Not Mediocre: in Case of Anger

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Let’s put aside some of the horrors of human behavior such as genocide, rape, child
slavery… the list is endless, and think about something trivial in comparison, group con-
formity. For my dudes and dudettes let me define this for you;
CONFORMITY (VERB); a type of social influence involving a change in belief or behav-
ior in order to fit in with a group.
I will occasionally use the phrase ‘members of a group’, because this is less of a sorority
or sister hood movement and more of a committee or Chama, as my Kenyan brothers
and sisters might call it.

I understand the fact that human beings are social creatures and the world would not
be what it would be today if we would not socialize. It, however, becomes a problem
when one makes his or her decisions based on the other members of the group taste or
preferences or when the individual is unable to make moves going from one place to
the other without the ‘group’ for the fear of being left out.
It gets even worse when members of that particular group have some certain feelings,
to be specific, negative feelings, towards one another. Let’s be frank, all the positive
ones have already been exhausted due to fear of being left out or alienated from the
Anyway, am digressing. They have negative feelings that they keep under wraps or
occasionally rant to another group member whom they share the same common ene-
my and always keep a smiling face or suck up to them like a leech, for social status. If
you are unable to be frank and tell what you actually feel to your mates then that is
just hypocrisy to the highest degree and it’s a bad foundation to the so called friendship
that is supposed to last for years.
called friendship that is supposed to last for years.

