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Diabetes Care Volume 40, March 2017 419

Management of Nonalcoholic Fernando Bril1 and Kenneth Cusi1,2

Fatty Liver Disease in Patients

With Type 2 Diabetes:
A Call to Action
Diabetes Care 2017;40:419–430 | DOI: 10.2337/dc16-1787

Traditionally a disease of hepatologists, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

has recently become a major concern for a broad spectrum of health care
providers. Endocrinologists and those caring for patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM) are at center stage, as T2DM appears to worsen the course of
NAFLD and the liver disease makes diabetes management more challenging.
However, the nature of this relationship remains incompletely understood.
Although the increasing prevalence of NAFLD is frequently attributed to the
epidemic of obesity and is often oversimplified as the “hepatic manifestation of
the metabolic syndrome,” it is a much more complex disease process that may

also be observed in nonobese individuals and in patients without clinical mani-
festations of the metabolic syndrome. It carries both metabolic and liver-specific
complications that make its approach unique among medical conditions. Diabetes
appears to promote the development of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the
more severe form of the disease, and increases the risk of cirrhosis and hepato-
cellular carcinoma. Patients and physicians face many uncertainties, including
fragmented information on the natural history of the disease, challenges in the
diagnosis of NASH, and few pharmacological agents with proven efficacy. How-
ever, recent advances in diagnosis and treatment, combined with the risk of
serious consequences from inaction, call for health care providers to be more
proactive in the management of patients with T2DM and NASH.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver condition Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metab-
olism, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
of adults in developed countries (1,2). According to current guidelines, the diagnosis 2
Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Cen-
is based on the following criteria (3,4): 1) the presence of hepatic steatosis (.5% of ter, Gainesville, Florida
hepatocytes determined by histology or .5.6% determined by nuclear magnetic Corresponding author: Kenneth Cusi, kenneth.
resonance techniques); 2) no significant alcohol consumption (defined as ongoing or
recent alcohol consumption of .21 drinks/week for men and .14 drinks/week for Received 18 August 2016 and accepted 8 De-
women); and 3) no competing etiologies for hepatic steatosis. Histologically, it cember 2016.
covers a wide spectrum of liver disease ranging from isolated steatosis (without This article contains Supplementary Data online
or with only minimal inflammation) to severe nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), at
characterized by inflammation, cell necrosis (ballooning), perilobular fibrosis, and suppl/doi:10.2337/dc16-1787/-/DC1.
eventually cirrhosis. © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association.
By mechanisms that are still incompletely understood, patients with type 2 di- Readers may use this article as long as the work
is properly cited, the use is educational and not
abetes mellitus (T2DM) are particularly susceptible to more severe forms of NAFLD for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
(5,6) and have a higher progression to hepatocellular carcinoma (7,8). Moreover, mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals
the coexistence of NAFLD and T2DM results in a worse metabolic profile (9) and a .org/content/license.
420 NAFLD in T2DM Diabetes Care Volume 40, March 2017

higher cardiovascular risk (5,10). Many

questions remain regarding the intricate
relationship of NAFLD and T2DM, as well
as the natural history and clinical impli-
cations of NAFLD in patients with pre-
diabetes or T2DM. This review will focus
on the appropriate management and
treatment of these complex patients
based on current evidence.


