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Assessment Plan

My assessment plan is used throughout the entire unit including the pre-assessment and

each of the five lessons. Each lesson is directly related to the two learning goals set for this student.

The table below also shows the type of assessment used and the scoring procedure.

Modes of Assessment:
A few different types of assessments are being used throughout the pre-assessment and the

five consecutive lessons. The modes of assessment are the same thought the five lessons as the

lessons are similar. The specific modes of assessments are: a pre-assessment before the first lesson,

observation of reading, guided practice and questioning, and formative assessment during

independent work time.

Scoring Procedure: Throughout the five lessons, the pre assessment and the post assessment the

students were graded using the rubric, which can be found below. The Rubric was left vague in

order to meet the objectives of each lesson and be directly aligned with both the common core state

standard and the students specific IEP goals. The students were graded on whether they did not

meet, partially met, or met the specific learning objectives for each the assessments and each of the


Student Self-Assessment: This student was given a few different opportunities to reflect upon her

learning. She discussed her learning after her pre-assessment, noting that she had tried to determine

a pattern rather than focusing on the words in front of her. The student also reflected upon her

fluency reading after she viewed the time and word errors. This student assessed her learning

during the lessons using her visual syllable chart in guiding her through the individual work.

Instructional Adaptions: During the five lessons very little instructional adaptions were needed as

the lessons were designed for this one specific student based on her strengths and weaknesses and

her IEP goals. An example of an adaption made was to give the student more time during her

independent work.

Learning Objective Does not Meet Partially Meets Meets

I can decode
multisyllabic words
using my word
strategy skills.
I can read with
fluency and accuracy
to support

I can spell words

based on spelling
rules I know.
Assessment Plan

Lesson/Learning Assessment Type Tool Scoring Procedure

Pre-Assessment -Pre Pre-Assessment - Rubric

Lesson 1 -Formative - CLOVERS Chart - Rubric

-Observation - Lexia Packet - Oral Feedback
- Multisyllabic Word
Fluency Work
Lesson 2 -Formative - CLOVERS Chart - Rubric
-Observation - Lexia Packet - Oral Feedback
- Multisyllabic Word
Fluency Work

Lesson 3 -Formative - CLOVERS Chart - Rubric

-Observation - Lexia Packet - Oral Feedback
- Multisyllabic Word
Fluency Work
Lesson 4 -Formative - CLOVERS Chart - Rubric
-Observation - Lexia Packet - Oral Feedback
- Multisyllabic Word
Fluency Work

Lesson 5 -Formative - CLOVERS Chart - Rubric

-Observation - Lexia Packet - Oral Feedback
- Multisyllabic Word
Fluency Work
Review of the Week Summative Post-Assessment - Rubric
Reflection - Oral Feedback

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