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WAKTU : PUKUL 07.30 – 09.30 Wita



1. Mia : I know it's my fault. Are they going to forgive me?
Ani : Sure.
The first speaker expresses ....
a. admitting mistake
b. apologizing
c. asking question
d. Complaining
e. Arguing
2. “We are late again. It’s your mistake, if you came to my house early, we wouldn’t come late”.
Utterance above expresses ....
a. promising
b. Accusing
c. Admitting mistake
d. Blaming
e. apologizing
3. Umar : I want you to swear that you won’t play at the old house over there anymore. Do you
agree with that?
Rizal : yes, I Promise you
The underlined words in the dialogue expresses....
a. promising d. blaming
b. accusing e. apologizing
c. Admitting mistake
4. Operator : Good morning, can I help you, sir?
Husin : Good Morning, ..................................... about the transportation you sent for
my trip yesterday.
Operator : Ok, sir. Can you tell me what is your problem?
Husin : I am sorry to bring this up, but there is problem about your crew. I don’t like their
attitude. They spoke inappropriate language. My children also went to this trip. They
heard such kind of bad language
a. I want to make a complaint d. I never expect that
b. we want to drink coffee e. let’s go together
c. Be quite please!

5. Hikmah : I will have an English test next week, but there are some materials which I don’t
understand. What should I do?
Amin : ............................... about them
a. Please give my book back
b. You should ask your teacher
c. The game is so interesting
d. I never expect that
e. Yes, it’s okay

6. Father : Syarif, ……………t’s so dirty.

Syarif : Right away, dad. I’ll do it now.
a. You are right, let’s go
b. Wash your motorbike
c. Be cool, Julian
d. Oh, gosh! Not again!
e. O.K. Be careful
7. Hikmah : Why are you looking at me like that? Is there anything wrong with me?”
Hilmi : ....................... why you can be smarter than me.
Hikmah : Because I study harder than you
a. Can I help you?
b. I am surprised to hear that
c. I wish I could go there too
d. I’m feeling great today
e. I always wonder

8. A : is there any possibility of having free education for everyone?

B :yes, i think that would be possible, it depend on our government
The bold typed sentence expresses.....
a. blaming
b. asking possibility
c. curiousity
d. making request
e. suggesting
Complete this dialogue with the words given.

Boy : ........9) to do this homework, please ?

Girl : No, I won’t. You ......10 ).
Boy : O..come on. It’s just homework. The teacher
won’t know about this.
Girl : You’re right, but it’s not good for you.
..............11) that you’ll do it yourself.
Boy : Yes I do.

9. a. I would like c. I will help you e. Would you mind

b. Do you mind d. Will you help me

10. a. should help me c. will do it yourself e. Must take a rest

b. must study hard d. should do it yourself

11. a. Promise me c. I must promise e. I would like

b. You can’t do d. I want to promise
This text for questions number 12 to 14

A long time ago there was a young shepherd boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain
near a dark forest.
It was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought upon a plan by which he could get a little company
and some excitement. He cheated the villagers. He rushed down towards the village calling out ”wolf, wolf,”
and the villagers came out to meet him and some of them stopped with him for considerable time. This
pleased the boy so much. It made all of the villagers angry.
But shortly after this a wolf actually came out from the forest, and began to worry the sheep, the boy
of course cried out, “wolf, wolf” louder than before. But this time the villagers thought the boy was again
deceiving them. Consequently, nobody came to help him.

12. The purpose of the text above is.......

a. To explain the process of how/why something happened
b. To tell past event
c. To tell a story
d. To inform about newsworthy event
e. To present at least two points of view
13. why didn’t the villagers come and help him when the wolf came out from the forest? Because they……
a. didn’t want to help him
b. believed that he cheated them
c. didn’t hear him
d. were naughty
e. were sleeping
14. What do we learn from the story?
a. People would help us if we often told a lie
b. People would help us if we really needed it
c. People would not help us although we asked them
d. People would not listen to us if we often told a lie
e. People would not listen to us if we were not polite

15. Aisyah : l'm afraid I can’t finish my work.

Fatimah : If I were not busy, I ............ you.
a. will help
b. help
c. would have helped
d. Would help
e. Have helped
This text for questions number 16 to 18
Rain is adventageous because it brings water for all living things. But rain can be disastrous too, because too much rain will
cause flood with can wash away people, houses, and other valueable properties.

