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Hannah Sherrington

Questionnaire feedback

Here is the chart results which I conducted and these were the numbers I
received. The question was ‘How old are you’, and these were the
numbers. As you can see the highest number is the ages between 55 to 64
years old.
Hannah Sherrington

The next question was ‘what gender are you’ and these were my results.
This was a simple question asked on my questionnaire.

The next one is ‘what influences you the most to buy a new product’. As
you can see the highest number was advertisements.

The next question was ‘do you see a lot of online advertising?’. This was
just a simple yes or no question which got my yes ticks to no.
Hannah Sherrington

The next one is the most interesting one for me, it asks ‘what type of
advertising do you consume the most? Print and TV were very close.

The next question was ‘do you prefer branded products of merchandising,
the orange colour was yes and grey was no.
Hannah Sherrington

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