Based on a recent publication assessing
the 2011–2012 National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey data (11),
the prevalence of prediabetes and T2DM
among U.S. adults were 38.0% and 14.3%,
respectively. Moreover, among those
adults $65 years of age, the prevalence
of diabetes was 33.0%. Even in the best-
case scenario (considering a prevalence of
NAFLD among these patients of only 50%,
rather than between ;65% and 70% as
current evidence suggests) (Fig. 1), this im-
plies that 84 million people in the U.S.
live with prediabetes or T2DM and
NAFLD. Of these, a significant number
of patients already have NASH or are likely
to develop this complication in the absence
of any preventive intervention (12). How-
ever, only a few patients receive a diagnosis
of NASH or are ever treated in the clinic
(13). There are many reasons for this: 1)
patients and clinicians are unaware of
NASH as a potentially serious medical con-
dition; 2) diagnosis is missed due to a re-
liance on low-sensitivity diagnostic tests
Figure 1—Prevalence of NAFLD (panel A) and advanced fibrosis (panel B) in the general pop-
(plasma aminotransferase measurements ulation and in patients with T2DM according to different diagnostic tools. Note that the presence
or liver ultrasound); 3) a confirmatory di- of T2DM significantly increases the prevalence of NAFLD and advanced fibrosis. Results were
agnosis (liver biopsy) is rarely pursued by extrapolated from the following references: plasma ALT (24,25), computed tomography (26,27),
providers, even in patients who are at high liver ultrasound (US) (28,29), CAP (30,31), liver 1H-MRS (32,35), FibroTest (46,47), NAFLD fibrosis
score (48), and vibration-controlled transient elastography (49).
risk of NASH; and 4) patients and physicians
are uninformed that weight loss and med-
ical treatments may reverse NASH. Another NASH, as a cause for liver transplantation associated with a myriad of adverse met-
argument frequently heard among primary (14). It is estimated that at its current abolic alterations in patients with T2DM
care providers is that NAFLD may not be of course NASH will soon be the main cause (17). These patients characteristically
great concern because cirrhosis appears to of liver transplantation in the U.S. (15). Of show a worse atherogenic dyslipidemia
occur infrequently in clinical practice. One note, the prevalence of T2DM among pa- with hypertriglyceridemia, low levels of
must consider, however, that the onset tients with cryptogenic cirrhosis is much HDL cholesterol (HDL-C), and smaller
and magnitude of the obesity/T2DM epi- higher than that in patients with cirrhosis and denser LDL particles (18,19). Insulin
demic is a relatively recent phenomenon of of other causes (16). Moreover, with in- failure to appropriately suppress hepatic
the past 2 decades, which, combined with creasing frequency pediatric and adult VLDL secretion is at the core of this typical
the relatively slow nature of the disease, hepatology clinics are seeing referrals dyslipidemia (20). Although this dyslipide-
may give a false sense of comfort to the from patients in late adolescence and mia appears to be driven by intrahepatic
unaware physician and squander an oppor- young adulthood with advanced liver triglyceride accumulation and insulin re-
tunity for early intervention. Early signs of disease secondary to NASH. sistance, it appears to be independent of
an impending “epidemic” of cirrhosis come But the negative consequences of hav- the presence of obesity or the severity of
from liver transplant surgeons. They find ing NAFLD in the setting of prediabetes or NASH (18). Other metabolic alterations
with increasing frequency cryptogenic cir- T2DM go far beyond those related to the frequently observed in these patients in-
rhosis, usually attributed to undiagnosed liver. The presence of NAFLD has been clude higher levels of insulinemia and Bril and Cusi 421

