Annotatedbibliography Week6

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Annotated Bibliography

Mastracchio Jr., N. J., Jiménez-Angueira, C., & Toth, I. (2015). The State of Ethics in

Business and the Accounting Profession. CPA Journal, 85(3), 48-52.

The article (2015) goes into discussing the challenges that face the business and

accounting industries regarding ethics implementation. The article (2015) also explains that

unethical behavior has been declining, by using examples from the National Business Ethics

Survey. The public does not trust businesses to self-regulate because studies have shown that

business students are most likely to perform unethical behavior than other students in some other

areas of research.

Bender, M. Contacos-Sawyer, J & Thomas, B. (2013). Benefits strategies for attracting and

retaining employees.

This article (2013) discusses the benefits of strategies for retaining and attracting employees.

The article also offers strategies for offering a better benefits program that would draw the

attention of more qualified candidates for hiring.

Further information was given of how businesses can be more profitable by offering viable

and adequate compensation and benefit packages. By offering benefit packages and othe

incentives, businesses can attract and retain employees.

Munir, R. & Rahman, R. (2016). Determining Dimensions of Job Satisfaction Using Factor

Analysis Procedia Economics and Finance, 37, 488-496.

Turnover rates in businesses is something that affects all industries and employees. Some

employees decide to change their positions, shifts, dissatisfaction, or a career change. Munir &

Rahman (2016), were concerned with identifying the validity, reliability and the normality of item

measurement in analyzing some elements of job satisfaction.

Munir & Rahman (2016) also show that the results of the study are much relevant to some

organizations as they provide them with precise and valid factors which are known to influencing

the job satisfaction among employees. The article (2016) shows that the organizations will be able

to use these factors to improve them to enhance the employees’ job satisfaction and hence

increasing employees’ motivation.

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