The following is how rain is formed.

The air is filled with tiny particles known as ‘vapor’. Vapor is actually the gaseous from water. Vapor is part of air. The air
around us is constantly moving because the air near the surface of the earth is hotter and lighter. This is why this air rises. The
air higher up in the sky is cold and heavy, so it sinks. The rising of hot air and the sinking of hot water cause the air to move .
when the hot air rises to certain level, the vapor presents in it, cools and changes to water. This is known as “condentation”.
When the water particles are too heavy for the air to carry. The air is said to be over saturated. The water particles then fall as

16. What is the purpose of the text

a. To explain how rain is formed
b. To share experience in a rainy season
c. To amuse readers with the information
d. To warn people about the danger of rain
e. To persuade readers to prevent much rain

17. What is bad about rain?

a. It makes the sky cold
b. It washes away waste
c. It makes the weather hot
d. It damages useless properties
e. It damages valuable properties
18. What happens after the air is saturated?
a. Vapour fills the air
b. It falls as rain
c. The air rises in the sky
d. The air is constantly moving
e. The hot air rises at a certain level

19. Anang: Do you know that the math teacher has to attend a meeting at twelve?
Lisa: wow, so the class ......
a. Be dismissed
b. Will be dismissed
c. Will dismissed
d. Will be dismissing
e. They will dismiss it

This text for questions number 20 to 24

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial subjects to be discussed today. This controversy is
caused by so many things all over the world having so many different views about it. Capital punishment
happens when someone is put to death for a crime, for example murder or drug trafficking. Many people think
capital punishment should be reinstated in Britain, but there are just as many people who think that the criminal
system is better the way it is.
One important argument against the death penalty is that sometimes an innocent person is put to death.
If capital punishment is used, the authorities must therefore have evidence beyond the shadow of any doubt that
they have accused the correct person. Furthermore, capital punishment removes all possibility for a person who
has done something seriously wrong to be able to change and to be rehabilitated.
Another strong point against the capital punishment is that two wrongs do not make a right. Killing a
victim, for instance, and then being sentenced to death does not suddenly make everything all right or make
things better. A poor, helpless victim’s life has been stolen from him, but killing the murderer will not bring the
victim back.
Nevertheless, those who are in favor of the death penalty have many points with which to justify their
stance. Most importantly it punishes the criminal by doing to him what he did to others. It acts as a form of
revenge for the victim’s family by letting them know that the criminal has felt some of the pain he inflicted on
Furthermore, capital punishment could act as a deterrent to anyone who ever thought about committing
certain crimes, because he would know that when he was found guilty, the death penalty awaited him. It can also
save money because, instead of the criminal being kept in person for the rest of his life, he is killed.
After weighing up the arguments for and against capital punishment, I have come to the conclusion that
I am for it, and that it is a pity it was abolished in Britain 30 or 50 years ago.

20. What is the subject of this text?

a. Controversy over death penalty d. Pros and cons over Britain legal system
b. Some benefits ofcapital punishment e. Some justification to support death penalty
c. Abolishing death penalty
21. According to the text, capital punishment ……………
a. Have good points
b. Exists in the legal system of all countries
c. Raises different opinions among people
d. Gives more benefits than the bad impacts
e. Has been proved to be the most effective punishment
22. From the text, we know that some people disagree with capital punishment because ……………
a. Killing should be punished by killing
b. It can prevent people from committing a murder
c. More people will be killed
d. Innocent people might be put to death
e. Killing is not always considered a crime
23. Itis implied in the passage that …………..
a. No one agrees with capital punishment
b. Capital punishment has both good and bad impacts
c. The author disagrees with capital punishment
d. Capital punishment will never prevent people from doing a crime
e. Britain will never abolish capital punishment from its legal system

