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History of Indian Telecommunications started in 1851 when the first operational land lines were
laid by the government near Calcutta (seat of British power). Telephone services were introduced
in India in 1881. In 1883 telephone services
Were merged with the postal system. Indian Radio Telegraph Company (IRT) was formed in
1923. After independence in 1947, all the foreign telecommunication companies were
nationalized to form the Posts, Telephone and Telegraph (PTT), a monopoly run by the
government's Ministry of Communications. Telecom sector was considered as a strategic service
and the government considered it best to bring under state's control.
The first wind of reforms in telecommunications sector began to flow in 1980s when the private
sector was allowed in telecommunications equipment manufacturing. In 1985, Department of
Telecommunications (DOT) was established. It was an exclusive provider of domestic and long-
distance service that would be its own regulator (separate from the postal system). In 1986, two
wholly government-owned companies were created: the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL)
for international telecommunications and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) for
service in metropolitan areas. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL), to serve Delhi and
Bombay, and Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL), to operate international telecom services.
In 1990s, telecommunications sector benefited from the general opening up of the economy.
Also, examples of telecom revolution in many other countries, which resulted in better quality of
service and lower tariffs, led Indian policy makers to initiate a change process finally resulting in
opening up of telecom services sector for the private sector. National Telecom Policy (NTP)
1994 was the first attempt to give a comprehensive roadmap for the Indian telecommunications
sector. Under the government’s new policy, India was divided into 20 circles
generally comparing to state limits, each of which would contain two settled administrators
(counting the officeholder), and two portable administrators. As momentous as NTP-94 was, its
usage was lamentably defaced by administrative vulnerability and over-offering. Various

administrators were not able to experience their degenerate offers and, faced with far less
lucrative systems than they had gathered, hauled out of the nation. Thus, rivalry in India's
telecom part did not by any stretch of the imagination turn into a reality until

1999. In 1997, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) was made. TRAI was shaped to
go about as a controller to encourage the development of the telecom segment.

New National Telecom Policy was received in 1999 and cell administrations were additionally
dispatched around the same time.

Around then the administration's New Telecommunications Policy (NTP-99) changed from an
altered expense permit to an income offering administration of more or less 15%. This figure has
accordingly been brought down (to 10%-12%), and is required to be lessened considerably
further over the impending years. Still, India keeps on getting significant income from permit
expenses ($800 million in 2001-2002), driving a few commentators to recommend that the
administration has repealed its obligations as a controller to those as a dealer. Another, maybe
much more noteworthy, issue with India's introductory endeavors to present rivalry was the
absence of administrative clarity. Private administrators griped that the licensor – the DOT – was
additionally the occupant administrator. The numerous stringent conditions connected to licenses
were hence seen by numerous as the DOT's endeavor to farthest point rivalry. It was in light of
such worries that the 9 administration in 1997 set up the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
(TRAI), the country's first free telecom controller. Through the years, TRAI has earned a
developing notoriety for autonomy, straightforwardness and an expanding level of ability. Right
off the bat, nonetheless, the controller was ambushed on all fronts. It needed to fight with
political impedance, the officeholder's numerous difficulties to its power, and allegations of
incompetence by private players. All through the late 1990s, TRAI's power was relentlessly
whittled away in various cases, when the courts over and again held that administrative force lay
with the focal government. It was not until 2000, with the death of the TRAI Amendment Act,
that the administrative body truly contributed more than its fair share. Advancing simply a year
after NTP-99, the demonstration imprints something of a watershed crossroads in the historical

backdrop of India telecom liberalization. It set the stage for a few key occasions that have
empowered the vivacious rivalry saw today.

India has likewise experienced what's coming to it of administrative hiccups. Numerous

administrators (portable players specifically) still gripe about the troubles of getting entrance to
the occupant's (BSNL) system, and the administration's emphasis on topping FDI in the telecom
part to 49% (a move made for the sake of national security) limits capital accessibility and
accordingly organize rollout. Furthermore, ISPs, who were permitted into the business sector
under a liberal permitting administration in 1998, keep on discharging cash, and have been
begging the legislature for different types of alleviation, including the procurement of unmetered
telephone numbers for Internet access. In spite of at first great results, the development of
Internet in the nation has as of late slowed down, with just 8 million clients. Broadband entrance,
as well, stays little.

