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Sample Lesson Plan

Plan for Speaking Demonstration Lesson

On Vocabulary Review Speaking Game
Presented by Larissa Grahl in Ling 671/SLaT 611

Objectives Materials
Class members will… PowerPoint Presentation
 Successfully identify vocabulary words by Handouts
receiving oral descriptions of them. Whiteboard and marker
 Successfully describe vocabulary words Clicker
using other words and/or oral strategies. Heads Up Game

0:00- Warm-up/Introduction
 Remind students of today’s review topic: vocabulary words we have seen so far
in out textbook. These words are easy-medium words that can be described
using oral strategies without saying the target word. The purpose of this activity
is to use the vocabulary knowledge students already have to describe new
vocabulary words orally and successfully identify them.

0:01- Teaching/Learning Activities (Present, Practice, Evaluate)

 Set the tone for the review (activate background knowledge). Talk about the
words we will review.
 Introduce the mobile game Heads Up and explain how we will play it with
Modelling: Heads Up Game (mobile)
 The teacher will model the game with the students first so they know what to
expect for and produce. Explain the rules of the game in the printed form.
Speaking Practice: Heads Up Game (cards)
 Students are divided in small groups (3-4 people in each group) and one person
starts as the “guesser”, while the others have to describe the target word on the
card without saying it. If the “guesser” guesses the vocabulary word correctly,
the card is placed on the middle of the table facing up. If the vocabulary word is
not guessed, the student skips this card and places it facing down on another
 Students change roles so everyone has the opportunity to be the “guesser” and
the “describers”. The group with the most points wins.
0:07- Evaluate: Speaking Strategies (other contexts)
 Discussion: How can we apply this principle of using other words to describe
something in other situations? (Example: when looking for an item in a store
that you don’t know the name of.)
 Clarifying, specifying, defining, relating information. Antonyms are also helpful
in descriptions.
 Importance of not giving up when it gets hard.
 Every word you learn plays an important role in your journey learning a second
language. We need words to be able to produce speaking and they all carry
important meanings with them.
 Interactive activity that helps students with fluency since they need to speak
nonstop until the person guesses the correct word(s) over the period of about
one minute. Show students that they can speak with ease longer than they can

0:09- Summary/Conclusion
 Vocabulary words can be learned and retained through other means and not only
 Speaking is assisted by listening.

Part Linguistic and Instructional Principles Demonstrated

of Interactive activity to review vocabulary. Learning/Reviewing vocabulary can be fun!
plan- Importance of the relationship between listening and speaking.
ning Use of background knowledge and other strategies to define/identify an unknown word.
Fluency activity.
Reflection on the importance of this skill in other situations.
Interaction (teacher-student, student-student, student-materials).
Materials that students can take home and continue practicing.

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