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Utilizing data envelopment analysis to

benchmark safety performance of construction


Impact Factor: 1.53 · DOI: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2009.04.002


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Shaher Rababeh Khaled Hesham Hyari

Hashemite University Hashemite University


Available from: Shaher Rababeh

Retrieved on: 09 September 2015
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International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 61–67


Utilizing data envelopment analysis to benchmark safety

performance of construction contractors
Mohammad S. El-Mashaleh a,*, Shaher M. Rababeh b, Khalied H. Hyari a
Department of Civil Engineering, The Hashemite University, P.O. Box 150459, Zarqa 13115, Jordan
Department of Architectural Engineering, The Hashemite University, P.O. Box 150459, Zarqa 13115, Jordan

Received 20 August 2008; received in revised form 9 April 2009; accepted 14 April 2009


The purpose of this paper is to utilize data envelopment analysis (DEA) to benchmark safety performance of construction contrac-
tors. DEA has been recognized as a robust tool that is used for evaluating the performance of business organizations. The proposed
approach is deployed based on empirical data collected from 45 construction contractors. On a scale of 0–1.0, DEA analysis assesses
the relative efficiency of every contractor relative to the rest of the contractors in terms of safety performance. For inefficient contractors,
DEA analysis provides quantitative guidance on how to become efficient.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Organization resources; Safety and health; Benchmarking; Performance measurement; Data envelopment analysis

1. Introduction (EMR) [27,28]. OSHA recordable incidence rates are based

on the US Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970),
The purpose of this paper is to utilize data envelopment which requires employers to record and report accident
analysis (DEA) to benchmark safety performance of con- information. Incidents are recorded and a formula is used
struction contractors. DEA has been recognized as a to compute the incidence rates.
robust tool that is used for evaluating the performance of EMR, on the other hand, is established by independent
organizations such as business firms, hospitals, government rating bureaus. It dictates the contractor’s premium of the
agencies, educational institutions, etc. DEA is well- workers’ compensation insurance. EMR formula is criti-
deployed in other industries. DEA is a nonparametric lin- cized for its complexity and because of the existence of dif-
ear programming approach that produces a single measure ferent versions in practice [19]. It is also argued that EMR
of efficiency for each unit relative to its peers. It enables is sensitive to company size [12,23,33].
firms to assess their relative efficiency compared to other Ng et al. [31] develop a safety performance evaluation
firms in the industry. (SPE) framework for evaluating contractor’s safety perfor-
Construction literature includes several methods for mance. The model includes a range of organization-related
assessing safety performance of construction contractors. and project-related SPE factors. Based on a survey, the
Two of the most commonly used ones are OSHA record- authors assign weights to the different SPE factors to calcu-
able incidence rates and experience modification rating late a weighted average safety performance score for each
contractor. Generally, it is well-accepted that weighted
average scores have an inherent weakness due to the biases
* introduced in the development of the weights and the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +962 5 390 3333x4829; fax: +962 5 382
6348. additive assumptions utilized in the computations of the
E-mail address: mashaleh@hu.edu.jo (M.S. El-Mashaleh). weighted score average.