Telecom part in India can be separated into two fragments: Fixed Service Provider (FSPs), and
Cellular Services. Altered line administrations comprise of fundamental

administrations, national or household long separation and worldwide long separation

administrations. The state administrators (BSNL and MTNL), represent very nearly 90 every
penny of incomes from fundamental administrations. Private area administrations are in no time
accessible in specific urban ranges, and by and large record for under 5 every penny of
memberships. Nonetheless, private administrations concentrate on business/corporate division,
and offer solid, high- end administrations, for example, rented lines, ISDN, shut client gathering
and videoconferencing.

Cell administrations can be further partitioned into two classes: Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). The GSM part is
commanded via Airtel, Vodfone-Hutch Aircel, and Idea Cellular, while the CDMA segment is
overwhelmed via Aircel and Tata Indicom. Opening up of universal and residential long
separation telephony administrations are the significant development drivers for cell industry.
Cell administrators get considerable income from these administrations, and remunerate them for

diminishment in taxes on broadcast appointment, which alongside rental was the primary
wellspring of income. The diminishment in duties for broadcast appointment, national long
separation, universal long separation, and handset costs has driven interest.

Bharti Airtel

Headquarters New Delhi, India

Key people
Mr. Sunil Mittal

Net Profit 2011-2012 Rs. 8470 Crore

Increase in Net Profit 26%

USP Network

Bharti Airtel, some time ago known as Bharti Tele-Ventures LTD (BTVL) is India's biggest cell
administration supplier with more than 92 million endorsers as of February 2009. It likewise
offers altered line administrations and broadband administrations. It offers its TELECOM
benefits under the Airtel mark and is going by Sunil Bharti Mittal. The organization additionally
gives phone administrations and Internet access over DSL in 14 circles. It additionally goes
about as a transporter for national and universal long separation correspondence administrations.
The organization has a submarine link arriving station at Chennai, which associate the submarine
link uniting Chennai and Singapore.

The organizations at Bharti Airtel have been organized into three individual key specialties units
(SBU's) - Mobile Services, Airtel Telemedia Services & Enterprise Services. The portable
business gives versatile & altered remote administrations utilizing GSM innovation over 23
telecom circles while the Airtel Telemedia Services business offers broadband & phone benefits
in 95 urban areas and has as of late dispatched a Direct-to-Home (DTH) administration, Airtel
computerized TV. The organization gives end-to-end information and venture administrations to
the corporate clients through its across the nation fiber optic spine, last mile network in settled
line and versatile circles, VSATs, ISP and universal data transfer capacity access through the
doors and arriving station. All inclusive, Bharti Airtel is the 3rd biggest in-nation portable
administrator by supporter base, behind China Mobile and China Unicom.


1. By 2012 AIRTEL will be the most splendid brand in India.

2. Loved by more client

3. Targeted by top skilled

4 Benchmark by more business

5. First private telecom organization to dispatch long separation administrations.


1. We will meet the versatile correspondence needs of our client through mistake free
administration conveyance

2. Innovative item and administrations


3 Cost productivity

4 Unified message arrangement

Corporate structure of airtel




• Market Leader
• Recognized Globally
• Strong Brand Image
•Strong New Business Development team
•Strong Financials
• Largest Telecom Player 22.6%


• Outsourcing of core system

• Network Coverage


• Low Broadband Penetration, Rural

• Telephony
• Bharti Infratel – Cutting Down cost in rural area
• Current Tele-Density – 30.6 is still low among developing countries

• Falling ARPU
• Intense Competition & Shortage of Bandwidth
• New Players coming in India
• Uncertain Economic Condition

Chapter 2

Review of Literature

Examination papers:

February 2007 ( Daniel Klapper ) : This paper depicts how the edges in the chain
fluctuate over the long run inside an item class and recognize the attributes of the
business, the producer and retailers that clarify this variety. For the balance edges, they
expressly show the conduct of diverse operators available. Since the specialists' conduct
changes in light of changes in the financial environment, they watch changes in the edges
of diverts altogether and how they are disseminated among channel individuals. They
clarify this variety by analyzing the effect of straightforwardly measurable on the
aggregate edges in the dissemination chain and the offer of these edges, which fabricates
and retailers get components. They investigate the business components influence
absolute edges over the channel, the measure of other maker particulars and retailers
have a huge effect on how the edges are isolated.