hyperglycemia that is more difficult to Sensitivity ranges from as low as 60% for clinical use, it is likely that they will
control. These are probably the result of (37) to as high as 94% (38). In a meta- become the first step for the screening
more severe insulin resistance at the level analysis by Hernaez et al. (39), the overall of hepatic steatosis in NAFLD/NASH in
of the liver (9) and impaired insulin clear- sensitivity (85%) and specificity (94%) high-risk patients. As shown in Fig. 1A
ance (21). All these metabolic disarrange- were acceptable. However, these good (24–32), patients with T2DM have a
ments translate into worse cardiovascular results can be deceiving as they only re- greater than twofold increase in the prev-
disease, the main cause of morbidity and flected its performance in distinguishing alence of NAFLD regardless of the method
mortality in this population (22). In addi- between moderate-to-severe NAFLD and used for the diagnosis, suggesting that this
tion, diabetic microvascular complica- the absence of disease, excluding an im- population may benefit from routine
tions are also increased in the presence portant group of patients with mild he- NAFLD/NASH screening. Of note, the prev-
of NAFLD, as suggested by several obser- patic steatosis, where the sensitivity alence of NAFLD is ;70% in patients with
vational studies (23). of the test is significantly lower. Although T2DM when the best available techniques
It is clear that the coexistence of NAFLD the performance of liver ultrasound for are used (5).
and prediabetes or T2DM is extremely the diagnosis of NAFLD is much better Once the diagnosis of NAFLD is made,
common and is associated with severe than the determination of plasma amino- clinicians should focus their attention on
consequences to the health care system. transferase concentration, it still under- assessing the risk of the patient of having
Fortunately, a better understanding of the performs when compared with 1H-MRS NASH or advanced fibrosis, which are
natural history of the disease, together or liver biopsy (24–32,40) (Fig. 1A). The much more common in patients with
with access to novel diagnostic tools and use of semiquantitative scores based on T2DM. As can be observed in Fig. 1B
recent evidence of safe and effective different echographic parameters may (46–49), cross-sectional studies demon-
treatment modalities have set the stage somehow improve the outcome but still strate that patients with T2DM have a
for a major paradigm shift in the manage- has a low performance when the hepatic higher prevalence of advanced fibrosis
ment of this disease in patients with pre- triglyceride content is ,12.5% (40). when compared with the general popula-
diabetes or T2DM. We are at an important A noninvasive algorithm based on met- tion, regardless of the diagnostic method
crossroads, and how well we incorporate abolic and anthropometric data (BMI, used. This is consistent with findings from
these new diagnostic and therapeutic ad- waist circumference, plasma triglyceride prospective studies (50,51). Although a
vances will likely have a large impact on levels, and g-glutamyl transferase [GGT] liver biopsy remains the gold standard
the quality of life of many patients. concentration), which is known as fatty for the diagnosis of NASH and for staging
liver index (41), has also been endorsed the severity of liver fibrosis, the field is
DIAGNOSIS OF NAFLD AND NASH by some associations for the diagnosis of slowly moving toward the use of surro-
As can be observed in Fig. 1A (24–32), the NAFLD because of its simplicity (4). How- gate noninvasive techniques for the diag-
prevalence of NAFLD depends on the di- ever, it should be taken into account that nosis of this condition. Several scores have
agnostic tool that is used. Although the most of the published evidence comes been created based on clinical variables
prevalence using plasma alanine amino- from comparisons against liver ultrasound (e.g., levels of plasma ALT, AST, platelets,
transferase (ALT) concentration is rela- findings (i.e., not the gold standard and and albumin, BMI, and the presence of
tively low (24,33), it actually depends on already a technique with low sensitivity). diabetes) and other specific surrogate
the cutoff point selected as normal. Therefore, this is likely to overestimate markers of liver inflammation and/or fi-
Although a threshold of 40 IU/L is fre- the true performance of this algorithm. brosis to predict the presence of NASH
quently used in clinical practice and trials, When the fatty liver index was compared or advanced fibrosis (46–48,52). Many of
epidemiological studies have suggested against more accurate methods, such as these scores have been developed in
lower cutoff points to be considered as liver 1H-MRS, 58% of the patients had an a small number of patients without
normal (i.e., 30 IU/L for males and indeterminate classification, and only including a validation cohort and still
19 IU/L for females) in order to improve 77% of the remaining 42% were correctly await more rigorous testing. We included
the sensitivity of the method (34). Never- classified (42). Moreover, the presence of in Table 1 the most widely used biomarker
theless, there is significant evidence sug- fibrosis has also been shown to affect its panels for the prediction of advanced fi-
gesting that plasma aminotransferases are performance (43). brosis. They have been developed in co-
a poor marker of NAFLD even with lower More novel techniques, such as con- horts of approximately $250 patients
cutoff points. Among patients with T2DM trolled attenuation parameter (CAP) and with NAFLD and compared against the re-
with normal plasma aminotransferase lev- magnetic resonance–based techniques sults of liver histology tests. These tests
els, the prevalence of NAFLD was as high (e.g., 1H-MRS and MRI-proton density fat include the FibroTest, NAFLD fibrosis
as 50% using proton magnetic resonance fraction) have been shown to be more score, BARD score, FIB-4 (Fibrosis-4) index,
spectroscopy (1H-MRS), and 56% of these accurate for the diagnosis of NAFLD and NAFIC score among others (53). Al-
patients had a histologic confirmation of and have the advantage of being quan- though this is an available diagnostic op-
NASH (35). When they are elevated, the tifiable, providing a tool to assess tion to complement the medical history
level of ALT is usually higher than that of changes over time (40,44,45). However, and/or imaging studies, it should be noted
aspartate aminotransferase (AST), unless whether changes in steatosis correspond that with most biomarker scores patients
there is advanced liver disease. to changes in inflammation or fibrosis re- frequently fall in a “gray zone” with an
The availability and low cost of liver mains to be fully elucidated. As techniques intermediate or undetermined risk. For
ultrasound have made it the technique for measuring hepatic triglyceride accu- example, in the only score specifically de-
of choice for routine screening (36). mulation become more readily available veloped for patients with T2DM (52), 44%
422 NAFLD in T2DM Diabetes Care Volume 40, March 2017

