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- To proceed or arise as a consequence, effect, or conclusion. (Merriam-Webster, Feb. 22 2018)

3.1 Experience

- Is the knowledge or mastery of an event or subject gained through involvement in or exposure to

it. (Oxford English Dictionary, 1989)

3.1.1 Unforgettable

- Very difficult or impossible to forget. (Wiktionary, 2017)

3.1.2 Inspiration

- A divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and
communicate sacred revelation. (Merriam-Webster, Feb. 2 2018)

3.1.3 Sacrifice

- Is the offering of food, objects or the lives of animals to a higher purpose, in particular
divine beings, as an act of propitiation or worship. (Cowdell, Scott; Fleming, Chris; Hodge, Joel, eds.

3.1.4 Romantic Excitement

- Having an inclination for romance : responsive to the appeal of what is idealized,

heroic, or adventurous. Marked by expressions of love or affection. (Merriam-Webster, Feb. 15

3.1.5 Standards

- A level of quality or attainment. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2009)

3.2 Effect

- something that inevitably follows an antecedent (such as a cause or agent). (Merriam-Webster,

Feb. 25 2018)

3.2.1 Positive Emotions

- Include pleasant or desirable situational responses, ranging from interest and contentment
to love and joy, but are distinct from pleasurable sensation and undifferentiated positive affect. These
emotions are markers of people’s overall well-being or happiness, but they also enhance future growth
and success. (Michael A. Cohn and Barbara L. Fredrickson, 2009)

3.2.2 Performance

- The act of performing or the state of being performed. The act or style of performing a
work or role before an audience. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2016)

3.2.3 Lie

- Is a statement used intentionally for the purpose of deception. (Oxford English

Dictionary, 2017)

3.2.4 Sense of Humor

- The ability to create new humor. It is believed that humor creation requires the humorist
to put himself in another person’s shoes, to hear the joke the way it sounds to a listener who doesn’t yet
know the punch line. (J.E. Brown, 2006)

3.2.5 Physical Look/Appearance

- Physical characteristics are defining traits or features about your body.

(, Feb. 25 2018)

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