September 2007 (Ronald b.Larson ): In this article, they examine the numerous
progressions happening in telecom dissemination. Main thrusts of these progressions
incorporate picks up at a bargain by retail chain and an accommodation store, the
developing prevalence of telecom administrations, the development of private mark
items and the distinguishing proof of new shopper intrigues and concerns. These powers
have urged clients to delight better administrations & wholesalers and retailers to
enhance the administrations to clients . Powerful purchaser reaction and the reaction of
the viable reclamation are intended to lessen expenses to move items through the

A Publication of the Asian Research Journals The essential goal of the exploration was
to learn the crevices in administration quality gave by Himachal telecom administration

suppliers and their determinants. Thus, the point of this study is to inspect the co-
relationship between consumer loyalty, administration quality

By William D.Diamond (1989): A premise for a qualification in administration

advancement , financial and non fiscal deals is exhibited. Value advancements are well
on the way to be confined as decreased misfortunes. They will be incorporated in the
purchase value and influence the reference cost. Non fiscal advancements are prone to be
surrounded as discrete profit from the purchase value and won't influence the reference
cost. The exploratory results upheld this theory.

How shoppers see item attribu tes is a basic perspective in the telecom business
(Kupiec and Revell, 2001). A few studies have been directed to analyze how buyers
assess distinctive item properties. Esteem for cash, value, accommodation are a
percentage of the criteria purchasers utilization to figure out which item is more
attractive(Bech-Larsem et al., 1999).

Anderson, Fornell & Lehman (1996), while concentrating on the relationship between
consumer loyalty, piece of the pie and productivity, recommended that esteem will has a
direct effect on how fulfilled clients are with suppliers. Also, Fornell, Johnson, Anderson,
Cha & Bryant (1996) have utilized the develop seen esteem as the apparent level of
administration quality with respect to the cost paid. They additionally proposed that
apparent quality is one of the consumer loyalty determinants and the forerunners of saw
worth are seen quality and consumer loyalty.


Through investigation of taking after examination paper it is reasoned that there are sure
characteristics which draw the retailers Starting from the dispersion level the edges are
settled for retailers yet additional plans like special offers would help them to perform

Chapter 3

Exploration is the orderly & investigative methodology for relevant data on a particular theme.
Research procedure manages the routines that are utilized for examination and the rationale
behind utilizing those strategies.

From the audit of writing the scientist chose that accessibility is a basic and primary
issue in telecom industry and chose the organization airtel for exploration.

Provincial advertising

•Marketing movement in which one overwhelming member is from a country region.

•An umbrella term for the individuals who managed provincial individuals.

•A procedure used to figure out what items or administrations may be of enthusiasm to


•Integrated process through which organizations construct solid client connections .

Investigating provincial zone

About 70% populace of India live in the towns.

Emphasis in associating the detached India exhibits the following enormous test and
open door for administrators and the Government alike.

It is normal that more than 30% of the following 250 million new supporter
augmentations are prone to be from provincial India. The effect of integration on
provincial zones is much more prominent than it is on a buyer in the urban markets.

The teledensity in country ranges is just 1.14 against 10.16 in the urban zones.

Teledensity is the quantity of phones every hundred of the populace in the nation and
one of the essential parameters to evaluate the level of integration in the nation.

The principle elements influencing the Teledensity are financial conditions, every capita
wage, education rate, landscape conditions, and accessibility

Most companies are targeting their sale of product and services in the rural areas.

Due to hype in the geographical coverage of mobile telephony there is increase of

about 39% from 13%in mobile users in rural areas.

Information of rural marketing in surrounded area.

