of stronglysilicifiedand minerdired
leucogabbro bodiesanda variety of gabbroic to dioritic volcanicrocks I O mBtresthick.Smallblocks of
dikes. Narrow, low-temperature shear Loneb, characterized recrystallizedlimestone,limestonebreccia,and oerty
by chlorite alteration, are common throughout the gabbro matrix-supported pebble cconglomerate with abundant :elsic
blocks and they are generally located alongmacroscopic igneous clasts arerare. One small block of coarse pyroclastic
phase contacts. The shear zones are truncated by younger rock was found in Jim Creek near a Mock containirg an
intrusive rocks, indicating that they developedduring the upward-facing 20-metre r,equence of pyritiferous Iminated
magmatic evolution of the gabbroic complexes shale-siltstone, white bedded chert with shale partings, and
sequence appears correlative with a more extensive unit of
siliciclasticrocks withinterbedded chert and rarevol-
caniclastic rockswhich is exposed on the lower slopes \vest of

Plate 3-4-3. Fine-scale, phase-graded layering i n gabbro-

anorthosite sequence which form!. an isolated plutonic unit
within the easlern par1 of the main gabbrohlock. This gabbro
sequence is in fault-controlled. intmsive contactwith a large
xenolith of ultramafic ~ ~ n ~ u l a shown
trs on the right-hand
side of the photograph. The resistant dark-weathering unit
above the layered gabbro is a crosscutting diorite dike with
chilled marsins against gabbro.


The ultramafic-cumulate-derivedserpentinite belt con-
tains a numberof blocks (approximately 30) of sedimentary,
volcanicandvolcaniclasticrocks in thestudy area. Such
blocks have also been reported by Potter (19x3) from the Hog
Creek imbricate zone. Whereas the plutonic blocks in the
serpentinite can reasonably be considered as indigenous to
the belt, the blocks of supracrustal rocks represent a truly
exotic element, justifying the use of the term milange.
Most blocks are rather small in !size, their longest outcrop
dimension rarely exceeding 200 metres. Larger blocks tend Plate 3-4-4. Detail of highly schistose, thinly layeral
to be tabular in shape with tapered edges. Theyaregenerally quartz phyllite, cut by brecciatedquart2dioritedike in
aligned parallel to the S2 fabric in the surrounding serpen- sedimentary knocker within the serpentinite melange i n t h c
tinites. with their longest dimension trending parallel to the easternmost partof the study area.
Geological Fiddwork 1989, Riper 1990.1 ,381
Jim Creek (Schiarizza et a l . , 1989). The large block in the
southeastern part of themapareacontains an intensely
foliated sequence of thinlylayeredpelites cut by small
brecciated pods and dikes of hornblende plagioclaseporph-
yry (Plate 3-4-4) that do not extend into the adjacent serpen-
tinite matrix (see also Archibald et a l . , 1989). Most blocks
show effectsof lower greenschist facies metamorphismasso-
ciated with deformation in the form of cleavage development
and, locally, mesoscopic cleavage folding.
Volcanic blocks (Unit 6 ) are less abundant than sedimen-
tary blocks. They comprise massive and pillowed lava and
pillow breccia. In some localities, the lavas show variolitic
and/or vesicular texture; some contain feldspar phenocrysts
and chlorite pseudomorphs presumably after primary pyrox-
ene or amphibole. Pillow breccias locally contain lenses of
chert and limestone brecciaup to several metres in size. The
volcanic rocks appear to range from basaltic to dacitic in
composition. They are generallystronglyaltered dueto
silicification and low greenschist facies metamorphism, and
show heterogeneous deformation in theform of flattening of
pillows and cleavage development in the matrix of pillow


