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This one got shuffled around to different pages, so I put what there was of it back together for you.


Origional site:

My Char:

Her Char:


## ## #The Dead Lands## The Dead Lands# ## ## , ## , 2010-03-21 19:20:15# , # , 2010-03-21

19:20:15# , 2010-03-21 19:20:15, as written by # , 2010-03-21 19:20:15# , # , 2010-03-21
19:20:15## , 2010-03-21 19:20:15#Watcher## , 2010-03-21 19:20:15, as written by Watcher# , 2010-
03-21 19:20:15, as written by ## , 2010-03-21 19:20:15, as written by #
The camp was quiet, save for a few pops and cracks from fires kept burning by wood and magic, the latter to keep the blaze lasting
longer. The lack of any forests at all in the Dead Lands made magic a necessity to do so, the wood taken from the forests of
Elshana, which was naturally long lasting anyway. A large stack of the wood was a few yards away from the Elven area of the
camp, available to all the others at any time.

The various colors on the tents themselves, the light of the flames dancing across them in the weak light of twilight, revealed the
great number of groups that had come to the Dead Lands. The muddy red and sickly yellow of the Dwarven and Gnomish were next
to each other; yards away were the Elven multi-colored decorations of the Elshana kingdom, humorous in that their countries were
separated by the most dangerous areas of the Wastelands, hundreds of miles apart.

Near one of the Elven tents stood an Elve and Kesne, talking to each other about the circumstances of the gathering; the letters to
their leaders and the visitations of the Whist themselves. The prospect of the Spirits being involved came to them both, then the
conversation ended and they both returned to their respective tents. The Kesne moved south, through the small light blue tents of
the Sylph, some of which were flitting about and watching the other races that were nearby. A few played with Beastiels that had
turned into various small animals as their pack leaders looked on with smiles next to their light brown tents.

Reaching his tent, light purple with dark purple streaks across it, the Kesne looked to his left, glancing upon the Drow’s tents, pitch
black and almost magically so. The Kesne could only see silhouette of the tents with his eyes, needing to use his astute sonar-
hearing to feel the contours of straps and belts that held it together. Near the Drow stood the tents of the Enkles, green as their
plants and the leaves on the trees. Nearby, the Drakes stood near their fires outside of the fiery-red tents, shivering despite the
relative warmness that the sun gave upon the other races.

In contrast of the Drakes, the Voosa lacked tents, preferring the ground, which they laid on lazily as they tried to cool themselves in
spite of their heavy fur. Nearby, some Voosa had dipped their feet into an artificial lake, housing the Merfolk’s visitors as they
spoke with the Voosa nearby. A few Merfolk had their heads showing from the surface of the water and were watching the sun set,
smiling as the heat of the sun fell upon their heads.

Sharing in the splendor was the Lumous, outside their bright yellow tents. All of them were outside, unmoving, feeding off the light
of the sun; this was their nourishment. Some had large lenses that turned the light into different hues that fell upon them, which
most of the Lumous had gathered behind. Popular opinion stated that this was a way for the Lumous to give the light a “flavor.”

A few Kriken were scene in what looked to be a flat area, but was actually burrows covered by dirt doors to protect them from rain.
The Kriken preferred to be in a natural area, to them was underground. A temporary Queen-Leader as appointed by the Kriken’s
Queen Jasmine was holed up in the tunnels, sleeping in preparations for whatever they had been called to.

A short walk away were the dirigibles of the Gnomes, Dwarves, and Humans, the last of which choose to stay by their own vehicles
so that they could easily organize the other races in case of an emergency. They had been voted to do so, not out of courtesy.
Humans had been the original inventors of the technology anyway, and had been the main coordinators to getting all the races

The only race that was absent was the Drege, whose lives had been threatened when their leader, the Spirit of Lightning, Roan,
disappeared. Only by staying within their mountains were they able to keep living. Instead, they had appointed a small group of
Lumous to represent them. These Lumous stayed in the dirigibles, a green lens taken from one of the vehicles standing nearby with
a few of the picked Lumous behind it.
A sense of anticipation hung in the air, the various races made nervous by the nervousness of the others, the wonderment that the
Races felt toward each other only serving to lessen this feeling.


## ## #The Dead Lands## The Dead Lands# ## ## , ## , 2010-03-30 09:33:51# , # , 2010-03-30

09:33:51# , 2010-03-30 09:33:51, as written by # , 2010-03-30 09:33:51# , # , 2010-03-30
09:33:51## , 2010-03-30 09:33:51#GreyWaters## , 2010-03-30 09:33:51, as written
by GreyWaters# , 2010-03-30 09:33:51, as written by ## , 2010-03-30 09:33:51, as written by #
Simon helped the last of the Merfolk into the larger pool before popping the latch on his cart and letting the smaller pool of water
he was towing them around in drain in after. The least someone could have done was use some voodoo magic or something to
make the whole thing easier on him, but no, nobody magic was willing to go with him to pick up the Merfolk. All the "important"
magicians or wizards or whatever were far to busy to agree to that.

