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Role play discharge planning

Nurse 1 : Azizha
Nurse 2 : Ane
Doctor : Nisa
Patient : Fitri
Neighbour 1 : Meike
Neighbour 2 : Bagus

At home
Meike : Dad, where is mrs. Fitri ? since yesterday I don’t see her. I usually meet her in
the market every morning. But, I don’t meet her.
Bagus : Let’s we check to her house, probably something already happen to her.
Meike : ok, lets go.
Meike & Bagus: *tok tok tok* Mrs. Fitri where are you ?
Fitri : yes, i’m here. Let’s come here.
Can you bring me to the hospital now ? I feel dizzy since yesterday.
Meike&Bagus : of course, let’s go !
In the hospital
Meike & Bagus: nurse, help us please.
Ane : Okay, common mrs. Why are you ?
Fitri : I feel dizzy since yesterday nurse, I don’t know why.
Ane : Okay I will treat you here.
Next day, Nurses come to patient’s room
Ane : Good morning Mrs. Fitri, how do you feel? Have you take breakfast today?
Fitri : Good morning nurse. Yes I had breakfast. I feel little bit better. I’m boring
nurse, I wanna go home now.
Azizha : Okay, now i will check your blood preasure, excuse me. *check*
Your condition has already better Mrs.
Fitri : How is my blood preasure ?
Azizha : Your blood preasure is 130/80. That’s better than yesterday.
Ane : What’s your relationship with Mrs. Fitri ?
Meike : I’m Mrs. fitri neighbour and he is my husband.
Ane : Are you live near with Mrs. Fitri ?
Bagus : Yes nurse. She lives alone at home, so we who help her if she need
Ane : Okay.
Azizha : Now, we will discuss with your physician what are u can go home now.
Fitri : Okay nurse thank you.
Discuss with doctor
Ane : Excuse me doc, we will report about mrs. Fitri’s progress. Her blood preasure
is decrease from 160/100 to 130/80 and the planning for her is that she can go
Nisa : Okay, now let we check mrs. Fitri first.
Doctor and nurses go to patient’s room
Nisa : Good afternoon Mrs. Fitri. How do you feel now ?
Fitri : My headache is lessen doc. When I allowed to go home ?
Nisa : Wait until tomorrow if your condition is good, you can go home yesterday.
Fitri : Thank you doc.
The next day
Azizha : Good morning Mrs, since today your condition has improved so, you can go
home today.
Fitri : *improve*
Azizah : What do you know about hypertension ?
Fitri : Hypertension is causing dizziness
Ane : Okay, actually hypertention is condition when your blood preasure is more
than 140/90 and the signs you will feel dizzy and easily feel tired.
Meike : What is the prohibition for hypertension?
Azizha : Please less your consumtion of salt and alcohol. And then, please do more
Ane : This is leaflet for you. You can read it here or at home.
Azizha : If you feel dizzy again at home, you can come to health practitioner near
your home or you can come here.
Ane : So now, you must to pay the administration. Who will administer the
administration ?
Bagus : Me nurse.
Ane : You can follow me Mr. Bagus.
Azizha : Mrs. Fitri you can come back here to control 3 days later. So, you can come
here on Monday. Please bring your medicine. Don’t forget to do exercise. And
don’t forget to take medicine 3 times a day.
Fitri : Thank you

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