Rural area Retailer points Turnover per Percentage of

month network

ACHHNERA 30 7,00,000 80

BICHPURI 7 90,000 85

ETMADPUR 6 80,000 98

FETHABAD 6 2,00,000 60

FETEHPUR 25 3,50,000 40

Strategy used by bharti airtel

•Based on parameters such as source of livelihood, average income of rural people
•Marketing content in local languages.
•Vans are used to cover rural areas to educate people.
•Public Call Offices (PCOs) in rural regions.
•Bharti Airtel Service Centers .
•Competitive Strategy based on five force model

3.2 Research targets

1.To distinguish the issues basic to airtel in country region.

2.To study these elements for the main driver examination of airtel in rustic territory.

3.To give arrangements in view of underlying driver investigation of airtel in country


3.3 Research configuration utilized as a part of this task

Exploration configuration is the blue print for gathering, measuring & examining the
information. It organizes the elements in way that is applicable to the point of the
examination. Exploratory exploration is utilized as a part of this undertaking as it is
directed for an issue that has not been unmistakably clarified or characterized.
Exploratory exploration serves to focus the best research plan, choice of subjects &
information gathering techniques. Exploratory research frequently depends on auxiliary
research, for example, concentrating on accessible writing & casual exchanges with the
clients, chiefs, representatives of the organization and more formal methodologies
through point by point meetings, contextual investigations or projective systems. The
consequences of exploratory exploration gives noteworthy understanding into a given

circumstance. Exploratory examination h is not generalizable to the populace on the


3.4 Sources of information accumulation

For the examination of the information, information needs to be gathered from diverse
sources. The different wellsprings of information can be arranged in two sections:

1.Internal wellsprings of information Information produced by the association itself.

2.External wellsprings of information Information that is produced by outside the

association. It can be partitioned into two sections

Essential Data – It is gathered utilizing diverse systems like:

•Survey Method.

•Questionnaire Method.

Auxiliary Data – Media (Newspapers, magazines) and so forth are the wellsprings of
Secondary information.

The auxiliary information is gathered from the accompanying sources:




4.Company leaflet.

3.5 Methods of information accumulation

If there should arise an occurrence of examination, information is gathered utilizing

diverse kind of techniques. These routines are called as information accumulation
strategies. The specialist ought to utilize both essential and optional information when
choosing to pick the system for information accumulation for the study. The specialist
needs to choose any information gathering system by choosing the sort of information
he/she would pick for his/her study. Essential information are to be gathered initially,
while if there should be an occurrence of auxiliary information, information gathering
work is essentially that of accumulation. In this venture, as we do exploratory research
henceforth the information is created by the association itself and the outer wellsprings
of information is accumulated with the assistance of the poll and the survey was filled
through sends, telephonic meetings and to some degree direct correspondence with the


The Sampling Plan needs to be planned by the Marketing Researcher. This requires the
analyst to settle on these choices :

a)Sample units- In this the scientist needs to choose that who is to be reviewed. In this
venture the retailers in the town territory were studied.

b)Sample size- Another essential issue confronted by the analyst is that he needs to
choose what number of individuals needs to be studied i.e. the quantity of things chose
from the universe to constitute a specimen. In this venture 200 retailers dwelling in the
town territory of Agra were studied

c)Sampling system How ought to the respondents be picked? In this undertaking it was
extremely straightforward as the retailers in the town zone of agra were picked for

3.7 Questionnaire Design

Research destinations were characterized and afterward the rundown of everything the
needed data was arranged. As indicated by the rundown of data survey was arranged for
leading the review. Poll was arranged remembering the examination destinations. In the
poll all the inquiries were identified with airtel promoting examination in rustic territory.
The respondents were reached through messages, telephonic meetings and some of them
were by and by reached. Thusly the survey was filled and the data was investigated &
displayed as report.

Embraced Research Methodology

For the general exploration plan, the information gathering system and examination
strategies, I did my review with the clients of Airtel . The essential and the optional
wellsprings of information are:

Universe - Finite

Examining unit -The specimen unit comprise the retailers of Airtel

Information gathering - Primary information was gathered utilizing survey and optional

information was gathered with the assistance of web, organization site, magazines and

report investigation.