Anyway, am digressing. They have negative feelings that they keep under wraps or
occasionally rant to another group member whom they share the same common ene-
my and always keep a smiling face or suck up to them like a leech, for social status. If
you are unable to be frank and tell what you actually feel to your mates then that is
just hypocrisy to the highest degree and it’s a bad foundation to the so called friendship
that is supposed to last for years.
Those human beings have a mental disorder, but they just don’t know it yet. Let me
take this upon myself and diagnose this problem for you since you might be unable to
google it without being in the presence of your so called ‘group’.
Disclaimer; I am not a medical practitioner or professional, just somebody whose con-
cerned for your well-being.
FOMO(fear of missing out) A recent study on the subject defined it as: the uneasy
and sometimes all-consuming feeling that you’re missing out – that your peers are
doing, in the know about, or in possession of more or something better than you’.
According to ‘The TIMES, ideas. Psychology’.
I have reason to believe that these actions or behaviors are detrimental to the im-
provement of human actions and communication throughout the years and the years
to come. It should be raised, create awareness, thus saving one or two innocent souls
from this occult, unable to function without being in a group.
You should learn to be independent and stand for what you believe in as people come
up with some of their best material alone.
The Holocaust remembrance event was held at Riara University, Nairobi, Kenya on
24th January 2018 from 1000hrs to 1215hrs. It was carried out in partnership with the
Embassy of Israel, Nairobi and the United Nations Information Centre. The event was
attended by; His Excellency, Amb. Noah Gal Gendler, Embassy of Israel, the Vice Chan-
cellor, Riara University, Prof. Robert Gateru, Dr. Francis Onditi, Program Leader, School
of International Relations and Diplomacy, other Faculties’ members and students from
Riara and Kenyatta University.
His Excellency noted that it is a sad day for him to talk about holocaust but events
like this will help to keep the victim’s memories alive. He described the holocaust as a
systematic bureaucratic state sponsored persecution and murder of approximately 6
million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. Also targeted were Sikhs, Gypsies,
some Slavic community the disabled, communists, Poles, Russians, socialists, Jehovah
witnesses, Muslims and homosexuals. They were persecuted on political, ideological and
behavioral grounds.
He told the participants that commemorating the holocaust is a call to promote peace
and mutual understanding. He stated that the holocaust was a defining moment in
human history. He explained that the genocide of Jewish people served no demo-
graphic purpose as many other genocides and atrocities often have economic, political
or military motivations. The Jewish one had none of these incentives. He further pointed
out that the Nazi theorists denied the basic principles of humanity, equality, and re-
spect for justice, gender and religion.
To this end, he observed that examining this history can heighten the awareness of the
danger of genocide in the contemporary world and bring forth importance of appreci-
ation of individual rights and universal values. He stated that prevention of new crimes
such as the holocaust requires continuous forms of awareness, involves the short and the
long term at the local, national and global levels. Lastly, he emphasized that education
about holocaust and importantly education about genocide/mass atrocities provides
opportunities for critical thinking skills to augment resilient and effective responses to
extreme and exclusionary ideologies and to illuminate to all how individuals see them-
selves in the context of their countries’ past, present and future.
He concluded by expressing his sincere gratitude to the Vice Chancellor for hosting the
“Stand and be counted as channels that pass the message of peace and living together
in harmony”
To this end, he observed that examining this history can heighten the awareness of the
danger of genocide in the contemporary world and bring forth importance of appreci-
ation of individual rights and universal values. He stated that prevention of new crimes
such as the holocaust requires continuous forms of awareness, involves the short and the
long term at the local, national and global levels. Lastly, he emphasized that education
about holocaust and importantly education about genocide/mass atrocities provides
opportunities for critical thinking skills to augment resilient and effective responses to
extreme and exclusionary ideologies and to illuminate to all how individuals see them-
selves in the context of their countries’ past, present and future.
He concluded by expressing his sincere gratitude to the Vice Chancellor for hosting the
“Stand and be counted as channels that pass the message of peace and living together
in harmony”
is Excellency started by giving definitions of some local terms in the documentary. First-
ly, he defined Kibus as a community settlement in Israel where everything is done com-
munally. It resembles communism idea of living together. Secondly, he defined Ghetto
as where Jews were secluded during the war. He clarified that it is an Italian term and
elaborated that the first ghetto was established in Italy and the Germans took this con-
cept and put all the Jews together. His last observation was that nations that are weak
and dependable on masses cannot survive. He explained that from their history, Jews
were dispersed with no state, no army, weakened and that is why the Nazis were able
to kill them.
It was such a sad occurrence, and it will forever be remembered as a milestone when it
comes to religion.
My dearest reader, I give you… irreparable content as well as some take on MY anger.
It all started one fair morning. I (the great writer) woke up with no motivation whatso-
ever. So the usual way. The sun was either trying to bake and cook me simultaneously,
so I opted to be served prime and left my bed ungracefully as possible. I can envision
my sheets now… crumpled, tossed and unloved.
My sheets must hate me.
And I’m angry. See? I was just about to forget my anger and end this blog here but the
post must live on! So ladies, gentlemen, cats, dogs and ducks, here’s a step by step list of
how I deal with my self proclaimed anger:
1. I keep quiet. For some reason my usually loud verbal diarrhea type of mouth,
shuts up. And my face scrunches up so it looks like my eyebrows are molding or
massaging (I like this word better) my skin. Think Katy Perry in Bon Appetit, ex-
cept Migos isn’t here to rap my last verse and cunningly say “I don’t smoke weed”.
Sorry if this reference makes no sense.
2. Everyone around me becomes Sage enemy #1. Yep. You, dude with the
bald head, blue shirt and shiny new wedding ring (congrats Paul, he looks like
a Paul), then you Mary (randomly naming people at this point) your hair does
not get to look better than mine when I’m in a state of negativity and you Row-
en (I’ve been thinking of the name Rowen lately, to any Rowen reading this
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy) may you prosper and may your children marry my children
because I’m too good for you right now. *Flips hair.*
3. My hands turn into fists. Not that I’m a violent person.  Occasionally I will give
someone a #slappa on the arm (harmless really) but that’s it. I just want to look
menacing and intimidate the two large loud talking serious faced women walk-
ing on the narrow sidewalk as I wait for them to finally just pass so I can walk
(I’m passive aggressive).
4. I get away from people and brood in silence. This is the best part. I seclude
myself in a corner where I check my Instagram feed cause I know it’ll be filled
with cute puppies, kittens, ducks fighting off bulls with their almost sharpened to
kill beaks. It soothes me.
5. I pray. I ask God to intervene and help me from smacking someone. We both
know we sometimes need spiritual intervention so as to deal with unwanted
emotions that can potentially be fatal……hehehehehe…just kidding
6. I think happy thoughts. I do this in two ways 1. Daydreaming 2. Writing my
blog. So as you can see dear reader I’m already at stage 5. I’ve already calmed
down now. I think. I’m speaking softly and my eyes are glued to my phone be-
cause looking at people with this face that screams “I’m unhappy and cute right
now” but on the inside I’m going “Rooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”, is torture.
Diplomatic image simulation exercise held for IR stu-

