Data A. Type of Data

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A. Type of Data
Data is information relating to the circumstances, description, or the characteristics of a thing
on the subject of research that can made analysis. In terms of data form, data derived from the
subject of research itself can be quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data is a
fata of tangible numbers obtained as a result of measurement or addition. While the qualitative
data is data that is not in the form of numbers that are usually in the form of verbal data obtained
from observations, interviews and written materials.
Seen from the type, quantitative data can be divided into four kinds of data that have a certain
scale, namely:
1. Nominal data is a number that serves only as a substitute for a name or a term of a
phenomenon. This scale is also called classification or category scaling, it is also called a
categorical scale data.
2. Ordinal data is a number that in addition to functioning as a substitute for the name or title
of a symptom also shows that each symptom has an intensity or high-low difference, but
the unit or unit of difference is absent or unclear, unexplained, unmarked, unnoticed , or
ignored. This scale is also called the rank scale.
3. Interval data is data that has ordinal scale characteristics, but the distance between each
number is known. The numbers on the interval scale are linear with a definite distance and
the differences in the scale are in a corresponding (isomorphic).
4. Data ratio is data that has the characteristics of the interval scale, but has an absolute zero
(actual) which is used as the starting point of the calculation. The zeros in the interval data
are arbitrary and relative depending on the units of measurement.

B. Presentation of Data
1. Making Frequency Distribution
Frequency distribution is a way of presenting the score data into table form. The frequency
distribution can be divided into two kinds, namely the single frequency distribution (single
distribution) and the classified frequency distribution (classified distribution).
a. Single distribution
A single distribution is the display of data scores into a single table and sorted from the
highest score to the lower score.
b. Classified distribution
The scores data presented into the frequency table are relatively high. The data if
presented into a single distribution table is inefficient and less practical because it will
be long, so to streamline the presentation is displayed into the distribution table
c. Cumulative frequency
The cumulative frequency can be searched by the number of below class frequency
plus the corresponding class frequency number.
d. Percentile level
Percentile levels are useful for knowing the position of a score in the group.
2. Cross Table
The cross-table may consist of only one variable, but may also consist of two variables
depending on the question or state to be described. Thus, the selection of data presentation
into one or two variables cross table will depend on the data obtained.
3. Presentation of Data in the Form of Frequency Graphs
Making frequency graphs is essentially a continuation of the creation of frequency
distribution tables because the graphic creation must be based on the frequency distribution
table. Graphic images of frequencies that are widely used in statistical methods are:
a. Histogram
A histogram is a frequency graph that presents the data into a row of rectangular
columns depicted from left to right. The base is the class or class of the numeric interval
as much as the corresponding word class, while the height indicates the frequency of
each class or class of data intervals.
b. Polygon
The polygon graph itself is constructed based on the histogram graph, i.e. by connecting
the midpoints of each rectangular column or by points.
c. Curve
Curve is a form of smoothing or smoothing of polygon lines. Curve making is done by
flattening the lines of uneven and irregular polygon image so that it becomes flat. The
alignment of the polygon line means the frequency alignment.

C. Workmanship with SPSS

1. Data entry
2. Frequency distribution
3. Making frequency graphs and graphs

Making cross tables and graph

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