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By Bing Tian1 and Menashi D. Cohen2

ABSTRACT: This paper introduces a study carried out to investigate sulfate attack caused by gypsum formation.
The aim, specifically, was to study whether gypsum formation can be a factor leading to expansion in concrete
exposed to solutions containing sulfate ions. It was found from the laboratory study that alite paste specimens
(0.48 water-to-alite ratio) expanded and cracked significantly in 5% Na2SO4 solution after a ‘‘dormant’’ period
of about 1 year. X-ray diffraction confirmed that gypsum was the main product—ettringite does not form in the
system, because of the lack of aluminate. The detailed study of the mechanism for expansion and cracking is
continuing. These findings confirm the long-term understanding that sulfate attack mechanism is a complicated
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process. A highlight of the study, therefore, reveals that expansion and cracking of portland cement concrete
may not be attributed solely to ettringite formation. Gypsum formation may be a cause leading to expansion
and subsequent cracking. More research is needed in this area.

INTRODUCTION MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and alkali. A commercial-grade bulk silica

fume (SF) was used to study the role of silica fume on gypsum
Sulfate attack on concrete is a destructive and corrosive pro-
formation and the mechanism of sulfate attack. The chemical
cess. It is caused by the formation of expansive salts within
compositions of the materials as obtained by EDXA are shown
concrete structures that are exposed to external sulfate ions.
in Table 1.
The damage is usually believed to be caused by each of two
The mixture proportion for the alite paste was alite:water =
major sulfate reactions: (1) The sulfate ions react with C3A
1:0.48 by mass. The mixture proportion for the alite/SF paste
and its hydration products to form ettringite with increase in
was alite:SF:water = 0.9:0.1:0.48 by mass. Prisms (8 mm ⫻
volume, which results in expansion and subsequent cracking
16 mm ⫻ 80 mm) with acrylic resin end pieces were used for
of the concrete; (2) the sulfate ions react with CH to form
expansion measurement. The specimens were demolded after
gypsum. It is generally accepted that gypsum formation is to
one day and then cured at 20 ⫾ 1⬚C in saturated limewater
be harmful, but the specific mechanism is not well understood.
solution. After 14 days of curing, the specimens were divided
It is often believed that the gypsum formation has only a soft-
into several categories and exposed to different solutions. The
ening effect and causes mass and strength loss (Cohen and
sulfate solutions were made by dissolving the reagent-grade
Mather 1991). As to the theory that gypsum formation leads
sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) in deionized water with the level of
to expansion, there is some literature published with contro-
4 concentration of 33,800 ppm (5% Na2SO4), similar to
versial conclusions regarding this issue. Some publications
the solution concentration in ASTM C 1012. The solution and
(Bonen and Cohen 1992; Mehta 1992; Ping and Beaudoin
specimens were kept in plastic containers with ample space
1992; Bonen and Sarkar 1993) supported this theory—that
between specimens. The containers with the specimens were
gypsum formation leads to expansion—while others (Hansen
stored in a constant-temperature (20 ⫾ 1⬚C) room. The solu-
1966; Mather 1996) contradicted this theory. However, these
tions were replaced with a fresh supply periodically—once a
studies were conducted on specimens of portland-cement-
week for the first month after the start of the exposure and
based concrete—all containing aluminate source (i.e., C3A).
then once every two months.
The expansion has always been attributed to ettringite for-
mation (Gonzalez and Irassar 1997). There has been no clear RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
evidence that gypsum formation can lead to expansion.
In this investigation the experimental part was carried to The expansion of alite paste specimens, with and without
study the sulfate attack on alite paste. Intentionally, this system silica fume, exposed to Na2SO4 solution is shown in Fig. 1.
was selected so ettringite was absent during sulfate attack. The In 5% Na2SO4 solution, alite paste specimens showed no ex-
alite paste specimens were exposed to 5% Na2SO4 solution. pansion for a period of approximately 360 days. After this
The physical properties and chemical reactions were studied ‘‘dormant’’ period the specimens began to show significant
to find out if gypsum formation, by itself, could cause expan- expansion. The expansion reached 0.10% at 480 days. Alite/
sion. SF paste specimens showed no expansion during the exposure
MATERIALS AND TESTING As to the physical appearance of alite paste specimens in
In order to simplify the chemical reaction process and elim- Na2SO4 solution, as shown in Fig. 2, there were cracks visible
inate the effects of ettringite formation, the cement mineral along the edges of the specimens. The surfaces were scaled.
alite was used. A gray powder alite was provided by Concrete The alite/SF paste specimens showed no visible damage. The
Materials Laboratory at Purdue University; it consisted of physical appearance was consistent with the expansion results.
monoclinic crystals with small amounts of impurities such as The specimens with large expansion magnitude had visible
cracks and scaling. Those with little or negligible expansion
PhD Candidate, School of Civ. Engrg., Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, exhibited no such distress.
IN 47907. The solid phases in the specimens after different exposure
Prof., School of Civ. Engrg., Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, IN. period were examined by X-ray diffraction. Fig. 3 shows the
Note. Associate Editor: J. J. Beaudoin. Discussion open until July 1, X-ray diffraction patterns of the specimens after 480 days of
2000. To extend the closing date one month, a written request must be exposure. As expected, the main product formed from sulfate
filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on September 7, 1999.
attack was gypsum. There was more gypsum formed in the
This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. alite paste specimens without SF. For instance, alite paste spec-
12, No. 1, February, 2000. 䉷ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561/00/0001-0024– imens showed the presence of intense gypsum peaks in their
0025/$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No. 21799. X-ray patterns, while alite/SF paste specimens showed the