Simon was just glad he'd convinced someone at the camp to put a temporary enchantment on his dirigible so the Merfolk could at
least ride in the main cabin on the way back. Not for the sake of his passengers, but for the sake of the dirigible itself. In order to
transport those two giant pools of water he'd had to increase Sheila's (the dirigible's) lift with hot air balloons. Exposed flame that
near a giant hydrogen filled balloon made him very nervous. Dieing in a giant ball of fire in the sky wasn't in his plans for this trip.
Simon looked forward to tearing those deathtraps from the sides of his baby.

He would do that as soon as he landed and nothing else was happening; right now, a young mermaid was talking to him and he
wasn't paying attention. "Sorry, what was that?"

"I wanted to thank you. I know you're not use to accommodating our kind." She smiled at him. Simon didn't usually find pointed
teeth cute. "Your flying ship is truly amazing."

He chuckled and looked around uncertainly, she was still smiling at him, but he knew absolutely nothing about Merfolk culture.
Well, the Voosa, who he'd picked up first, were now cooling their feet in the pool while chatting with them, and Simon couldn't think
of any reason he shouldn't, so he smiled back nervously, pulled off his boots and slipped his feet into the water. "Thanks, I built it
from scrap, but you could probably tell. You weren't afraid to fly?"

"Flying is more like swimming than walking. It's actually calming." The mermaid said as she took one of Simon's feet in her webbed
hands and started to massage it with slippery fingers. It actually felt rather good, despite the awkwardness of coming from a
strange amphibious girl he'd just met. Maybe this was just what Merfolk did. A sort of cultural greeting.

The giggling coming from the other young Merfolk hinted otherwise. This could get weird.... "Um, my name is Simon, by the way."


## ## #Morandun## Morandun# ## ## , ## , 2010-04-10 10:35:42# , # , 2010-04-10 10:35:42# , 2010-

04-10 10:35:42, as written by # , 2010-04-10 10:35:42# , # , 2010-04-10 10:35:42## , 2010-04-10
10:35:42#MercyKilling## , 2010-04-10 10:35:42, as written by MercyKilling# , 2010-04-10 10:35:42,
as written by ## , 2010-04-10 10:35:42, as written by #
Etta swooped through the air, fluttering her fragile wings around the miniature bag strapped to her back. The thing held her
temporary clothing, a dress and leggings made of the finest cloth; that fit in the matchbox upon her back. She cut through the air,
trying to surf the currents as much as possible, she had a long way to go yet. It had been a disappointing start to the day, her
parents had forbade her from going to the camp along with her brothers, despite the fact that she had only come home for that
reason. It had taken her hours to persuade her younger brother to take her stuff along with his, and even longer her elder. She
could not stay mad while flying though, the freedom was to beautiful and clarifying to hold much thought. Not many birds flew
beside her, they new she was not one of them in truth; but it had never mattered that she had never felt a part of the pack. She
was happy being alone most of the time, never worrying about others, as she would have to in any war.

Ahead of her she spotted a dirigible, flying oddly in the sky with one to many lifts. Curious she flew in closer, knowing she would
have to rest soon anyway and she could always bye her passage if they were going her way. The thing was massive compared to
her, the air coming off its wake making it even harder to fly in. She landed with much difficulty on one of the outer doors and
peered in. There did not seem to be anyone about, or at least not in this part, she twittered happily to herself for a moment glad to
have the rest. On her second glance through the window she looked to see what kind of ship it was, it was well kept and of sturdy
making, in truth that was all she could really tell, not having ever had much use of mechanics. She sat for a moment, considering
her options, she could change here, opening the door with her weight and slip in; though she would need to dress quickly for fear of
being seen. Otherwise she would have to find an open window, it wasn’t definite that there would be one and since it was hard to
fly alongside this thing; she really didn’t fancy it.

She hummed to herself as she considered changing, knowing all to well how careful she would have to be in this precarious
position. She focused on her feet first, working her minds-eye up slowly over her body. She had to remember clearly what it felt like
to be human, it was so easy to get lost in her other form, even after a few days flight. Sure enough though, she felt the handle
beneath her begin to lower as her weight pressed down on it. She shot out an arm, praying madly for luck as the door clicked open
and she pulled her light form in. She closed the door behind her, her half human form hunched over painfully and removed her bag.
She sat on the floor, listening to the snap of her painful bones, molding and re-molding to her new form. This was her most
vulnerable time, if anyone walked in her now it could not be worse. Soon though the last feather folded away beneath her pale skin
and she stood, hastily getting dressed for fear of being seen. She opened the small matchbox sized bag and pulled out the
weightless blue dress that would fall to her ankles and some leggings for warmth. She slipped the dress over her head, ignoring the
long fall of her hair, she would put it up later if she was aloud to stay onboard. She smoothed out the folds, hopping this at least
made her more decent, if nothing else. The she pulled up her tight leggings, uncaring for their lack of stretch, they were there for
decency’s sake, if she had to fight she could not bare the thought of flashing.