24. “One important argument against the death penalty is that sometimes an innocent person is put to death.”
(paragraph 2)
The underlines word means ………..
a. Not fair b. Not care c. Not guilty d. inhumane e. Not consistent

25. Shania: will you come to my birthday party____heavy rains?

Winda: Sure. I promise that I will come.
a. In spite of
b. However
c. Although
d. But
e. nevertheless

This text for questions number 26 to 28

Terra, we will finish our report this afternoon.
Please meet us in Jasmine’s house at 4 o’clock
this afternoon. Bring any materials we may
need. Thanks. (Shirley)

26. What is the purpose of the message?

a. To remind Terra to bring the materials
b. To inform Terra about the time they will meet
c. To persuade Terra to come to Jasmine’s house
d. To inform Terra about the plan to finish the report
e. To ask Shirley to tell where they will finish the assignment

27. When will Terra and her friends meet?

a. At 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon d. At 4 o’clock this afternoon
b. At 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon e .At 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon
c. At 3 o’clock this afternoon
28. “Terra, we will finish our report ......”
The underlined word has the same meaning as ...........
a. Complete d.continue
b. Start e.postpone

This text for questions number 29 to 30

MELODY Music School
Exciting course for those who want to learn how to play musical
instrument. Those the first 25 registrants will get a 20% discount. Courses are held
once a week for three months.
Fees charged: Rp300,000 per course. Types of musical instrument courses:
a. Guitar
b. Piano
c. Organ
d. Drum
e. Violin
29. When is the time to study in the Melody Music School?
a. once a month
b. twice a week for three months
c. once a week for three months
d. twice a month
e. one year
30. These are the types of musical instrument courses, except...........
a. Guitar
b. Piano
c. Drum
d. bass
e. Violin

This text for questions number 31 to 33

Subject: return of order no. 05
Sent: September 7th, 2016
Dear Mr. Wahyuni

We are regret to study that the standing electric fan you just ordered arrived with several broken part . thank
you for sending back the promptly.

A replacement model of the same style , size and price is being sent to you and should come by the time you
receive this letter. It has been carefully checked to insure you will not be problem again with similar case.

We really regret the postpone and incovinience that has caused you, but we wish you will be pleased with
your new electric fan

Thank you for your understanding

Sincerely yours

Customer service

31. Why did Mr. Wahyuni returned the standing electric fan?
a. Because it had the different style
b. Because it arrived late
c. Because it was not the model he ordered
d. Because it came with several broken part.
e. Because it had the different price
32. Why did Mr. Asrian sent the letter.
a. To complain
b. To claim
c. To apologize
d. To order electric fan
e. To make an appointment
33. What does Mr. Asrian hope after sending the email?
a. The customer didn’t react negatively.
b. The customer feels satisfied with the response
c. The customer didn’t want to make any purchase anymore
d. The customer reply his email
e. The customer sent another complain.
34. Riza: Oh, my head. It’s spinning around.
Fahri: You’d better stay and have some rest
The underlined utterance expresses…..
a. blaming
b. Request .
c. permission
d. possibility
e. making Suggestion

This text for questions number 35 to 36

Favourite stories
Good news for bookworms.
Pay only Rp300,000 for a set of
story books in English and
Bahasa Indonesia.

All books written by

our internal writers.
If you buy now, you get 10%
discount on your purchases!
Don’t miss this fantastic offer!
Famous Fables
Don’t miss this great offer!
A set of the most read children’s stories written by
both local and foreign writers.
Get fifteen books for only Rp. 400,000.
Available at all bookstores.