The diplomatic image simulation exercise is an exercise that is held by the school of

International Relations for the first year students of both the diploma and degree

students. It’s an exercise that is done every last week of every month with the aim of

teaching students and inspiring them in the field of diplomacy and ways to improve

themselves as students of that unit. This exercise gives the students the chance to im-

prove their abilities in different aspects important in diplomacy such as public speaking,

negotiations and persuasion qualities that are very important in today’s diplomatic

world. The University partnered with various individuals as well as International institu-


Riara University held an event in remembrance of the holocaust victims .the event was

attended by various dignitaries from the UN as well as heads of the Riara community.

The event was brought up as a partnership between the office of the Israeli embassy

and the United Nations information centre with the location provided by Riara Uni-

versity. The main names at this gathering were; His Excellency, Ambassador. Noah Gal

Gendler, Embassy of Israel, the Vice Chancellor, Riara University, Prof. Robert Gateru,

Dr. Francis Onditi, Program Leader, School of International Relations and Diplomacy.

This occasion had the target of attracting the members of the school of Internation-

al relations as this is an important day in the World as it has a very big effect in the

movement of human rights and equality in the World as a whole. It was an open event

nonetheless and also gave the chance to students from all over with Kenyatta Universi-

ty being noted as having representatives from the school.

Riara school of business recognizes Investor week

Riara University in partnership with capital markets Authority, Africa Institute and

Chartered institute for investment and securities also known as (CISI) held a public

lecture with the topic of this year being on “Financial Markets Awareness and Career


Speakers for the day included Mr Anthony Mwithiga a chief investment officer from

CBA Capital who had the task of focusing on the “Risk and compliance in the Financial

Markets.” While Mr Conrad Afande who was representing CMA delved on “Financial

Markets Exposure – An exploration of Kenyan and international financial markets”. Ms

Alice Jurjens from (CISI) took those involved through the CISI courses and applicaton

process The lecture was attended by students of the school of Business as well as any

other student who wanted some insight on the world financial markets.
Welcome again dear reader to another sit down where you must keep your sanity
at all times. Buckle her in, give her a strait jacket and a juice box just in case she gets
thirsty. Let me tell you a tale of responsibility.
Responsibility comes in various shapes and sizes but I will briefly cover one form of this
earthly phenomenon. You will understand as the tale takes it’s shape. This type of re-
sponsibility is bestowed upon one unknowing individual, during the birth of a second
child. The said individual might be younger in this case. They might not know what
taxes are and what they can do nor do they know that jaywalking has a law in Cali-

What they do know is that Dora always wins against Swiper the Fox and Boots has
really nice boots, and they might want a pair as well. What they also don’t understand
is how Diego knows Dora… Where did they meet? Who said hi to who first? Why did I
miss that episode!
*Clears throat*
Sorry about that. Back to our individual.
They are then presented with the new child, bundle of joy as the parents describe it,
it is soft, squishy, smells like a rainbow and sunshine got married, then rainbow had
an affair with a unicorn and she got pregnant (#telenovela). However, because of
the unconditional love sunshine has for rainbow, he wouldn’t leave her and now they
will raise that child. The blood of a unicorn and a rainbow and the smell of sunshine.