Table 1—Biomarker panels for the diagnosis of advanced fibrosis (stages 3 and 4) treatment in patients with mild disease
Patients unable
(i.e., isolated steatosis). Current guide-
to be classified lines (3,4) state that a liver biopsy is the
Parameters included n PPV NPV (“gray zone”) only way to diagnose NASH and that non-
FibroTest (115) Age, sex 267 60% 98% 32%
invasive techniques have not been fully
Total bilirubin validated for diagnosing this condition.
GGT a2-macroglobulin However, as can be observed in Fig. 2,
Apolipoprotein A1 empiric therapy is included as an option
Haptoglobin for patients unwilling or unable to
NAFLD fibrosis Age, BMI 733 82% 88% 24% undergo a liver biopsy. The limitation of
score (116) Diabetes this approach is the uncertain diagnosis
AST/ALT ratio
at baseline, the potential for unnec-
Platelet, albumin
† essary exposure to pharmacological
BARD score (117) BMI 827 43% 96% N/A
treatment, and the ambiguity in defin-
AST/ALT ratio ing treatment response. However, as

FIB-4 index (118) Age 541 80% 90% 30% better noninvasive diagnostic tech-
AST and ALT niques develop and safer and more
Platelet effective treatments become available,
NAFIC score (119) Ferritin 619 36% 99% 15% we are likely to see a shift toward a
Type IV collagen more limited need for liver biopsies prior
Insulin to treatment initiation for NASH in clinical

Hepascore (120) Age, sex 242 57% 92% 11% practice.
Total bilirubin In Fig. 2, we have provided a sum-
GGT a2-macroglobulin
mary of the diagnostic approach that
Hyaluronic acid
we suggest for most patients with
N/A, not applicable; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value. †No prediabetes or T2DM who are at high
independent validation cohort included in the study.
risk of NASH. However, each patient
should be assessed individually, and a
careful evaluation of risks and benefits
and 87% of the patients fell in the unde- for routine clinical testing given issues re- should be performed on a case-by-case
termined group for either NASH or ad- lated to cost, further validation, and the basis.
vanced fibrosis, respectively. Plasma need for improvement in their diagnostic
biomarkers, such as plasma keratin-18 sensitivity/specificity. TREATMENT
(54), fibroblast growth factor 21, and If available, vibration-controlled tran- Therapy for patients with NASH should be
others, have also been assessed with sim- sient elastography (FibroScan) or mag- aimed at decreasing disease activity, de-
ilar disappointing results. They frequently netic resonance elastography (MRE) can laying the progression of fibrosis, and re-
falter because of low sensitivity for mild- also be used to determine the degree of ducing the risk factors associated with
to-moderate NASH or fibrosis and, at the fibrosis (49,58). Both have been shown to their high cardiovascular risk (3,4). Cur-
present moment, are of limited discrimi- correlate well with histologic findings and rently, there are no pharmacological treat-
natory value in diagnosing or monitoring may avoid the need for a liver biopsy in a ments approved by regulatory agencies
the disease. The development of new bio- significant number of patients. Unlike Fi- for this condition, so lifestyle intervention
markers using advanced technologies (i.e., broScan, MRE provides the elasticity of remains the standard of care (3,4). In this
metabolomics) (55) and genetic testing the entire liver and is not affected by el- scenario, it is not infrequent to hear pri-
(56) is being actively investigated and of- evated BMI values. Although the MRE has mary care physicians arguing that diagnos-
fers promise in the near future. The most shown to perform better than FibroScan ing NAFLD and/or NASH is pointless, as
reproducible polymorphism in genome- (59), it is more expensive and less acces- lifestyle intervention remains the only
wide association studies in NAFLD in- sible. Although no study to date has used therapeutic option available, and all pa-
volves the patatin-like phospholipase MRE to screen for advanced fibrosis in the tients with prediabetes or T2DM should
3 (PNPLA3; rs738409), which has been general population, Doycheva et al. (58) receive it regardless of their liver findings.
shown to be associated with more liver applied this technique in an unselected However, this statement overlooks the
triglyceride accumulation and worse prog- group of T2DM patients (n = 100) and fact that lifestyle intervention alone rarely
nosis (57). More recently, a polymorphism found that 7.1% of patients with T2DM achieves complete resolution of NASH, be-
of the transmembrane 6 superfamily had advanced fibrosis. Unfortunately, ing extremely difficult to accomplish and
member 2 (TM6SP2; rs58542926) has many patients cannot be properly classified even more challenging to maintain over
also been described of relevance in terms by noninvasive techniques and may still time. Moreover, lifestyle intervention
of liver histology. However, although indi- require a liver biopsy. This is the only reli- plus pharmacological treatment are likely
vidual genetic predisposition to NAFLD able way to rule out other chronic liver dis- to offer additive benefit. Therefore, al-
and NASH is likely and genotyping may eases and to distinguish isolated steatosis though all patients should be counseled
be considered in selected patients, cur- from NASH, potentially avoiding un- and encouraged to adopt lifestyle
rent genetic tests are not recommended necessary exposure to pharmacological changes, pharmacological therapy should Bril and Cusi 423