35. How much is the cost for a set of story books in English and Bahasa Indonesia?
a. Rp300,000 b. Rp400,000 c. Rp600,000 d. Rp800,000 e. Rp900,000

36. How much books of children’s stories will you get if you pay Rp.400.000?
a. 9 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20 e. 24

This text for questions number 37 to 41

There are a lot of discussions as to whether children should be given homework or not.
Some people claim that children do enough work in school already. They also argue that children have
hobbies that they want to do after school, such as sports or music. A further point they make is that a lot of homework is
pointless and doesn’t help the child learn at all.
However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Parents and teachers argue that it is
important to find out whether children can work on their own without the support from the teacher. They say that the
evening is a good time for children to sit down and think about what they have learned in school.
Furthermore they claim that the school day is too short to get anything done that needs doing and it makes
sense to send home tasks like independent reading or further writing tasks that don’t need teacher’s support.
On balance, I think that some homework is a good idea but that it should only given at the weekend when
children have more time.

37. How do we compare the second and the fourth paragraph?

a. Both paragraphs argue that homework is necessary for students.
b. Unlike the fourth paragraph, the second paragraph argues that homework is unnecessary.
c. The second paragraph supports that students need homework, but the fourth paragraph does not.
d. The second paragraph and the fourth paragraph argue that students do not need homework.
e. The second and the fourth paragraphs do not say anything about the benefit of homework.

38. How many reasons are presented by those who are against homework?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

39. Those who are pro homework think that the students can … in the evening.
a. prepare for the next lesson
b. review their lessons
c. enjoy their pastime
d. do their hobbies
e. test themselves
40. What is the purpose of the text?
a. entertain the reader
b. explain the process of how something happened
c. present at least two points of view about an issue
d. persuade the readers to do something
e. inform the readers about something in com

41. What is the writer’s suggestion about homework?

a. Homework is pointless.
b. Homework is badly needed.
c. Homework should be given at weekend.
d. Student should not be given homework.
e. Student must frequently have homework.

This text for questions number 42 to 46

TRENDY Fashion Store
Proudly announce a new location
At Jalan Kutilang no. 45, Makassar
New building, design and concept,
More space and complete fashion collections
Opening: Saturday, August 24,.2A13
Opens daily from 9 a.m. –8 p.m.
(Weekends 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.)
So, visit us! Get discounts o{ up to 25% during
the first week'

42. What is the text about?

a. The opening of a new fashion store.
b The information about a fashion store.
c. The announcement of a new location for a fashion store.
d. The description of a fashion store.
e. The new concept of a fashion store.

43. Whichof the following statements is NOTTRUE?

a. The fashion store opens every day.
b. The fashion store closes at 8 p.m. on Fridays
c. The fashion store opens for less than twelve hours at weekends.
d. The fashion store offers a new concept and a new design.
e. The fashion store will move to the new location on August 24, 2013.

44. Thenew fashion store offers the following, EXCEPT

a. a new design c. more space e. more than 30% discounts
b. a new concept d. more fashion collections

45. How long are the discounts available for?

a. for six days.
b. for seven days.
c. for less than a week.
d. for more than a week.
e. for a month.

46. "So, visit us!"

What does 'us' refer to?
a. the fashion store in its new location.
b. the original place of the fashion store.
c. the new section of the fashion store.
d. the old building of the fashion store.
e. the collection of the fashion store.

47. The correct arrangement of the sentences below is …………….

1 Doc, one of the dwarfs, said, “If you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow White said, “Oh could I?
Thank you.” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story, and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived
happily ever after.
2 Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle
because her parents were dead.
3 Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.
4 One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they
both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
5 Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran
away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran
away into the woods.
6 Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found Snow
White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “what is your name?”
Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”
a. 2-4-5-3-6-1
b. 2-5-1-4-3-6
c. 6-4-5-1-3-2
d. 4-1-2-5-6-3
e. 4-5-6-1-3-2

complete the following text with the word provided

The Man and The Monster

Once upon a time there lived a young man, named Nazar. He lived a very poor life. One day, Nazar went to
town to look for a job. He had to climb up the hill and ( 48 ) …. a thick jungle to get to a nearest town.
Suddenly he heard ( 49 ) ….from a bush. When he approached, he found some people gathering around a
big tree. Nazar realized that the people were doing against God order. Then he took out a big ( 50 ) …. Axe
and planned to cut down the tree.

48. ……..
d.went through
e.hunted through

49. ……..

50. …….

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