I am brilliant.
As the days wane on, the responsibility doesn’t sink in because the said individual is
a child as well, knowledge is constrained, and they don’t like bananas. But, that all
changes when the tables are turned. They grow . They are forced to attend …. Dare I
say it? School.
And there, they hear the first line that will change their lives forever, “take care of your
sister”. It seems easy. The said individual nods, they feel it is an honor to finally be in-
charge of the minion. She is bigger than the minion! The said individual is pleased. The
minion is appeased as well. She feels safe, secure and the other children are new and
scary. The said individual feels alive.
Nevertheless, all good things must come to an end. The minion breaks a glass for the
first time, the parents react and attack, “why aren’t you taking care of your sister?”
The minion disappears after school, “Where were you when your sister disappeared?
Why can’t you take of your sister?”
The minion starts eating weird things, like candles, match sticks, toothpaste, “Take care
of your sister, she’s eating plastic again”
The situations change over the years, the responsibility drags on, the burden becomes
part of the said individual’s skin. They become a robot attuned to the minion’s mis-
takes. That is when push comes to shove and they finally come up with a contingency
plan, that is, after the parents have taken you down with her. They became something
surreal, something only mother nature can understand. They become a being worthy
of the trials and tribulations that is responsibility. They become Spartans, soldiers of
We are all mad in here.
Dear reader, I return after a short-lived puppy filled vacation. Yes, the puppy days
had to end, bliss was put to a standstill and  reality just had to slap me in the face with
well… regret. As a member of the human race, I believe in walking through my regrets
like a grown adult. That means I talk to myself loudly at night in the hopes that no-
body can hear me but then I’m talking to myself in makeshift scenarios where I didn’t
do what I did. It was actually 1 a.m. when I was talking to myself and I couldn’t sleep
for the next three hours as I beat myself up in endless regret.
in the end, I fell asleep thinking about this old show I used to watch as a kid and how
it should’ve ended differently. This feels so deep all of a sudden. Okay let me tone it
down a notch. In the end, I fell asleep thinking about this old show I used to watch as a
kid and how it should’ve ended differently. This feels so deep all of a sudden. Okay let
me tone it down a notch.
Today, there was no salt in the house. There was no salt! It was time for lunch (3 p.m.)
I was hungry (3.30p.m.) and so I take my self to the kitchen, knowing the clan (what I
call my family) had left me (the unemployed and still living at home) food (their pay
I warm my food up, grab a spoon, shut the window (I do not know why) and open the
salt jar. There was nothing. It was empty. I blink a couple of times. Did we run out of
salt? Did the salt run away? Did sugar finally win??
The possibilities were endless.
So like the lazy slob I am, I shake the little bits of salt from the jar and onto my plate
(don’t pretend you don’t do it) and walk away, hoping that the term ‘add salt to taste’
may or may not be applicable in my case.
The day finally draws to a close, the sun wants to go somewhere else and the clan re-
turns. The head of the clan also returns with her bag pretty heavy. Since I’m part of the
younger generation, I’m still the new guy, I take everything that was brought to the
kitchen with the hopes that there might’ve been a snack, a treat, just something! To
lighten up my day (you still do that, I know).
And voila ladies and gentlemen, there’s the salt. In a new fancy looking jar. Why’s
the salt so different? Why does the salt look better than me all of a sudden (I should
leave the house more often)? Why was the salt taken? Did the salt awaken and finally
choose its jar.
Ho ho ho. Sugar’s losing the race of awesomeness.Apparently, we eat blessed salt (I’m
Catholic). For years, I have never known but, we eat blessed salt, hence the fancy jar.
The clan head takes our cheap ass salt to church so that it can, not only protect our
food but it can be more than just salt. It becomes freaking Sodium.
Note: Look at how fancy that picture looks though. #saltedfiercely 
Moral of today’s blog. Regrets are part of life, accept and move on. Don’t beat yourself up
like I did. Because the best part of regrets is knowing your dinner has super salt that’s going to
wash them all away. So let’s all be Sodium.
We are all mad in here.
The Kenyan public school system has failed us.Regardless of the backlash I might get,
this is actually true if you think about it.Lemme take you down memory lane.That mo-
ment in class 6 when you come from break then looking at the time table you realize
it’s time for math.