J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2000.12:24-25.

TABLE 1. Chemical Compositions of Materials—Mass Percent
Material CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO SO3 K2O Na2O P2O5 MnO2 Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Alite 72.34 24.76 0.65 0.34 0.92 0.64 0.00 0.24 0.04 0.14 100
SF 0.19 98.25 0.36 0.21 0.00 0.62 0.28 0.14 0.00 0.00 100
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/16/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

FIG. 3. X-ray Diffraction Patterns of Specimens after 480 Days

of Exposure [G: Gypsum; C: C3S; CH: Ca(OH)2].

FIG. 1. Expansion of Alite Paste and Alite with SF Paste in ing in alite paste specimens subjected to sulfate attack. It is
Na2SO4 Solution not clear that gypsum formation follows either the topochem-
ical reaction mechanism or the through-solution mechanism.
But the experimental results suggest that the sulfate attack
mechanism is complicated and the expansion and cracking of
portland cement concrete is probably not exclusively attributed
to ettringite formation. More research is needed in this area.

This research was supported by the National Science Foundation’s
Center for Advanced Cement-Based Materials. The insightful comments
provided by Dr. Bryant Mather are thankfully acknowledged.

Bonen, D., and Cohen, M. D. (1992). ‘‘Magnesium sulfate attack on
portland cement paste—I. Microstructural analysis.’’ Cement Concrete
Res., 22, 169–180.
Bonen, D., and Sarkar, S. L. (1993). ‘‘Replacement of portlandite by
gypsum in the interfacial zone and cracking related to crystallization
pressure.’’ Ceramics Transactions, American Ceramics Society, Wes-
terville, Ohio, Vol. 37, 49–59.
Cohen, M. D., and Mather, B. (1991). ‘‘Sulfate attack on concrete—
research needs.’’ ACI Mater. J., 88(1), 62–69.
Gonzalez, M. A., and Irassar, E. F. (1997). ‘‘Ettringite formation in low
C3A portland cement exposed to sodium sulfate solution.’’ Cement
FIG. 2. Physical Appearance of Alite Paste and Alite/SF Paste Concrete Res., 27(7), 1061–1072.
Specimens Hansen, W. C. (1966). ‘‘Attack on portland cement concrete by alkali
soil and water—a critical review.’’ Hwy. Res. Rec., No. 113, 1–32.
presence of small gypsum peaks. The X-ray patterns also in- Mather, B. (1996). ‘‘Discussion of ‘The process of sulfate attack on ce-
dicated that some unhydrated C3S remained in all specimens. ment mortars.’’’ Adv. Cement Based Mat., 5, 109–110.
Mehta, P. K. (1992). ‘‘Sulfate attack on concrete—a critical review.’’
Materials science of concrete III, American Ceramics Society, Wester-
SUMMARY ville, Ohio, 105–130.
Ping, X., and Beaudoin, J. J. (1992). ‘‘Mechanism of sulfate expansion
The experimental results showed that gypsum formation I. Thermodynamic principles of crystallization pressure.’’ Cement Con-
during sulfate attack could be a source of expansion and crack- crete Res., 22(4), 631–640.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2000.12:24-25.

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