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Assessment Assignment Score:

1.    What are the big features of a secure password? (3.10)

A At least 8 Characters, and includes at least one number

B Easy to Remember

C Long Strings of The Same Letter

D Your Name

2.    What will the console print out, based off this code? (3.2c)

3.    In Java, all lines must end in a semicolon(;). (3.3)

A True

B False

4.    What is a way technology has not impacted the world? (3.14)

A Families are able to keep in contact more easily.

B More people are handwriting letters.

C Scientists are able to share new findings almost instantly.

D Technology has increased the safety of many environments.

5.    What are some pros and cons of technology? At least 2 examples of each are required.

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