Keeping in mind, the homework books were taken yesterday at some weird hour that
you just happened to not be in class.Somebody runs into class,
“Teacher!Teacher!na Akona kiboko”Everyone rushes to their desks and start rubbing
their hands onto the dusty concrete floor, hoping that the dust will suppress the pain
they are about to receive.
Everybody knows that it’s a myth of course because the pain becomes unbearable and
the dust seems to have disappeared after the first strike.
There’s always that rebel at the back,
«Mimi hawezi ni chapa. Atanichafua.
Na ataniambia kama yeye ni baba yangu”.
Suddenly the door is flung open and a smiling Mr Otieno comes into class, books in one
hand and a variety of different sticks in another hand.
And the occasional Mr red, blue and yellow.
Hand picked from the finest buckets.
“Kama unajua haukupeana kitabu yako, kuja hapa mbele na upige magoti!”
Nobody gets up, the class is silent. He repeats it the second time and after no response,
he starts calling the names.
Keep in mind for every book that doesn’t have a brown cover , and not that Unga ya
ugali or chapati cover, that’s a kiboko as you go to the front.
And for those with the newspaper covers that happens to be torn right in the middle,
that’s double the pain.
So the ones left seated didn’t hand in the assignment. Everyone at the front is staring at
you in pity..... Juu viboko unaenda kupokea si mchezo...
As everyone goes back to sit, the seemingly shackled kids are ushered to the front na
viboko to begin the kneeling process. Of all math lessons this happens to be the double
lesson before lunch.
So the whole hour goes by, the smart kids get one or two beatings
And the others
There’s the occasional laughter when that short kid at the front makes faces and funny
dances at the front while being beaten, then reality dawns in again.
I know you can relate
The kids who don’t grasp stuff as fast as the smarter kids, get it worse.
The teachers fail to understand that everybody is not the same and some things can’t
be forced, thus producing a mental block and resistance to learn the subject.
Thirst and interest suddenly turns to fear.
Anyway the bell rings and the kneeling kids head on to the staffroom
If they even make it out alive.

Social media has become the leading advertising platform for most companies. More
companies are diverting from the common and more expensive television and newspa-
per mediums of advertising to the cheaper alternative which happens to be, yeah you
guessed it, social media.
Social media marketing is advantageous as it allows you to interact with your clients
and you are able to get immediate feedback from them. It is also so easy to set up as
you only need to fill in the necessary information required.
This however has its own disadvantages as bad comments and reviews from people
can bring the business down. It is important for a company to have someone to moni-
tor the social media platforms so as to avoid such occurrences. Social media marketing
also does not guarantee a proper return on investment. Unless a company is conversant
with its clients buying behaviors and preferences, one is not guaranteed of a successful
business through social media advertising.
Social media marketing also depends on the target market. If your customers or your
product does not target people who are frequent users of social media sites, then this
method might not be right for advertising your product.
Companies are willing to splurge so as to make their products outstanding in various
social media sites with Facebook being the largest and leading social media platform. 
According to, ‘Social media advertising budgets have doubled world-
wide over the past 2 years—going from $16 billion U.S. in 2014 to $31 billion in 2016.’
These companies however have not made as much of the revenue from selling their
Most people have now opted to use social media for advertising and this is not only in
the United States alone but also in other continents such as Africa and Asia. The cost for
advertising is seen to increase in the future as more and more people hop into the social
media band wagon. According to, ‘in 2017, analysts predicted a 26.3%
global increase on spending for social media ads.’
Over the days, many applications and social media sites are being made. All sites plan to
use advertising other than in app purchases to make money with being
the leading app.

Statistics as per of April 2017.