“Hello?” She called through the thing, hopping she would not have disturbed anyone to much with her presence. With no reply she
began to walk about, wishing she could have bought a weapon, she hated to go unarmed. She moved with ease through the many
doors and could soon hear the noise of people. She touched each door reverently, not wanting to mark or harm it in any way. Her
footsteps were light due to her bare feet, making not a sound as she approached the quiet sound of giggled and talking. Pausing
behind the last door she wondered if she would get in trouble for the intrusion, it had happened before, though most were more
than happy to accommodate another fair. She knocked on the door lightly before sticking her head around. She was astounded to
find Merfolk there, she had never in her life seen them out of water, though they were still in some, she felt it was very different.
She waved at the few watching her and waited for the owner to turn and tell her to either go or stay. Her eyes were wide and
anxious, she had always hated being unwanted aboard any form of ship.


## ## #Morandun## Morandun# ## ## , ## , 2010-04-19 12:13:38# , # , 2010-04-19 12:13:38# , 2010-

04-19 12:13:38, as written by # , 2010-04-19 12:13:38# , # , 2010-04-19 12:13:38## , 2010-04-19
12:13:38#GreyWaters## , 2010-04-19 12:13:38, as written by GreyWaters# , 2010-04-19 12:13:38, as
written by ## , 2010-04-19 12:13:38, as written by #
"My name is Silphia." the mermaid replied, flashing Simon a dimpled smile. He enjoyed the foot massage for a few moments while
the curiosity of how a scaled girl could have dimples distracted him from the circumstances of that massage. It didn't really make
sense; not unless the scales on her face were soft. The scales on her hands were soft after all. The weirdness of the situation was
suddenly coming back. It wasn't unheard-of to hear about men being seduced by mermaids, but those were usually sailors during
long voyages away from all womankind for months or years at a time. How would it even work? From the look of her, the parts
seemed to line up, but... Were there diseases? EWW EWW! What are you thinking!? Stop that right now!

There was a quite knocking at the door and Silphia looked past him; a moment later her webbed fingers stopped rubbing. Not sure
if that was a good thing or not, Simon twisted around where he sat to see what was so interesting behind him. It wasn't a Voosa, as
he had expected, but a pretty young girl with striped hair and a soft face. Well, it was her head at least. She nervously stepped the
rest of the way into the room as the social creatures all around beckoned her on with smiles and waves. They probably thought she
was part of his crew, but Simon was just a bit confused as to where she came from. It wasn't often he received passengers mid
flight and it was a little odd for a stowaway to walk right into a room full of people...people-ish. She was wearing an amazingly
shear dress that looked rather good on her. Maybe she was younger than she looked, stowed away on the ground and decided she
really didn't like flying once they got in the air. At least she looked harmless enough.

"Is there anything I can help you w--" Simon started to ask, but when she turned to look at him, her hair swung out of the way and
he saw quite clearly that she had no ears, just holes in the side of her head and a few feathers. A bit surprised, Simon jumped and...
"Oh sh--" SPLOOSH!...fell into the pool.


by MercyKilling on Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:30 pm

She moved in uneasily, obviously the merefolk didn't seem to mind her being here. She gave them a deep nod, knowing better than
to be rude. Her eyes however stayed trained on the back of the only human she had seen on the ship; therefore in her mind the
captain. She tucked her hands behind her back, trying to seem as unthreatening as possible; nothing could go wrong if she looked
innocent. She turned to look at the man speaking to her, her hair flying about her head, light and fly-away as ever. Sometimes she
wondered if it realised she ever landed, though she didn't have hair in her other form. Her speckled wings twitched nervously
behind her, unsure if he had noticed what she was.