hepatic steatosis and necroinflammation

in patients losing $7% of total body
weight over 48 weeks with a moderate-
intensity hypocaloric diet plus an exercise
program (200 min/week). Overall, this
study showed that improvement on his-
tology was proportional to the magnitude
of the weight loss. Using a similar ap-
proach (a hypocaloric diet combined
with walking 200 min/week), a recent un-
controlled study (65) in 261 patients with
paired biopsies after 12 months reported
similar benefits from lifestyle interven-
tion. Together, it appears that a weight
reduction in the magnitude range of
;5–7% may clearly decrease steatosis
but that more weight loss is needed
(;8–10% reduction) to reverse steatohe-
patitis. Weight reductions of $10% may
also cause a significant regression of fi-
brosis (65). In line with these findings,
large weight reductions obtained after
bariatric surgery showed that most pa-
tients experience a decrease in steatosis
(;90%), in steatohepatitis (;80%), and
even in fibrosis (;65%) (66). These re-
sults were confirmed in a recent prospec-
Figure 2—Algorithm for the diagnosis of NAFLD and NASH in patients with prediabetes or T2DM tive study (67) where ;50% of patients
in clinical practice. This suggested algorithm is based on the authors’ interpretation of available had improvement in fibrosis scores. Of
evidence. MR, magnetic resonance; US, ultrasound. *Based on results from more sensitive tests note, the magnitude of fibrosis reduction
such as liver 1H-MRS, MRI-proton density fat fraction, or CAP. #Patatin-like phospholipase depends on the baseline severity of liver
domain-containing 3 (PNPLA3) I148M and/or transmembrane 6 superfamily member
2 (TM6SF2) E167 K.
disease, with no improvement in fibrosis
observed 5 years after bariatric surgery
in a large cohort of patients (n = 381)
be strongly considered early on, especially 5. Control of other cardiovascular risk with overall mild liver disease (68). How-
in patients with advanced disease or factors ever, most bariatric surgery studies have
those who are at high risk of disease pro- several limitations. These studies are usu-
gression. With increasing frequency, U.S. Lifestyle Intervention ally small (,100 patients) and lack stan-
Food and Drug Administration–approved Lifestyle intervention is beneficial for pa- dardization of the preoperative very-low
medications for other conditions (e.g., tients with NAFLD, improving not only calorie diet intervention and the postop-
pioglitazone [60] and liraglutide [61] for liver disease but also hyperglycemia, ath- erative dietary intervention or details
T2DM; obeticholic acid [62] for primary erogenic dyslipidemia, and blood pres- about how the intraoperative liver biopsy
biliary cholangitis) are proving to be safe sure levels (3,4,63). However, less is sample is obtained (which may alter the
and effective in randomized controlled known about the long-term effects of life- baseline histological reading). In addition,
trials for patients with NASH. style intervention on liver histology (i.e., the repeat postbypass liver biopsies are
Given this rapidly growing arsenal of beyond 1 year of intervention), on the usually performed at varying intervals
therapeutic options, clinicians will be in- least amount of weight loss needed to over time. Finally, most studies have not
creasingly faced with the dilemma of achieve such histological benefit, and on been prospective or controlled, and
choosing the right option. In this section, the best strategy to maintain it over time. therefore they were potentially at risk
we will provide clinicians with practical In imaging studies using the gold stan- for patient selection bias. Indeed, there
recommendations for the treatment of dard 1H-MRS technique, the relative re- are no randomized controlled trials eval-
these complex patients. Management duction in hepatic steatosis by lifestyle uating a given bariatric surgery procedure
should be focused on the following five intervention has been usually in the range versus lifestyle intervention, placebo
aspects (Fig. 3): of ;40–50%, although absolute changes (sham procedure), a given pharmacologi-
(perhaps the most important factor for cal intervention, or across surgical ap-
1. Lifestyle intervention histological improvement) usually have proaches in patients with NASH. It is
2. Pharmacological treatment of liver been small and on the order of ;5% also unclear whether changes in liver dis-
disease (3,10,63). Among the few well-controlled ease are merely the result of weight re-
3. Treatment of hyperglycemia studies with paired liver biopsies, Promrat duction or whether bariatric surgery has
4. Treatment of dyslipidemia et al. (64) reported an improvement in an intrinsic metabolic effect on the liver.
424 NAFLD in T2DM Diabetes Care Volume 40, March 2017