Social media advertising is a trend that is growing fast and one can take in only so
much. In future these sites may greatly advance as sites such as facebook and twitter
are giving their users control over which content they would like to post. Who knows,
maybe in future, features such as virtual reality will be introduced and the sites might
stop being free and start charging people for the content which they are able to view.
Until then, we can just sit back and wait to see what else they have in store for us.
Or better yet, start your own.
Democratic nations perform elections where people have a say on the kind of gov-
ernment that will safeguard all their interests. In this case, it applies to an institution,
Riara University, Therefore, the elected leaders have a responsibility of ensuring that
the school is run in the most efficient way which brings about prosperity. Most ancient
democratic societies such as the Greeks allowed people to participate in the election
processes. However, the current societies have millions of people in different countries
hence indirect democracies are practiced where people elect their representatives
to run all affairs on their behalf. However, other nations have a monarchical system
where the few elites govern the country, and the leadership of the nation is hereditary.
In such cases, most rulers use the dictatorship means, and people have no say in all the
government affairs.  Therefore, the election is typically conducted since many people
cannot have direct control of the affairs hence they elect their representatives to con-
duct such.
On a separate note, election process ensures a change in leadership. Citizens of a demo-
cratic nation normally have their voice and resentment against the ruling government
hence they can vote for other parties to form a new government. Thus, they have the
overall authority to ensure that the right party is in place. Besides, election enables
citizens to participate in a political way. Election processes achieve this by opening
avenues where people raise issues and present their views to the public. Through elec-
tion, people can introduce reforms that are new to a party and can contest the election
either as an independent or form a political party.
Elections mark new beginnings for a country, institutions and companies.
. Individuals are given the mandate to vote in new leaders with fresh ideas to bring
to the table. Riara University was not left behind as the time has come to vote in new
student leaders who will potentially make a positive change in the school.
LISA MUMBI says that aspiring student leaders have been given the opportunity to
vie for respective roles in the school provided that they have the required qualifica-
tions, after clearance, it is now up to the students to decide as the school advocates for
a democratic institution where elections are free and fair. She isconfident that my com-
mission is able to deliver credible elections.
Kendi kimathi, an aspiring chairperson, is hoping to get the seat and claim the title of
being the first female chairperson in RU history.
She is  feeling pretty confident about her election. Being the first female chairperson
will be a game changer not only to the electoral history of the university but also to
bringing new ideas, a feminine touch and change to the university.
Elections are a great deal to the country and many institutions as they mark change.
12 of the hopeful contestants will battle it out so as to claim their respective seats. Stay
tuned to RU NEWS as we keep you updated on what comes next, the winners, the los-
ers and most important, student approval.
While academics are always important, sports play a major role in shaping the char-
acter of a student. Not only do sports keep your body fit and healthy, it offers a great
career too. That is the reason university sports are introduced to keep students learn
ways to handle pressure in every kind of situation.
Sports offer amazing benefits to people. Firstly, they take care of your health to keep
your body hale and healthy. Body fat is reduced and aging process is delayed. It also
streamlines the lifestyle of students and maintains a great balance of physical and
mental development. In addition, you attain an attractive physique.
Another important advantage of university sports is the competition between colleges
to achieve success. This positive spirit will help students achieve their goals in their ca-
reer with ease. When Leonardo da Vinci created his Vitruvian Man, he showcased how
the human form embodies the principals of architecture at its peak of perfection. He
also revealed that the body and its abilities are just as vital to intelligence as is the
mind. College sports embody this concept: They showcase athletic intelligence along-
side academic victories. From better student grades to strong community roots, college
sports provide the gears that run universities. Sports teams can bring in millions in rev-
enue, raise enrollment, and help secure strong alumni networks through sports pro-
Sports are essential for growth especially in the early stages of life.
They keep one active throughout the day and keep the body fit. Some sport activities
have been nurtured in individuals from early years and those activities have become
part of the lives of these individuals. Riara University encourages students to take part
in these activities thus making the participants and the school shine in various tourna-
The school has provided the students with the necessary facilities and equipment that
will help them train thus perfecting their skills. This weekend, the basketball team will
held at Strathmore university. Our support and prayers are highly necessary to win
during the playoffs and make it to the finals.
Clinton Nekesa, the shooting guard of his teamRU Bucks, is hopeful that they will win
and proceed to the finals this weekend.
Clinton Nekesa states that this is their time to shine as RU. They  have a game this
weekend against the KDF MORANS and judging by their recent losing streaks against
other teams, this should be a walk over.
Riara University, a new addition to the sports sector has proved to many quite a num-
ber of times that they are capable and competent to claim the ultimate trophy as they
have taken the sports sector by storm. Join us this Saturday as we accompany them to
the venue and document their win yet again against their opponents, KDF MORANS.
They have been able to show potential and win some games in previous matches. We
hope this will be their next winning streak.
Good luck to Riara University Bucks as they go to reclaim their glory. RU BUCKS GO!!

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