Test size:200

Chapter 4

Data Analysis, Results and Interpretation


Fig no:4a

Data analysis and research question

Sample Size
Total no. of respondent is 200

This survey is based on the market response of 200 Shops


Q1.Do you have sufficient activation in a month as per target?

180 no

Analysis: Respondents were asked that do they have sufficient activation in a month as per

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 180 of them answered that they have sufficient activation at
their outlets whereas 20 answered NO, however it was found that majority of retailers complete
their target As in sensory market the targets are kept low

Q2.For how long you are selling AIRTEL products?

25 yes

Analysis: Retailers were asked for how long they are selling airtel products?

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 175 answered that they are with airtel through more than 10
years whereas 25 of them have different answers like less than 1 year, 5-10 years and between 1-
5 years

Q3. Why you are selling AIRTEL products?

170 no

Analysis: Respondents were asked why they are selling airtel products.

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 170 of them answered that demand of airtel in Faridabad
zone is more than any other brand by the people whereas 30 answered good distribution nwk.

Q4. Why do end customers take AIRTEL products? (As per feedback given by customers)

170 no

Analysis: Respondents were asked why customers take airtel products.

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 170 of them answered that airtel provide value for money
whereas 30 answered due to Brand recognition

Q5. Which is most popular brand among customer?


Analysis: Respondents were asked which the most popular brand among customers is.

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 180 of them answered that airtel is most popular brand
among customers whereas 20 answered other brands mainly voda, aircel, and idea

Q6. Whose demand is more ?

45 yes

Analysis: Respondents were asked whose demand is most in the market.

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 155of them answered that airtel demand is more earlier it
was vodafone but now airtel start recapturing the market whereas 45 answered other brands
vodafone, aircel, idea, Tata

Q7.Do sufficient stock of sim, dongles and coupons is available with you by Airtel?


Analysis: Respondents were asked that do they have sufficient stock available.

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 145 said that proper stocks were provided to them and 55
answered NO. However later on it was found that there were several complaints regarding
functioning of distributor and also against mismanagement made by FSE

Q8. Do regular inspection of your outlet is being done by company’s agent?


Analysis: Respondents were asked that do regular inspection of their outlet is being done by
company’s agent?

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 161 of them answered that there outlets were not visited on
daily basis by company’s agent however 39 answered NO. As according to them outlets were
visited only by FSE

Q9. Do you think sale of AIRTEL brand is more than of its competitor’s brands?


Analysis: Respondents were asked that do they think sale of airtel brand is more than of its
competitor’s brands.

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 180 answered yes that airtel products are more in sales in
compared to idea as well as other brands specially vodafone and Tata however 20 answered NO.

Q10. Is there any sales promotion activity in your beat?

Chart Title

Analysis: Respondents were asked that is there any sales promotion activity in their beat

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 170 answered no that airtel don’t have sales promotional
activities like voda have however 30 answered yes.

Q11. Do you have any signage board or road standee of airtel?


Analysis: Respondents were asked that do they have any signage board or road standee.

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers 160 answered yes that they signage board or road standee
however 40 answered NO.

Q12. Does sufficient scheme is available to you?

146 yes

Analysis: Respondents were asked that do they have sufficient schemes available to them.

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 146 of them answered schemes were provided to them
however 54 said NO as according to them different scheme was told by salesman at different

Q14. Has the sale of airtel increased in your outlet after sales promotion activities?


Analysis: Respondents were asked that they has the sale increase after sales promotion activity

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 159 of them answered positively as due to it there was
increase in awareness among customers about R-offers& their related prices.

Q15. Are you satisfied with profit margin?

146 yes

Analysis: Respondents were asked that are they satisfied with profit margin?

Interpretation: Out of 200 retailers, 146of them answered that they are satisfied with provided
margin however 54 said NO

From the above findings its can be say that Airtel is the most Admirable brand in sensory market
like Agra zone, having30% market share and 121.7million customers. And second leading brand
is Vodafone switch 23.87% market share. Airtel is most admired brand by

Chapter 5

1.Airtel holds number one position in India with a piece of the overall industry of

2.In the Agra town region airtel has 3 wholesalers (sovereign chetanya, hariohm) and
around 400 retailers.