"Oh I am so sorry, I did not mean to shock you!" Her eyes went wide as he fell into the pool. She only hoped the merefolk did not
want him too badly, she supposed it might be unpleasant for him to stay in there for too long. She moved with grace towards the
pool, each movement she made precise and measured, never wasting energy. She tilted her had at the merefolk, waiting for there
response, some wouldn't want her coming to close and she could not swim at all. They did not make any moves towards her, so she
took it that they didn't want her. She knelt on the edge of the pool, allowing her silk dress to touch the water, it would soak up lots
of water being such a fine material, but she did not have time to wait. She moved into a perfect balancing position, one leg back to
act as a brace, all she had to hope was that the merfolk were not prudish people; she had never spoken to one before. The other
bent to stabilise her body as she lent forward, reaching into the water. It had only taken a few seconds for her to move over so he
was more than in reach, she dipped both her arms into the water. It was chilly against her skin and she hoped madly she wasn't
making a fool of herself. She assumed that people couldn't swim like her, but she suspected that was more just because she had
wings that were to heavy, not that others couldn't.

"Yes!" She smiled, her hands touching on his. She heaved up, her muscled working hard to combat gravity and the heavy water
that now covered him. Her long hair dipped into the water and her pendant which glowed lightly at the contact. She pulled the man
out, uncaring for his movements, dumping him on the side. Immediately she moved away, it was so inappropriate to be so close to
a man. Even worse where her dress had become wet and touched her skin it was utterly see-through, even though she wore
leggings beneath she was very unsure of her decency. She turned away to look at the wall behind her, then at least she could wring
it and let it begin to dry if he let her stay onboard. She squeezed the water out with sure strong motions, hoping it would become
dry quickly. Wet droplets covered her face where her hair touched it and she checked her locket was still safe.

"I'm sorry I shocked you, I know it was bad of me to come here unannounced, but I get so tired travelling. If you are willing I am
more than happy to pay for your journey and trouble, otherwise.. I guess I will have to go. " The last bit sounded a little forlorn, she
would have liked to have stayed, met the merfolk and the captain but she would do whatever he wished. She did not turn, unsure
of both her own state and his.


by GreyWaters on Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:03 pm

The pool was not deep: just above Simon's head. The idea of having it any shallower had been shot down outright. And even so,
Simon could swim, if not very well with with all the metal he was wearing. No bracers or bag and he'd taken off his boots. The only
weapon he had on was a revolver in his toolbelt, but the belt was enough to drag him straight to the bottom. Simon held in laughter
on the way down. Had he really just fallen into the pool because of some girl's weird ears? Or lack-there-of? A stranger popping up
on a ship mid flight you take in stride, but a funny head sends you splashing?

He hit the bottom and stared up for a few split seconds, still laughing at himself internally for making a fool of himself, but also
wondering about the girl. Feathers instead of ears was not a race he'd ever heard of before and he couldn't think of any other
reason those feathers would be there. Nevertheless, it was probably not best that he left her up there too long, and come to think
about it, he might have just violated some boundaries with the Merfolk, too. So Simon put his hands to the ground to push himself
up, but before they even got there a warning went off in his head as they passed the point where the bottom should have been. Oh
shit! His brain screamed as the merfolk he'd really landed on snaked one webbed hand up and around his chest to hold him down
and the other hand.....down his pants....

It was suddenly quite apparent that this was not and attack. The mermaid who'd been "flirting" with him earlier must has quickly
swum under him while he sank and was now....oh dear....nibbling on his earlobe. That, of course, was no less reason to panic. It was
not a situation one expected to find themselves in, although it was giving him a whole new layer of questions where those old
sailors' stories were concerned. Simon pushed off the bottom with one hand and tried to grab some water with the other, in hopes
of pulling himself away from Silphia's grasp. It was no small relief when something a little more solid caught his hand and he was
dumped unceremoniously on the cargo hold's floor a moment later. That girl was staring down at him, but he hardly noticed. It was
rare that one thought ever held all of Simon's attention, but this moment there was only one thing in his head. It was so loud in his
mind that it spilled out his mouth in a horror-stricken tone.

"I was just molested by a fish....person."

After a moment, Simon risked a glance back toward the pool. Silphia was staring at him with the face of a child who just had its
favorite toy taken away. He looked back at the ceiling and didn't blink. It took him a few moments to remember the new girl. He sat
up and looked toward her as she started talking. She had little wings too. He could see them through her dress, now. Not big
enough to fly, though. Not anywhere near. Had he heard about a race of people who could turn into animals before? They were
supposed to keep their animal ears and tail even in human form, so they could never hide what they were. He'd thought those were
just stories, though. No race could transform. Okay, maybe wizards, but that didn't count.

"I'd be glad for the fair," Simon said, his smile finally creeping back as he stood up and stepped over to the towels he'd brought
down earlier in some sudden rush of forethought. "and I can even loan you a change of clothes, if you like," he continued, draping
one towel over the poor girls shoulders and beginning to rub himself down with the other. "but, well, I just have to know..." Simon
stopped drying off to stare at her for this one. "How in Hell did you get up here? Or in here? Or even around here?" He added the
last, remembering that they were currently hundreds of miles into a lifeless wasteland.

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