0263-7863/$36.00 Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

62 M.S. El-Mashaleh et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 61–67

Teo and Ling [37] develop a model to measure the effec- DEA is concerned with evaluations of performance of
tiveness of safety management systems (SMS) of construc- organizations (i.e., business firms, hospitals, government
tion sites. The authors utilize surveys and experts agencies, universities, etc.), where the presence of multi-
interviews and workshops to collect the important factors ple input, multiple output makes comparison difficult.
affecting safety. The analytic hierarchy process and factor In DEA, the organization under study is called a deci-
analysis are used to identify the most crucial factors and sion making unit (DMU). A DMU is regarded as the
attributes affecting safety. Using the model, a construction entity responsible for converting inputs (i.e., resources,
safety index can be calculated. The authors indicate that money, etc.) into outputs (i.e., sales, profits, certain per-
the limitations of their model include the small number formance measures, etc.) and whose performance is to be
of experts and respondents involved in the study. The evaluated. In this study, a DMU refers to a construction
importance weights and attributes are developed within contractor.
the context of Singapore. Another limitation is that their DEA utilizes mathematical linear programming to
model includes 590 attributes that must be evaluated on determine which of the set of DMUs under study form
the site. an envelopment surface. This envelopment surface is
Despite the limitations associated with some of the referred to as the efficient frontier. DEA provides a com-
existing methods, they are useful measures of construc- prehensive analysis of relative efficiency for multiple
tion safety performance. However, new methods are still input-multiple output situations by evaluating each DMU
needed as they offer new insights to both researchers and measuring its performance relative to this envelopment
and practitioners. A point of departure for the DEA surface. Units that lie on (determine) the surface is deemed
approach compared to existing methods is that DEA efficient in DEA terminology. Units that do not lie on the
relates resources expended on a certain performance to surface are termed inefficient and the analysis provides a
the level of success for that particular performance. measure of their relative efficiency.
Under existing methods, two contractors that suffer the Cooper et al. [11] and Coelli et al. [9] argue that DEA
same numbers and types of accidents are considered of has gained its popularity from three inherent powerful fea-
identical performance. This is clearly not the case if one tures. First, its capability to incorporate multiple inputs
contractor is expending more resources (i.e., money, and multiple outputs as a result of the use of linear pro-
etc.) on safety than the other contractor. It makes more gramming. Linear programming can handle large numbers
sense to consider the contractor that commits fewer of variables and relations (constraints). Second, DEA has
resources to arrive at a certain safety performance as a no priori assumptions. There is no need to assign weights
better performer. to the different inputs and outputs. The weights are derived
The rest of the paper unfolds as follows: data envelop- directly from the data relaxing the user from arbitrary sub-
ment analysis, data collection, results and analysis, future jective weighting. DEA provides a set of weights, which
extension of the research, and conclusions. optimize a unit’s performance subject to the weights not
leading to any other unit violating the bounds of the fron-
tier. Third, the measurement units of the different inputs
2. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) and outputs need not be congruent. Some may involve
number of persons, or areas of floor space, money
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was initiated by expended, etc.
Charnes et al. [3–5]. Since that time, many studies across
different disciplines have utilized DEA [11]. In the con- 2.1. Charnes–Cooper–Rhodes (CCR) DEA model
struction domain, only few studies made use of DEA. El-
Mashaleh et al. [17] propose the DEA methodology to This study makes use of the Charnes–Cooper–Rhodes
measure and compare subcontractors’ productivity at the (CCR) model of DEA to benchmark safety performance
firm-level. El-Mashaleh [14] and El-Mashaleh et al. of construction contractors. The mathematical form is
[15,16] deploy DEA to evaluate the firm-level performance shown below (Eqs. (1),(2),(3),(4),(5). Interested readers
of construction contractors. Vinter et al. [39] compare pro- may refer to Cooper et al. [11] for details.
ject efficiency in a multi-project environment based on X s
DEA. McCabe et al. [29] utilize DEA to prequalify con- max h0 ¼ ur y r0 ð1Þ
tractors. Pilateris and McCabe [32] evaluate contractors’ r¼1

financial performance based on DEA. Xm

El-Mashaleh [14] and El-Mashaleh et al. [18] makes use subject to vi xi0 ¼ 1 ð2Þ
of DEA to quantify the impact of information technology
X s X
on contractors’ performance. Chiang et al. [8] combine ur y rj  vi xij 6 1 ð3Þ
DEA to the I–O tables to examine repercussions of con- r¼1 i¼1
sumptions placed on the construction sector. Cheng et al. i ¼ 1; . . . ; m; j ¼ 1; . . . ; n; r ¼ 1; . . . ; s ð4Þ
[6] propose a DEA approach for credit scoring to evaluate
borrowers with respect to certain types of projects. ur ; vi P 0 ð5Þ
M.S. El-Mashaleh et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 61–67 63