Numerous disrupted fragments of dikes occurwithin both
types of serpentinite belts. They range in composition from
gabbroic to dioritic;hornblende-porphyritic quartz diorite is
an abundant component of the dike suite. Some
large dikes in
the eastern partof the area aremultiple intrusive, ranging in
composition from pyroxenite to gabbro and flow-banded,
feldspar-porphyritic diorite (Plate 3-4-5).Manygabbroic
dikes are strongly altered to either rodingite. greenschist or Plate 3-4-5.Detail of composite dike fragment in eastern
talc schist. Ontheotherhand,manydioriticdikes are part of the serpentinite melange. Flow-bandedquartz diorite
remarkablyfreshandpreservewell-developedchilled dike, with feldspar phenocryst alignment, is intrusive into
margins. sheared and altered isotropic gabbro.
The dike fragmentsdisplay a variety of shapes reflecting
the degree of their deformation and related alteration. They
rangefromsmalltolarge,rounded or lozenge-shaped belt. They are dominantly part of thelate dioriticsuite
boudinsto ratherstraightand continuousdikesegments, intruded along S , shearzones neartheupperandlower
some of which extend upto 100 metres along strike.Boudins contacts of the belt.
are completely surrounded by foliated serpentinite and are Late dikes have locally imprinted contact metamorphic
aligned parallel to eitherS, or S, as the main externalfabric. effects on the surrounding serpentinite. The most common
They often occur in clusters with conspicuous parallel or en contact metamorphic assemblages are olivine +serpen-
echelonalignmentintheserpentinitefabric,reflecting +
tine? talc, and olivine talc t magnesite. The rockshave a
boudinagedsingledikesoriginallyorientedparallel or porphyroblastic texture of elongate olivine crystals in a white
oblique to the external fabric, respectively. Some clusters, felted matrix. The porphyrohlasts are often pseudomorphed
however, are so dense that they must have resulted from by fine-grained, brown-weathering magnesite + talc aggre-
boudinage of parallel dike swarms. Straight dike fragments gates. These rocks were first recognizedby Leech (1953) and
ofthedioriticsuitegenerallypreservechilledmarginsagainst later studied in some detail by Nagel (1979), who correctly
either the S , or S, fabric of the serpentinite matrix. Their suggested that the olivine schists formed by prograde meta-
contactsare, however, invariably sheared, andthefine- morphism of originallylow-temperatureserpentinite. He
grained chill zonesoften show foliation development related concludedthattheolivine was generated at temperatures
to postintrusion deformation of the serpentinite matrix. The around 400°C. but ignored the effectsof Xco,. This is prob-
field relationships indicate that both pre-SI and post-S, dike ably erroneous in view of the common occurrenceof magne-
suites arepresent in themelange (see below). Gabbroic dikes site in the assemblage; high Xco, would slightly lower the
define both early andlate dike suites, whereasdioritic dikes temperature range for the stability of olivine in the contact
(particularlythose with preservedchilledmargins)are aureoles. Nagel inferred a magmatic source for the heat that
almost all post-SI. Dikes in the mantle-peridotite-derived caused the static metamorphism, hut did not link the heat
serpentinite belt are relatively rare compared to the abundant source directly to the abundant dike suites in the mklange.
Occurrences in the ultramafic-cumulate-derived serpentinite The present study has shown that some contact aureoles are
382 British Columbia Geological Survey Branch
still attached to the dike walls. whereasothers have been They arefined grained ctm aphanitic and locally vesicular and
detached from the dikes by later shearing that led to the porphyritic; the original ferromagnesian phenocry,< .,t ' now
development of the Sz serpentine schistosity. The latest occur as chloritic pseudomorphs.Massive flows are up to 2
widespread dike intrusion event recorded in the melange is metres thick and locally show banding outlinedby concentra-
thus interpreted to he syn-S,. tions of amygdules. The rocks are strongly altered to low
greenschist facies assemblages with abundant quartz, epi-
dote and chlorite; silicification is intense and widespread.
