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9. Students are required to cover the costs of any medical care they may need during their Experience.

e. Health Science
students are responsible to have health insurance at all times. Some Experience sites will not accept students who do
not have health insurance coverage. "Source - Baker College Catalog"

10. Students are requ ired to have reliable transportation to and from their Experience site.

11. I acknowledge that Baker College is responsible to assist in placi ng students into Experience sites. If for any reason a
student is removed from that site, it is understood that Baker College is not obligated to assist in placing the student at
another site.

Experience Site Responsibilities

1. To provide an orientation to each student includin g a discussion of the rules and regulations of the site and the plan
of work to be accomplished .

2. To provide the student with a learning experience through practical application with regular employees in meaningful
tas~s r~Lat~tl !O th~ st~9€nt s fie_ld of study.
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3. Jo provi,cie supervisioriand 's~itable working conditions. ~ I, • .."' ., ••

4. To communicate comments and questions to the appropriate Baker College Representative as they occur.

5. To evaluate the student's performance as required by the College.

6. To ensure the student completes the on-site hour requirement.

7. To encourage the completion of the student's educational objective(s) at Baker College.

coueae Responsibilities
1. To maintain the educational integrity of the Experience program.

2. To coordinate communication as necessary between the appropriate College departmenUpersonnel, the student and
the Experience site supervisor.

It is the intent of all parties listed below to support the success of this Experience . The Experience Organization shall
retain the right to demand, at any time , the removal of the student from the Experience site for any violation of the
Experience Organization's policies and/or procedures and/or regulations, lack of qualifications, health or other legitimate,
lawful reasons. Such action shall be preceded by consultation between the appropriate personnel at Baker College and
the Experience Organization. Baker College reserves the right, at any time, to remove a student from the Experience site
for any violation of the College's policy and/or procedure and/or student regulations, unsatisfactory academic
performance, lack of qualifications, health or other legitimate and lawful reasons.


Student Signature Date /()

Site Supervisor Signature Date \b-

Experience Baker
Letter of Understanding College
Participatin Student: · UIN :

. . t·1ng s ·tI e Name:

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An Experience at Baker College is the integration of classroom studies and practical experience. It is a planned program
in which students participate for specific periods of time. This program is a required academ ic course and is designed to
provide qualified Baker College students with the opportun ity to gain work experience as a valuable supplement to their
classroom instruction. W e believe that it is in the best interest of the student, the College, and the Experience site to agree
to and to clearly understand the responsibilities of all parties involved .

Student Responsibilities

1. To pay for the appropriate Experience course as determined by the College.

2. To abide by the terms in the Baker College Student Handbook in regard to Personal and Professional Conduct and
Basic Principles of Student Responsibility (i.e. alcohol, illegal or over-the-counter drugs, and social media).

3. To report to the assigned site on time each day scheduled. In case of illness, the work site supervisor is to be
informed prior to the start time of the day of the absence.

4. To fulfill requirements as described in the course outline including all required on-site hours and class assignments. If
this does not occur, you may be withdrawn from or fail the course.

5. To abide by the Experience site's rules, regulations, and dress code as they apply to students.

6. To hold Experience site information in confidence or face disciplinary action, including dismissal from the Experience

7. To abide by the ethics and standards accepted by professionals and technicians in o'ne's chosen career field.
C<'.lnfider;itiality of student-, client, and patient information is a must. This includes issues related to appropriate dress,
personal conduct, 'professional attitude, and confidentiality of student, client, and patient information.
8. To report any exposure to occupational hazards to the Career Services Department and to the work site supervisor
immediately and follow the College's procedures for reporting an incident and medical follow-up.

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