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API Summer School 2017

CIGRE Australia’s
Next Generation Network

Presenter: Bingxiang Lin (B2 Panel Liaison)

What is CIGRE?

• Member of Australian panel?

• Member of international working group?
• Member of the Next Generation Network?
• Attended conference?
• Read CIGRE report?

What is CIGRE?

• Founded in Paris, France in 1921.

Source: CIGRE website

What is CIGRE?

• CIGRE is an international organisation – 12,000

active members across 57 countries
Algeria Canada Indonesia Poland
Andean Countries Chile Iran Portugal
Bolivia China Ireland Romania
Croatia Israel Russia
Cyprus Italy Serbia

Arab States of the Gulf Czech & Slovak Japan Slovenia

Bahrain Republics Jordan South Africa
Kuwait Denmark Korea Spain
Egypt Libya Sweden
Estonia Macedonia Switzerland
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates Finland Malaysia Thailand
Argentina France Mexico Ukraine
Australia Germany Montenegro United Kingdom
Austria Greece Netherlands United States
Belgium Hungary New Zealand Venezuela
Bosnia & Herzegovina Iceland Norway
Brazil India Paraguay

Source: W. Jayewardene - 2015

What is CIGRE?

• Strong industry participation within Australia

ABB Australia Pty Limited Electricity Commission NZ Power & Water Corporation Tesla Consultants Ltd - NZ
AECOM Endeavour Energy Power System Consultants Transend Networks Pty Ltd
AECOM NZ Energex Ltd Aust Transgrid
AEMO Eraring Energy Power System Consultants Transpower NZ Ltd
AGL Ergon Energy Corporation NZ United Energy
Alstom Grid Essential Energy Powerlink Qld University of Adelaide
APD GE Preformed Line Products University of New South
Aurecon Ltd General Cable Aust Prysmian Cables & Systems Wales
Australia Ltd University of Queensland
Aurora Energy GHD Hill Michael
QUT University of Tasmania
Ausgrid Hydro Tasmania
Reinhausen Australia Pty Ltd University of Wollongong
Balfour Beatty JV International Power GDF
Suez Relay Monitoring Systems Vector Ltd - NZ
Intertech Engineering Roam Consulting Pty Ltd Verve Energy
Beca NZ
IPM Operation & Maintenance Schneider Electric Western Power Corporation
Commtel Solutions
Jemena SEL Wilson Transformer Co Pty
CS Energy Ltd
Loy Yang Pty Ltd Siemens Ltd Ltd
Macquarie Generation Sinclair Knight Merz
Delta Electricity
National Measurement Snowy Hydro Ltd
Downer Power Pty Ltd
Institute SP Ausnet
Dulhunty Power Pty Ltd
Norman Disney & Young Stanwell Corporation Ltd
Electranet Transmission
Services Olex Australia/Nexans Taihan Australia

Source: W. Jayewardene - 2015

The Structure of CIGRÉ
16 permanent Study Committees
Over 200 Working Groups
A1 Rotating Machines
A2 Transformers
A3 High Voltage Equipment
B1 Insulated Cables
B2 Overhead Lines
B3 Substations
B4 HVDC Electronics
B5 Protection & Automation
C1 System Development and Economics
C2 Operation and Control
C3 System Environmental Performance
C4 Technical Performance
C5 Markets and Regulation
C6 Distribution Systems and Dispersed
D1 Materials & Emerging Test Techniques
D2 Information and Telecommunications
Source: S. Jones - 2014
CIGRÉ in Australia
Australian National Committee
Australian Technical Committee
16 ANC Panels
> 300 Panel members

Source: S. Jones - 2014

What does this mean to me?

• You don’t have to be an expert to be involved. Experts

become experts through experience, research, and
personal development

• CIGRE Australia actively involved in developing young

engineers through the Next Generation Network for
engineers under 35yo:

Get Get Get

Informed Involved Connected

A Great Engineer


Network Experience

What do we do
Web-based, so travel isn’t a barrier to participation:
• Electronic access to CIGRE publications
• Videos of conference proceedings
• Webinar presentations and Q&As with experts
• Web-based discussion of technical material
Plus invitations to participate in:
• Australian Panel meetings
• International working groups
• Scholarships to attend Paris Session
• Industry mentors for university students

The NGN in Australia

• Continue to grow membership:

– The more participation the more benefit to members (larger
knowledgebase, bigger network)

• Foster CIGRE’s mentality of international

– Draw on international experiences and expertise

• Seek development opportunities for our members

• Launched in late 2013, now 290+ members

Help make the NGN happen?


Publishing Member Panel Inter-group

Coordinator Coordinator Liaisons liaisons

16 Australian IEEE
Panels API

The NGN is a community, not a service

What does this mean to me?

The NGN can provide:

• A pathway to rapidly improve your expertise

• Increased networking opportunities
• Access to an extensive library of technical

• Exclusive access to CIGRE events

Panel Meeting – Site Visit

Source: CIGRE APB2 website

Panel Meeting – Site Visit

Source: B. Lin (2016)

Panel Meeting – Presentation

Source: CIGRE APB2 website

Webinar Presentation

Source: CIGRE APB2 website

Industry Mentoring

Source: A. Lloyd - 2017

How do I join?

• It’s free if you’re employer is a corporate member

• Signup at
generation-network-ngn or email

• Not a corporate member? NGN members get a 50%

discount on individual membership (Member II, for first 2
years of membership)

Want to know more?

• Discuss with Adrian or me after this presentation

• Sign-up through the website -
– Start watching videos, attend Q&A sessions, participate in
general discussions

• Email any questions or enquiries to –

Want to know more?

CIGRE and the NGN

Where can it take you?


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