Compositionallythe lavas appear to range from bar.alt to
The suite is treated as aseparatelithotectonic unit, in The thrust contactbetween the volcanic rocksand unjerly-
contrast to the interpretation of Nagel (1979) who considered in&sedimentary rocksof Ithe Hurly Formationis well exposed
it to be a block in the serpentinite. It is overlain with clear along the upper eastern slopes of East Lixa Creek. In thc lava!;
thrust contact by ultramafic-cumulate-derived serpentinites it is a zone of silicic banded mylonite and phyllonitr with
along its eastern and southernmargins(Plate 3-4-6). It well-developed C-S fabricsup to 1 rnetre thick. At one
structurally overlies sedimentary rocks of the Cadwallader locality, the thrust is clearly cut by a diorite dike that can be
Group, and nowhere in the study area can it he shown to he traced over some distance into the underlying sedinmtary
underlain by serpentinite. The floor thrust of the serpentinite rocks. Various shear-sen:;e criteria in the mylonites consis..
melange is thus drawn at the top of the unit and defines a tently indicate southwest..directed thrusting, identical to the
broad easterly plunging antiform that extends eastward into movement pattern of tht: S, serpentinitemylonites which.
the Hog Creek imbricate zone. directly overlie the volcanic rocks in the northern part of
The unit comprises mafic to intermediateintrusiveand outcrop area of the East Liza suite. Delormation associated
extrusiverocksdisplayingcomplicatedigneousrelation- with this thrusting has not been recognized with cerzainty
ships. Leech (1953) and Nagel (1979) have suggested that a
transitional contact exists between gabbrosandvolcanic
rocks.Gabbroicrocks underlie the southem part of the
outcrop area andappear to be overlain with nonconformable
stratigraphiccontact by pillowed lavas in the northThe
contact zone is poorly exposed, but local field relationships
suggest that it dips gently north-northeast.
The intrusive sequence (Unit 8) consists mainly of fine-
scale layered two-pyroxene gabbros with minor interlayered
websterite,clinopyroxeniteandanorthosite(Plate 3-4-61, t . .
These rocks show a well-developed tectonic foliation sub-
parallel to layering, as well as discrete plastic shear zones
overprinting the foliation. Layering attitudes arehighly vari-
able, as was also noted by Nagel (1979). The rocks have a
porphyroclastictexture,outlined by flattenedpyroxene , "-. - . " -,. ,,. 7''
grains with tailed recrystallized margins of brown and green
pleochroic hornblende indicating deformation under amphi- Plate 3-4-6. Detail of thrust conta8:t betweenbasal
mylonite of serpentinite mklange and underlyinggablrro,
bolite facies conditions. The deformed gabbros are cut by with steep fine-scale laysrinp, of East Lira igneous suite.
small, irregularly shaped stocks of isotropic, fine-grained to Composite fabric in serpmtinite consists 'of an early steeply
pegmatitic gabbros; by variably textured gabbroic veins; and dipping schistosity (S,) ;and a later, mylonitic serpentinite
by abundant fine-grained gabbroic to dioritic dikes which fabric (S2) which is subpxrallel to the thrust contact.
have highlyvariableorientation. This intrusive sequence
resembles the high-level gabbros of the plutonic blocks in
many respects.
The contact zone with the volcanic rocks is characterized
by an increase in theoccurrence of dikes, by frequent
microgabbroicstocks,andnarrowscreens of intensely
sheared pillowed andmassivelavasbetweenintrusive
phases. Locally, dike swarms appear to have coalesced into
small sheeted dike sections, but a sheeted dike complex is
certainly not well developed along the contact zone. Small
plugsandsills of microgabbro are found locally, higher
within the volcanic succession.
The volcanic rocks (Unit 9) comprise mainly pillow lava
with subordinate massive flows and pillow breccia; they are
cut by fine-grained diabase dikes. In mildly deformed parts
of the sequence, the pillows are small in size, ranging up to Plate 3-4-7. Mildly defc~rmed pillow lavasof East Lira
0.5 metre in diameter, and rounded in shape (Plate 3-4-7). igneous suite in western part of study area.
Geological Fieldwork 1989, Paper 1990-1 383
, ,

