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The seismic forces specified by codes are applied as
1.1 General static on a structure, h'l a similar manner as wind loads.
A severe earthquake can cause collapsed buildings The design lateral force is usually specified in terms of
and extensive damage. However, if properly designed, total base shear, V, which is distributed along tJ.le
these structures are capable of withstanding severe height of the structure (Figure 4). The magnitude of
ground motion Without significant damages. A proper the baseshear is a function of the seismicity of the site,
design can be implemented With very little, if any, the type of construction, and the period of vibration of
added expense. the building. Most codes also include other factors such
_Earthquakes consist of horizontal and vertical as importance of the structure, and the foundation
ground vibrations. Becauseof the considerable stiffness condition at the site.
of buildings in the vertical direction, the effect of ver: The analysis of a structure for member forces can
tical ground motion is not considered in design,except be undertaken using well known mettJ.odsof elastic
on certamparts or portions Qfthe structure. frame analysis. Where deep flexural members and shear
When the grourid beneath a structure suddenly walls are involved, account should be taken of the
,moves to one side, the building tends to remain in its contribution of shear deformation (Reference 2). The
original position becau,seof inertia. As a result, the reader is referred to Blume, et. al, Design of Mu1tisto-
bUilding suffe~ a distortion (Figure 1). The dynamic rey Reinforced Concrete Buildfugs for Earthquake
response of a structure to earthquake motion is charac- Motion (Reference 1) and Noris, et. al, Structural
terized by a complex series of vibration. Analysis of Design for Dynamic Loads (Reference 5) for the analy-
these vibrations has been possible only since the avail- sis and design of buildings for earthquake and lateral
ability of modem computers "(Reference 2). ,
The destructiveness of the earthquake depends on
four m~or aspects: (1) the magnitude of the accelera-
"I'"Y""""-.- mG'

tion; (2) duration of the large acceleration pulses;

(3) frequency characteristics of the ground motions;
L; =~::d-
~--- , " j i

and (4) dynamic properties of the structure (Figure 2). In.rll.lor...

I , .I
Since in design, we can not do anything about the .I

fIrst three, we pay close attention to ~e dynamic 7 !

response of the structure. .y Displ , "mo,
Analyses have shown that a structure subjected to -G'.und
ground motion would suffer considerable inelastic de- FIG.(.Ell..' of..,,~ hous.."p;.,s FIG 3 Ductility
formations. The design seismic forces specified in cur-
rent codes are only ¥4as much as could be developed
in a structure that respond elastically for example to an
E1 Centro type earthquake excitation (Reference 1).
The principal reasons for these relatively low design
forces is that many buildings designed to such low
forces have survived earthquakes provided they had
adequate capacity to dissipate energy through inelastic
deformation and or damping. In view of this, code re-
quires that structures be designed With a certain mini-
mum amqunt of ductility, the assumption being that
they will yield when subjected to earthquakes of mo-
derate-to-strong intensity. A commonly used measure
of ductility is the ductility ratio. This is the capacity of
a structure to undergo inelastic deformation Without
significant loss of strength or capacity .As shown in
Figure 3, ductility can be expressed as the ratio of the
maximum displacement to thedisp'lacement correspon- FIG. 2 May 18,1940, EI c.ltralCalif.1 earthquake a..oloragram. N- S .."'Panont
and ~rro.ponding dori.,od .,ol..ily and displaoomonl plol l from roforon~ I)
ding to first yield (Refer,ence3).