Where: try, the Jordanian Social Security Organization (SSO) clas-

h0 the measure of efficiency for DMU0 (the DMU under sification of accidents is adopted. According to SSO, work
evaluation), which is a member of the set j = 1, . . ., n accidents are classified into 5 types as follows:
ur the output weight. It is determined by the solution of  Type 1: accidents that do not cause any disability and do
the model and is assigned to the observed rth output not involve any lost work days.
vi the input weight. It is determined by the solution of  Type 2: accidents that do not cause any disability but
the model and is assigned to the observed ith input involve lost work days.
yr0 the known amount of the rth output produced by  Type 3: accidents that cause temporary disability.
DMU0  Type 4: accidents that cause permanent partial disability.
xi0 the known amount of the ith input used by DMU0  Type 5: accidents that cause permanent full disability or
yrj the known amount of the rth output produced by fatality.
xij the known amount of the ith input used by DMUj Since the numbers of accidents are unfavorable, the
reciprocals of the numbers of the different types of acci-
dents that are defined by SSO are used as outputs.
The objective function is to maximize the efficiency of
DMU0 (the DMU under evaluation). This is done by max-
imizing the sum of its outputs (Eq. (1)), while forcing the 3. Data collection
sum of its inputs to be equal to 1.0 (Eq. (2)). Eq. (3) means
that the efficiency of all DMUs is 61.0. This implies that all Potential participants in the study were selected at ran-
DMUs are either on the efficient frontier or below it, and dom from member lists of the Jordanian Contractors Asso-
that the efficiency scores range between 0 and 1.0. ciation. These potential participants were assured that their
Briefly stated, the CCR model of DEA will be used to identities and their companies’ identities will be kept confi-
benchmark safety performance of construction contrac- dential. Additionally, the researchers pointed out that the
tors. The model yields efficiency scores that range between responses will be coded and kept separate from the names
0 and 1.0. A contractor is considered efficient if it has an of the participants and their companies’ names. It was
efficiency score of 1.0. This means that this contractor is explained that when the study is completed and the data
on the efficient frontier. Compared to the rest of contrac- is analyzed, the codes will be destroyed. Potential partici-
tors, this particular contractor effectively converts its pants were informed that the results of the research study
inputs into outputs. will be published, but the identities of the participants
and their companies’ names will not be used. It was
2.2. Inputs and outputs selection emphasized that the anticipated benefit for respondents’
participation is benchmarking their firms’ safety perfor-
As mentioned earlier, DEA considers a DMU as the mance compared to other firms in the construction indus-
entity responsible for converting inputs (i.e., resources, try. Potential participants were offered to receive a free
money, etc.) into outputs (i.e., sales, profits, certain perfor- hard copy of the research report after it has been published
mance measures, etc.). In the context of construction safety if they choose so.
performance, Fig. 1 shows the related input and outputs. In Seventy contractors, out of 164 contractors that were
terms of input, safety performance of a construction con- contacted for potential participation, agreed to participate
tractor is impacted by the contractor’s expenses on safety in the research project. However, only 45 contractors sup-
as a percentage of total revenues. These expenses include plied the required data to be included in the DEA model.
contractor’s annual cost of safety programs and salaries For a particular fiscal year, contractors were asked to
of safety personnel. report the following:
As for the outputs, a contractor’s safety performance is
measured by the numbers of the different types of accidents  Expenses on safety as a% of total revenues.
that are suffered by that construction contractor. Since this  Number of the 5 types of accidents (as classified by SSO)
study is implemented in the Jordanian construction indus- that are suffered by the contractor.

Inputs DMU Outputs

1/Number of Type 1 accidents

1/Number of Type 2 accidents
Expenses on safety as a % of Construction
1/Number of Type 3 accidents
total revenues contractor
1/Number of Type 4 accidents
1/Number of Type 5 accidents

Fig. 1. Input and outputs of a construction contractor safety performance.

