Unit 5 - 6 - T3

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Unit 6: Manging life

Ms. Lizeth Karina Gutiérrez Alarcón

P. 57 Grammar: What’s advisable, necessary,
A. HAD BETTER do something
The meaning of “had better (‘d better)” is similar to should.
“I´d better do something” = I should do something or it is advisable for me
to do something; if I don’t do this, something bad might happen:
 I have to meet Tom in ten minutes. I’d better go now or I’ll be late.
 “Should I take an umbrela?” “Yes, you’d better. It might rain.”
 We’ve almost run out of gas. We’d better stop at the next gas station to
fill up.

Ms. Lizeth Karina Gutièrrez Alarcòn

b. Would rather (do) = would prefer to do. After would rather we use the base
 “Would you rather have tea or coffee?” “Coffee, please.”
 I’m tired. I’d rather not go out this evening, if you don’t mind.
 Do you want to go out this evening? I’d rather not.

Note the structure:

I’d rather do something tan (do) something else.

 I’d rather stay at home than go to the movies.

Ms. Lizeth Karina Gutièrrez Alarcòn

Examples (p.57):

You’d better do something quickly. (´d = had)

I’d better not add anything to my schedule.
What’s advisable
I ought to do some volunteer work.
You might want to take a colleague with you.
I’m going to have to do something about it.
What’s necessary I’ve got to decide by next week. (´ve = have)
You don’t have to spend time on this.
What’s preferable I’d rather (not) stay in my current job. (´d = would)

Ms. Lizeth Karina Gutièrrez Alarcòn

P.57: Complete the conversations with problems and solutions.

1. A We have a test tomorrow, so I ought to ___________ tonight, but I’d

B You know, I think you’d better ___________ because ___________.

2. A I don’t know what to do. I received an offer for a job. It looks really
interesting, but it doesn’t pay very well. I’m going to have to make up mi mind
if I want to ___________.

Ms. Lizeth Karina Gutièrrez Alarcòn

3. A I need more exercise . I ought to make an effort to ___________ every day, but it
takes so much time.
B Well, you don’t have to ___________, but you ought to ___________.

4. A I have a friend who makes fun of me all the time, but I’d rather not ___________.
B That’s not good. I think you’re going to have to ___________.

5. A My sister hasn’t applied to college. She’s got to ___________ if she wants to

B She’d better decide son because ___________ she’s got to ___________.

Ms. Lizeth Karina Gutièrrez Alarcòn

Stratyegy plus: Friendly good-byes

In friendly or informal phone conversations, you can use

short expressions like these to say good-bye. The words in
parentheses are usually dropped.
(I’ll) Talk to you later.
(I’ll) Catch you later.
(I’ll) See you later.
I(´ve) got to go. / (I’ve) Got to go.
I(‘d) better go.
(It was) Nice talking to you.

Ms. Lizeth Karina Gutièrrez Alarcòn

P. 59: Write the shorter form of the underlined expressions to
make these conversations more informal.

1. A Hi, it’s me. Are you on your way?

B Yeah. I’ll be there in about half an hour.
A All right. I’ll see you soon. ___________________

2. A Well, my appointment is at 2.00, so I’d better go.

B OK. I’ll talk to you later.
A Yeah. I´ve got to go. I’ll see you later.

Ms. Lizeth Karina Gutièrrez Alarcòn

3. A OK, well I’d better let you go.
B Yeah. It was nice talking to you.
A Yeah, Take care. Bye

4. A Listen, my train’s coming. I’ll catch you later.

B Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye

Ms. Lizeth Karina Gutièrrez Alarcòn

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