and patients continue to struggle with the

challenge of achieving and maintaining
a significant weight reduction, we
envision a paradigm shift in the near fu-
ture toward more frequent combination
of pharmacological treatment with life-
style intervention in patients with NASH.
In Fig. 4 (60–62,77–79), we have sum-
marized the histologic effects of several
drugs included in randomized controlled
trials that have reported on resolution
of NASH. Only with treatment with pio-
glitazone (either 30 or 45 mg daily)
(60,78,79), vitamin E (78), and liraglu-
tide (61) did a significant proportion of
patients achieve resolution of NASH
when compared with placebo (Fig. 4A).
The treatment effects were ;30% for
Figure 3—Algorithm for the management of patients with prediabetes or T2DM and definite pioglitazone and liraglutide and ;15%
NASH. This suggested therapeutic algorithm is based on the safety and efficacy of interven- for vitamin E. However, cross-comparisons
tions assessed in randomized controlled trials. BP, blood pressure; CV, cardiovascular; TG, between studies should be avoided be-
triglyceride. cause of differences in the populations
studied and other factors, such as differ-
Well-designed prospective studies are with equally hypocaloric low-carbohydrate ences in the proportion of patients with
needed to determine the ideal patient, versus high-carbohydrate diets (72) and T2DM (60,79). It should also be taken
type of surgery, and long-term efficacy low-fat versus low-carbohydrate diets into account that the definition of resolu-
and safety of bariatric surgery in NAFLD/ (73). However, some studies report tion of NASH varied somewhat across the
NASH. Consistent with these limitations, a steatosis reduction even with minimal studies.
Cochrane review (69) concluded that it is weight loss, indicating that other factors Regarding individual histologic pa-
too early for a definitive assessment of ben- may also play a (minor) role in NASH improve- rameters, as can be observed in Fig. 4
efits versus harms of bariatric surgery in ment (3,4). For example, several small (n = (60–62,77–79), pioglitazone (either
NASH, and current recommendations con- 18–45) and short-term (4–24 weeks) studies 30 or 45 mg daily) (60,78,79), vitamin
sider it premature to indicate bariatric sur- reported a modest reduction in intrahepatic E (78), and obeticholic acid (62) showed
gery specifically to treat NASH, although it is triglyceride accumulation by 1 H-MRS the most consistent results, with signif-
not contraindicated in otherwise eligi- (;15%) after aerobic or resistance exer- icant improvements in steatosis (Fig.
ble obese individuals with NAFLD or NASH cise without any significant weight loss 4C), inflammation (Fig. 4D), and bal-
(unless they have established cirrhosis) (3). (74). Moreover, 2- to 4-week isocaloric looning (Fig. 4E). Pioglitazone 45 mg
The above evidence suggests that life- low-fat diets significantly reduced intra- had the highest reduction in steatosis
style interventions are as good as the hepatic triglyceride accumulation as de- and inflammation grades. Vitamin E
magnitude of weight reduction they pro- termined by 1H-MRS without producing and obeticholic acid were also benefi-
duce. Further supporting this concept, any weight loss when compared with iso- cial but with an improvement of a
studies with weight loss medications caloric high-fat diets (74). Diet supple- somewhat lesser magnitude (;25%
such as orlistat (70) or liraglutide (61) ments, such as vitamin D or n-3 fatty and ;50%, respectively, of that reported
have reported a histological improve- acids, have also been suggested for for pioglitazone). The overall reduc-
ment proportional to the amount of treatment in patients with NAFLD, but tion in ballooning grades was rather
weight loss. This is the reason why phar- treatment with both supplements has small but significant for most medica-
macological agents that induce weight failed to show any consistent associa- tions, except for low-dose elafibranor
loss should always be considered, espe- tions with liver triglyceride accumulation (77) and liraglutide (61). Discrepancies
cially if lifestyle intervention is unsuccess- or NASH (75,76). Clearly, more studies in the liraglutide study (relatively high
ful (Fig. 3). This probably implies that are needed to completely understand rates of resolution of NASH with non-
there may not be a lifestyle intervention the role of lifestyle intervention in the significant changes in individual histo-
strategy that is better than the rest, and treatment of NASH and to establish the logical scores) may be a result of the
that weight reduction per se should be best strategy to treat patients with small size of the study, with only 45 pa-
the primary aim. For example, resistance T2DM and NASH. tients having paired biopsies. Certainly,
training and aerobic exercise interven- larger studies with liraglutide and other
tions achieving similar weight reduction Pharmacological Treatment of Liver glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists
were equally effective in reducing liver Disease are needed in order to establish their
triglyceride content by ;30% among pa- As more drugs prove their safety and ef- future role in the treatment of NASH.
tients with diabetes and NAFLD (71). ficacy in randomized controlled trials in Comparison of results expressed as a per-
Comparable effects have been observed patients with NASH, and both physicians centage of patients with improvement for Bril and Cusi 425