Philippine Civil Engineer

tions occur at regions of major stiffness and/or mass
and/or geometric discontinuity. Such configuration
should be avoided. A continuous foundation wall is
preferable to piers since the force tending to move the
building off its foundation is not concentrated ata few
localized areas.
Some guiding principles should be kept in mind in
forming the structure (Reference 2). The structure
should: (a) be simple; (b) be symmetrical; (c) not too
elongated in plan or elevation; (d) have uniform and
continous distribution of strength; (e) have horizontal
members which forms hinges before vertical members;
(f) have its stiffness related to subsoil properties (Re-

Vory _de, ""dm., hove e,"os,;.e

FI~ 4 Typocal dis1ribvtlOt\ of Codl-OPlct!18! _Ie 'atlral 'orc" and sfory .hlarl hoo,ootol deflect;oo,
In a bvlldln~ wIth.nlform mo.. d...ribvtIOt\("'" R"'r~ 41

r~"': loads. The most convenient is to use any of the

currently available computer programs like STRESS d 8 Eff of fo.od. se'bo." COMO'be
" "0,,, ".di by no,mo' .od.. .,""olenf-
(Reference 6) and EQANAL (Reference 7). , ", .toti. onol,...
~- Ground displacements can occur in any direction.
However, it is c~stom~ to analyze the structure in FIGURE. Sim". NI.. for .'..ofion "0..' of o..i.mi. building. (On" w"h ',.omi.
ono".i. ond co,.lu' detoiling .hould fh... ,ul.. b. bro'.n)
two perpendicular directions. The code allows that the
structure he designed to withstand specified seismic
forces acting non-concurrently in the directiC;nof each ',o;d low "'U'do,o, of
co,"""": '0 foil.-,01o
of the main axes of the structure. m,oho';'m
1.2 Form of the Structure
Whenever possible, the form of the superstructure
should be such that the structure Will behave satisfac- Avo;d cho..., 01 ";" w;th
h.;ght. P,o".m, w;!h
torily during an earthquake. In other words, there are o.oi)';, w.dd.'o;I;..
structures that will develop large moments and shears
by virtue of its form. For example, force concentra-
"""",..~ "-
DO DON'T COMMENTS Safl ,t~., '.m""""b"

@] 1c1'01for ..hovio", oncl onol,'I.

FIGURE7 ""'1"'~ for ...11001{,om.. in ...;.mic wldm..

0 0 ~ .,mmot'),
,... ...,

8_.. of daf.,..,lia, behov;~r at ends of king bui;dmgs

tc ~ WId'" 11,., ",..d

..I.m.. C."",,.it,,..blem.

eo' '"' o.y"""et,;,o'effects

nou,.. Simple
,w. 10,widths.f boom.0'" column.In o..;,mic ,.;nl.,ood conc,."

c=:J H Althou9h symmetr;.al. 1'"'9 wi.9'

behaviour prod;.t... problem,

e~ ~ c ~ Projeclin9 occess lowers. Problems

with onol,sis and detailin9


E~ :01.=1
~ L ~.L.J..L
Aqmmot'J01 mom"', ..,;stm,
h«1%ont.1 ,ho., An.~,;s ond
to,,;on ...blom,
jot .:=J:O:C Be.m...."Id bol.,.
ca'"mn.", m..imiz. ,

::J :J:O:E~'n'r ,.'i.. bof.,. coli

E~ ~-
rl9ur. 5 SimPi.~ lor plantoy of a..ismicbuildin;&.(Onlywilh dynamicanaly.i. Fl, 51 no.,.. "";0."'10
,,'w- co ~dboo..
, ,'h. oiI..;.
and ~..ful d.'aiBn; .hould lho.. rul.. bo brak.n) fr

Philippine Civil Engineer

Figures 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 show some simple do's and "-
dont's to follow for plan layouts and elevation of I
buildings subjected to lateral loads. All parts of the
building should be tied together and so braced so that
the building could act as a unit. Symmetrical arrange-
ment of shearwalls, or approximate coincidence of the
center of mass and center of rigidity is desirable;
otherwise stressesdue to torsion must be taken into
consideration (Figure 10). The code requires a mini-
mum accidental eccentricity of 5% of the maximum
building dimension at each level. Any known eccentri- I
city of the center of mass from the center of rigidity
must be provided for in design. Figure 12 shows the
exagerated lateral deflection of a building in which the
center of mass coincides (Figure l2a) or doe~ not coin-
cide (Figure 12b) with the center of rigidity.
It is also desirable that the height of the building be
uniform whenever possible. Set backs should be avoid-
ed since force concentration result at and near such re..:
gions of geometric and stiffness discontinuities. For'
buildings adjacent to other buildings, it is recommend-
ed to place a gap of 4 to 6 times maximum displace-
ment computed from-code specified lateral loads.