64 M.S. El-Mashaleh et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 61–67

Table 1
Descriptive statistics for the collected data.
Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum
Expenses on safety as a% of total revenues 0.0768 0.0989 0.01 0.5
Number of Type 1 accidents 1.76 1.33 1 6
Number of Type 2 accidents 1.84 1.35 1 6
Number of Type 3 accidents 1.18 0.53 1 3
Number of Type 4 accidents 1.22 0.6 1 4
Number of Type 5 accidents 1.22 0.56 1 3

Table 1 shows descriptive statistics for the collected Table 3

data. Efficiency scores and ranks of construction contractors.
No. DMU Score Rank
4. Results and analysis 1 A 0.20 16
2 E 1.00 1
The DEA-Solver software of Cooper et al. [11] is used to 3 G 0.20 16
run the CCR model. Table 2 summarizes the descriptive 4 H 0.20 16
5 I 0.11 30
statistics of the results. Out of 45 contractors, only 8 are 6 J 0.50 10
efficient in their safety performance. The maximum effi- 7 K 0.05 42
ciency score is 1.0, while the minimum efficiency score is 8 M 0.20 16
0.02. The efficiency scores average is 0.32. This means that 9 N 0.08 38
the input for an average unit could be reduced by 68%. 10 O 0.10 33
11 P 0.07 41
Table 3 shows the efficiency scores and the ranks of the 12 S 0.13 28
45 contractors. The results show how each contractor per- 13 U 0.29 14
formed in comparison with the rest of the contractors. The 14 V 0.20 16
following 8 contractors are deemed efficient and are consid- 15 W 0.10 33
ered to have superior safety performance: E, CC, RR, SS, 16 X 0.08 38
17 CC 1.00 1
TT, ZZ, AAA, and CCC. These efficient contractors have 18 DD 0.33 12
an efficiency score = 1.0. They are on the efficient frontier. 19 EE 0.33 12
Compared to the rest of the contractors, these 8 contrac- 20 FF 0.17 23
tors are more efficient in converting the money they spent 21 GG 0.20 16
on safety into less number of accidents. 22 HH 0.17 23
23 JJ 0.13 28
Table 3 shows that the efficiency scores went down from 24 LL 0.14 27
1.0 for efficient contractors to 0.59 (Contractor PP) then to 25 NN 0.1 33
0.5 (Contractor J and Contractor OO). We need to note 26 OO 0.5 10
here that the efficiency values are valid within this particu- 27 PP 0.59 9
lar group of contractors. The efficiency scores will vary 28 QQ 0.25 15
29 RR 1 1
depending on the contractors that are included in the anal- 30 SS 1 1
ysis. As mentioned before, the best performers create an 31 TT 1 1
envelopment surface and every DMU’s performance is 32 UU 0.09 37
measured against this envelopment surface. As such, the 33 VV 0.08 38
gaps in scores depend on the specific performance numbers 34 YY 0.17 23
35 ZZ 1 1
for the DMU in question. To explain the gaps in efficiency 36 AAA 1 1
scores, assume that we added a new contractor that has 37 CCC 1 1
better performance than Contractor G (efficiency 38 FFF 0.02 44
score = 0.59), but yet is not as efficient as the industry lead- 39 HHH 0.04 43
ers. So, in this case, the efficiency score of this added new 40 III 0.02 44
41 JJJ 0.1 33
42 LLL 0.11 30
Table 2 43 OOO 0.11 30
Descriptive statistics for DEA results. 44 PPP 0.17 23
45 RRR 0.2 16
Total number of DMUs 45
Number of efficient DMUs 8
Number of inefficient DMUs 37
Scores average 0.32 contractor will fall within the following range: 0.59 < effi-
Scores standard deviation 0.34 ciency score < 1.0.
Maximum score 1.0 Table 4 compares averages of the input and outputs
Minimum score 0.02 between efficient and inefficient contractors. Note that
M.S. El-Mashaleh et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 61–67 65