Figure 4—Treatment effect vs. placebo for different histological outcomes for pharmacological agents assessed in randomized controlled trials
reporting resolution of NASH as one of the outcomes. *Implies statistical significance (panels B–F). NAS, NAFLD activity score.

each histological parameter can be found et al. (80) also reported a reduction in showed improvement in liver fibrosis
in Supplementary Fig. 1. fibrosis in patients without diabetes compared with treatment with placebo
There has been increasing interest in treated with pioglitazone 30 mg/day. (35% vs. 19%, P = 0.004), although the
finding medications that could prevent Thus, it is possible that pioglitazone mean fibrosis score did not change sig-
fibrosis progression in NASH or that may alter the natural history of the dis- nificantly. Other agents include pentox-
could even reverse established fibrosis. ease and its progression to cirrhosis in yfilline (mean treatment effect on
A mean reduction in fibrosis stage was some patients with NASH, encouraging fibrosis [n = 46] 20.6, P = 0.038) (81)
significant only for pioglitazone 45 mg early diagnosis and treatment. Other and liraglutide (treatment effect [n =
(60) (Fig. 4F), but other studies have medications with a potential for liver 45] 20.4, P = 0.11) (61). A preliminary
also suggested a benefit. Belfort et al. antifibrotic properties require confirma- report (82) has also indicated some ben-
(79) reported significant changes in fibro- tion in larger studies. For instance, after eficial effect from cenicriviroc therapy on
sis compared with baseline, and Aithal obeticholic acid therapy more patients fibrosis but not on resolution of NASH or
426 NAFLD in T2DM Diabetes Care Volume 40, March 2017