B c
II 1,1

Centroid of
net cross section ) SECTION 0- a


FrG. 12 Sample rwablem

C-".. .t
0.85 for shear and 0.70 to 0.75 for axial compressions
Cente, of with or without bending. -.
To prevent shear failure occuring before bending fai-
lure, it is good design practise when flexural steel in a
N member yields while the shear reinforcement is
working at a stress level less than yield (say 90%). This
;-'-1 can be accomplished by providing shear strength Vmax
equal to
Vmax = MUI -MuL + Vg
FIG. 10 C"'er Ii rivid;tJ a Center01 moil
where Mu-=-Mu = Aszfsu
Ir.~ ~kJ y r .~~k& and Vg = dead load shear force
As = all steel in tension zone
fsu = maximum steel strength after strain
z = lever arm of concrete section
The ductility ratio requirement for concrete build-
The essential features of earthquake resistant de-
sign are asfollows: ings for example, is 4 to 6. This ratio for a given mem-
1. beams should fail before columns; ber can be computed for the following equations (Re-
2. failure should be in flexure rather than shear; ference 2).
3. IIremature failure of joints between member
should be prevented; <Pu = ecu d (1 -k) Es
4. ductile rather than brittle failure should be ob- <Py Cfy-
For the first criteria, the code specifies strength fac- ecu = ultimate concrete strain
tors which try to ensure beam failure before columns. Es = elastic modulus of steel reinforcement
The code specifies capacity reduction factor 4>in calcu-
fy = yield stressof steel
lating the effects of design forces or in determining .the
permissible stress. The value of 4>is 0.90 for flexure, and for single reinforced beams:

Philippine Civil Engineer


c a
= 7f1 cular element with axis parallel to the x and y direc-
tion due to applied horizontal load P:Scand Py respec-
k = V {(pn)2 + 2pn} -pn tively are obtained from:
and for double reinforced beams:
c = (p -pI) fy,d/O.72 fcu 13I Vy
k = v{(p+pl)2n2+2[p+(pId/d)]n}
+ (p + pI) n Vx .
a = stressblock ~
= factor definedin Sect.10.2.7 where:
p = Asjbd steelratio Jr = rotational stiffness of all waIls
pI = As/bd compressionsteelratio = }:; (kx Y + ky x2)
b = width compression force.of members
= distanceof extremecompressionfiber to x, Y = perpendicular distance from the center
of rigidity to axis of palticular element.
centroidof steelreinforcement kx = in plane lateral stiffness of a particular
= ultimate concretestress
wall with axis in the x -direction.
n =} modularratio of elasticity ky
= lateral stiffness of wall along ydirect?n.

2.1 Analysis The center of rigidity x...,jr can be computed with

The code specifies for the design to satisfy the fol- respect to an arbitrary plane by
lowing ultimate load criterion (Reference 3). Xr = Lkyx/Lky
= 1.4 D + 1.7 L
Yr = LkxY/Lkx
= 0.75 1.4D + 1.7L:!:(1.7Worl.87E)
= 0.9 D:!: (1.3 W or 1.43 E)
For concrete shear walls that act as short deep
where: beams, both flexure and shear must be conSiderediri'
U = required strength to resist the design load computing deflections and stiffness.
or their related internal moments and
forces. 2.2 Design and Examples
D = dead loads or their related internal forces.
The wall shown in Figure 12 is tQ be designed for a
L = live loads or their related internal forces. horizontal load of 178,600 1bs. and an overturning
E = load effects of earthquake or their related moment of MOY=427.5 ft. kips.
internal forces. The steps in the design process are as follows:
W = wind load or its related internal forces. 1. Determine the distribution of horizontal load
Assuming rigid noor systems, where the floor acts a among the piers.
diaphragms, the lateral loads are distributed to the Assume the piers as fixed on both ends considering
walls and frames according to its relative stiffnesses. the stiffness of the upper and lower part of the wall
-If the center of rigidity coincide with the center of that connec~ them. The lateral deflection of a wall is
mass, each resisting element i will resist a portion of
the total lateral loads P equal to Ph3 1.2 Ph
0= °t+Oy = +
k. GA.
= (~)P
1': 6 = total displacement.
where: = displacement due to bending.
Ki is the relative stiffness of element i. 61
= displacement due to shear.
Kij are the relative stiffness of all el~ments. P = lateral force on pier.
h = height of pier.
-When the centersof mass and rigidity are at two dif-
A = cr9ss-sectionalarea of pier.
ferent points, the lateral load P applied at the center of = crdss,-sectionalmoment of inertia of pier
mass will produce a torsional moment Mt equal to I
in direction of bending.
Mt = P (e) = modulus of elasticity of concrete.
G = shear modulus.
P = horizontal load applied at the center of
e = normal distance between the line of force P
and the center of rigidity.
The horizontal shear V x and V y resisted by a parti-

