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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Jeremy Hileman, Nicole Schmidt, Leah Talley Date: 4/5/2018

Group Size: 20 Students Allotted Time: 40 minutes Grade Level: 3rd

Subject or Topic: Skeletal System; Joints

Common Core/PA Standard(s): Standard- 10.1.3.B

Identify and know the location and function of the major body organs and systems

Learning Targets/Objectives:
1. The students will be able to identify the different movable joints by completing a
foldable while watching a brain pop video
2. The students will be able to show their knowledge of joint functions through a
movement based activity sheet with Nerf balls

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. The students will complete a foldable by 1. The teacher will move around the
taking notes on the brain pop video classroom and check the notes in the students’
2. The students will fill out a sheet while foldables while watching the video
exploring their joints in the movement based 2. The teacher will grade the sheet that the
activity students turn in after the activity
…. …
Assessment Scale:
1 Point given for each answer filled out with both a joint and a bone used in that movement; ½
Point given if only a bone or joint listed but missing the other
8-10 Advanced
6-7 Proficient
4-5 Basic
0-4 Below Basic
Subject Matter/Content:
Knowledge of joints

Key Vocabulary:
Joint- Any place in the body where two or more bones meet
Movable Joints- Allow bones to move
Immovable Joints- Do not allow bones to move, stay still
Ligaments- Tissue that connects two bones together as a joint
Ball-and-Socket Joint- One bone ends in a circular ball shape that sits in a socket shaped
Gliding Joint- Allows bone to slip and slide past each other
Hinge Joint- Allows bone to move in one direction
Pivot Joint- Allows bones to move side to side

1. Movable Joints
2. About Joints
-Joint: A joint is any place where two or more bones meet
-Movable Joints: Allow bones to move
ex: Knees, Elbows, Hips, Shoulders
-Immovable Joints: Do not allow bones to move, stay still
ex: Skull
-Ligaments: Tissues that connects two bones together as a joint
3. Ball-and-Socket Joint
-Allows the bone to move in any direction
ex: Shoulders and Hips
4. Gliding Joint: Allows bones to slip and slide past each other
ex: Between your vertebrae
5. Hinge Joint: Allows bone to move in one direction
- Less flexible but more stable
ex: Knees and elbows
6. Pivot Joint: Allows bones to move side to side
ex: Turning head side to side when shaking your head to say “no”

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
- The teacher will ask all of the students to stand up and complete the following tasks: hop on
one foot, walk a circle around the classroom, shake their heads like they are saying “yes” and
“no”, draw their name in the air with their arm, and sit back down in their chairs
- The teacher will then ask, “Why do you think I had you do these things?”
- After allowing students to answer, the teacher will then ask, “How is our body allowing us to
move around the ways that we moved?”
- The teacher will then introduce the idea of joints
1. Raise your hand if you know of any joints in your body?
2. Do you think they were being used while you were moving around?
- “Today’s lesson is going to be about the functions of movable joints and the types of joints
that we have in our bodies.”

Development/Teaching Approaches
Part One- Video/Foldable
- The teacher will have stacks of colored paper already set up on the side table
- Each student will come pick up three pieces of paper; make sure they do not all come
up at once
- The teacher will demonstrate how to make the foldable
- The teacher will instruct the students to write these six things on their foldable from
top to bottom; movable joints, about joints, hinge joints, ball and socket joint, pivot
joint, and pivot joint
- “We will now watch a brain pop video on joints. While watching this video I want you
to fill in your foldable with information that you think is important and we will discuss
it as a class after the video. You do not need to fill out anything under the moveable
joints flap because this is the title of the foldable.”
- Brain Pop video about joints < bodysystems/joints/>
- After the video, discuss ideas as a class in call on students to write a fact on the board
- Write the main topics on the board About Joints, Hinge Joints, Ball and Socket Joint,
and Pivot Joint.
- Add to the facts written on the board if there is not sufficient information
- Prompt the students to add any missing information to their foldable

Part Two- Movement Activity

- The teacher will hand out the activity sheets to each class member
- The teacher will then instruct the students to find their partner
- The teacher will gather the students’ attention and explain the activity.
- “Alright class, for this activity you will be up and moving around so give yourself
some space. What we will be doing is performing all 10 of the movements listed on
your sheet with your partner. Once you and your partner have completed one of the
movements you are to fill in what joint is being used in that movement and one of the
bones involved. You are to answer all 10 of the questions with both the joint and one of
the bones used. When finished you and your partner should sit down and raise your
hands for your papers to be collected.”
- The teacher will place the Nerf balls at the front of the room and instruct the students
to use them for the necessary movements and put them back when they are done. This
is so all of the students have a chance to use them to complete their activity.
- “These Nerf balls are up front for those of you who would like to use them with your
partner. Movements like throwing to your partner, kicking to your partner, and
dribbling can all be done with the ball.”
- “Go ahead and get to started. I will be around for any of you who have questions!”
- The teacher will walk around the room and observe while the students are completing
the activity.
- The teacher then will collect the sheets as students finish.

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
- Collect all of the activity sheets
- Ask students to raise their hands and give something they learned about joints
- Introduce the lesson for tomorrow… “so far we have learned about bones and joints,
tomorrow we will take a look at what helps hold those together, our muscles.”

Accommodations/Differentiation: If a student has an impairment that alters his or her ability

to move in certain ways then I would provide them alternative movements and activities that
are doable with his or her impairment impairment. Also, if the student has no ability to move, I
would provide videos of the movements being performed to allow the student to still observe
the movements. By doing this they will get the chance to visualize the movements and make
educated guesses on the joints and the bones that are being used.

- Smart Board
- Brain Pop Video
- Paper Foldable
- Chalkboard
- Activity Sheet
- 5 Nerf Balls

Pruit, B.E., et al. Prentice Hall Health. Boston, Mass. : Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2007., 2007.

Wealth, D.J., & Gilsan, E. M. (2005). Know your body : skeletal and muscular systems. San
Antonio, TX : PCI Educational Publishing, 2005.

[BrainPopJr.]. (n.d.). Joints [Video File]. Retrieved from

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

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