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Brotz’s World History Class’ RULES Regarding Technology

This document is in reference to students in Mr. Brotz’s World History class in regards to their use of technology in
and outside of Mr. Brotz’s classroom during the 2018/19 school years. This includes the entire school and school
events off property, including bus rides. Read all rules carefully and sign at the bottom.

Rule #1: All school rules apply.

Rule #2: Students may only search and access information that is relevant to the classroom

Rule #3: Students may not use technological devices during class period or on assignments
without approval from the teacher present in the classroom. This will be treated as cheating.

Rule #4: Students will respect and adhere to the school network security measures and in no way
try to dismantle, disrupt, or get through the school firewall and security features.

Rule #5: Students will strictly use their own personal devices or school property that is assigned
to them. Using a technological device without approval of the school or owner is not allowed.

Rule #6: Students will strictly sign into a computer with their personal login information.
Accessing a technological device as someone else will be considered identity theft.

Rule #7: All students will participate in a “responsible care of technological devices” video and
quiz to understand proper care of their personal and the schools technological property. Without
it you will not be able to access a computer.

Rule #8: Students will be held fully responsible for the technological device while in their
possession. Lack of care for the device that puts the computer in danger of breaking or being
lost or stolen will be punished.

Rule #9: All technological devices must have the volume muted.

Rule#10: Students may not post pictures and videos from a class without the parties present in
the video or photo’s approval.

By signing below you have read and accept the rules of technology as a member Mr. Brotz’s
classroom. You accept the penalties that Mr. Brotz and/or the principal decide.

Student’s full name (Print): ________________________ Signature: _____________________ Date: ________

Parent/Guardian full name (Print): _________________________Signature: __________________ Date: _______

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