:entral Window

jouthwest Domain
_" , ,

of Hurley Formation:(A-C) northwestern domain, (D-F)

Figure 3-4-3. Orientation patterns of cleavage fold systems in three domains
northern half-window, (G-I) southwestern domain. A . D. G are plots for poles to bedding: B, E, H are plots for poles to axial planar
cleavage; C, F, I are plots of beddinglcleavage intersection lineations and axes of small-scale folds; all plots are in equal area, lower
hemisphere projection.

384 Brirish Columbia Geological Survey Branch

within the volcanic sequence. The presumed thrust contact the S , serpentinite mylonites. The fold system in the south-
between gabbros and Hurley Formation is nowhere exposed western domain, along the eastern slopeof East Lira Creek,
in the study area. The contact is deformed in macroscopic is nonplanarnoncylindrical, closeto tight; it is :steeply
cleavage folds with associated thrusts. The folding is spec- inclined to the southwest;and plunges mainly to the sodheast
tacularlydeveloped in the Hurley footwall (see below). it (Figure 3-4-3).It is markedlyasymmetricwitheast-
caused widespread cleavage formation with associated flat- northeasterlyvergenceexpressed by steeply westdigping
tening of pillows in the volcanic sequence. Thiscleavage dips overturned shortlimbsand associatedmoderately west-
steeply to the southwest and obscures many of the original dipping thrusts. the fold and thrust system clearly ic.volves
features of the volcanicsequence; it is only locally developed not only the Hurley Fornlation, but also the overlying East
in thegabbros to the south. All structures arecut by a Lizavolcanicrocks and S 2 serpentinitemylonites (tf the
complex extensional fault system that controls much of the melange. in one small area in the northern partof the dcmain
present outcrop pattern of the eastern contactof the East Liza (Figure 3-4-Z), the volcanic rocks and serpentinitesdefine an
suite with the serpentinite melange (see also below). overturned antiform-synform pair that is cut on its vcstern
side by an easterly verging thrust syst,:m comprising: thin
sheets of volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The thrusls are
outlined by thin phyllitic C-S mylonite zones consistently
GROUP,HURLEYFORMATION showing north-northeast-directed movement. The fold and
(UNIT10) thrust system effectively terminates ag.ainst a late, normal
fault in the east and is cut by numerous small exterlsional
This unit comprises a variety of siliciclastic and calcareous faults which are not shown on the map.
sedimentary rockswhich, onthe basis of lithological correla-
tion,are assigned to theLate 'Triassic Hurley Formation
(Rusmore, 1987). To date, howeyer, no biostratigraphic data
are availablefor the unit in the maparea. Themost prominent
sequence in the unit consists of thin to medium-bedded grey
sandstones and laminated grey to black siltstones, which are
turbiditic in nature displaying grading as well as convolute
and crosslamination. It contains interbedded limestone, chert
andpebble conglomerate, whichbecome more abundant
towards the stratigraphic base of the unit. Massive, locally
fossiliferous limestone and limestone breccia occur as dis-
continuouslensesup to 5 metresthick.White to grey,
massive chert beds intercalated with the siliciclastic rocks
range from 0.5 to 3 metres in thickness. Matrix-supported
pebble conglomerates contain subroundedclasts of felsic and
mafic (sub-)volcanic rocks. Theturbidite sequence becomes
more calcareous towards its stratigraphic top (Plate 3-4-8).
consisting of medium to thick-bedded (up toI metre), graded
calcarenites, calcareous shales and rare, thin discontinuous
limestone beds. The unit is cut by rare, thin dikes ranging in
composition from basalt to quartz diorite.
All rocks of theunit are affected by regionalfolding
associated with intense axial planar cleavage development
(Plate 3-44),The fold system comprises several orders of
antiform-synform pairs. Orientationpatterns of thefold
system are presented in Figure 3-4-3for three domains in the
study area. Folds in the northwestern domain, directly west
of thenorthernmostgabbroblocks in the serpentinite
m6Iange(Figure 3-4-2) define a plane,subcylindrical,
steeply inclined system that plunges gently to the north; the
folds are close to tight,asymmetric with easterly vergence.
The folds in the northern half-window of Hurley Formation
(Figure 3-4-2)define a plane, noncylindrical, close to tight
system for which foldasymmetry is not well established. The
folds are steeply northeasterly inclined and markedly doubly
plunging(Figure 3-4-3).Dueto severe late extensional Plate 3-4-8. Limb domain of mesoscopic cleavage
faulting, it is not clear whether or not this folding affects the thin-beddedcalcareousshales of Hurley Formation, C,xl-
thrust contacts with the overlying serpentinites and volcanic wallader Group. This fold
is a parasitic smcture in the con: of
rocks. A penetrativecleavage with identicalorientation is a southeast-plungingantiform. Noteangular relationship
observed in the volcanic rocks, but doesnot appear to affect between bedding and axial planar cleavagf:.
Geological Fieldwork 1989, Paper 1990-1 385
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386 British Columbia Geological Survey Branch

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