Philippine Civil Engineer

Table 1. Distribution of Shear or Lateral Force Among Piersin Fig. 21

Height. Area, 8v = Total Relative Force

Width, flf:
Pier d, h, A, I, h3 h deflect- Stiffness stiffness on each
(in.) (in.) (in.2) (in.4) 43.21 1.2A ion 1/ (lb.)
6' 15
A 36 48 360 38,880 0.066 0.111 0,177 5.65 0.141 25,200
B 60 48 600 180,000 0.014 0.067 0.081 12.35 0.307- 54,800
C 36 48 360 38,880 0.066 0.111 0.177 5.65 0.141 25,200
D 36 84 360 38,880 0.353 0.194 0.547 1.83 0.046 8,200
E 120 84 1,200 1,440,000 0.010 0.058 0.068 14.71 0.365 65,200
~ The height of piers is assumed to be the height of the openings between which they are located. In case the openings are
of differe~t heights, as the door and window at the sides of pier C, the lesser height is here assumed to be the pier height

The relative stiffness of a wall is determined by The total overturning moment, Move, equals the
using thejor~Ula: horizontal load P times the vertical distance from this
force to the place at which the loads are being comput-
ed plus the applied Mov at the floor above. The most
critical section would be 3 ft. above the floor level
= where there is the most severeoverturning moment and
+ 1 +. reduced section.
"3 The axial loads produced by the overturning mo-
ment can be computed using the following equation:
where01is the deflectionof the wallin questionand -Move (Q ) A I -
0 r aretne deflectionof the iridividual wallsof the s)'s-
teb, With all the. )he sam.e Pov -Ins 1:t :1;:1
load. The calculationsaregIvenm Table lAhe wallIS
, to be 10".. where
p ov = axial load on pier in question due to
. 2, Deteh1iine the moments and axial force on each overturning moment.
pzer. Move = total overturning moment.
The point
ofcontranexure is at the midheightfroJIl Q = distance from centroid of net wall sec-
the assumDrlonthat tbe piersa~ fixed at the top and
tion to centroid of pier in question.
bottom,Aherefor~ the moment ME ~t the top or
bottom is Ins = moment of inertia of net section of wall,
A = .cross-sectional area of pier in question.
ME == P (~) i r:: Vi
The list of working loads are contained in Table 3~
P = horizontal force sustained by the pier. 3. Determine the ultimate loads, eccentricities and
h = pier height. slendernesseffects.
the ultimate design loads, axial loads and bending
fl./fD The graVlty
. Ioads and lilve oad are easil y 0 bt alne.
. d
moments, are listed in Tab1eft':"!:
However, the additional load due to overturning must ~ The minimum eccentricity of the axial load is 0.10
be calculated. To fmd these loads, the moment of iner- as per section 10.3.6 of Reference 4.
tia of the net section with respect to its centroid must -"'- For the idealized condition of fixed ends, an effec-
be found. The calculations are shown on Table 2. tive length factor, k, of 1.2 is employed. The radius of
'" gyration, r, may be calculated (Sec. 10.11.2, Refer-
ence 4).
Table 2. Centroid of Net Section of Wall
r = O.30d = 10.8 in.
klu =1.2(4.0)(12)= 5.33< 22
--:r- 10.8