3.Airtel dispatches new FRC (first energize) plot consistently.

4.Airtel SIM cards gave thoroughly free.

5.Now Airtel Launches FRC plans. In this manner, the client has a charge another SIM
card initiation. Along these lines now the age of the buyer is begun to be long.

6.Vodafone is the greatest contender of Airtel in the information transfers industry.

7.Most of the time retailers are fulfilled by Airtel Service Some retailers said they didn't
have airtel items on time

8.Some retailers are not fulfilled by the edge approach of Airtel.

9.Some proprietors of outlets are exceptionally furious against the execution of the
organization on the grounds that they did well in Airtel and accomplish objectives, yet
they were not esteemed by organization

10.Some retailers are confronting issue in the legislative issues of personality

confirmation Airtel.

11 Many customers are alluded to another system as a result of the thorough personality

12. Some retailers have said the organization does not give enough input on their




From the survey conducted in the rural market of Agra it has been found that there is a huge
demand for products of airtel and it is preferred over its competitors, especially Vodafone and
ideas .Airtel is the most preferred by consumers(retailers) .Faridabad market is widespread and is
a tough market many new retailers are added but there are tremendous opportunities to grow.
And sales promotion plays a very important role in achieving the objectives of a business.
Undoubtedly, the utility of the value is created by the manufacture of the product or service, but
the utilities of time and place are created by marketing role. The various findings and
recommendations befitting have been made to increase the market share of products (prepaid)
Airtel to planning increase the market share of Airtel as a whole. Various facts and data have
been closed for easier reading and various graphics were provided for better understanding. Sales
promotion techniques provide results that many other elements of marketing communication
cannot reach.
Sales promotion that is used in the communication strategy long global tour of the brand says to
use strategically. Promotion should not be used for the sole purpose of altering the short-term
sales; promotion .Sales is used as a very strategic tool to introduce a new product. While
advertising plays an important role in creating awareness and attitude information, sales
promotion used to launch new easier and more efficient products


1. First will provide its dealers and retailers all kinds of promotional material such as glow
sign board, banner, brochures, etc in time to increase their sales that benefited both
dealer and society.
2. Few outlets are not aware of the scheme if good communication is needed between the
distributor and retailers. Number of hoarding should be increased.
3. Company must be lenient in the procedure of identity verification.
4. To increase the customer on the network, the company must make changes in its plan
FRC for example the value of conversation should be divided into two parts.50% of the
value of conversation must provide at the time of activation and TT provide rest after
gap of some days.
5. Company must make clear to its dealers about the benefits of consumption on the
6. Company must give extra performance and other bonus gifts to retailers to put their full
efforts to increase sales of Airtel.
7. Company must motivate its sales staff so they will pay more concentration in the sale
and activation of new connections.
8. Corporation should make necessary changes in his plan FRC. Such company must
allocate speaking time for two time {50% at the time of activation + 50% after)
9. Sales promotion activities still need to push
10. In areas such as agra Airtel money needed to promoted.

Chapter 7

1. Many retailers are not cooperating and seeking retailer output name was much more
difficult than many of them did not put their name from the store in Council.
2. Dealers and retailers do not like to give information of their sale.
3. The projection is based purely on verbal meeting and may be influenced by factors
4. Lack of interest for retailers to provide a comprehensive view of their performance.
5. The problem occurred in the data collection of competing retailers.
6. R-offers problems by the retailer offers
7. Lathargicness retailers such as not providing full information to customers



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Haulee, Corey and Brent Cater Bellington. (1993).
Hawdar. (2012). In Sales and logistic management.
Malhotra Naresh K., D. S. (2012). In Marketing Research . Pearson.
Michaela Draganska and Daniel Klapper. (Feb 2007).
Minal kashyap, Komal Kashyap and Dr.Anil Sarda.
P., K. (2012). In Marketing Management.
Pankaj Chandra and Nimit Jain. (March 2007).
William D.Diamond and Leland Campbell. (1989).

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