Table 4 money) into lower number of accidents. Contractor G

Comparison of input and outputs averages between efficient and inefficient should spend less on safety and yet enjoy fewer numbers
of accidents. Clearly, a decision to commit fewer resources
Efficient Inefficient to safety requires substantial consideration by the organi-
contractors contractors
zation. Having an informed result regarding its expenses
Expenses on safety as a percentage of 0.01 0.09 on safety, the organization needs to examine the specifics
total revenues
Number of Type 1 accidents 1 1.85
of its safety expenses (i.e., training, salaries, etc.) and iden-
Number of Type 2 accidents 1 1.95 tify cost minimization opportunities without negatively
Number of Type 3 accidents 1 1.2 impacting safety performance of the organization.
Number of Type 4 accidents 1.2 1.23
Number of Type 5 accidents 1 1.25 5. Future extension of the research

The next step for the research team is to attempt to asso-

efficient contractors spent less than their inefficient counter- ciate variability in safety performance with certain explan-
parts on safety as a percentage of total revenues. The aver- atory variables. Safety research within the construction
age for the first group is 0.01, while that average for the domain identifies several factors that drive safety perfor-
second group is 0.09. Similarly, efficient contractors suf- mance. Table 6 lists these factors and summarizes key
fered less number of accidents compared to the inefficient statements made by previous research. The research team
contractors. plans to broaden the size and scope of data collection to
A major motivation behind measuring performance is to statistically test 8 research hypotheses that are shown in
identify opportunities for possible efficiency improvements Table 7. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), for example, will
by looking at the differences between efficient firms and examine the existence (or non-existence) of statistical sig-
inefficient ones. To realize their potentials, the inefficient nificance differences between efficient and inefficient con-
contractors need to compare themselves with the best prac- tractors regarding the 8 factors that drive safety
tice contractors that ‘‘make-up” the efficient frontier. DEA performance.
analysis provides quantitative guidance for inefficient con-
tractors to be recognized as efficient frontier contractors. 6. Conclusions
As an example, lets take Contractor G with efficiency
score = 0.2. Table 5 shows both current and projected val- This paper contributes a DEA approach for benchmark-
ues of the input and outputs of Contractor G. To be recog- ing safety performance of construction contractors. A
nized on the efficient frontier, Contractor G needs to point of departure for the DEA approach compared to
reduce its input and three of its outputs. In particular, existing methods is the input–output framework. Com-
expenses on safety have to be reduced from 0.05 to 0.01. pared to each other, DEA measures the efficiency of con-
Additionally, number of Type 1, Type 2, and Type 5 acci- struction contractors in utilizing their expenses on safety
dents need to be reduced to 1 down from their current to minimize the number of suffered accidents. Therefore,
values. the DEA approach relates resources expended on safety
Note that the above recommendation to decrease to safety performance.
expenses on safety for contractor G should be considered DEA analysis scores safety performance of construction
from a performance point of view. As demonstrated in contractors on a scale of 0–1.0. The analysis identifies con-
the analysis, superior safety performance contractors spent, tractors E, CC, RR, SS, TT, ZZ, AAA, and CCC as effi-
on average, 0.01% of their total revenues on safety. Con- cient frontier contractors. Compared to the rest of the
tractor G spent 0.05% of its total revenues on safety, while contractors, these eight contractors are the industry leaders
suffering higher number of accidents compared to superior in safety performance. They serve as the ‘‘benchmark” for
safety performance contractors. The recommendation to the industry and can be utilized as role models to which
reduce expenses on safety is an indication that Contractor inefficient contractors may adjust their practices in order
G is not effectively converting its committed resources (i.e., to become efficient.
An excellent utilization for the results of this study is
Table 5
programs like the US Malcolm Baldrige National Quality
Contractor G with efficiency score = 0.2.
Award [35] and the UK Department of Trade and Industry
Input and outputs Current Projected
Business-to-Business Exchange Program [30]. These pro-
values values
grams aim at improving the performance of particular
Expenses on safety as a percentage of total 0.05 0.01
industries. For example, the UK Department of Trade
Number of Type 1 accidents 6 1 and Industry Business-to-Business Exchange Program
Number of Type 2 accidents 6 1 offers visits to UK best practicing organizations in manu-
Number of Type 3 accidents 1 1 facturing and service industries. The goal of these visits is
Number of Type 4 accidents 1 1 to transfer best practices across interested organizations
Number of Type 5 accidents 2 1
for the purpose of improving their performance.
66 M.S. El-Mashaleh et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 61–67

