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ADVERBS 1.28.2018
Materials Required
Subject Overview : Content Standard: ELAGSE4L1A - Notebook paper
English/ The overall goal of the lesson is to ensure that students know when and - Pencil

Language Arts how to use correct grammar.

Prepared By Student Learning Goal(s)/ Objective(s): By the end of the lesson students Additional Resources
will be able to identify relative pronouns and relative adverbs in a - YouTube Video
Ms. Carter
sentence. - Worksheet ( relative pronouns and
Grade Level relative adverbs)

Fourth Grade

Additional Notes
Introduction- The introduction to my lesson will be a brief Q&A session about what students
- A test will be given the following week
already know about pronouns. I also plan to have a short video introducing students to relative
to assess student’s ability to identify
pronouns and relative adverbs. (5 mins)
relative pronouns and adverbs in a
Instruction- I will have a PowerPoint presentation as my guide for teach the lesson. In the
presentation I will have what relative pronouns and adverbs are, when they are used, and some fun
exercises for extra practice. There will also be some student-teacher interaction time within the
slide show. (30-40 mins)

Individual Practice- Each student will have to take out a sheet of paper and answer the questions that will be over identifying the
relative pronoun or relative adverb in the sentence. (5-10 mins)

Closing- Students- I will have students to complete a ticket out the door activity 5 mins before the class is over. The activity will be to
tell me at least two relative pronouns and one relative adverb that they learned. I will also handout a homework assignment for the
students to complete at home and return for a grade on Monday.

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