individual histological parameters after patients with T2DM and NASH. Early ad- resistance remains unclear. Regardless
12 months of therapy. dition of this drug to the antidiabetic of the mechanism, physicians should
In patients with NASH and prediabetes regimens of such patients should be pay close attention to diabetes control
or T2DM, the evidence appears to show considered after metformin therapy. in patients with NASH as this is likely,
that pioglitazone has the greatest treat- Whether histological outcomes can be but unproven, to delay the progression
ment effect. It targets not only liver his- improved in patients with T2DM and of liver disease. In addition, because
tology, but also the underlying metabolic NASH by combining treatment with vita- NAFLD has been associated with worse
disturbances, in particular insulin resis- min E and pioglitazone is being actively progression of retinopathy (98) and ne-
tance (83). Of note, histological improve- explored by our group in a long-term phropathy (23), the presence of NAFLD
ment after pioglitazone therapy is closely three-arm study of vitamin E/pioglitazone may identify a group of patients who
correlated with the reversal of adipose versus vitamin E/placebo versus pla- could potentially benefit from stricter
tissue insulin resistance (84) and an in- cebo/placebo (Clinical trial reg. no. glycemic control.
crease in plasma adiponectin levels (85). NCT01002547,
In the long term, its metabolic and histo- Treatment of Dyslipidemia
logic benefits appear to persist over time Treatment of Hyperglycemia Patients with NAFLD, independent of obe-
(60), but they wane after treatment dis- Treatment of hyperglycemia is important sity or the histologic severity, have worse
continuation (86). because NASH in patients with prediabe- atherogenic dyslipidemia (18,19). As men-
Before consideration, benefits must be tes/diabetes carries a worse prognosis (5). tioned earlier, it is usually characterized by
balanced against potential adverse events Paradoxically, most studies in patients hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL-C levels,
of pioglitazone therapy (83). In a meta- with NASH have been carried out in pa- and smaller and denser LDL particles. In
analysis of 16,390 patients (87), although tients without diabetes, so the role of con- clinical practice, patients with NAFLD are
congestive heart failure was slightly more trolling hyperglycemia per se in patients frequently denied a statin for a combina-
frequent with pioglitazone therapy com- with steatohepatitis and T2DM, indepen- tion of reasons, the most important being
pared with other treatments (hazard ratio dent of changes in insulin sensitivity, the fear of hepatotoxicity in patients with
1.41 [95% CI 1.14–1.76], P = 0.002), there remains largely unknown. A common ob- already elevated plasma aminotransferase
was a significant reduction in the combined servation in clinical practice is that pa- levels (99). A recent study (100) showed that
outcome of death, myocardial infarction, or tients with uncontrolled diabetes and only 42.6% of patients with NAFLD received
stroke. This finding is consistent with the elevated plasma aminotransferase levels an appropriate statin therapy, despite their
antiatherogenic effect of pioglitazone re- usually normalize (or significantly im- significantly elevated cardiovascular risk.
ported in other randomized controlled tri- prove) their aminotransferase levels Evidence from retrospective (101) and
als (88–90). Moreover, in a recent study once their diabetes has been better con- cross-sectional (102) studies has shown
(91) in patients without T2DM, pioglitazone trolled. In the same way, the development that statins are safe in these patients, and
therapy decreased stroke and myocardial of uncontrolled hyperglycemia has been that they may even contribute to decreased
infarction (fatal and nonfatal) by 24% in observed to be associated with an in- plasma aminotransferase levels and im-
patients with a previous ischemic stroke crease in plasma aminotransferase levels. prove hepatic steatosis and histology (99).
or transient ischemic attack. Pioglitazone Moreover, in a small proof-of-concept However, a randomized controlled trial
therapy also reduced the progression study with paired biopsies, patients with (103) with simvastatin failed to show any
from prediabetes to T2DM by ;50% (82) the greatest histological improvement af- effect on hepatic steatosis, and the only
to ;70% (92). Thus, it may offer a liver- ter 2.4 years of follow-up were the ones small randomized controlled trial (104) in
specific and comprehensive metabolic with the largest A1C reduction. However, patients with NASH did not show any effect
treatment to patients with NASH in whom interpretation must be performed care- of simvastatin on liver histology. Although
the presence of insulin resistance and pre- fully because the same group also showed prospective studies assessing the safety
diabetes are already common (17). Pioglita- the greatest weight loss and the largest and efficacy of statins are much needed
zone may cause weight gain, but it is usually improvement in insulin sensitivity (95). for confirmation, the current dogma is
less than commonly believed (;2–3 kg in Overall, these findings suggest that any that patients with NAFLD should be treated
long-term studies of 2–4 years duration in diabetes treatment may be of benefit with a statin because of their elevated car-
patients with T2DM) and recently has been for patients with NASH if they have un- diovascular risk (Fig. 3) (99). Moreover, be-
reported (60) to be 3.1 kg after 36 months controlled hyperglycemia. Proof of this cause these patients frequently exhibit
of treatment in patients with prediabetes or comes from studies that have shown a hypertriglyceridemia even after starting
T2DM and NASH. An additional concern has reduction of steatosis after treatment statin therapy, they may even benefit
been about whether pioglitazone may in- with insulin (96) or an improvement of from the addition of fenofibrate in combi-
crease the risk of bladder cancer in males. plasma aminotransferase levels after so- nation with the statin. This has been shown
Evidence is conflicting, with some studies dium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor to be useful in post hoc analyses of large
showing association (i.e., one extra case therapy (97). However, future studies randomized controlled trials, such as the
per 3,408 patients treated with extended are needed to assess the effect of glyce- Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Di-
treatment) (93), although a larger 10-year mic control on steatohepatitis in T2DM. abetes (ACCORD) (105) and the Fenofibrate
prospective study failed to find any associ- Whether the above observations Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabe-
ation (94). show a direct response to changes in tes (FIELD) (106) trials, where the subgroup
In summary, pioglitazone may change plasma glucose levels (decreasing gluco- of patients with high triglyceride and low
the natural history of the disease in toxicity) or to the alleviation of insulin HDL-C levels (typical dyslipidemia in NAFLD) Bril and Cusi 427

had a reduction in cardiovascular out- activated receptor g. However, in the K.C. are the guarantors of this work and, as such,
comes after the addition of fenofibrate most comprehensive study to date with had full access to all the data in the study and take
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the
to treatment. ARBs, negative results were reported accuracy of the data analysis.
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could further contribute to a reduction ications contribute to the treatment of References
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