Table 6
Factors that drive safety performance.
Number Factor Research Key statements
1 Organizational Sawacha et al. [34] Organizational safety policy is the most influential factor that drives safety
safety policy performance in the construction industry
Wong et al. [40] Written safety policies are essential to construction safety
Hinze and Wilson [25] Study participants recommend a safety system of checks and balances to
improve safety performance
Jaselisks et al. [27] Better safety performance involves the development of more detailed written
safety programs
2 Safety training Construction Industry Institute (CII) [10] Safety training is one of five high-impact zero accident techniques
Hinze and Wilson [25] Worker training is vital to improved safety performance
Huang and Hinze [26] The lack of safety training is often a contributing factor to many falls
3 Safety meetings Jaselisks et al. [27] To improve safety performance at the project level, the authors recommend
increasing the number of formal safety meetings with supervisors
4 Safety equipment Toole [38] Some construction accidents result because safety equipment necessary to
perform the job safely is not present at the location of the work
Duncan and Bennett [13] Both active measures (those that prevent workers from falling, for example,
guardrails) and passive measures (those that protect workers after falling,
for example, safety nets) are useful in reducing fall injuries
Chi et al. [7] Falls are associated with lack of complying scaffolds, unguarded openings,
inappropriate protections, removal of protections, and improper use of
personal protective equipment (PPE)
5 Safety Wong et al. [40] Safety performance is affected by monitoring of safety compliance
inspections Jaselisks et al. [27] It is recommended to increase site safety inspections
Hinze and Wilson [25] More jobsite visits are needed to improve safety performance
6 Safety incentives CII [10] Safety incentives are among the top five high-impact zero accident
and penalties techniques
Jaselisks et al. [27] There is a need to increase fines to workers with poor safety performance
Tam and Fung [36] Safety incentives should be utilized to improve safety performance
7 Workers’ Abdelahamid and Everett [1], Aksorn and Workers’ attitude towards safety is one of the root causes of accidents
attitude towards Hadikusumo [2], Hinze [21], Toole [38]
8 Labor turnover Harper and Koehn [20], Hinze and Higher turnover rates are associated with higher injury rates
rates Gambatese [24]
Hinze [22] New hires are more subjected to accidents

Table 7 order to publicize their strategies and procedures for the

Future research hypotheses. benefit of the whole industry.
Number Hypothesis The Jordanian construction industry currently lacks any
1 Safety performance and organizational safety policy are
readily available safety performance measure to assess
positively correlated safety performance of construction contractors. To judge
2 Safety performance and safety training are positively correlated safety performance, the industry currently relies on the seg-
3 Safety performance and safety meetings are positively regated reported numbers of the different types of acci-
correlated dents. As such, the DEA approach is well suited to fill
4 Safety performance and safety equipment are positively
this gap and assesses contractors’ safety performance.
5 Safety performance and safety inspections are positively The DEA approach presented in this paper can be uti-
correlated lized by a particular contractor to gauge its own safety per-
6 Safety performance and safety incentives and penalties are formance over time. With data available for several
positively correlated numbers of years, every year might be considered as a sin-
7 Safety performance and workers’ attitude towards safety are
positively correlated
gle DMU. By conducting such analysis a contractor would
8 Safety performance and low labor turn over rates are positively be able to quantitatively determine whether or not the
correlated safety performance of the firm is getting better over time.
Additionally, the proposed methodology is deployable
at the project level. Every project is regarded as a single
DMU and projects as a result are ‘‘benchmarked” against
Therefore, the deployment of the DEA methodology each other. Consequently, contractors will be able to iden-
makes it possible for programs like the ones described tify their best performing projects and to isolate internal
above to utilize the results and target industry leaders in factors that contributed to better performance.
M.S. El-Mashaleh et al. / International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 61–67 67

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