for pier Co
4. Determine required longitudinal reinforcement.
If three No.3 bars are provided at each face, and fc
= 4,000 psi and fy = 60,000 psi, an interaction dia-
gram can be drawn (Figure 13). The values plotted
should include the capacity reduction factor <pspeci-
fied in the code. Load combination (5) does not lie
Distance from left edge to centroid within the section, therefore six No.3 bars are not ade-
= }:;A£I}:;A quate. Calculations will show that six No.4 will suf-
= 709~20/2,,880 = 246.5 in. fice.

Phi.lipPi.heCivil Engineer

~ J
Appendix A is included in this paper to assistin the
construction of the interaction diagram.
5. Determine the shear capacity of the section.
The Uniform Building Code specifies that shear in
shear waJ1swithout moment resisting frame should be
U = 0.9D + 2.0E

The required shear capacity therefore is

U = 0.9 (0) + 2.0 (25000) = 50400 lbs
The shear stress accorQing to Sect. 11.2, Reference 4.
~u = V u = 50400 .= 174 psi
~bwd 0.85 (10) (36-2)

The allowableshearstresscaIriedby the concreteis

iic = 2 ~= 126 psi

Therefore, the shear stress to be carried by the horic.

zontal reinforcement is
TJu-TJ = 174-126=48psi.-
However, Wh~ shearreinforcement is req\iire;d;ftSiian
resist a minimum of cJ;"
F iQ.13 Interacfion diagram tor Pier C "u -"c ~ 50 psi

"( Table 3. Moment of Inertia of Net Section of Wall I 1"ns

Table 4. Pier Working Loads

-.Effective! U it. ~ I Dt.(;J.
load width. PL, I PD,
(ft.) (lb.) i (lb.) lib.)

* Effective load width is equal to one-half of each adjacent opening width plus width of pier.

Table 5. Ultimate Design Pier Loads (f~

Eqcent~icity. t-o\
-~. iin~):~t"t.'Y1f>\I

Philippine Civil Engineer


The minimum horizontal reinforcement for a lQ-in. REFERENCES

wall is two layers of No.3 bars 11 in. O.c. The required 1. Blume, J.A., Newmark N.M., et. al., Design of Multistorey
area of shear reinforcement is Reinforced Concrete Buildings for Earthquake Motion,
Portland Cement Association, 1961.
2. Derecho,A.T., IBM 1130 Computer Program for the Analy-
-({}u -{},,) bws
Ai} -f
sis of Multistorey Frame-ShearwallsStructure under Lateral
y and GravitY Loads, Portland Cement Association, 1971.
3. Derecho, A.T., et. al., Analysis and Design of Small Rein-
where s = spacing of reinforcement forced Concrete Buildings for Earthquake Forces, Portland
Cement Association, 197B.
Ai} = ~g,bbW (11) 4. Uniform Building Code, International Conference of Build-
\ ing Officials, 5360 South Workman Mill road, Whittier,
= 0.092 sit-in. California, 1976.
\, "," 5. Norris, et. al., Structural Designfor Dynamic Loads.
The area of two No. 3 bars'i~
As = 2 (0.11) = 0.22> 0.092 OK 7. EQANAL

The shear reinforcement must satisfy the minimum

S ~ O.SOdor 24 m.
S = 11 in. < O.SOd= 17in. OK

Shear reinforcement should be anchored at both

ends to develop the design yield strength of the rein-
forcement, in accordance with Sections 2607 and 2612
of the Uniform Building Code. Where continuity of
reinforcement is interrupted by openings in walls, the
bars should be hooked to provide effective anchorage.
In any case, the development length as required by the
applicable code should be checked.

Philippine Civil Engineer





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Philippine Civil Engineer


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